Visit this page often to learn what Arizona's WRAN Network is up to and how you can get involved. Jump in before it's too late!
Upcoming Events:
- September 22, September 29, and October 6, 2021; 12 -1pm PST: Three-part webinar series - Groundwater in Rural Arizona: Join us for this special series of panels, presentations, and conversations all about groundwater in rural (or “Greater”) Arizona. Why is groundwater important to communities and the environment? How is its management (or lack thereof) affecting livelihoods? And what tools and solutions exist to protect it? Increase your understanding of the issues surrounding groundwater in Greater Arizona by registering for this engaging webinar series today. Learn more here.
This is a bilingual webinar series, presented in English with Spanish interpretation available. Este página web también fue escrito en español. Se puede encontrarlo aquí.
More WRAN events will be coming soon! Check out our WRAN Newsletter to keep up with the latest Network activities and visit this page to learn about more Audubon Arizona events.
Past Events:
- Thursday, December 17, 2020: 5:30 - 6:30pm: Zoom Webinar - The San Juan River Speaks: Diné Concerns Following the Gold King Mine Spill: On August 5, 2015, 3 million gallons of acid mine drainage were accidently released from the Gold King Mine spill, eventually reaching the San Juan River—the lifeblood of the Navajo Nation. Through this webinar, learn about the spill, its aftermath, and the efforts to prevent and deal with the pollution of a critical river. Many Native American communities have subsistence livelihoods and strong cultural practices and spiritual beliefs that are deeply connected to the natural environment. As a result, environmental contamination from catastrophic mine spills severely impacts Indigenous people to the core of their spiritual and physical livelihoods and there is potential for unique exposure pathways and greater health risks. Building on established partnerships with the Navajo Nation, the University of Arizona collected environmental and household samples and held community focus groups in the years after the spill. The results of this investigation will be used in the future to develop a community-based intervention, designed to prevent potentially harmful exposures based on actual measured risk, and/or effectively communicate long-term risks from the Gold King Mine. About the speaker: Dr. Karletta Chief (Diné) is an Associate Professor & Extension Specialist in the Department of Environmental Science at the University of Arizona (UA). Her research focuses on unsaturated flow in arid environments and mining and climate change impacts on indigenous communities. She received a B.S. and M.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Stanford in 1998 and 2000, her Ph.D. in Hydrology from UA in 2007 and completed her post-doctorate at Desert Research Institute in NV. Dr. Chief was named 2011 American Indian Science and Engineering “Most Promising Scientist or Scholar” and 2015 Native American 40 under 40. She leads the Community Engagement Core: Tribal-University Partnerships program in the UA's Superfund Research Center. Watch the recorded webinar here.
- Thursday, November 19, 2020: 5:30-6:30pm: Zoom Webinar: Colorado River Delta Restoration in Mexico: The Colorado River once flowed from its headwaters in Colorado all the way into the Gulf of California in Mexico, its delta covering more than 3,000 square miles of wetlands and supporting countless birds and other wildlife. Now, the Delta is just a dammed and diverted remnant of its former self... but communities and organizations on both sides of the US-Mexico border are working to restore and protect it. Join us and Dr. Francisco Zamora Arroyo of Sonoran Institute to learn about the communities in Mexico that are restoring tens of thousands of acres within the Colorado River Delta, and what habitat conservation looks like on the ground, south of the border. About the speaker: Dr. Francisco Zamora Arroyo is Sonoran Institute's Director of its Colorado River Delta Program, with more than 20 years of experience working in the Delta as a researcher and project manager. He is responsible for integrating community stewardship, applied science, and local values in an alliance to reform water policy, conserve and restore priority areas, and build knowledge and capacity for collaboration between water managers and local leaders. Dr. Zamora works closely with Mexican and U.S. agencies involved in water and land management, and spends a good portion of his time in the field working with communities, visiting potential restoration areas, and doing field research and restoration work. Watch the recorded webinar here.
