News and Updates

News & Updates

The Gila River West of Phoenix

The Gila River West of Phoenix

How a collaboration including Audubon and partners is revitalizing this important river corridor

Education Intern Contributes to Audubon Southwest Conservation Work

Education Intern Contributes to Audubon Southwest Conservation Work

Plans to continue protecting native wildlife and nature habitats

Bird of the Month: Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias)

Bird of the Month: Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias)

Viewing nature through my sketchbooks

Connecting with birds, nature, and community

Connecting with birds, nature, and community

Each year, we engage thousands of people and connect them with the outdoors and natural world, helping them to appreciate their role and responsibility within it

Vote for Southwest Bird of the Year 2024

Vote for Southwest Bird of the Year 2024

Help us choose the 2024 Bird of the Year from three candidates, each representing one of our centers and a different habitat type.

Bird of the Month: Swainson’s Hawk (Buteo swainsoni)

Bird of the Month: Swainson’s Hawk (Buteo swainsoni)

Swainson’s Hawk is one of those birds that can catch your attention when hundreds fill the sky overhead, mixed with migrating Redtail Hawks and an occasional Golden Eagle

El nuevo jardín de polinizadores del Río Salado proporciona un hogar para que prosperan las abejas, las mariposas y los pájaros
Native Plants For Native Birds

El nuevo jardín de polinizadores del Río Salado proporciona un hogar para que prosperan las abejas, las mariposas y los pájaros

Las asociaciones y la subvención para la restauración ecológica unen a la comunidad para embellecer el lugar

New Rio Salado Pollinator Garden provides a home for bees, butterflies, and birds to flourish
Native Plants For Native Birds

New Rio Salado Pollinator Garden provides a home for bees, butterflies, and birds to flourish

Partnerships and ecological restoration grant brings community together to beautify grounds

Hands on STEAM learning at Rio Salado

Hands on STEAM learning at Rio Salado

Plus three free activities!

Historic $300 million appropriated for New Mexico water conservation, agriculture, and outdoor recreation

Historic $300 million appropriated for New Mexico water conservation, agriculture, and outdoor recreation

State legislative session results in Audubon-supported funding for Land of Enchantment Legacy Fund

How you can help, right now