
Finding Your Climate Story

Stories not only teach us how to act – they inspire us to act.

Telling stories is a powerful way to connect on shared values and influence change. Share your story with us so we can better advocate for climate action together.

“Stories not only teach us how to act – they inspire us to act. Stories communicate our values through the language of the heart, our emotions. And it is what we feel – our hopes, our cares, our obligations – not simply what we know that can inspire us with the courage to act.” Marshall Ganz, Telling your public story.

On October 10, Audubon released Survival by Degrees: 389 species on the brink. The new science shows that two-thirds (64%) (389 out of 604) of North American bird species are at risk of extinction from climate change. In fact, if warming rises to 3 degrees Celsius, 57 of New Mexico’s highly vulnerable species may lose more than half of their current range. The alpine forests that feed and house the curiously brave Clark’s Nutcracker will eventually be inhospitable due to rising temperatures and shifting weather patterns. 

While moving through the interactive web tool you may look at the climate threat map showing bursts of red, orange, and yellow through the Gila National Forest and the UFO Museum in Roswell. These places are familiar, but the feeling you have in your gut may be too. Community members throughout New Mexico know that climate change is real not just because of innovative science, but because we have seen it in action: drying rivers and the spread of invasive weeds that disrupt traditional cultural practices; the pollinator garden at your local library blooming early only to be greeted by a surprise frost; families in Northern New Mexico researching air conditioning units when their homes natural cooling features no longer cut it.  

Many people have a story where they noticed a change and made a connection to our warming world. One of the most important things you can do to fight climate change is to share your story with friends, family, and decision makers. Facts alone will not cut it – to really connect you need a story with heart. These stories convince people to act and influence decision makers who have seen enough facts and figures.

Audubon New Mexico would like share your stories with those that need to hear them – through social media, our website, and with key decision makers. Take at least an hour to sit quietly and think or journal, reflecting on the memories and experiences that shaped you and your conviction to act. A good story builds an emotional and personal connection, focuses on a pivotal moment, and ties back to the big picture.

Once you have your story write it out – even two sentences is fine – and send it to To enhance the storytelling feel free to share an image, graphic, or piece of media relevant or inspired by your story.  Audubon New Mexico staff and partners will be sharing our stories along with you. Look out for an upcoming media series.

Our science shows that if we take action now we can help improve the chances of 76% of species at risk. Keeping warming under 1.5 degrees Celsius is possible if we build power locally and put pressure on decision makers to make change globally. Sharing your story will help accomplish this. Thank you! 

How you can help, right now