- Wednesday, November 18, 2020: Noon - 1:30pm: Zoom Training: Advocacy for Conservation: Tips, Tools, and Priorities: This is a bilingual training, presented in English with Spanish interpretation available. What are some effective ways to advocate for birds, wildlife, and the conservation of our natural resources, even during a pandemic? Join us for a webinar that is part advocacy training and part election update. Hear from legislators, Audubon, Arizona Wildlife Federation, HECHO, and Trout Unlimited about our top policy priorities for 2021 and ways you can advocate.
Miércoles, 18 de noviembre, 12–1:15pm: Este es un capacitación bilingüe (ingles-español). ¿Cuáles son algunas formas efectivas de abogar por las aves, la fauna silvestre y la conservación de nuestros recursos naturales, incluso durante una pandemia? Acompáñenos para un seminario web que es en parte capacitación en defensa y en parte actualización electoral. Escuche directamente a los legisladors, Audubon, Arizona Wildlife Federation, HECHO, y Trout Unlimited, y conozca las principales prioridades de política para el año 2021 y formas en que puede participar en el proceso legislativo.
Watch the recorded webinar here.
- Thursday, October 15, 2020: 5:30 - 6:30pm: Bilingual Zoom Webinar: Oasis or Mirage: The Salton Sea: There is an oasis in the desert, less than 60 miles west of the Arizona border. Or is it a mirage, at risk of disappearing? California's Salton Sea is not just a unique tourist destination, but also one of the most important places for birds in North America. For more than a century, the sea has served as a major nesting, wintering, and stopover site for millions of birds of more than 400 species. The valleys that stretch from its banks are also home to hundreds of thousands of people, diverse communities with rich histories. However, the Salton Sea is in danger—both of losing its ecological value and of threatening the health of more than a million people. Just as soon as it came, it could become a toxic dust bowl, an oasis shifting into a mirage. Join us to get an on-the-ground look of the Salton Sea, its birds and communities, why it's under threat, and what we're doing to save it. About the speaker: Frank Ruiz is Audubon's Salton Sea Director, and works to rally support for protecting bird habitat while addressing public health concerns associated with the Salton Sea. Prior to joining Audubon, he co-founded and led “Por La Creacion: A Faith Based Coalition” that seeks to engage Latino Youth and families through education and advocacy in areas of conservation and public policy. His team was extensively involved in the establishment of the three California Desert Monuments. Watch the recorded webinar here.
- Wednesday, September 23, 2020; Noon - 1:15pm: Understanding Arizona's Groundwater: Groundwater makes up 40% of Arizona's total water use. How much do you know about it? Groundwater provides a sustained flow to desert rivers in between rain and snowmelt, and it's the source of water in springs and wells. Outside of the populous central part of the state, there are generally few restrictions on how much groundwater can be pumped, and few tools for managing its use. This potentially affects the water future of as many as 1.5 million Arizonans. Unlimited extraction can have detrimental effects on communities, rivers, and habitat—all of which depend on sustaining local groundwater levels. Join Haley Paul of the National Audubon Society and Jocelyn Gibbon of Freshwater Policy Consulting as we learn more about groundwater, its value to our state and rural communities, how it is managed, and how we might start to work towards solutions to current challenges. Watch the recorded webinar and learn more here.
- Tuesday, August 11, 2020; Noon - 1pm: The Verde River Exchange is just one creative example of what is possible for sustainable water management in Arizona: By establishing a voluntary offset market—where entities that pump groundwater can choose to mitigate their water use by purchasing credits created when another water user voluntarily agrees to use less water—the Exchange illustrates how market based solutions can help to protect natural resources and existing water users. In order To begin to address the myriad water issues affecting Arizona, developing real world examples of potential solutions is critical. Learn how the Verde River Exchange is innovating Arizona water management—voluntarily. Watch a recording of this webinar here.
