- Audubon’s Top Priorities for the Arizona Legislature in 2023 (en español). Haley Paul, National Audubon Society. January, 2023.
- Arizona’s New Governor Takes on Water Conservation and Promises to Revise the State’s Groundwater Management Act. Wyatt Myskow, Inside Climate News. January, 2023.
- Is the Colorado River Rising? Pandora Dewan, Newsweek. January, 2023.
- As Water Levels Plummeted to Historic Lows across the West in 2022, Urgency for Audubon to Protect People and Birds (En español). Karyn Stockdale, National Audubon Society. December, 2022.
- Upper Colorado River states announce voluntary cutback program. Zack Budryk, The Hill. December, 2022.
- Colorado Basin River Forecast Center releases first official water supply forecast. Luke Runyan, KUNC. December, 2022.
- If elevation 3,490 is Lake Powell’s new “dead pool”. John Fleck, InkStain. December, 2022.
- As the Colorado River shrinks, Arizona looks at water recycling, desalination, taller dams. Brandon Loomis, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. December, 2022.
- The Future of Water in Arizona. Horizon, Arizona PBS. December, 2022.
- Colorado River water users convening amid crisis concerns. Ken Ritter, Associated Press. December, 2022.
- Arizona Department of Water Resources creates dashboard to present data to public. Alex Weiner, KTAR News. December, 2022.
- Preserving parts of Cochise County's water future. Summer Hom, Arizona Public Media. December, 2022.
- The “power of aridity” is bringing a Colorado River dam to its knees. Alex Hager, KAWC. December, 2022.
- San Carlos Apache agree to lease water for Arizona community Without the agreement the town would have no water. Christopher Conover, Arizona Public Media. December, 2022.
- 3 Arizona counties may sue feds over QC water deal. Mark Moran, East Valley Tribune. December, 2022.
- Crews remove invasive plants from Arizona waterways to conserve water, better ecosystem. Zachary Ziegler, Arizona Public Media. December, 2022.
- Some water users could get paid to conserve as Upper Colorado River Basin program gets planned reboot. Alex Hager, KAWC. December, 2022.
- Page wary of crisis on the Colorado River. Alex Hager, KUNC. December, 2022.
- Climate Change Forces Difficult Decisions Along the Colorado River. Miché Lozano, National Parks Conservation Association. December, 2022.
- Governor Ducey and Arizona State University announce Arizona Water Innovation Initiative. Michael Kittilson, Chamber Business News. December, 2022.
- Shouldn't Arizona cut off growth to save water? Why that's the wrong question to ask. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. December, 2022.
- In Arizona, Home Builders Fight to Show There’s Enough Water for New Residents. Jim Carlton and Nicole Friedman, Wall Street Journal. December, 2022.
- Arizona thinks ocean desalination will bring it the water it needs. It won't. Op-ed: Robert Glennon and Brent M. Haddad, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. December, 2022.
- Western water leaders talk local solutions amid Colorado River crisis. Emma VandenEinde, KUNC NPR. December, 2022.
- Feds announce plan for massive cuts in Colorado River deliveries. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star/Tucson.com. December, 2022.
- Reduced Lake Powell water releases begin to keep Glen Canyon Dam operational. Marvin Clemons, Las Vegas Review-Journal. December, 2022.
- Tucson offers to leave more CAP water in the Colorado River. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star/Tucson.com. November, 2022.
- Plan to raise Bartlett Dam could bring billions of gallons of water to the Valley. Courtney Holmes, ABC 15 Arizona. November, 3033.
- A shrinking Lake Powell is causing costly problems for Page, Arizona. Alex Hager, NPR Morning Edition. November, 2022.
- Colorado River users, facing historic uncertainty, are set to meet in Las Vegas next month. Daniel Rothberg, Nevada Independent. November, 2022.
- Deadline approaching for drought financial relief. Hannah Cree, Arizona Public Media. November, 2022.
- The Colorado River Compact turns 100 years old. Is it still working? Luke Runyon, KUNC NPR. November, 2022.
- Douglas groundwater measure enhances conservation. Camryn Sanchez and Jakob Thorington Arizona, Capitol Times. November, 2022.
- A True Colorado River Compact. Daniel Cordais, High Country News. November, 2022.
- The Colorado River Compact at 100. Jennifer Pitt, National Audubon Society. November, 2022.
- Snowpack off to a good start across Colorado River basin. Alex Hager, KUNC NPR. November, 2022.
- Arizona State University to lead water research initiative for state’s resources. Alex Weiner, KTAR News. November, 2022.
- Yuma farmers worry about future of Colorado River water. Mark Henle, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. November, 2022.
- As the Colorado River is stretched thin by drought, can the 100-year-old rules that divide it still work? Brandon Loomis, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. November, 2022.
- After long fight, tribal water bills get primary OK; still far from final. Ryan Knappenberger, Cronkite News. November, 2022.
- Arizona's water supply is shrinking, but its population is growing. Is it sustainable? Katherine Davis-Young, 91.5 KJZZ NPR. November, 2022.
- Green is the Verde: How an Arizona river became a water conservation success story, for now. Joan Meiners, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. November, 2022.
- Tribes in the Colorado River Basin are fighting for their water. States wish they wouldn’t. Amelia Bates, Grist. November, 2022.
- Arizona plans to give millions to ASU for water innovation, research. Audrey Jensen, Phoenix Business Journal. November, 2022.
- Water coalition weighs in on Cochise County groundwater management initiative. Ron Dungan, 91.5 KJZZ NPR. November, 2022.
- ASU experts predict how water consumption might look in our state, based on the science of today. Mary Beth Faller, Arizona State University. November, 2022.
- Groundwater is critical to rural Arizona — but there's a struggle to regulate it. Ron Dungan, 91.5 KJZZ NPR. November, 2022.
- Hearing reveals dire future for Kingman water source. MacKenzie Dexter, Kingman Daily Miner. November, 2022.
- Is drought in Arizona and the Southwest the new normal? Nicholas Gerbis, 91.5 KJZZ NPR. November, 2022.
- To save water, Arizona farmers are growing guayule for sustainable tires. Zayna Syed, Popular Science. November, 2022.
- Rivers are drying up, but it’s not too late to help. Here’s where to start. Ryan Bergeron, CNN. November, 2022.
- Cochise County voters approve one groundwater management plan, reject another. Jake Frederico, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. November, 2022.
- What's wrong with Lake Mead, summed up in a single chart. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. November, 2022.
- On its 100th birthday, the Colorado River Compact shows its age. Jonathan Thompson, High Country News. November, 2022.
- Props. 420 and 422: Southeast Arizonans split on rural groundwater initiatives. Ron Dungan, 91.5 KJZZ NPR. November, 2022.
- Southeast Arizona voters to decide how their groundwater supply will be managed. Ron Dungan, KJZZ Fronteras Desk. November, 2022.
- Opposition to a Cochise County water measure flows in mostly from out-of-area sources. Jake Frederico, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. November, 2022.
- Opinion: Arizona's water crisis needs more political attention. Lillian Finley, The State Press. November, 2022.
- Supreme Court to hear case on Navajo Nation rights to Colorado River. Zack Budryk, The Hill. November, 2022.
- Wells are running dry in drought-weary Southwest as foreign-owned farms guzzle water to feed cattle overseas. Ella Nilsen, CNN. November, 2022.
- Ex-Reclamation commissioner to head CAP. Associated Press. November, 2022.
- Supreme Court agrees to weigh Navajo Nation water rights battle. Lawrence Hurley, NBC News. November, 2022.
- Former Reclamation Commissioner Brenda Burman to head Central Arizona Project. Brandon Loomis, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. November, 2022.
- Finally, the feds may force action to save the Colorado River. What if it comes too late? Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. November, 2022.
- Arizona lawmakers push California to cut water usage. Camryn Sanchez, Arizona Capitol Times. November, 2022.
- How Tucson, Arizona is facing up to a megadrought. Marcello Rossi, BBC. October, 2022.
- Your vote can determine the future of Arizona’s water. Cole Januszewski, Cronkite News. October, 2022.
- Willcox to vote on its water future in November. Shelle Jackson, KVOA 4 News Tucson. October, 2022.
- Senator Sinema reacts to Interior Department’s announcement to protect Colorado River System. KOLD News 13. October, 2022.
- Feds start the clock on a plan that could deepen cuts on drought-stricken Colorado River. Brandon Loomis, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. October, 2022.
- Interior Department Initiates Significant Action to Protect Colorado River System. Press Release, U.S. Department of the Interior. October, 2022.
- Feds to revise some Colorado River guidelines to protect both Lake Powell and Lake Mead. Felicia Fonseca and Kathleen Ronayne, Associated Press. October, 2022.
- Lower Colorado River reservoir evaporation the focus of new analysis. Luke Runyon, Arizona Public Media. October, 2022.
- Sen. Kelly urges federal action amid stalled Colorado River agreement. Ryan Heinsius, KNAU NPR. October, 2022.
- Arizona doesn't just have to survive drought, but prepare for coming floods, SRP officials say. Hunter Bassler, 12 News Phoenix. October, 2022.
- The Arizona climate that could have been: How Napolitano would put the state back on track. Joan Meiners, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. October, 2022.
- Arizona’s Sen Kelly slams California on Colorado River use. Jonathan J. Cooper and Kathleen Ronayne, Associated Press. October, 2022.
- Enough messing around. Will the feds mandate cuts to save Lake Mead or not? Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. October, 2022.
- Phoenix launches water education campaign about Colorado River. Pratham Dalal, 91.5 KJZZ NPR Fronteras Desk. October, 2022.
- Rep. Gallego looks to crack down on foreign governments using Arizona water. David Baker, AZfamily.com. October, 2022.
- Arizona Wildlife Federation op-ed spotlights threatened water protections. Nicholas Gerbis, 91.5 KJZZ NPR. October, 2022.
- Local Opinion: A reckoning for the Colorado River. William Schmidt, Arizona Daily Star/Tucson.com. October, 2022.
- Discovering the place on the Colorado where water becomes river. EJ Montini, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. October, 2022.
- Colorado River managers try to buy water savings, but hurdles remain. Arizona Republic/AZ Central. October, 2022.
- Arizona’s water future relies on conserving sources. Brent Ruffner, Daily Independent. October, 2022.
- As wells dry up and lawmakers balk, Cochise voters could force new groundwater protections. Jake Frederico, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. October, 2022.
- Arizona tribe announces water conservation plans, seeks federal payments. Alex Hager, KUNC NPR. October, 2022.
- Rep. Ruben Gallego aims to deter foreign governments from using Arizona water. Emily Sacia, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. October, 2022.
- Arizona must slash Colorado River water use by next year. Here are 4 ways to do it. Ron Burke and Mary Ann Dickinson, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. October, 2022.
- Left out to dry: Wildlife threatened by Colorado River Basin water crisis. Tara Lohan, Salon. October, 2022.
- The Clean Water Act at 50 and What it Means for Birds. Julie Hill-Gabriel, National Audubon Society. October, 2022.
- Gila River tribe will take offer to conserve water, but Yuma farmers say it's not enough. Brandon Loomis, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. October, 2022.
- Is rural Arizona ready to cut back water use? We've reached a crossroads in that fight. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. October, 2022.
- Arizona's water future depends on strong leadership in Congress. Tom O'Halleran, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. October, 2022.
- SCOTUS decision could impact Arizona water ways. Shelle Jackson. KVOA Tucson. October, 2022.
