Audubon Southwest

Greater Roadrunner. Photo: Mick Thompson

Audubon Southwest is a regional office of the National Audubon Society, covering Arizona and New Mexico.

Audubon protects birds and the places they need, today and tomorrow, using science, advocacy, education, and on-the-ground conservation.

Our Work

Randall Davey Audubon Center and Sanctuary

Randall Davey Audubon Center and Sanctuary

The Rio Salado Audubon Center, a rusted crimson building nestled amidst blooming desert foliage in Phoenix, Arizona.

Nina Mason Pulliam Rio Salado Audubon Center in Phoenix, Arizona. Photo: Luke Franke/Audubon

The Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch, a tan building in the middle of a grass and scrubland in southern Arizona.

The Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch in Elgin, Arizona. Photo: Corey Lycopolus/Audubon

Recent News

Join New Mexico's Western Rivers Bird Count
Birding New Mexico

Join New Mexico's Western Rivers Bird Count

May through June 2019. Help us understand how birds use riparian corridors in the American West while exploring your favorite rivers.

International Infrastructure Issues Threaten Arizona’s Santa Cruz River
Western Rivers Action Network

International Infrastructure Issues Threaten Arizona’s Santa Cruz River

Why fixing a nine-mile sewage pipe is crucial for people and birds.

Rare Beer Alert: Hummingbird Springs Tart Saison

Rare Beer Alert: Hummingbird Springs Tart Saison

Announcing Audubon’s First Bird-Friendly Beer Garden

Arizona Needs to Resolve Long-Running Lawsuit in Order to Protect Rivers
Western Rivers Action Network

Arizona Needs to Resolve Long-Running Lawsuit in Order to Protect Rivers

Tied up in court for over 40 years, water rights uncertainty surrounds the state’s rivers.

A Colorado River Drought Contingency Plan Is in Place—Now What?
Western Rivers Action Network

A Colorado River Drought Contingency Plan Is in Place—Now What?

Audubon charts a course for conservation on the Colorado River.

Outdoor Recreation Along Arizona’s Waterways is a $13.5 Billion Industry, Ranked Higher than Golf and Mining, New Report Says
Western Rivers Action Network

Outdoor Recreation Along Arizona’s Waterways is a $13.5 Billion Industry, Ranked Higher than Golf and Mining, New Report Says

The study also indicates 114,000 jobs supported by recreation along state’s rivers, lakes, and streams.

New Federal Rule Would Reduce Protections for Water in the West, Harming People and Birds
Western Rivers Action Network

New Federal Rule Would Reduce Protections for Water in the West, Harming People and Birds

The Trump Administration’s revised Waters of the United States rule would shrink the number of waterways protected under the Clean Water Act.

Springing Into Action
Western Rivers Action Network

Springing Into Action

Arizona WRAN News: March, 2019

A Celebration of International Women's Month
About Us

A Celebration of International Women's Month

Women are leaders in conservation and that is something to celebrate. Join us in reflecting on how the women in our lives connect us to nature, our communities, and to conservation in the western U.S.

How you can help, right now