- Tuesday, July 14, 2020; Noon - 1pm: The Cochise Conservation and Recharge Network: How it Helps the San Pedro River: The San Pedro River and its ribbon of green are critically important for resident and migrating birds alike. Balancing human water uses with the protection of river flows is challenging during long term drought. The Nature Conservancy, along with regional partners such as the Cities of Sierra Vista and Bisbee, Cochise County, and the Hereford Natural Resource Conservation District, have implemented projects—collectively called the Cochise Conservation and Recharge Network—designed to work together to help sustain San Pedro River flows and the groundwater that the local communities and the river depend on. Join us to learn more about this innovative approach to groundwater management and how it connects to rivers and habitat. Watch a recording of this webinar here.
- Tuesday, June 9, 2020; Noon-1pm: The Santa Cruz River that runs through Tucson once flowed year round. Decades of groundwater pumping depleted much of its flow. However, an innovative approach to groundwater recharge is rehabilitating a portion of this river. In this webinar, we will learn about how the Santa Cruz Heritage Project developed, how it’s evolving, and why Arizona water policy and water management are critical to its existence. Watch a recording of this webinar here.
- Wednesday, May 27th, 2020; Noon-1pm, Western Rivers Legislative Wrap-Up: In January, Audubon, Arizona Wildlife Federation, Trout Unlimited and other Western Rivers Action Network partners met at the Nina Mason Pulliam Rio Salado Audubon Center to talk about what was on the horizon for water and natural resources legislation at the state and federal level in 2020. Join us on Zoom as we break down what happened this legislative session and have a conversation about other important natural resources policies still in play. Register here.
- Wednesday, May 12, 2020; Noon-1pm: How the Gilbert Riparian Preserve Came to Be. There is an oasis in the middle of Gilbert at the southeast corner of Greenfield and Guadalupe Roads. Why? In this webinar, we will learn how the Gilbert Riparian Preserve came to be, from the water policy and water management perspective. How does the Groundwater Management Act influence the creation of riparian habitat and park-like amenities that are good for people, birds, and the sustainable use of groundwater? Join us and our presenter Eric Braun, the Water Resources Manager for the Town Of Gilbert, to find out! Watch a recording of this webinar here.
- Wednesday, April 15th, 2020; Noon-1pm The Economic Impact of Arizona’s Rivers, Lakes, and Streams: Arizona’s waterways, enjoyed by over 1.5 million residents each year, contribute $13.5 billion to the state’s economy and support 114,000 jobs, according to a recent report released by Audubon Arizona. Water-based outdoor recreation as an industry ranks above mining and golf in terms of total economic output to the state. The study was completed with guidance from business, civic, governmental, outdoor recreation, conservation and tourism representatives. Watch a recording of this webinar here.
- Saturday, January 11th & 18th, 2020, Wild and Scenic Film Festival: Friends of the Verde River, in partnership with Prescott Creeks, present the Wild and Scenic Film Festival. Local environmental nonprofits invite you to experience the unique stories and adventures through amazing films that illustrate the Earth’s beauty, the challenges facing our planet and the communities working to protect it. Get tickets here.
- Thursday - Sunday, April 23rd - 26th, 2020, Verde Valley Birding & Nature Festival: The Verde Valley Birding & Nature Festival in Cottonwood, Arizona provides a unique recreational experience to anyone interested in the natural world and fosters awareness of the importance of habitat for the enrichment of all life in the Verde Valley. Learn more here.
- Friday-Sunday, January 10th - 12th, 2020, Yuma Bird, Nature & History Festival: Held in Yuma, Arizona from January 10-12, 2020 the Yuma Bird, Nature & History Festival will immerse you in all of the natural beauty that Yuma and the surrounding area has to offer. Learn more about field trips, seminars, and more here.
- Friday, August 30th, 2019 - 5:30 - 8:30pm: Rain Crow IPA Release - Raise a Glass for the Yellow-billed Cuckoo!