- Biden administration outlines plan to pay for Colorado River water cuts as crisis looms. Ella Nilsen, CNN. October, 2022.
- How would Katie Hobbs, Kari Lake address Arizona's water issues as governor? Here's what they propose. Taylor Seely, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. October, 2022.
- California's opening bid won't solve the Colorado River crisis alone. Annie Snider, Politico. October, 2022.
- A 23-year megadrought is endangering the agricultural economy in the Southwest. Kirk Siegler, NPR Weekend Edition. October, 2022.
- Arizona's mixed reaction to California water conservation proposal. Jeremy Dude, Axios. October, 2022.
- Drought in Western US Heats up as a Senate Campaign Issue. Associated Press. October, 2022.
- Why is the Colorado River in crisis, and what is being done about it? Haley Paul, National Audubon Society. October, 2022.
- What is Arizona’s responsibility for conserving water? Here’s a look. Gabriel Estes, azBigMedia. October, 2022.
- What happens if Lake Powell runs out of water? Zack Budryk, The Hill. October, 2022.
- Will the Colorado River survive or collapse? A lot rides on how we spend federal cash. Kate Gallego and Caryl Stern, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. October, 2022.
- Governor Ducey Picks Water, Finance Experts for Historic Water Infrastructure Board. Press Release. October, 2022.
- Meet the California farmers awash in Colorado River water, even in a drought. Dan Charles, NPR Morning Edition. October, 2022.
- Federal officials set their sights on Lower Colorado River evaporation to speed up conservation. Luke Runyon, KUNC NPR. October, 2022.
- Tribes are pushing to play a larger role in water-sharing agreements. Megan Myskofski, NPR Weekly Edition. October, 2022.
- The Colorado River water shortage is forcing tough choices in 7 states. Dave Davies, NPR. September, 2022.
- ‘It’s getting close’: As megadrought grinds on, Arizona working to meet water demands. Syndee Wilson, Arizona Daily Sun. September, 2022.
- Arizona Voters Concerned About Long-Term Water Supplies; Support Investments to Address Environmental Issues. Center for the Future of Arizona. September, 2022.
- Arizona water: Running out of river, running out of time. Melissa K. Nelson, azBigMedia. September, 2022.
- West looks to create water as drought tests limits of conservation. Valerie Richardson, The Washington TImes. September, 2022.
- Phoenix could cut back on contributing water to conservation plan. Luke Forstner, KTAR News. September, 2022.
- US awards $73M contract for Navajo-Gallup water project. Associated Press. September, 2022.
- Legislators consider desalination as solution to Arizona water shortage. Courtney Holmes, ABC15 Arizona. September, 2022.
- Town Council OKs Colorado River deal. Mark Moran, East Valley Tribune. September, 2022.
- Another La Niña could be more bad news for the Colorado River. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star/Tucson.com. September, 2022.
- Phoenix could cut back on contributing water to conservation plan. Luke Forstner, KTAR News. September, 2022.
- How a 100-year-old miscalculation drained the Colorado River. Benji Jones, Vox. September, 2022.
- Tribes seek more details on water use at Arizona copper mine. Felicia Fonseca, Associated Press. September, 2022.
- Where the Colorado River crisis is hitting home. Kirk Siegler, NPR. September, 2022.
- Water worries: Adjudication update packs auditorium with curious residents. Raquel Hendrickson, Camp Verde Bugle. September, 2022.
- The drying of the Colorado and Rio Grande rivers. SueEllen Campbell. Yale Climate Connections. September, 2022.
- No surface water for Ariz. farmers next year. Todd Fichette, Western Farm Press. September, 2022.
- Some fast facts to know about the Arizona water supply. azBigMedia. September, 2022.
- How to Negotiate for Peace, Resilience, and Environment on the Colorado River. Jennifer Pitt, National Audubon Society. September, 2022.
- States dependent on Colorado River wonder if desalination could help the water supply. Alex Hager, Morning Edition/NPR. September, 2022.
- Western reservoirs could run dry in 3 years, top official warns. Jennifer Yachnin, E&E News: GreenWire. September, 2022.
- County to host state water authorities in groundwater talks. Brandon Messick, Havasu News. September, 2022.
- Tucson agrees to conserve some of its share of Colorado River water. KOLD News 13. September, 2022.
- On the Colorado River, growing concern for trout and chub. Brittany Peterson, Associated Press. September, 2022.
- Opinion: Arizona must develop new water supplies now. Sean Hood, Arizona Capitol Times. September, 2022.
- Arizona's long-term conservation strategy is softening the blow of the Colorado River drought. Scott Simon and Kirk Siegler, NPR. September, 2022.
- ‘There’s no doubt it’s serious’: Tucson water expert weighs in on looming crisis. Shelby Slaughter, KOLD News 13. September, 2022.
- The Colorado River is drying up — but basin states have ‘no plan’ on how to cut water use. Rachel Estabrook and Michael Elizabeth Sakas, CPR News. September, 2022.
- Water levels slightly rise at Lake Mead. Pratham Dalal, Fronteras Desk/NPR. September, 2022.
- State of unease: Colorado basin tribes without water rights. Felicia Fonseca, Associated Press. September, 2022.
- Increasing pressures on Colorado River water in New Mexico. Theresa Davis, Albuquerque Journal. September, 2022.
- As the megadrought grinds on, Arizona works to meet water demands. Sydnee Wilson and Payton Major, Cronkite News. September, 2022.
- Arizona Department of Water Resources to hold Public Hearing about Irrigation Non-Expansion Area. Arizona Department of Water Resources. September, 2022.
- Arizona grapples with balancing growth and a limited water supply. Megan Myscofski, Marketplace/NPR. September, 2022.
- Despite 'advice' from other states, Arizona won't let its canals run dry, officials say. Hunter Bassler, 12 News Arizona. September, 2022.
- Tucson has 5.5 years of excess Colorado River water stowed in a secret reservoir. Kirk Siegler, All Things Considered/NPR. September, 2022.
- In Arizona, Worry About Access to Colorado River Water. Tony Davis, Arizona Star/Associated Press. September, 2022.
- 100 years after compact, Colorado River nearing crisis point. Brittany Peterson and Chris Outcalt, PBS. September, 2022.
- The good and bad news about city water cuts in Arizona. William Pitts, 12 News Arizona. September, 2022.
- Queen Creek may have won a key battle for Colorado River water. But why is it so quiet? Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. August, 2022.
- Disconnected and 'dehumanized': How thousands across Phoenix survive without running water. Zayna Syed, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. September, 2022.
- Angry at other states, Arizona towns, tribes rethink water cuts. Ryan Knappenberger, azBigMedia. September, 2022.
- The Colorado River Is Dying. Can Its Aquatic Dinosaurs Be Saved? Stephanie Mencimer, MotherJones. September, 2022.
- Guide racks up TikTok views explaining the megadrought in the Colorado River. Luke Runyon, NPR's Morning Edition. September, 2022.
- Widening Interstate 17 could spell trouble for Black Canyon City's water supply. Mary Hoadley and Tim Flood, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. September, 2022.
- Feds clear way for Queen Creek to buy Colorado River water. Jeremy Duda, Axios Phoenix. September, 2022.
- At Lake Powell, a 'front-row seat' to a drying Colorado River and an uncertain future. Brandon Loomis, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. September, 2022.
- How Arizona's water situation could affect its housing growth. Jeremy Duda, Axios Phoenix. September, 2022.
- Federal funds for water projects a fraction of what Arizona says it needs. Ryan Knappenberger, Cronkite News. September, 2022.
- Arizona water chief seeks federal action on Colorado River. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star/Tucson.com. September, 2022.
- Water conservation plan for Colorado River remains in holding pattern. Savannah Maher, Marketplace. September, 2022.
- Climate Change Is Ravaging the Colorado River. There’s a Model to Avert the Worst. Henry Fontain, The New York Times. September, 2022.
- Reclamation: Upper Basin reservoirs insufficient to save Lake Powell. Jerd Smith, The Gazette. September, 2022.
- The Colorado River’s alfalfa problem. Jonathan Thompson, High Country News. September, 2022.
- Arizona counties could make groundwater management a legislative priority. Brandon Messick, Today's News-Herald/Havasu News. August, 2022.
- US Bureau of Reclamation Declares a Colorado River Tier 2A Shortage to Begin January 1, 2023. Signals AZ. August, 2022.
- These Arizona residents are in danger of being cut off from their water supply. Phil Latzman, 91.5 KJZZ NPR. August, 2022.
- Arizonans want other states to step up with water conservation. Melissa Sevigny, KNAU NPR. August, 2022.
- We should go where the water is. Megan Myscofski, Arizona Public Media. August, 2022.
- Arizona Needs to Cut 300,000 Olympic Pools’ Worth of Water. Here Is Who Will Be Hit the Hardest. Carl Churchill and Taylor Umlauf, The Wall Street Journal. August, 2022.
- The water game: As drought conditions worsen in one of the country's hottest real estate markets, some Valley homebuilders are scrambling to secure water sources. Angela Gonzales, Phoenix Business Journal. August, 2022.
- Arizona has taken the heaviest Colorado River water cuts. Other basin states must step up. Terry Goddard and Lisa Atkins, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. August, 2022.
- The Colorado River Drought Is a Cautionary Climate Tale. Alejandro De La Garza, Time. August, 2022.
- How Colorado River Basin tribes are managing water amid historic drought. Jospeh Lee and Brett Marsh, Grist. August, 2022.
- First rehabilitation phase of binational sewage pipeline finished as monsoon rains persist. José Ignacio Castañeda Perez, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. August, 2022.
- Opinion: The Colorado River is in crisis. There are no painless solutions. Editorial Board, The Washington Post. August, 2022.
- Opinion: The future of America’s water cannot be won without changing America’s farms. David Von Drehle, The Washington Post. August, 2022.
- Vague and voluntary proposals may do little to help Colorado River. Heather Sackett, Aspen Journalism. August, 2022.
- As Colorado River Dries, the U.S. Teeters on the Brink of Larger Water Crisis. Abrahm Lustgarten, ProPublica. August, 2022.
- What must happen to save the Colorado River, now that the feds aren't stepping in. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. August, 2022.
- Local Opinion: It's time to act on water conservation. James Williams Special to the Arizona Daily Star. August, 2022.
- What the Inflation Reduction Act Means for Water in the West. Caitlin Wall, National Audubon Society. August, 2022.
- The Water Diplomats. Megan Myscofski, Arizona Public Media. August, 2022.
- Arizona agriculture groups pitch payment plan for water conservation. Jeremy Duda, Axios Phoenix. August, 2022.
- ADWR explains active management area process. Shar Porier, My Herald/Review. August, 2022.
- City of Tucson considering pay plan for Colorado River water. Bud Foster, KOLD News Tucson. August, 2022.
- Damage to riparian areas where cattle graze renews debate over use of public lands in Arizona. Joe Duhownik, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. August, 2022.
- 'There's simply not enough water': Colorado River cutbacks ripple across Arizona. Debra Utacia Krol, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. August, 2022.
- Feds Say Colorado River Is In Crisis—Here’s What It Looks Like. Brian Bushard, Forbes. August, 2022.
- Slow clap for inaction: Lake Mead cuts means climate change is real & forcing Arizona's hand. Blake Morlock, Tucson Sentinel. August, 2022.
- No firm new deadline for Colorado River basin states’ conservation plans. Luke Runyon, KUNC NPR. August, 2022.
