The Audubon Southwest team participated in this year’s Lands, Water and Wildlife Day at the Roundhouse in Santa Fe on Thursday, February 20. Volunteers, staff, and chapter members came together and met with legislators, attended committee hearings where our priority bills were heard, and had a chance to give public comment.
“Audubon is focused on two bills during the 2025 legislative session. One is SB5, which will create protections for wildlife by uplifting the Game and Fish Department. The other is SB21, which will help New Mexico’s waterways by creating protections at the state level,” said Judy Calman, New Mexico Policy Director for Audubon Southwest. “Those two bills will hopefully pass the legislative session so we’ll have water protection and wildlife protection.”
“The Randall Davey Audubon Center and Audubon Southwest continually work to support our local water resources in New Mexico. Our participation at Land, Water, and Wildlife Day at the Roundhouse was crucial to inform the more than 1,000 public attendees and high school students from around the state about the mission of Audubon Southwest. ” said Kanah Waltman, Community Outreach Coordinator for Audubon Southwest.
Local Audubon chapter Bird Alliance of Central New Mexico, was one of the groups that joined us at Lands, Water, and Wildlife Day.
“This work is important to us because there are a lot of issues surrounding water in our state and wildlife and the limitations of the Game and Fish Department so we’re here to actively support changes that should dramatically improve our conditions here in the state of New Mexico,” said Brian Anderson, a volunteer with Bird Alliance of Central New Mexico. “We’re glad to join Audubon Southwest on these initiatives.”