Cuckoos are only in Arizona for a short while, taking advantage of the productivity brought by our summer rains. They'll be out of here come September, but don't despair! Western Rivers Brewers' Council members Borderlands Brewing Company, Wren House Brewing Company, and Crooked Tooth Brewing Co. are here to help us send them off in style.
Join us at Borderlands Brewing Company in Tucson for the 2nd annual release of Rain Crow IPA. Learn about the cuckoos current status from field surveyors, play a rousing game of birdy trivia, and learn how you can take action protecting Arizona's rivers for birds and people.
- Thursday, April 11th, 2019 - 9am - 4:30pm: 10th Annual Native and Wild Trout Conference: The Arizona Trout Unlimited Council's mission is "to conserve, protect and restore Arizona's coldwater fisheries and their watersheds through the efforts of dedicated volunteers working through TU chapters and conservation organizations throughout the state. " This makes them an obvious partner in our efforts to protect flow in the Colorado River Basin.
- Saturday, February 16th, 2019 - 1:30-4pm: Salt River Celebration at O.H.S.O Gilbert. Recognizing their position as powerful advocates for Arizona’s rivers, local breweries OHSO Brewery- Gilbert, Oro Brewing Company, and Pedal Haus Brewery are releasing a new brew to celebrate the Salt River! The brew, Salt River Nut Brown Ale, which features Sinagua Malt, will be released on February 2, 2019 and will be available on tap at all three breweries while supplies last. Following the February 16th Conservation Workday on the Lower Salt River, workday volunteers and the public are invited to join us at OHSO Gilbert for food, drinks, live wildlife, and opportunities to take conservation action for rivers, birds, and other wildlife. Learn more here.
- Saturday, February 16th, 2019 - 8am - Noon: Salt River Restoration Workday. Birds, communities, and economies...we all rely on clean water & healthy rivers! Give back by joining Audubon, the National Forest Foundation, and Northern Arizona University for a river-focused work day on the Lower Salt River. Work will focus on a previously burned area and will include tree-planting, river clean-up, and the construction of protective brush barriers near new plantings. Plenty of parking is available at the Salt River Tubing Launch Site and free shuttle buses will bring volunteers to the worksite. Register here.
- Friday, February 1st, 2019: Water Resources Research Center Annual Conference: Join the Water Resources Research Center for informative presentations and lively conversation about how Arizona communities are addressing their water challenges through collaboration, conservation, market-based approaches, long-term planning, and more.
- Friday, January 4th, 2019 at 5pm: Ridgway's Rail IPA Release at Prison Hill Brewing Company: To help celebrate the first day of the Yuma Bird, Nature, and History Festival, Prison Hill Brewing Company will be releasing a brew in honor of one of Yuma’s most emblematic and imperiled species – the Yuma Ridgway’s Rail. These secretive birds depend on dense vegetation and marshy habitats and, despite having been listed as Endangered in 1967, they still find refuge along the lower Colorado River.
Ridgway’s Rail IPA, an oatmeal IPA with Galaxy, Citra, and Amarillo hops, will be tapped at 5pm on Friday and will be available while supplies last. Stop by and raise a glass for the Colorado River and the birds and beer it supports!
While you're in town, don't forget to check out Yuma’s inaugural Bird, Nature, and History Festival. The festival will immerse you in all of the natural beauty that Yuma and the surrounding area has to offer! Over the three days of the festival, you’ll have the opportunity to enjoy seminars, canoe trips, bat viewing, historical tours, birding trips, and more!
- Dec 6, 2018: WRAN Webinar - Raise the River: Binational collaboration on the Colorado River, Presented by Jennifer Pitt, Colorado River Program Director for National Audubon Society.
View the presentation here
- October 5th, 2018: House of Representatives' Committee on Energy, Environment, and Natural Resources meetings: The Arizona House of Representatives' Committee on Energy, Environment, and Natural Resources will be holding a special meeting on Friday, October 5th at 1:30pm in Marana, Arizona. The goal of this meeting is to give legislators a chance to learn about constituents’ concerns regarding water supplies and to investigate potential solutions to the water issues that face our state. See the agenda here.