- Drastic Cuts to Colorado River Water Use Show Depth of West’s Drought. Brett Walton, Scientific American via CircleOfBlue. August, 2022.
- Some fast facts to know about the Arizona water supply. AZ Big Media. August, 2022.
- A deeper water shortage on Lake Mead is hardly the worst thing we're facing. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. August, 2022.
- How new Colorado River cuts will impact states, residents. Uman Naishadham, Associated Press. August, 2022.
- Feds call for water cutbacks ‘to avoid a catastrophic collapse’ of Colorado River. Catherine Clifford, CNBC. August, 2022.
- New water cuts coming for Southwest as Colorado River falls into Tier 2 shortage. Ella Nilsen and Rachel Ramirez, CNN. August, 2022.
- Groundwater 101: Some insight regarding a crucial resource. Emily Ellis, My Herald/Review. August, 2022.
- Interior Department Announces Actions to Protect Colorado River System, Sets 2023 Operating Conditions for Lake Powell and Lake Mead. US Department of the Interior. August, 2022.
- Taps have run dry in a major Mexico city for months. A similar water crisis looms in the US, experts say. Maria Aguilar, Phys.org. August, 2022.
- Federal water restrictions in the West underscore severity of climate crisis. Stephanie Sy, PBS News Hour. August, 2022.
- Feds Predictably Declare Record Shortage on the Colorado River. Jennifer Pitt, National Audubon Society. August, 2022.
- Apparently, the plan to save a tanking Lake Mead and Lake Powell is 'stay tuned'. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. August, 2022.
- A New Round of Colorado River Cuts Is Announced. Henry Fountain, New York TImes. August, 2022.
- Arizona, Nevada to take brunt of water cuts next year. Jennifer Yachnin, GreenWire. August, 2022.
- Deadline looms for western states to cut Colorado River. Sam Metz and Felicia Fonseca, Associated Press. August, 2022.
- Saudi firm has pumped Arizona groundwater for years without paying. Time to pony up. Bruce Babbitt and Robert Lane, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. August, 2022.
- ‘All bad options’ as Biden administration faces Western water crisis. Annie Snider, Politico. August, 2022.
- Arizona among states facing deadline for plan to cut river water use. Whitney Clark, AZfamily.com. August, 2022.
- Colorado River water-saving agreement unlikely by Tuesday deadline. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star/Tucson.com. August, 2022.
- Sinema meets with regional water officials to talk about $4B in Colorado River drought aid. Zayna Syed, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. August, 2022.
- Tribes take a central role in water management as drought and climate change effects worsen. Debra Utacia Krol, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. August, 2022.
- Their pleas for water were long ignored. Now tribes are gaining a voice on the Colorado River. Debra Utacia Krol, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. August, 2022.
- Arizona tribes wait for water as settlements languish in courtrooms and bureaucracy. Debra Utacia Krol, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. August, 2022.
- With water, tribes can reclaim their agricultural heritage and restore riverside landscapes. Debra Utacia Krol, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. August, 2022.
- Mohave County, state, tribal officials prep for water shortages. Brandon Messick, Today's News-Herald/Havasu News. August, 2022.
- Tribes in the Colorado River basin say they're 'in the dark' as states discuss water conservation. Alex Hager, KUNC. August, 2022.
- Senators add $4 billion for Colorado River drought relief into Inflation Reduction Act. Janet Wilson, Desert Sun. August, 2022.
- Southwest's water supplies at risk from dam's 'archaic' design: report. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star/Tucson.com. August, 2022.
- How many farms can Arizona and California lose before we feel it at the grocery store? Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. August, 2022.
- Arizona and California Farmers, Targets for Colorado River Cuts, Draft Their Conservation Strategy. Brett Walton, Circle of Blue. August, 2022.
- Drought contingency planning grant of $100k awarded to City of Kingman. Faith Rodriquez, KYMA News. August, 2022.
- Reclamation approves $865k for drought contingency planning grants. Water World. August, 2022.
- Report: Modify Glen Canyon Dam soon or risk losing the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon. Brandon Loomis, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. August, 2022.
- The Coming Crisis Along the Colorado River. Daniel Rothberg, The New York Times. August, 2022.
- American west faces water and power shortages due to climate crisis: UN environment agency. United Nations. August, 2022.
- As water shortage worsens, experts suggest tech to manage Colorado groundwater use. Nikki Wentling, Denver Business Journal. August, 2022.
- Long standing water issues to be addressed with state authorities. Brandon Messick, Today's News-Herald/Havasu News. August, 2022.
- House approves bill to authorize Colorado River tribes to lease conserved water. Nick Sanchez, Fronteras Desk. August, 2022.
- The water came back. Megan Myscofski, Arizona Public Media. August, 2022.
- US House passes bills to address drought on the Colorado River, wildfire recovery. Zayna Syed, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. August, 2022.
- Saving the Colorado River requires cooperation from all parties in West. Editorial, Las Vegas Sun. August, 2022.
- How We Might Address the Water Crisis for the Colorado River and Birds in the West. Karyn Stockdale, National Audubon Society. July, 2022.
- We'll use significantly less Colorado River water, no matter how this plays out. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. July, 2022.
- Water projects in Cochise County get financial approval. Summer Hom, Arizona Public Media. July, 2022.
- Western farmers feeling weight of Colorado River water cuts. Noah Wicks, AgriPulse. July, 2022.
- Grand Canyon’s Ecosystem at Risk with Colorado River Crisis. Jennifer Pitt, National Audubon Society. July, 2022.
- Governor's Water Augmentation, Innovation, and Conservation Council Meeting. Arizona Department of Water Resources. July, 2022.
- History of Water in the Valley and SRP - WAM Webinar. Arizona Department of Water Resources. July, 2022.
- After years of appeal, ADWR will hold public comment for Hualapai basin. Brandon Messick, Today's News-Herald/Havasu News. July, 2022.
- Former Gov. Bruce Babbitt on Legislative Attempts to Protect Rural Water. Citizens Water Advocacy Group, Sedona.biz. July, 2022.
- The Colorado River drought is the first climate disaster the U.S. legally has to deal with. Dave Levitan, Grid. July, 2022.
- What will Arizona do as its share of Colorado River water diminishes? Zachary Ziegler, Arizona Public Media. July, 2022.
- Proportionate limits may float Colorado River users through water crisis. Amanda Pampuro, Tucson Sentinel. July, 2022.
- A conservation win and groundwater loss: Arizona ends 2022 session with mixed water record. Christopher Kuzdas, Environmental Defense Fund. July, 2022.
- A Painful Deadline Nears as Colorado River Reservoirs Run Critically Low. Henry Fountain, The New York Times. July, 2022.
- Colorado River stabilization requires major rethinking, experts say. Sharon Udasin, The Hill. July, 2022.
- 5 key facts about the rapidly drying Colorado River (a quick read). Conrad Swanson, The Denver Post. July, 2022.
- On the Colorado River the feds carry a big stick. Will the states get hit? Luke Runyon, KUNC NPR. July, 2022.
- Colorado and other upstream states have a plan to help save the Colorado River. It doesn’t include any mandatory water cuts. Michael Elizabeth Sakas, CPR News. July, 2022.
- Parched: Some Maricopa County Communities are Running Dry Sooner Than You Think. Keisten Mosbrucker, Phoenix New Times. July, 2022.
- Arizona fund aims to make water more available. Arizona Horizon/PBS. July, 2022.
- Arizona cities respond to the worst drought in over a thousand years with a new plan. Katherine Davis-Young, All Things Considered/NPR. July, 2022.
- The Buzz previews AZPM's new water podcast Tapped. Xachary Ziegler, Arizona Public Media. July, 2022.
- They sounded alarms about a coming Colorado River crisis. But warnings went unheeded. Ian James, Los Angeles Times. July, 2022.
- The KJZZ series "Every Last Drop" tackles big questions about Arizona's water future — including what Arizonans can do to make a difference. Mark Brodie, 91.5 KJZZ NPR. July, 2022.
- Drought, warming, punish Colorado River, push mega-fires onto the basin. Stephanie Earls, Colorado Politics. July, 2022.
- Wa:k–where the water goes in. Megan Myscofski, Arizona Public Media. July, 2022.
- Lake Mead forecast: Southwest should brace for more water cuts from Colorado River. Rachel Ramirez, CNN. July, 2022.
- Arizona's active 2022 monsoon season could give way to drier fall months. Mark Brodie and Lauren Gilger, 91.5 KJZZ NPR. July, 2022.
- To better understand Arizona's water supply, we retrace its origins. Ron Dungan, KJZZ 91.5 NPR. July, 2022.
- Arizona Water Defenders submit signatures to put Douglas Groundwater Basin AMA to a vote. Gila Herald, July, 2022.
- Boat graveyard surfaces at Lake Mead as water levels continue to drop. John Locher, Associated Press. July, 2022.
- What you should know about desalination, proposed by Gov. Doug Ducey as a solution to Arizona's water crisis. Kenneth Wong, Fox 10 Phoenix. July, 2022.
- Lower Colorado River farmers fear economic calamity from water cuts. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. July, 2022.
- Arizona made a major investment in water. Here's how to maximize it. Austill Stuart and Leonard Gilroy. Arizona Republic/AZ Central. July, 2022.
- Phoenix commits to leaving more Colorado River water in Lake Mead. Shondiin Silversmith, Tucson Sentinel. July, 2022.
- Public invited to comment on future of Colorado River management. Melissa Sevigny, KNAU NPR. July, 2022.
- Invasive species concerns confirmed on the lower Colorado River. Brittany Peterson, Associated Press. July, 2022.
- Ducey signs bill to address dwindling water supply. Howard Fischer, Capitol Media Services. July, 2022.
- Governor signs $1.2B water plan as Arizona faces cutbacks. Bob Christie, Associated Press. July, 2022.
- How Dry Can the Colorado River Basin Get? David Tarbotin, Utah State University. July, 2022.
- USDA grant to expand access to clean water in Navajo and Hopi communities. Nick Sanchez, 91.5 KJZZ. July, 2022.
- Why $1 billion won’t avert Arizona water crisis. !2 News Arizona. July, 2022.
- Mohave County again confronts state water regulators over Hualapai Basin. Brandon Messick, Todays' News-Herald/Havasu News. July, 2022.
- Lake Mead through the decades — PHOTOS. Taylor Lane, Las Vegas Redview-Journal. July, 2022.
- What will happen to the Colorado River? What we know about looming water cuts. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. June, 2022.
- Ring the Alarm: Today’s Water Crisis Isn’t a Fire Drill. Karyn Stockdale, National Audubon Society. June, 2022.
- The state is setting aside over $1B for water augmentation and conservation. But will it help? Mark Brodie, Fronteras Desk. June, 2022.
- The Benefits of an Artificial Groundwater Recharge System. Owais Ali, AZO Clean Tech. June, 2022.
- OPINION: We Must Protect the Colorado River Itself. Gary Wockner, Pagosa Daily Post. June, 2022.
- John Oliver Tackles the Colorado River on HBO’s Last Week Tonight. Joey Kahn, National Audubon Society. June, 2022.
- Legislature overwhelmingly passes water conservation bill with support from business groups. Robert Clarke, Chamber Business News. June, 2022.
- Arizona Legislature Approves Historic Funding for Water Projects But Fails to Protect Rural Groundwater. Kevin Moran, Environmental Defense Fund. June, 2022.
