Jessica Raty

Water Policy Fellow, Arizona

Jess is the Water Policy Fellow for Audubon Southwest where she researches water management issues surrounding Arizona's rivers, lakes, wetlands, and groundwater. She believes using science-informed policies to protect riparian corridors is the best way to enhance bird habitats and water quality for communities across Arizona. 
Jess’s interest in the intersection of environmental science and policy started during her undergraduate studies at the University of Montana where she received degrees in both Resource Conservation and Political Science. Jess’s commitment to conservation deepened through her years of work first as a whitewater guide and then as a legislative staffer for U.S. Senator Jon Tester in Washington, D.C. These experiences helped her understand the importance of advocating for policies that put the environment first. 
Jess is currently finishing her master’s degree in the Environmental Science and Policy program at Northern Arizona University. She is a member of the Free-flowing Rivers Lab, and her research focuses on identifying underutilized policies to protect waters from degradation across the U.S. Outside of work, Jess is an avid skier, runner, and traveler. Her favorite bird is a Mountain Chickadee because of its sweet “Cheese-bur-ger” song and ability to survive northern winters.

Articles by Jessica Raty

Bird of the Month: The American White Pelican

Bird of the Month: The American White Pelican

— Now is a great time to spot this bird in Arizona and New Mexico