- September 10th, 2018: WRAN Webinar: The Latest from Arizona and the Lower Basin Drought Contingency Plan. Presented by: Ted Kowalski, Senior Program Officer, Walton Family Foundation and Kevin Moran, Senior Director, Western Water Program, Environmental Defense Fund. View the presentation here
- Planning for the Future of the San Pedro: The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has scheduled public meetings for the Draft Resource Management Plan for the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area. Members of the public can review the draft plan and provide public comments until September 27, 2018. The draft is available for the public to review and provide comments on the BLM ePlanning website. Comments may also be submitted by fax to 520.258.7238.
Meeting Information- Monday, July 30th: Sierra Vista Police Department, 811 N. Coronado Drive, Sierra Vista, AZ (meeting attendees should use the lobby entrance)
- Wednesday, August 8th: Benson Fire Department Station 71, 375 E. 7th Street, Benson, AZ
- Wednesday, August 22nd: Sierra Vista Police Department, 811 N. Coronado Drive, Sierra Vista, AZ (meeting attendees should use the lobby entrance)
- Thursday, August 23rd: Pima Community College, 401 N. Bonita Avenue, Tucson, AZ
- Public Hearing of the Energy, Environment, and Natural Resources Committee: Friday, August 17, 10am. Senators and Representatives from the Legislature’s Energy, Environment, and Natural Resources committees continue their water hearings in Morenci to hear about local water issues.The goal of these meetings is to give legislators a chance to learn about constituents’ concerns regarding water supplies and to investigate potential solutions to the water issues that face our state. Ultimately, it will be up to the Arizona legislature to authorize the Drought Contingency Plan. We encourage your attendance to speak up for flowing rivers and habitat for wildlife.
- Funding continued flow in the Santa Cruz River: Arizona Department of Environmental Quality Meeting seeking input on funding options for the rehabilitation and maintenance of the International Outfall Interceptor (IOI) in Nogales. Flows from the IOI support critical bird habitat in the Upper Santa Cruz River Important Bird Area, along with other perennial and ephemeral stretches of the Santa Cruz River.
- Monday, July 9th: Tubac Golf Resort and Spa 65 Avenida de Otero Tubac, Arizona 85646 (meeting information)
- Monday, July 9th: Tubac Golf Resort and Spa 65 Avenida de Otero Tubac, Arizona 85646 (meeting information)
- June House of Representatives' Committee on Energy, Environment, and Natural Resources meetings: The Arizona House of Representatives' Committee on Energy, Environment, and Natural Resources will be holding three special meetings - one in Kingman (June 13th), one in Camp Verde (June 15th), and one in Buckeye (June 20th). The goal of these meetings is to give legislators a chance to learn about constituents’ concerns regarding water supplies and to investigate potential solutions to the water issues that face our state.