- No, Arizona did not set aside $1 billion for water. Consider this a down payment. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. June, 2022.
- Where does your water come from? A look at Mesa, Scottsdale and Tempe supplies. Courtney Holmes, ABC15. June, 2022.
- Historic Investments in Water, Bipartisan Budget Deal Close Out the 2022 Arizona Legislative Session–But No Progress on Rural Groundwater Management. Haley Paul, National Audubon Society. June, 2022.
- Pipelines? Desalination? Turf removal? Arizona commits $1B to augment, conserve water supplies. Brandon Loomis, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. June, 2022.
- Feds seek ideas on how to manage a drier Colorado River. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. June, 2022.
- The drying Colorado River needs your voice. Here’s how to make it heard. Amy Joi O'Donoghue. Deseret News. June, 2022.
- Letter: Colorado River watershed crisis could threaten the nation. Herb van Fleet, Tulsa World. June, 2022.
- Rural support for groundwater management. Jorge Torres, ABC15 Arizona. June, 2022.
- Arizona Senate committee OKs $1 billion to secure water resources. Howard Fischer, Capitol Media Services. June, 2022.
- Governor Ducey Statement on Legislature Passage of Unprecedented Investment to Secure Arizona’s Water Future. Press Release. June, 2022.
- Arizona lawmakers looking to provide secure and reliable water source. Howard Fischer, KAWC. June, 2022.
- Arizona lawmakers rewrite Ducey’s plan for $1 billion for new water. Bob Christie, Fox10 Phoenix. June, 2022.
- CAP not sure how much Colorado River water cities will get in 2023. Courtney Holmes, ABC15. June, 2022.
- ‘A subtraction problem:’ A shrinking Colorado River faces sharp, sudden cuts. Daniel Rothberg, Nevada Independent. June, 2022.
- Where Colorado River no longer meets the sea, a pulse of water brings new life. Ian James, Los Angeles Times. June, 2022.
- Deepening fissures define rural southern Arizona’s fight over groundwater rules. Megan Myscofski, KUNC Colorado. June, 2022.
- Lake Mead nears dead pool status as water levels hit another historic low. Denise Chow, CNN News. June, 2022.
- Now is the time to secure Arizona’s water future. Danny Seiden, Chamber Business News. June, 2022.
- How thinning dense Arizona forests could prevent another megafire and protect water sources. Brandon Loomis, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. June, 2022.
- ‘Springs are sentinels’: NAU team studies how spring water affects ecosystems. Troy Hill, Cronkite News. June, 2022.
- As water crisis worsens on Colorado River, an urgent call for Western states to ‘act now. Ian James, Los Angeles Times. June, 2022.
- Arizona Voters' Agenda: Voters Care Deeply About Water and Arizona's Long-term Drought. Center for Future of Arizona. June, 2022.
- Colorado River states need to drastically cut down their water usage ASAP, or the federal government will step in. Michael Elizabeth Sakas, CPR News. June, 2022.
- The Southwest's unchecked thirst for Colorado River water could prove devastating upstream. Bill Weir, CNN. June, 2022.
- Tucson could take severe cuts in CAP water deliveries next year. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. June, 2022.
- More extraordinary cuts to CO River water is weeks away. Courtney Holmes, ABC15. June, 2022.
- Why Arizona lawmakers must act now – and do something big – on water. Editorial Board, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. June, 2022.
- Lake Mead expected to drop 30 feet by September 2023. Greg Haas, Duncan Phenix. Las Vegas Now. June, 2022.
- New Dire Colorado River Warnings from the Federal Government. Haley Paul, National Audubon Society. June, 2022.
- These five people could make or break the Colorado River. Sammy Roth, Los Angeles Times. June, 2022.
- Opinion: It’s time for Legislature to protect water for all Arizonans. Kevin Moran, Arizona Capitol Times. June, 2022.
- Here’s a look at the impact of Arizona drought. Arizona State University, azBigMedia. June, 2022.
- Painful Colorado River cuts are coming, whether basin states agree or not. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. June, 2022.
- Major water cutbacks loom as shrinking Colorado River nears ‘moment of reckoning’. Ian James, Los Angeles Times. June, 2022.
- Lawmakers aim to expand WIFA, not create new water agency. Nathan Brown and Camryn Sanchez, Arizona Capitol Times. June, 2022.
- Arizona cities are cutting back on water. This water law expert says it could make a difference. Steve Goldstein, Fronteras Desk. June, 2022.
- These maps illustrate the seriousness of the western drought. Kasha Patel and Lauren Tierny, The Washington Post. June, 2022.
- Arizona prepares to break open its Water Bank. Jennifer Yachnin, Greenwire. June, 2022.
- Casa Grande had big plans for growth, but changed them to meet groundwater supply. Ron Dungan, KJZZ 91.5 NPR. June, 2022.
- Why is almost no one planning for a future without the Colorado River? Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. June, 2022.
- Major tribal water delivery project nears completion. KNAU/Arizona Public Radio. June, 2022.
- To save rare wildlfower, feds agree to protect Southern Arizona wetlands. Paul Ingram, Tucson Sentinel. June, 2022.
- New Colorado River drought discovery shows how bad things can get. Andrew Freedman, Axios. June, 2022.
- Colorado’s water future could look more like Arizona’s. That means a lot less snow and water for the Colorado River. Michael Elizabeth Sakas, CPR News. June, 2022.
- Lake Mead falls below 30% capacity. Duncan Phenix, 8 News Now. June, 2022.
- Residents in Cochise County organize vote to establish water regulation. Megan Myscofski, Arizona Public Media. June, 2022.
- Cross-border effluent east of city again raises concern. Nogales International. June, 2022.
- Could the Colorado River Compact adapt to go with the flow? Jennifer Yachnin, Greenwire. June, 2022.
- Arizona prepares to break open its Water Bank. Jennifer Yachnin, Greenwire. June, 2022.
- Rural Arizona is facing a water crisis. Yet for 3 years, lawmakers have sat on their hands. Travis Lingenfelter, Patrice Horstman, and Donna Michaels, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. May, 2022.
- More cities in the Valley expected to enact drought plans. Jeremy Duda, Axios Phoenix. June, 2022.
- Biden moves to restore power of states & tribes to protect their waters. Alexandra Jones, Tucson Sentinel. June, 2022.
- Here’s what the City of Phoenix Stage 1 Water Alert means. azBigMedia. June, 2022.
- Coconino Voices: Arizona brewers need legislature to lead on water policy. Nick Irvine and Scott Stocking, Arizona Daily Sun. June, 2022.
- Megadrought causes perilously low water levels at Lake Mead. Geoff Bennett and Dorothy Hastings, PBS. June, 2022.
- Salt River Project thinning forest near Payson to help save one of its water reservoirs. Taylor Tasler, KTAR News. June, 2022.
- City of Phoenix Declares Stage 1 Water Alert and Activates Drought Management Plan. City of Phoenix. June, 2022.
- Water issue in Casa Grande takes new turns. Nick Phillips, Arizona Capitol Times. May, 2022.
- When will Arizona run out of water? Why that's the wrong question to ask. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. May, 2022.
- After years of overpumping Cochise County residents looking to regulate usage. Courtney Holmes, ABC15. May, 2022.
- Native American tribes secure spots on the Colorado nonprofit water policy board for the first time. Michael Elizabeth Sakas, CPR News. May, 2022.
- Dropping Lake Mead water levels stand out during holiday weekend. Denise Rosch, 3 News Las Vegas. May, 2022.
- Wells running dry and emptying pockets in Cochise County. Courtney Holmes, ABC15. May, 2022.
- State needs rules for exempt water wells. Gary Hix, Arizona Capitol Times. May, 2022.
- Arizona's growing rural groundwater crisis. Courtney Holmes, ABC15. May, 2022.
- Lake Mead water level running well below predictions, could drop another 12 feet by fall. Rachel Ramirez, CNN. May, 2022.
- Metro Phoenix cities start cutting back on water use as Arizona's largest water source struggles. Joshua Bowling, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. May, 2022.
- Federal Water Legislation Poised to Benefit Birds and People. Caitlin Wall, National Audubon Society. May, 2022.
- Previously sunken boats are emerging at Lake Mead as water disappears. Rachel Ramirez, CNN. May, 2022.
- Climate Change Will Force Big Shift in Timing, Amount of Snowmelt Across Colorado River Basin. Los Alamos Laboratory, CleanTechnica. May, 2022.
- Why You Should Care About Extreme Drought in the Southwest, Even if You Don’t Live There. Sandi Schwartz, bob vila. May, 2022.
- ‘Water is not going to magically appear,’ says Interior’s Tanya Trujillo. Amy Joi O'Donoghue, Deseret News. May, 2022.
- Here’s how we can secure the future of water in Arizona. Kyle Backer, AZBigMedia. May, 2022.
- New housing strategy in Pinal over water issue. Nick Phillips, Arizona Capitol Times. May, 2022.
- Flood Alert: Colorado River Basin Will See Earlier Snowmelts, Scientists Predict. Daro Manevski, Newsweek. May, 2022.
- Tucson votes to give up some of its CAP water to help save Lake Mead. Bud Foster, KOLD News. May, 2022.
- Lake Mead could still tank in 2023, despite all we've done to save it. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. May, 2022.
- Petitions submitted for new groundwater management district in southeastern Arizona. Associated Press. May, 2022.
- Arizona's Havasupai push back as interest in nearby uranium mine grows. Michel Marizco, Fronteras Desk. May, 2022.
- With severe drought, an urgent call to rework the Colorado River’s defining pact. Ian James, Los Angeles Times. May, 2022.
- Warmer winters, drier summers disrupting snowmelt supplying the Colorado River. Alex Hager, KUNC. May, 2022.
- Water for the Colorado River Delta in a Dry Year. Jennifer Pitt, National Audubon Society. May, 2022.
- How Colorado River water gets to Yuma farms. Adam Klepp, KYMA News. May, 2022.
- Hydropower is 53% of the renewable energy supply in the West. Drought is slowing down production. Chris Outcalt, The Colorado Sun. May, 2022.
- New bill aims to boost tribal access to clean water. Alex Hager, KUNC NPR. May, 2022.
- The Colorado River faces a climate change-driven crisis. Maxine Joselow and Vanessa Montalbano, The Washington Post. May, 2022.
- Climate experts worry about water supplies in Colorado River; a conversation with ‘Life on the Grocery Line’ author Adam Kaat. NPR Northern Colorado. May, 2022.
- US forests provide 83 million people with half their water. American Geophysical Union, Phys.org. May, 2022.
- Plummeting lake levels threaten Mesa’s water supply. Scott Shumaker, East Valley Tribune. May, 2022.
- State's first citizen-initiated AMA gains ballot inclusion. Shar Porier, Herald/Review Media. May, 2022.
- The Colorado River is in crisis. And it's getting worse. Karen Brulliard, Matt McClain, and Patrick O'Connor, The Washington Post. May, 2022.
- ADWR and CAP Host Shortage Briefing on Unstable Conditions at Lake Powell. Arizona Department of Water Resources. May, 2022.
- House asks Department of Justice to investigate southern Arizona development deal. Ron Dungan, KJZZ 91.5 NPR. May, 2022.
- More states want power to approve wetlands development. Alex Brown, Tucson Sentinel. May, 2022.
- At Community Roundtable, Sinema Highlights Historic Infrastructure Investments for Yavapai County. Pablo Sierra-Carmona, Prescott News. May, 2022.
