News and Updates

News & Updates

New Mexico Needs 21st  Century Wildlife Management

New Mexico Needs 21st  Century Wildlife Management

Updating rules for the Game Commission

Bird of the Month: Burrowing Owl

Bird of the Month: Burrowing Owl

Help Audubon Southwest relocate Burrowing Owls

Student Learning in Phoenix and Santa Fe

Student Learning in Phoenix and Santa Fe

Now Booking for Fall

Bird of the Month: Lesser-Prairie Chicken
Careers In Conservation

Bird of the Month: Lesser-Prairie Chicken

The iconic bird of the Western Great Plains

New Mexico Water Management is at a Critical Crossroads

New Mexico Water Management is at a Critical Crossroads

The Water Security Planning Act provides opportunity for your input.

Celebrating a Career in Conservation

Celebrating a Career in Conservation

Tice Supplee, Audubon Southwest Director of Bird Conservation, retires after a 50-year career in wildlife conservation

Ave del mes: Papamoscas Cardenalito (Pyrocephalus rubinus)

Ave del mes: Papamoscas Cardenalito (Pyrocephalus rubinus)

Un destello rojo en el desierto que emociona tanto a los observadores de aves novatos como a los expertos.

Bird of the Month: Vermilion Flycatcher (Pyrocephalus rubinus) 

Bird of the Month: Vermilion Flycatcher (Pyrocephalus rubinus) 

A flash of red in the desert that thrills novice and expert birders alike

Summer Camp Encourages Children to Explore the Outdoors

Summer Camp Encourages Children to Explore the Outdoors

Campers enjoyed the local ecosystems out on the trail, crafts, and playing games at the Randall Davey Audubon Center and Sanctuary

2024 Audubon in Action grants

2024 Audubon in Action grants

Five Audubon Southwest chapters receive funds to support science, education and outreach.

How you can help, right now