- Kingman: June 13th (detailed agenda)
- Camp Verde: June 15th (agenda) (Audubon's statement)
- Buckeye: June 20th (agenda)
- November 29th, 2017: WRAN Webinar: System Conservation and Excess Water 101. Presented by: Kevin Moran, Senior Director of the Environmental Defense Fund's Colorado River Program & Amy McCoy, Director of AMP Insights. View the presentation here
- October 25, 2017: WRAN Webinar: The Ecosystem Response to Restoration: Birds in the Colorado River Delta. Presented by: Dr. Osvel Hinojosa Huerta, Director of Pronatura Noroeste’s Water and Wetlands Program. View the presentation here
- October 11th, 2017: WRAN Webinar: Keeping Beer (and Rivers) Flowing – how craft breweries are taking action for Arizona’s rivers. Presented by: Danielle McPherson, WaterNow Alliance and AZ Pure Water Brew Challenge and Chase Saraiva, Arizona Wilderness Brewing Company. View the presentation here
- May 17th, 2017: WRAN Webinar: Governor's Water Augmentation Council - Recycled Water Committee: Presented by: John Kmiec - Water Director, Marana Water. View John's presentation here
- May 11th, 2017: WRAN Webinar: Santa Cruz River: Presented by Claire Zugmeyer - Lead Ecologist for the Sonoran Institute's Sun Corridor Legacy Program. View Claire's presentation here
- May 3rd, 2017: WRAN Webinar: Tres Rios Wetlands: Presented by: Cynthia Campbell - Water Resources Manager and Policy Advisor, City of Phoenix. View Cynthia's presentation here
- April 19th, 2017: WRAN Webinar: A 21st Century Colorado River Budget: Presented by: Karen Hyun, Director of Water and Coastal Policy - National Audubon Society. View Karen's presentation here
- January 25th, 2016: Water Challengs: Part 1 - Future of the Colorado Plateau Forum: - A forum presesnted by the Museum of Northern Arizona addressing concerns being raised among hydrologists, state water planners, and decision-makers about the future availability and sustainability of our water supplies. Learn more and RSVP here.
- December 14th, 2016: WRAN Webinar, Topic: Agua Dulce: Tucson Water's plan to return flow to the Santa Cruz. Presented by Presented by Timothy M. Thomure, PE, ENV SP, Director of Tucson Water. Facilitated by Audubon Arizona Education Director Cathy Wise. View Timothy's presentation here.
- December 7th, 2016: WRAN Webinar, Topic: Introducing the Verde River Exchange Water Offset Program: Presented by: Jocelyn Gibbon, J.D.--Principal, Freshwater Policy Consulting, LLC. Jocelyn coordinates the Exchange on behalf of Friends of Verde River Greenway. View Jocelyn's presentation here.
- July 20th, 2016: WRAN Webinar, Topic: Lake Mead Structural Deficit and Why it Matters
Join Amy McCoy, Director of AMP Insights, for this free, educational webinar. Learn about the "Structural Deficit" at the Colorado River's largest reservoir, Lake Mead, and learn why solving the problem is critical to protecting flow across the Colorado River Basin. View Amy's presentation here.
- August 3rd, 2016: WRAN Webinar, Topic: Adjudication Issues and Groundwater Management in Arizona.
Join The Kyl Center for Water Policy's Executive Director, Sarah Porter, for a look into groundwater management law and the adjudication process. Kathleen Ferris, a Senior Research Fellow at ASU's Morrison Institute for Public Policy, former Executive Director of the Arizona Municipal Water Users Association, former Director of the Arizona Department of Water Resources, and one of the drafters of the Arizona Groundwater Management Act, will be on board to answer related questions. Watch the recorded session here.
- September 7th, 2016: WRAN Webinar, Topic: Arizona’s Native Trout Program
Join Brad Powell, the Southwest Regional Director of Trout Unlimited and President of the Arizona Wildlife Federation, and Julie Carter, biologist with the Arizona Game and Fish Department, for a look into efforts to protect Arizona's native trout and the streams and rivers on which they depend. Watch the recorded session here. (PowerPoints are available on our WRAN Resources page.)
- September 21st, 2016: WRAN Webinar, Topic: River Funding and Restoration Efforts
Join Audubon's Colorado River Project Director, Jennifer Pitt, and The Nature Conservancy's Arizona Water Program Lead, Scott Deeny, for a discussion about creative efforts to support river restoration. Programs discussed will include Raise the River and the Salt-Verde Valley Water Fund. Watch the recorded session here. -
Wednesday May 25th, 2016 from noon to 1pm: WRAN Leaders Call: Join us for this month's WRAN Leaders call! During this call, Gerry L Walker, the ADWR’s Assistant Deputy Director of the Colorado River and Other Interstate and International Waters, will be summarizing for us details and discussions from last week’s ADWR/CAP Colorado River Shortage Briefing. We are extremely grateful to Gerry for her willingness to talk to us, and we want to make sure the Network is well-represented on the call.