- Legislature, county keep Rio Verde waiting. J. Graber, Scottsdale Progress. May, 2022.
- Unregulated groundwater use threatens rural Arizona’s future. Courtney Holmes, ABC15. May, 2022.
- Even less water is now forecast to flow into Lake Powell this year, report says. Chris Outcalt, The Colorado Sun. May, 2022.
- The Colorado River needs a big moisture boost. Runoff forecasts suggest it won’t come from spring snowmelt. Michael Elizabeth Sakas, CPR News. May, 2022.
- Federal Water Tap, May 9: Interior Unveils Lake Powell Protection Measures. Circle of Blue. May, 2022.
- Colorado River’s 22-year drought gets critical in Arizona. Brad Hooker, AgriPulse. May, 2022.
- Here’s how Arizona developers balance growth with protecting water assets. Kyle Backer, AZBigMedia. May, 2022.
- Phil Boas: Arizona is facing a critical moment for its water supply. Steve Goldstein, 91.5 KJZZ NPR. May, 2022.
- Water shortages on Colorado River could eventually hit California, Arizona warns. Ian James, Los Angeles Times. May, 2022.
- Arizona braces for additional water cuts amid megadrought. Victoria Bekiempis, The Guardian. May, 2022.
- Colorado River Water Shortage Caused by Climate Change will require Phoenix and Phoenicians to adapt. City of Phoenix. May, 2022.
- Water officials share grim outlook for CAP water supply. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. May, 2022.
- No exaggeration: Record lows at Lake Powell and Lake Mead call for drastic action. Tom Buschatzke and Ted Cooke, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. May, 2022.
- Arizona nuclear plant seeking alternative source of water. Ryan Randazzo, MYSA. April, 2022.
- 'A lot of uncertainty:' Arizona water officials say more action needed for ongoing Colorado River shortages. Audrey Jensen, Phoenix Business Journal. May, 2022.
- Gov. Doug Ducey’s plan to use desalinated water in Arizona will be pricey, expert says. Taylor Tasler, KTAR News. May, 2022.
- Arizona and California have been transformed by climate change. Now we face some tough decisions. Masada Siegel, Independent. May, 2022.
- Colorado River Indian Tribes' chairwoman hopes Lake Powell shortages will spur legislation. Alisa Reznick, Fronteras Desk. May, 2022.
- Will Colorado River shortages limit water use? Arizona cities seek 'culture change' first. Brandon Loomis, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. May, 2022.
- As Colorado River shrinks, pain of drought to spread. Jennifer Yachnin. E&E News Greenwire. May, 2022.
- Colorado River Reservoirs Are So Low, Government Will Delay Releases. Henry Fountain, The New York Times. May, 2022.
- Feds hold back planned water release as Lake Powell hits all-time low. Zack Budryk, The Hill. May, 2022.
- Arizona farmers see booming tech industry as competition for water. Griselda Zetino, KTAR News. May, 2022.
- U.S. takes unprecedented steps to replenish Colorado River's Lake Powell. Daniel Trotta, Reuters. May, 2022.
- Two new Colorado River deals give parched Lake Powell temporary relief. Jerd Smith, The Gazette. May, 2022.
- Arizona Slammed for Permitting Uranium Mine That Imperils Grand Canyon Tribe's Water. Brett Wilkins, Common Dreams. April, 2022.
- Vegas water intake now visible at drought-stricken Lake Mead. Associated Press. April, 2022.
- Lake Powell officials face an impossible choice in the West's megadrought: Water or electricity. René Marsh, CNN. April, 2022.
- Lake Mead plummets to unprecedented low, exposing original 1971 water intake valve. Stephanie Elam, CNN via East Idaho News. April, 2022.
- Lake Powell is in crisis – A conversation with Colorado River reporter Alex Hager. Molly Marcello, Rocky Mountain Community Radio. April, 2022.
- Arizona approves key environmental permit for uranium mine near Grand Canyon. Debra Utacia Krol, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. April, 2022.
- Rural Arizona groundwater bill languishes in the Legislature. Ron Dungan, Fronteras Desk. April, 2022.
- AZ and local leaders to hold roundtable in Yuma on Colorado River needs and shortages. Alisa Reznick, Fronteras Desk. April, 2022.
- California, Arizona and Nevada face major water cutbacks from the Colorado River. Rob Schmitz, Alex Hager, Tom Buschatzke, and Kathy Sorensen. Arizona Public Media. April, 2022.
- As Lake Powell dries up, the US turns to creative accounting for a short-term fix. Jake Bittle, Grist. April, 2022.
- Study shows groundwater flowing into Colorado River could decrease by a third in next 30 years. Melodie Edwards, Wyoming Public Radio. April, 2022.
- Stumbling Toward “Day Zero” on the Colorado River. Jennifer Pitt, National Audubon Society. April, 2022.
- States, feds weigh next steps amid ‘profound concerns’ over dam levels. Emily Sacia, Cronkite News. April, 2022.
- The Lake Powell Proposal Decision Is In, Lake Mead Will Receive Less Water. KTNV 13 Las Vegas. April, 2022.
- Colorado, San Pedro make annual list of 'most endangered' U.S. rivers. Alexia Stanbridge, Tucson Sentinel. April, 2022.
- Arizona’s Dry Future Begins as Colorado River Shrinks. Jim Carlton and Eliza Collins, Wall Street Journal. April, 2022.
- Building a Resilient Arizona by Investing in the State’s Natural Resources (en español). Haley Paul, Audubon Southwest. April, 2022.
- At Long Last: ADWR Chief Attorney Receives Prestigious State Bar Environmental Award. Arizona Department of Water Resources. April, 2022.
- Advocacy group asks Southwest to 'amp up the urgency' on protecting Colorado River water. Brandon Loomis, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. April, 2022.
- America’s Most Endangered Rivers of 2022 Spotlights Rivers in Crisis Mode. Jessie Thomas-Blate, American Rivers. April, 2022.
- Sunday Square Off: 1-on1 interview with Arizona's director of water resources. 12 News Arizona. April, 2022.
- Colorado River deemed ‘most endangered river’ in the US: report. Sharon Udasin, The Hill. April, 2022.
- Northern Arizona may see drinking water cutoff as Lake Powell continues to dry up. Brahm Resnik, 12 News Arizona. April, 2022.
- Droughts threaten one of the Southwest power grid’s biggest electricity generators. Jonathan Thomas, High Country News via Popular Science. April, 2022.
- The West can still be saved with smart, pragmatic water management. Kyle Roerink, Las Vegas Sun. April, 2022.
- Feds' plan for depleted Colorado River helps Powell but hurts Mead. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. April, 2022.
- Lake Powell is critically low, and still shrinking. Here’s what happens next. Alex Hager, KUNC/Arizona Public Media. April, 2022.
- Federal Funding Provides Some Wins for Water Conservation and Birds in the West. Caitlin Wall, National Audubon Society. April, 2022.
- Lake Powell is tanking, and Interior's proposed response may only buy us time. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. April, 2022.
- Department of Interior considering cutbacks to Colorado River water for Arizona, California, Nevada. Steve Goldstein, 91.5 KJZZ. April, 2022.
- Department of Interior Proposes to Reduce Risk to Lake Powell and Critical Infrastructure. Pagosa Daily Post. April, 2022.
- U.S. considers major midyear cutback of Colorado River deliveries. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. April, 2022.
- Who 'deserves' Arizona's water? Our future rests on this and 3 other questions. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. April, 2022.
- Drought Is Threatening Hydropower in the Southwestern US. Doug Johnson, WIRED. April, 2022.
- WAM events: USGS researchers describe their roles in keeping tabs on AZ’s water supplies. Arizona Department of Water Resources. April, 2022.
- Opinon: A proposed Arizona Water Authority is not enough to save us. Karl Flessa, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. April, 2022.
- Two Areas in Rural Arizona Might Finally Gain Protection of Their Groundwater This Year. Aydali Campa, Inside Climate News. April, 2022.
- Native American tribes assert water rights on Colorado River Basin. Jim Mimiaga, The Journal. April, 2022.
- Developers are flooding Arizona with homes even as historic Western drought intensifies. Diana Olick, CNBC. April, 2022.
- Arizona to endure another hot, dry spring as droughts persist. Emily Sacia, Cronkite News. April, 2022.
- The Forest Service was supposed to protect the water sources of the American West. Instead, water users drain untold amounts. Jacy Marmaduke, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. April, 2022.
- In Mohave County, groundwater supports sprawling farms, but what about future job growth? Brandon Loomis. Arizona Republic/AZ Central. April, 2022.
- Federal Court Rejects Fort Huachuca’s Groundwater Pumping Plan for Fourth Time. Center for Biological Diversity. April, 2022.
- Colorado River bill will be heard by full State Senate. Michael Zogg, Today's News-Herald/Havasu News. April, 2022
- Restoring the Colorado Delta. This American Land. April, 2022.
- All stakeholders in the West rely on one another for competent water management. Richard Vogel, Las Vegas Sun. March, 2022.
- Arizona will endure another hot, dry spring as drought persists. Emily Sacia, Cronkite News. March, 2022.
- Willcox is running out of groundwater. But is that enough for voters to act? We may soon find out. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. March, 2022.
- Arizona’s Future Water Shock. Keith Schneider, Circle of Blue. March, 2022.
- Rees: We must protect Arizona’s aquatic ecosystems. Nathan Rees, Daily Independent. March, 2022.
- Unsafe yield: Severe drought, dead wells, political division are pushing Arizona steadily closer to water supply peril. Keith Schneider, The Counter. March, 2022.
- U.S. Senate committee to hear testimony on tribal water rights. Alisa Reznick, NPR Fronteras Desk. March, 2022.
- Lawmakers won't protect our groundwater, so we're taking this fight to voters. Paul Hirt, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. March, 2022.
- Century old Colorado River Compact imperfect, but immovable. Jennifer Yachnin, E&E News. March, 2022.
- Lake Powell water crisis is about to be an energy crisis. Jake Bittle, Grist. March, 2022.
- How low can the Colorado River go? Drought forces states to face tough choices about water. Brandon Loomis, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. March, 2022.
- Water conservation group petitions Cochise County to create management area for Willcox Groundwater Basin. Arizona Water Defenders. March, 2022.
- Colorado River water protection bill clears Senate committee. Michael Zogg, Today's News-Herald/Havasu News. March, 2022.
- Flagstaff City Council pushes to include potable reuse in water strategy. Sean Golightly, Arizona Daily Sun. March, 2022.
- As Lake Powell Hits Landmark Low, Arizona Looks to a $1 Billion Investment and Mexican Seawater to Slake its Thirst. Aydali Campa, Inside Climate News. March, 2022.
- Improving Water Supplies Through the Groundwater-Surface Water Nexus. WSP USA. March, 2022.
- Property owners can learn about their water rights with new map. Megan Myscofski, Arizona Public Media. March, 2022.
- A dangerous game of chicken on the Colorado River. Kyle Roerink, Las Vegas Sun. March, 2022.
- Drop in Lake Powell could threaten power production as well as water supplies. Autriya Maneshni, Cronkite News. March, 2022.
- Lake Powell's water levels dip to new low, triggering worries about power production. Brandon Loomis, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. March, 2022.
- Arizona's development, political leaders propose water conservation ideas. Corina Vanek, Phoenix Business Journal. March, 2022.
- At peak of its wealth and influence, Arizona’s desert civilization confronts a reckoning over water. Keith Schneider, The Counter. March, 2022.
