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What is Birdathon?
Birding Gila River
Get Involved


What is Birdathon?

Birdathon is an important annual fundraising and community science event that involves Audubon New Mexico’s staff, volunteers, and supporters in bird watching for a continuous 24-hour period and collecting pledges from generous sponsors like you! It isn’t necessary to bird watch for the full duration of 24 hours, just a portion of the day can be fun and helpful. Birdathon takes place in mid-May, often coinciding with Global Big Day.

Everyone is welcome – expert birders, casual birdwatchers and beginners! Like a walk-a-thon, Birdathon participants collect pledges and donations from friends, family members, and coworkers for finding and counting bird species.

2 Ways to Participate:

Join a team- Teams throughout New Mexico head out on a chosen day every spring to do their Birdathon. Choose a team nearest to you.

Support a team- Pledge your support to an individual or one of the teams that will be out in the field counting birds. Pledges can be based on the number of species seen, or you may pledge a flat amount. 

For more information, contact Audubon New Mexico’s Development Manager, Suzy Santaella:


           Audubon New Mexico's Virtual Birdathon 2020

Audubon New Mexico's Virtual Birdathon 2020

We're taking Birdathon Online for 2020. Join us!

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