March 29th: WRAN Webinar - join a presentation for Western Rivers Action Network members on an exploration of the close connection between birds and water in the West, along with opportunities in Congress that can help save water now and into the future. Tice Supplee, Director of Bird Conservation at Audubon Arizona, will highlight some the fascinating birds of West and the ways that they depend on healthy rivers and wetlands, with a focus on the Colorado River Basin. Then, Jimmy Hague, Director of the Center for Water Resources at the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, will share some of the key ways that Congress can help save water for birds and people in the Colorado River Basin and across the West.
- WRAN Webinar: The Colorado River has been in drought for 16 years. As water managers mount unprecedented initiatives to respond to the growing risk of water shortages, what will happen to the rivers? Join Jennifer Pitt, of the National Audubon Society as she takes us through the Colorado River Basin legal framework, management decisions, and identifies a number of opportunities the conservation community has identified to make progress on improving water availability for freshwater habitats across the basin.
- WRAN Nevada Workshop -Join the AZ WRAN team and the Red Rock Audubon Society for our next workshop: Sustainable Rivers in Times of Drought. Get a basin-wide view of the Colorado River, help us define sustainable rivers, and learn about upcoming opportunities to take action. RSVP to Sarah Luna.
- Tapping into Conservation launch party: August 1st, 2015, 6:30 - 9:00pm - Enjoy Phoenix food trucks, live local music, an intoduction to WRAN and the Yellow-Billed Cuckoo, and the very first sips of Western Rivers Ale! RSVP to Steven Prager.
- Birds n' Beer: June 18th, 5:30pm at the Nina Mason Pulliam Rio Salado Audubon Center - Join Audubon Arizona’s acting Executive Director and Director of Bird Conservation, Tice Supplee, for her presentation “Shift Happens”. This look into Audubon’s Climate Report will give you expert insight into future climate trends’ implications on our rivers and other critical habitats.
- Birds n' Beer: May 21st, 5:30pm at the Nina Mason Pulliam iio Salado Audubon Center - Join Southern Sierra Research Station Biologist, Shannon McNeil, for her presentation “Cuckoos on the Colorado”. This is your chance to be introduced to the imperiled and river-dependent Western Yellow-Billed Cuckoo and learn about some of the valuable work being conducted through the Lower Colorado Multispecies Conservation Program. Securing and maintaining funding for critical federal programs like these is a top WRAN priority.
- Saturday, May 2nd, 1-4pm: The Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program at Arizona Game and Fish is seeking better interaction with Arizonan's who share a passion for non-game wildlife. Make sure WRAN's voice is part of this first discussion! Learn more here.
- Saturday, March 21st, 10:00 - 11:30am: This is your second chance to learn from Fred Haggerson about how to turn your at-home water conservation efforts into funding for on-the-ground conservation projects that help our western rivers.
- Tuesday, March 17, 6:30 - 8:00pm: Join Fred Haggerson as he teaches you how to turn your at-home water conservation efforts into funding for on-the-ground conservation projects that help our western rivers.
- Wednesday, March 11, 2015: Western Rivers Day at the AZ Legislature.
- Wednesday, February 18th, Noon - 1pm: Join Aaron Citron, member of the Environmental Defense Fund's Colorado River Project, as he discusses the role of agricultural efficiency in protecting the Colorado River Basin.
- Wednesday, February 11th, Noon - 1pm: Join Drew Beckwith, Water Policy Manager and conservation expert with Western Resource Advocates, as he discusses the role of municipal efficiency and re-use in protecting the Colorado River Basin.
- Wednesday, January 28th, Noon-1pm: Join Western Resource Advocate's Drew Beckwith for his presentation "Common Sense Solutions to Protect the Colorado River Basin" and learn about the approaches outlined in Western Resource Advocates and American Rivers' The Hardeset Working River Report.