- Rep. Cobb skeptical of how helpful a plan for a new Arizona water group would be. Michael Zogg, Today's News-Herald. March, 2022.
- Lake Mead and Colorado River Basin Water Shortage: Causes, Effects, and Policy Solutions. Susie McGovern, Earth.org. March, 2022.
- Reversing desertification: How an Arizona engineer is trying to heal land & protect water. Shane Purcell, Cronkite News. March, 2022.
- Drought limits water supply for western US agriculture. Jasmine Davis, Argus Media. March, 2022.
- Time to Renegotiate the Management of the Colorado River. Gary Wockner, Pagosa Daily Post. March, 2022.
- ‘Pouring water in a leaky bucket:’ How Ducey’s new water plan could leave large gaps in rural Arizona. Sean Golightly, Arizona Daily Star. March, 2022.
- Arizona could set up new authority to look for — and pay for — new water. Mark Brodie, 91.5 KJZZ. March, 2022.
- Gov. Doug Ducey's water authority proposal isn't even half-baked. Robert Robb, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. March, 2022.
- Dry boat ramps, exposed rocks at Lake Powell reveal the cost of Colorado River drought. Brandon Loomis, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. March, 2022.
- Lake Powell likely to drop below critical level in next two weeks. Chris Outcalt, The Colorado Sun. March, 2022.
- The Colorado River starts as snow, and the way we understand it is changing. Alex Hager, KUNC. March, 2022.
- Colorado River, stolen by law. Pauly Denetclaw, High Country News. March, 2022.
- Tribes along the Colorado River navigate a stacked settlement process to claim their water rights. Pauly Denetclaw, High Country News. March, 2022.
- Interior Secretary Haaland drops by Rio Salado Audubon during visit. Ron Dungan, 91.5 KJZZ. March, 2022.
- Why We Need an Arizona Water Security Plan, Now (en español). Haley Paul, Audubon Southwest. February, 2022.
- Ducey reveals his vision for water: a new state agency. Nick Phillips, Arizona Capitol Times. February, 2022.
- Could private investors help solve some of Arizona's water woes? We may soon find out. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2022.
- Audubon Discusses Western Water and More With Secretary of the Interior. Haley Paul, Audubon Southwest, February, 2022.
- Bruce Babbitt: desalination is not the answer to Arizona’s water woes. Jeremy Duda, AZ Mirror. February, 2022.
- Tribes to Receive $1.7 Billion from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to Fulfill Indian Water Rights Settlements. U.S. Department of the Interior. February, 2022.
- In Arizona Visit, Secretary Haaland Highlights Interior’s Commitment to Indian Country, Investments in Water and Drought Resilience. U.S. Department of the Interior. February, 2022.
- Interior secretary outlines funding for Arizona tribal water settlements, other projects. Debra Utacia Krol, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2022.
- Bruce Babbitt returns to the Arizona Capitol to encourage rural groundwater legislation. Ron Dungan, 91.5 KJZZ. February, 2022.
- Voters in AZ, West Worried About Water, Climate Change. Mark Richardson, Public News Service. February, 2022.
- For much of the Colorado River basin, a dry start to the new year has lingered. Alex Hager, KUNC. February, 2022.
- Salt, Verde reservoirs so far withstanding epic drought. Peter Aleshire, White Mountain INdependent. February, 2022.
- Dry start to 2022 intensifies drought in U.S. West. Edvard Pettersson, Tucson Sentinel. Feburary, 2022.
- The Western U.S. Is Experiencing the Worst Drought in More Than 1,200 Years. Margaret Osborne, Smithsonian Magazine. February, 2022.
- Arizona drought may be worst in 1,200 years, with little relief in sight. Alexia Stanbridge, Cronkite News via AzBigMedia. February, 2022.
- West megadrought worsens to driest in at least 1,200 years. Seth Borenstein, Associated Press. February, 2022.
- What should Arizona governor and legislative candidates be saying about water? Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2022.
- Nogales sewage pipe to receive life-saving repair. Susan Barnett, Arizona Daily Star. February, 2022.
- Study finds Western megadrought is the worst in 1,200 years. Nathan Rott, National Public Radio. February, 2022.
- Western Voters Strongly Favor More Protection of U.S. Rivers. U.S. Public Lands and Rivers Conservation, Pew Trusts. February, 2022.
- Groundwater, electric school buses are among the environmental issues at the Legislature. Zayna Syed, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2022.
- What should desert farmers grow? Stephen Robert Miller, The Fern. February, 2022.
- The Colorado River Basin’s water forecast looked good in January. Now everything has changed. Chris Outcalt, Colorado Sun. February, 2022.
- Coming Together to Help the #LittleColoradoRiver Thrive. American Rivers. February, 2022.
- Legislation introduced to help regulate rural groundwater supply. Jorge Torres, ABC15 Arizona. February, 2022.
- Parched: Some Maricopa County Communities are Running Dry Sooner Than You Think. Kristen Mosbrucker, Phoenix New Times. February, 2022.
- Rehabilitation of cross-border sewage pipeline begins in Nogales, Arizona. Clara Migoya, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2022.
- Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Project projected to serve thousands of Arizona Native Americans. Emma VandenEinde, Tucson Sentinel. February, 2022.
- Bureau of Reclamation keeps eye on reservoir levels, water shortage. Ron Dungan, 91.5 KJZZ. January, 2022.
- The US is losing some of its biggest freshwater reserves. Nikita Amir, Popular Science. January, 2022.
- Officials break ground on project to repair leaky cross-border sewage pipe. Andrew Oxford, Arizona Public Media. January, 2022.
- Why don't Arizona cities require residents to conserve water? It's simple, really. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. January, 2022.
- Extreme drought creates unlikely farming allies in the Arizona desert. Stephen Robert Miller, National Geographic. January, 2022.
- Drought conditions could impact housing prices in rural Arizona. Jorge Torres, ABC15 Arizona. January, 2022.
- Lower basin states unveil new water plan to bolster levels in Lake Mead. Halle Zander, Aspen Public Radio. January, 2022.
- A drought is cutting Colorado River usage. But this tribe has water to spare — and lease. Lauren Gilger, Fronteras Desk. January, 2022.
- A Shrinking River Inspires Growing Collaboration. Sarah Bardeen, Public Policy Institute of California. January, 2022.
- Maximize water security with new infrastructure, visionary policy. Haley Paul, Arizona Capitol Times. January, 2022.
- CRIT proposal to lease part of its Colorado River water allocation earns a key endorsement. Michael Zogg, Today's News-Herald. January, 2022.
- More than $50.5 million investment coming to Arizona for drought relief from bipartisan infrastructure law. Gila Herald. January, 2022.
- Colorado River Water Shortage – Impact on Arizona. SignalsAZ. January, 2022.
- Protecting natural Colorado River flows is critical for native fish, study finds. Lexi Peery, KUER 90.1. January, 2022.
- Could we — should we — build a desalination plant? Andrew Oxford, Arizona Public Media. January, 2022.
- “A Generational Historic Struggle To Regain Our Water”. Sharon Udasin, The Good Men Project. January, 2022.
- Higher education, border security spending proposed in Arizona Governor Doug Ducey's final budget plan. Matt Galka and Jonathan J. Cooper, Fox 10 Phoenix. January, 2022.
- Dropping reservoirs create ‘green light’ for sustainability on Colorado River. Heather Sackett, The Aspen Times
- The precarious drought situation in Arizona. Sean McLaughlin and Royal Norman, azfamily.com. January, 2022.
- $250M earmarked for desalination projects as West battles drought. Greg Haas, 8 News Now Las Vegas. January, 2022.
- Arizona water is at a crossroads. Will the Legislature respond? Christopher Kuzdas, Environmental Defense Fund. January, 2022.
- At the Colorado River conference, 'It’s really no longer a drill'. Theo Whitcomb, Tucson Sentinel. January, 2022.
- The US 'megadrought' sets another stunning record. Allison Chinchar, CNN. January, 2022.
- Can the Law of the Colorado River adapt to an increasingly drier hydrology? John McClow, Gunnison Country Times. January, 2022.
- Fifth-Generation Pinal County Farmer Struggles To Grow Crops with Less Water. Emma VandenEinde, Cronkite News. January, 2022.
- Tribal leaders voice concerns about water, voting, COVID-19 to state lawmakers. Shondiin Silversmith, Arizona Mirrow. January, 2022.
- Kingman West Basin Water Study Committee Issues Final Report. SignalsAZ. January, 2022.
- Gov. Ducey wants Arizona to invest $1B in desalination, other water infrastructure. Brandom Loomis, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. January, 2022.
- Historic $1 billion investment could secure Arizona’s water future for 100 years. AZ Big Media, January, 2022.
- As the Colorado River shrinks, can new technology save water on farms? The answer is complicated. Alex Hager, KUNC. January, 2022.
- “This Is Climate Change Barging Through The Front Door”: Water Scarcity Is Forcing Changes In How The Colorado River Is Shared. Caitlin Ochs, BuzzFeed News. January, 2022.
- Our View: Colorado River Indian Tribes deserve to be bigger part of Arizona’s water fix. Today's News Herald/Havasu News Editorial Board. January, 2022.
- Tribal water rights could play a big role in the future of the Colorado River. Ron Dungan, 91.5 KJZZ. Januaruy, 2022.
- Groundwater study group releases final report, recommendations for legislature. Mohave Vallley Daily News. January, 2022.
- Arizona Legislature appears ready to act on water this session. Howard Fischer, Capitol Media Services via Fronteras Desk. January, 2022.
- Colorado River forecast improves with early snow, but the outlook could still change. Brandom Loomis, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. January, 2022.
- Phoenix among those voluntarily losing Colorado River water. Associated Press. January, 2022.
- Investing in Arizona’s Water will Improve Outlook for People and Birds. Haley Paul, Audubon Southwest. January, 2022.
- Arizonans have spoken: It’s time to protect rural groundwater. Rachel O'Connor, Environmental Defense Fund. January, 2022.
- The Western megadrought is revealing America’s ‘lost national park’. Nathan Rott, National Public Radio. January, 2022.
- Feds tighten Colorado River flow at Glen Canyon Dam as ever-shrinking Lake Powell nears critical level. Brian Maffly, The Salt Lake Tribune. January, 2022.
- Colorado’s snowpack levels improving on the Western Slope, Front Range after January storms. Conrad Swanson, The Denver Post. January, 2022.
- Phoenix City Council Approves Water Conservation Plan. Phoenix.gov. January, 2022.
- Colorado River Indian Tribes should be able to lease some water to others in Arizona. Amelia Flores, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. January, 2022.
- More snow days ahead could add to above average snowpack for Colorado River watershed. Ike Fredregill, Post Independent. January, 2022.
- With less water on the surface, how long can Arizona rely on what's underground? Alex Hager, NPR. January, 2022.
- In Pinal County, Colorado River shortage is forcing growers to plant fewer acres. Brandon Loomis, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. January, 2022.
- Here's what the new Lake Mead water agreement means for Arizona. Mark Brodie, 91.5 KJZZ. Januaruy, 2022.
- Climate change makes projecting Lake Mead and Colorado River levels tricky. Sarah Pilla, Spectrum News. Januaruy, 2022.
- $210M plan for drought, fire suppression. Mohave Valley Daily News. January, 2022.
- Central Arizona farmer struggles to grow crops with less water. Emma VandenEinde, Cronkite News. January, 2022.
