As the U.S. partner for BirdLife International, Audubon spearheads an ambitious effort to identify, monitor, and protect the most important places for birds. We also collaborate with 19 international partners to extend a web of protection throughout the Western Hemisphere. To date Audubon has identified 2,758 IBAs covering 417 million acres of public and private lands in the United States. Among them are high-priority Global IBAs—places like the New Mexico Lesser Prairie-Chicken Complex or Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge. Birds depend on a diverse range of habitats, and the threats that confront them are equally varied.
Audubon New Mexico's Important Bird Areas (IBA) Program began in 1999 and has made progress in the identification of sites (throughout New Mexico, 62 Important Bird Areas have been identified). By working with local communities, landowners, land managers, birders, and other stakeholders, we work to protect these sites so that they can continue to serve as the vital habitat on which both birds and people rely.
Bosques are for the Birds!
Audubon New Mexico is excited to announce the identification of two new Important Bird Areas (IBAs): the Corrales Bosque Preserve and the Lower Rio Grande Bosques!
Lesser-Prairie Chicken: Global IBA
While a sobering designation, we hope it will spur all partners to work together with a sense of urgency to protect this species.
Priority IBAs in New Mexico
Audubon New Mexico’s efforts focus on the importance of protecting key habitats
How you can help, right now
Join the Western Water Action Network
Receive action alerts about water issues, and issues that are affecting birds across the arid West.
Help secure the future for birds at risk from climate change, habitat loss, and other threats. Your support will power our science, education, advocacy and on-the-ground conservation efforts.
Nina Mason Pulliam Rio Salado Audubon Center
Visit the Nina Mason Pulliam Rio Salado Audubon Center in Phoenix, Arizona.