- Wednesday, January 21st, Noon - 1pm: Join NAS Legislative Director Brian Moore and AZ WRAN Project Coordinator Sarah Luna for a look at the challenges and opportunities ahead in D.C. and in Arizona as the U.S Congress and the Arizona Legislature kick off their 2015 sessions. (Click here to view the presentation)
- Wednesday, December 17th, Noon - 1pm Join us for an exclusive webinar on Fires, Forest Management & our Watershedfeaturing special guest presenters Diane Vosick, Director of Policy and Partnerships at the Ecological Restoration Institute of NAU and Rebecca Davidson, Senior Water Rights Analyst for the Salt River Project. Click here to learn more!
- Saturday, November 15th, 8:30am - 2:30pm In partnership with the Red Rock Audubon Society, WRAN will be offering a workshop in Las Vegas, Nevada! Southern Nevada is a critical voice in the growing conversation about the West's shared water future - Check out the workshop agenda and RSVP today!
- Wednesday, September 24th, 12pm: The Water Resources Research Center (WRRC) presents: Webinar on the Roadmap for Considering Water for Arizona’s Natural Areas. The Arizona Water Resources Research Center (WRRC) is completing their Roadmap for Considering Water for Arizona’s Natural Areas and they want your input! This Roadmap marks the culmination of a three-year project where more than 1,000 stakeholders (including many of you!) participated in surveys, focus groups, workshops, and presentations. In all, participants volunteered approximately 1,900 hours of their time to helping explore the issue of if and when natural areas should be considered in our state's water management and planning decisions. Whether you have participated all along or are new to the project, the Arizona Water Resources Research Center (WRRC) invites you review the draft final Roadmap document and/or join them for a lunchtime webinar to learn about the Roadmap recommendations and provide your thoughts and ideas.
- Friday, August 15, 12pm - 1pm: WRAN Webinar: Asking the Right Questions: Discussing Water with Policymakers. Join WRAN members Jocelyn Gibbon and Nick Bacon for this valuable training session! After this webinar, you'll have a better understanding of water issues in Arizona and the west, be more prepared to speak up for western rivers and be ready to make the most of upcoming opportunities for WRAN's voice to be heard. Learn more about this event here.
- Wednesday, September 3, 12pm - 1:30pm: The Arizona Water Resources Research Center (WRRC) presents: Brown Bag Seminar - Requiem for the Santa Cruz: An Environmental History of an Arizona River This event is a great chance for WRAN members to gain some insight on the Santa Cruz river - a river of international significance with eight designated Wilderness Areas and 22 threatened and endangered species in it's watershed. To learn more, visit our Facebook or the WRRC's website. RSVP to Sarah Luna at
- Saturday, August 2, 10am - 12pm: Citizen's Water Advocacy Group Presents (CWAG) presents: A Water Forum for State Legislative District 1 Candidates. This is your chance to see where Arizona Legislative District 1 primary candidates stand on local water issues! Much of the Verde River, which provides 40 percent of the surface water delivered to Phoenix and supports over 75% of Arizona’s breeding bird species, flows through Legislative District 1 and it is critical that its leaders support sound water policies.To learn more, visit our Facebook or the CWAG Homepage!
RSVP to Sarah Luna at
- Wednesday, June 4, 12pm -1pm: Exclusive Webinar: Perpectives on Water for Natural Resources in Arizona Water Management and Planning
- Saturday, May 17: WRAN Workshop - Protecting Our Rivers (view agenda here)
- April 7 and 17, May 16 and 21: Water Resources Research Center Regional Workshops
How you can help, right now
Join the Western Water Action Network
Receive action alerts about water issues, and issues that are affecting birds across the arid West.
Help secure the future for birds at risk from climate change, habitat loss, and other threats. Your support will power our science, education, advocacy and on-the-ground conservation efforts.
Nina Mason Pulliam Rio Salado Audubon Center
Visit the Nina Mason Pulliam Rio Salado Audubon Center in Phoenix, Arizona.