- Leading water experts explore the future of managing a shrinking water supply from the Colorado River. Alex Hager, Arizona Public Media. January, 2022.
- Upper Basin states overusing Colorado River supplies, environmental group reports. Eminetra. January, 2022.
- As Western states pledge to take less water from Colorado River, tribes seek a bigger role. Ian James and Jaweed Kaleem, Los Angeles Times. January, 2022.
- $2.5B headed to tribes for long-standing water settlements. Associated Press. January, 2022.
- US tribes see hope for clean water in infrastructure bill. Gillian Flaccus, Felicia Fonseca, and Becky Bohrer, Associated Press. December, 2021.
- 3 states and Washington agree to keep more water in Lake Mead amid dropping levels. Alex Hager and Melissa Block, Montana Public Radio. December, 2021.
- The lower basin inked a plan to save Lake Mead in just 4 months. But we're not done. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. December, 2021.
- Leasing Colorado River water to Queen Creek would be a step in the right direction. Robert Robb, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. December, 2021.
- Water managers grapple with a smaller Colorado River as the climate changes. Daniel Rothberg, The Nevada Independent. December, 2021.
- Lower Colorado River basin states including Arizona sign deal to put water back in Lake Mead amid dropping levels. Alex Hager, KAWC Science Friday. December, 2021.
- Sense of urgency palpable as Colorado River conference closes. Alex Hager and Nate Hegyi, Boise State Public Radio News. December, 2021.
- Hundreds of homes near Scottsdale could have no running water. It's a warning to us all. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. December, 2021.
- Resolution to Protect the Colorado River Sends Important Signal in New Era of Aridification. Water for Arizona Coalition and Kevin Moran. December, 2021.
- Arizona water agencies part of historic effort to invest $200M into conservation efforts. AZ Business Magazine. December, 2021.
- Colorado River conference hears calls for tribal inclusion as crisis deepens. Alex Hager, Nate Hegyi, and Lexi Peery, All Things Considered. December, 2021.
- States volunteer to take more cuts in Colorado River water. Brittany Peterson and Felicia Fonseca, AP News. December, 2021.
- State, federal agencies announce $200M investment in Lake Mead. Shar Udasin, The Hill. December, 2021.
- Megadrought is renewing debates about how to manage water in the arid American West. Audie Cornish, All Things Considered. December, 2021.
- Water Agencies to Announce 500+ Plan, Investment in Conservation on Colorado River. Metropoloitan Water District of Southern California, Market Screener. December, 2021.
- New Colorado River water savings plan doesn't go far enough, researcher warns. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. December, 2021.
- Amid a Drought Crisis, Inspiration from Our Work in Western Water for Birds and People. Karyn Stockdale, National Audubon Society. December, 2021.
- U.S. officials, scientists to discuss future of Colorado River. Jordan Gartner, KTNV 13 Las Vegas. December, 2021.
- 'Huge dose of realism': Why Arizona needs to move faster to shore up water supply - and why you'll be paying for it. Brahm Resnik, 12 News. December, 2021.
- Cobb urges legislative action on groundwater. Bill McMillen, The Daily News. December, 2021.
- Lawmakers haven't done much to address rural groundwater problems. That must change. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. December, 2021.
- The West Sizzled in a November Heat Wave and Snow Drought. Bob Berwyn, Inside Climate News. December, 2021.
- With the Colorado River in crisis, those who decide its future gather under one roof. Alex Hager, KUNC NPR. December, 2021.
- Water cuts could devastate Arizona ag. Lee Allen, Western FarmPress. December, 2021.
- New water leasing bill is years in the making for Colorado River Indian Tribes. Alisa Reznick, Fronteras Desk. December, 2021.
- Arizona Senator Kelly announces major investments in state water projects. Marcos Icahuate and Jenny Day, KYMA News. December, 2021.
- Bill would allow Colorado River Indian tribes to lease water to other cities. Alisa Reznick, Arizona Public Media. December, 2021.
- December has arrived but in much of the West, snowfall has not. Alex Hager, Arizona Public Media. December, 2021.
- The 500-plus plan to save Lake Mead is monumental – and still solves nothing. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. December, 2021.
- Snow may vanish for years at a time in Mountain West with climate warming. Diana Leonard, Washington Post. December, 2021.
- Major extra cuts to be made in Arizona deliveries of Colorado River water next year. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. December, 2021.
- Climatologists concerned over lack of snowpackClimatologists concerned over lack of snowpack. Taylor Burke, KKCO News. December, 2021.
- What if it's too warm to snow? Water managers across the West need to adapt, report says. Lindsey Botts, Arizona Republic/AZcentral.com. December, 2021.
- States are funding a plan to keep Colorado River water in Lake Mead. What will it do? Daniel Rothberg, The Nevada Independent. December, 2021.
- The American West went through climate hell in 2021. But there’s still hope. Sammy Roth, Los Angeles Times. December, 2021.
- Arizona, California, Nevada agree to new Colorado River agreement to conserve more water. Cole Lauterbach, The Center Square. December, 2021.
- How a federal drought relief program left southern Oregon parched—and contributed to the ongoing groundwater crisis in the West. Jessica Fu, The Counter. December, 2021.
- Kelly’s office offers details on infrastructure bill. Parker Pioneer. November, 2021.
- Historically left out of Colorado River negotiations, 20 Tribes urge Interior Secretary Haaland to include their voices. Michael Elizabeth Sakas, CPR News. November, 2021.
- Opinion: Arizona farmers must use less water to survive. Here are 5 things to do differently. Gary Nabhan, Arizona Republic/AZcentral.com. November, 2021.
- Investors are buying up rural Arizona farmland to sell the water to urban homebuilders. Ian James and Geoff Hing, Arizona Republic/AZcentral.com. November, 2021.
- Cibola, Arizona, and the Colorado River. Mark Henle, Arizona Republic/AZcentral.com. November, 2021.
- Some people critical of Greenstone's plan to sell Colorado River water to Phoenix suburb. Marke Henle, Arizona Republic/AZcentral.com. November, 2021.
- Where will water come from for the massive, Flagstaff-sized community planned for Buckeye? Tyalor Seely and Martiza Dominguez, Arizona Republic/AZcentral.com. November, 2021.
- This village's wells leave less water in a forest stream. The Forest Service is watching — but not stopping them. Caitlin McGlade, Arizona Republic/AZcentral.com. November, 2021.
- Water in the West: Can Biden's infrastructure act help restore it? Jess Yarmosky and Meghna Chakrabarti, WBUR. November, 2021.
- In Arizona's riparian areas, cattle compete with imperiled species for fragile resources. Lindsey Botts, Arizona Republic/AZcentral.com. November, 2021.
- With cutbacks imminent, Arizona and other states scramble to save Colorado River water. Brandon Loomis. Arizona Republic/AZcentral.com. November, 2021.
- Colorado River Basin to receive much of Western water infrastructure money. Alex Hager and Scott Tong, NPR. November, 2021.
- California, Arizona and Nevada in talks on new plan to save Colorado River water. Ian James, Los Angeles Times. November, 2021.
- Opinion: Maybe luscious green grass doesn’t belong in a drought-stricken Arizona. Fernanda Santos, The Washington Post. November, 2021.
- As climate change parches the Southwest, here’s a better way to share water from the shrinking Colorado River. Daniel Craig McCool, The Conversation. November, 2021.
- Infrastructure Bill will Help Address Declining Water Levels and Drought in the West. Caitlin Wall, National Audubon Society. November, 2021.
- $100M plan in the works to leave more water in Lake Mead. Blake Apgar Las Vegas Review-Journal. November, 2021.
- Forecasts for Colorado River get gloomier but still 'too rosy,' expert says. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. November, 2021
- The bipartisan infrastructure bill includes funding for the Colorado River. Alex Hager, Utah Public Radio. November, 2021.
- New website gathers Indigenous stories of Little Colorado River. Melissa Sevigny, KNAU New. November, 2021.
- The Grand Canyon Protection Act would advance water security and environmental justice at critical time. Christopher Kuzdas, Environmental Defense Fund. November, 2021.
- How much groundwater is rural Arizona using? NASA satellites could give us a better answer. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. November, 2021.
- Congressional infrastructure deal brings $8B in climate, water projects to the West. Micheal Booth, The Colorado Sun. November, 2021.
- As Lake Powell shrinks, the Colorado River is coming back to life. Zak Podmore, The Salt Lake Tribune. November, 2021.
- Native voices share cultural ties to Little Colorado River. Jim Enote, Navajo-Hopi Observer. November, 2021.
- Another Tucson section of the Santa Cruz River now flows again. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. November, 2021
- Rural Arizona needs more tools to successfully manage dwindling groundwater. Becky Fawson, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. November, 2021.
- Guest Opinion: AZ relationship with water changed forever. Lynda Person, Arizona Capitol Times. November, 2021.
- Agribusiness focuses on drought, not climate change. Gary Paul Nabhan, Arizona Capitol Times. November, 2021.
- Tribes seek water-management role as Colorado River shrivels. Jeremy P. Jacobs, E&E GreenWire. November, 2021.
- As climate talks put focus on water crisis, the Colorado River provides a stark example. Ian James and Jaweed Kaleem. Los Angeles Times. November, 2021.
- US agency decides against flooding Grand Canyon amid drought. Associated Press. November, 2021.
- New Arizona Chamber Foundation policy brief examines groundwater policy. Joe Pitts, Chamber Business News. November, 2021.
- The West needs a lot of snow to escape drought. This year, that's unlikely. Alex Hager, Wyoming Public Radio. October, 2021.
- PRESS RELEASE | ADEQ Publishes the Arizona Protected Surface Waters List Establishing Cornerstone of Landmark State Surface Water Protection Legislation. Arizona Department of Environmental Quality. October, 2021.
- Groundwater Flow to Colorado River May Decline by a Third over Next 30 Years. USGS. October, 2021.
- Ag leaders call for slowing urban growth along Colorado River. Brad Hooker, AgriPulse. October, 2021.
- People In Arizona Are About To Face The West’s First Major Water Crisis. Caitlin Ochs, BuzzFeed News. October, 2021.
- Monsoon Madness: How will Western Yellow-billed Cuckoos Respond as Climate Changes? Cathy Wise, Audubon Southwest. October, 2021.
- Drought to continue, say weather experts. Steve Jess, Arizona Public Media. October, 2021.
- The Myth of Safe Yield: Why It Won’t Save Our Groundwater. Kathleen Ferris, SedonaBiz. October, 2021.
- Bringing the Issue of Declining Groundwater to the Surface. Morgan Moore, Audubon Southwest. October, 2021.
- A $40 million investment from Arizona won't save Lake Mead. But it could still help. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. October, 2021.
- Arizona is spending $30 million to keep more water in Lake Mead. KNAU Public Radio. October, 2021.
- Reclamation Releases Updated Projections of Colorado River System Conditions – October Projections Indicate Lake Mead at the End of Calendar Year 2022, Will Be Less Than One Foot Above the Tier 2 Shortage Elevation Threshold. Sierra Sun Times. October, 2021.
- The Southwest must fight for its water and its future. Jonathan Overpeck, The Hill. October, 2021.
- Southern California, Arizona water suppliers collaborate on water recycling concept. California New Times. October, 2021.
- Southwest states facing tough choices about water as Colorado River diminishes. Bill Whitaker, CBS News 60 Minutes. October, 2021.
