Far Flung Adventures, together with their partner organization Rio Grande Restoration, have been champions of sustainable water policy and wildlife conservation for over 30 years, perhaps most notably through joint efforts for spring pulse flows and minimum in-stream flows to provide silvery minnow, fish, and wildlife habitat in both the Rio Grande and Rio Chama.
Audubon New Mexico has been the driving force behind countless conservation programs throughout the state. Although our efforts are wide spread, the Water for Birds and People projects in particular have been instrumental to conservation in the Rio Grande and Rio Chama watersheds. The river corridors of the Rio Grande and Rio Chama, whose respective banks, forests, canyons, and watersheds are home to some of our state’s most intact and pristine wildernesses and wildlife systems, are the focus of this particular fundraising and community science event co-hosted by Far Flung Adventures and Audubon New Mexico.
We have two river trips planned. Join us this summer, June 1-2 or July 20 – 21, for a fully outfitted two-day camping excursion on the Rio Grande, complete with wonderful bird interpreters and guiding provided by both Audubon New Mexico and Far Flung staff!
$100 of every ticket will go to support Audubon New Mexico’s continued efforts to protect and preserve!
COST: Adult: $400 (includes $100 donation to Audubon NM) 50% Deposit Required
To reserve your spot and for more information please go here
Randall Davey Audubon Center and Sanctuary
Visit the Randall Davey Audubon Center and Sanctuary in Santa Fe, New Mexico.