- A River's Right to Flow. Sara Van Note, BioGraphic. October, 2021.
- Audubon's Jennifer Pitt Testifies before U.S. Senate on Drought and Climate Change. Jennifer Pitt, National Audubon Society. October, 2021.
- Audubon's Jennifer Pitt Testifies Before U.S. Senate on Drought & Water Supply Impacts on Wildlife. Cristina Tuser, Water and Wastes Digest. October, 2021.
- Rancher has radical ideas about water. David Martson, Writers on the Range. October, 2021.
- Ducey gives tribe $30M for water rights. Howard Fischer, Arizona Capitol Times. October, 2021.
- Fixing the ailing Colorado River: Where will the water savings come from? Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. October, 2021
- Sen. Sinema to seek extra federal funding for repairs of binational sewage pipeline. Clara Migoya, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. October, 2021.
- Drought projections show steadily dropping reservoirs. Alex Hager, KUNC NPR. October, 2021.
- VP Kamala Harris discusses Build Back Better and climate change at Lake Mead. The Gila Herald. October, 2021.
- Opinion: Drought is among the biggest dangers to the U.S. New water technology is making its way across the country. Paul Brandus, MarketWatch. October, 2021.
- Opinion: The Colorado River drought contingency plan is no longer a contingency. Rebeca Mitchell, The Colorado Sun. October, 2021.
- Pinal County farmer struggles to grow crops with less water. Emma VandenEinde, Cronkite News. October, 2021.
- Local 'Climate change is fundamentally altering the Colorado River': States, tribes grapple with drought. Jacob Fischler, Arizona Mirror. October, 2021.
- Rare Rulemaking Initiated by Arizona Department of Water Resources. Fred Breedlove, JD Supra. October, 2021.
- Extreme drought and lower water levels are putting strain on hydropower production. Greg Hahne, 91.5 KJZZ NPR. October, 2021.
- Pinal farmers bear brunt of water shortage. Jay Taylor, InMaricopa.com. October, 2021.
- Climate change threatens the Colorado River's water supply. Alex Hager, Utah Public Radio. October, 2021.
- We Need More Voices Calling for Change in Arizona. Haley Paul, Audubon Southwest. October, 2021.
- Experts: No short-term answers to problem of drought, water shortages. Ulysse Bex, Cronkite News. October, 2021.
- Proposed Oak Flat mine could impact Arizona groundwater supplies, report says, Ron Dungan, 91.5 KJZZ NPR. October, 2021.
- Colorado heads into snowpack season with low reservoirs — but a twinge of hope. David Gilbert, The Colorado Sun. October, 2021.
- Kathryn Sorensen on getting real in the Colorado River Basin. John Fleck, Inkstain. October, 2021.
- The Colorado River is drying up. Here’s how that affects Indigenous water rights. Mark Armao, Grist. October, 2021.
- Love, Hope, and Worry in Drought-Ridden Page, Arizona. Sherry Qin, Morning Brew, October, 2021.
- In Arizona, Drought Ignites Tensions and Threatens Traditions Among the Hopi. Simon Romero, The New York Times. October, 2021.
- Exploring an epic Colorado river during record-breaking drought. Pete McBride, National Geographic. October, 2021.
- Report: Proposed copper mine threatens groundwater supply. Navajo Times. October, 2021.
- Amid a Drought Crisis, the Colorado River Delta Sprang to Life This Summer. April Reese, Audubon Magazine. October, 2021.
- States Jointly Restoring Wildlife Habitat Along Lower Colorado River. Mark Richardson, Public News Service. October, 2021.
- EarthTalk: What are the environmental implications of the current drought across the American West and how does it compare with past dry spells? Associated Press. October, 2021.
- Watch: As the Colorado River dries up, the home of the Cucapah tribe in Mexico is being destroyed. Scroll. October, 2021.
- The Colorado River Is in Crisis. The Walton Family Is Pushing a Solution. Scott Patterson, The Wall Street Journal. October, 2021.
- New study: Resolution Copper mine will use 250 billion gallons of water as drought ravages Arizona. David Abbott, AZ Mirror. October, 2021.
- Glen Canyon's generating days are numbered. Jonathan P. Thompson, The Land Desk. September, 2021.
- Importing water for drought fix huge project. Obren Manjencich, Arizona Capitol Times. September, 2021.
- Lake Mead and Lake Powell are in serious trouble. Can we bail them out for good? Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. September, 2021.
- Drought Forces West to Turn to Fuels That Helped Cause It. Tipp Baltz, Bloomberg Law. September, 2021.
- Governor's 30x30 order will protect N.M. waters. Rachel Conn and Dan Roper, Santa Fe New Mexican. September, 2021.
- Wells run dry since mega-dairy's arrival in rural southeast Arizona. Debbie Weingarten and Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star/Tucson.com. September, 2021.
- Mohave County Supervisors continue fight against Colorado River water transfer. Travis Rains, KD Miner. September, 2021.
- The West Urgently Needs Federal Funds to Address Drought, Wildfire, and Climate Change. Karyn Stockdale, National Audubon Society. September, 2021.
- Audubon: Arizona Communities Should be Able to Protect their Groundwater Resources. Haley Paul, Audubon Soutwest. September, 2021.
- Declining Colorado River flow could halt power production at Glen Canyon. Brandon Loomis, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. September, 2021.
- US projections on drought-hit Colorado River grow more dire. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. September, 2021.
- A Century of Watching the Colorado River. United States Geological Survey. September, 2021.
- Environmental Groups Want 2nd Look At Fort Huachuca's Impact On San Pedro River. Jill Ryan, 91.5 KJZZ and Howard Fischer, Capitol Media Services. September, 2021.
- The Entire Colorado River Basin is in Crisis. Karyn Stockdale, National Audubon Society. September, 2021.
- The Complex And Surprising History Of Humanity And Water. Courtney Dorning, Kat Lonsdorf, and Ari Shapiro, KNAU NPR. September, 2021.
- How Grand Canyon uranium mining can hurt rivers, streams (and livelihoods) miles away. Nathon Rees, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. September, 2021.
- Feds mandating Colorado River water cuts, Pinal County to suffer greatly. Sean Ribakoff, Eastern Arizona Courier. September, 2021.
- Water Wars: Arizona counties, towns battle over Colorado River water rights. Courtney Holmes, ABC 15 Arizona. September, 2021.
- Colorado River can no longer sustain Western thirst. Todd Fitchette, Western Farm Press. September, 2021.
- Desalination has guided water exchanges for Israel and Jordan. Could it play a role in the Colorado River Basin’s future? Sharon Udasin, Ensia. September, 2021.
- Climate change is destabilizing the Colorado River Basin. Where do we go from here? Christopher Kuzdas, Environmental Defense Fund. September, 2021.
- Farmers to be paid $38M in water-saving effort to prop up Lake Mead. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. September, 2021.
- Could Climate Change Put an End to Arizona’s Alfalfa Heyday? Greta Moran, Civil Eats. September, 2021.
- The Colorado River Can’t Be Divvied Up Without Indigenous People at the Table. Dharna Noor, Gizmodo. September, 2021.
- First-Ever Colorado River Water Shortage Declaration Spurs Water Cuts in the Southwest. Daniel Munch, Farm Bureau News. September, 2021.
- Who Hung the Colorado River Out to Dry? Liz O'Leary, Slate. September, 2021.
- Mexico Leads Way For 7 US States to Cooperate in Sharing Water Amid 22-Year Drought. Andy Corbley, Good News Network. September, 2021.
- Here’s what’s in the $1T infrastructure package for Western water. Blake Apgar, Las Vegas Review-Journal. September, 2021.
- New Estimate Makes Groundwater, Not Ice Sheets, Largest Water Reservoir on Land. University of Arizona News. September, 2021.
- Colorado River Reservoir at 40% capacity, lowest level ever. April Hettinger, Fox 9 News. September, 2021.
- Arizona Focuses On Smart Water and Wastewater Usage. Elizabeth Elkins, The Business Download. September, 2021.
- A shot of recycled water revives a flourishing ecosystem on the Santa Cruz River in Tucson. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. September, 2021.
- When the Colorado River Runs Dry. Doug Adair, Zocalo Public Square. September, 2021.
- New Projects On Colorado River Keep Coming Despite Water Shortage. Ron Dungan, 91.5 KJZZ NPR. September, 2021.
- Colorado River Flows Once Again to Gulf of California. Lourdes Medrano, Yes! Media. September, 2021.
- Should The Lawns In Vegas, Stay In Vegas? Sylvie Douglis, 91.5 KJZZ NPR. September, 2021.
- Powell and Mead reservoirs dangerously low: Historic lows trigger water cuts; activists say managers aren’t doing enough. Rachel Fixsen, Moab Sun News. September, 2021.
- Drought-Crippled Hoover Dam, Glen Canyon Hydropower Plants Operating at Substantially Decreased Capacity. Sonal Patel, Power. September, 2021.
- On the San Pedro River, water use is drying up stretches of a biodiverse 'ribbon of green'. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. September, 2021.
- Court rejects Trump clean-water rule with ‘significant’ Arizona impact. Ulysse Bex, KOLD News 13. September, 2021.
- Public has chance to speak out on proposed Colorado River water transfer. John Gutekunst, Parker Pioneer. September, 2021.
- Dry wells, lower flows raise alarm about the Verde River's future. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. September, 2021.
- Colorado River states collaborate on remaining water. Todd FItchette, Western FarmPress. September, 2021.
- Colorado River Forecasts Not a ‘Crystal Ball’. Brett Walton, Circle of Blue. September, 2021.
- Climate change is destabilizing the Colorado River Basin. Where do we go from here? Christopher Kuzdas, Environmental Defense Fund. September, 2021.
- Arizona Cities Helping Farmers During Shortage. City of Phoenix Newsroom. September, 2021.
- Could desalination play a role in the future of the Colorado River? Sharon Udasin, GreenBiz. September, 2021.
- Why Water Cuts Are Coming to Arizona, Nevada, and Mexico. Cordie Qualle, Bloomberg Law. Septemeber, 2021.
- What’s next for WOTUS after judge jettisons Trump rule. Hannah Northey and Pamela King, E&E News Greenwire. August, 2021.
- Arizona Judge Vacates Navigable Waters Protection Rule. NAFB News Service. August, 2021.
- Judge sinks Trump WOTUS rule. Pamela King, E&E News Greenwire. August, 2021.
- Colorado River water users enter new phase of stewardship in face of long-anticipated cuts. Taylor Hersch, Chamber Business News. August, 2021.
- Some fast facts to know about the Arizona water supply. Business News, AZ Big Media. August, 2021.
- Queen Creek's Colorado River Water Plan Open For Public Comment. Ron Dungan, KJZZ NPR. August, 2021.
- My View: Welcome to Arizona — here’s a drink of water on us. Kirk Adams, Phoenix Business Journal. August, 2021.
- State Rep. Andrés Cano: Water conservation must be Arizona Legislature's top priority. Andres Cano, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. August, 2021.
- As Colorado River Basin states confront water shortages, it's time to focus on reducing demand. Robert Glennon and Morris K. Udall, Yahoo! News. August, 2021.
- State Rep. Andrés Cano: Water conservation must be Arizona Legislature's top priority. Andrés Cano, Arizona Daily Star/Tucson.com. August, 2021.
- Australia's water woes offer a preview for Arizona. Will we avoid their mistakes? Dustin Garrick and Erin O'Donnell, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. August, 2021.
- With Water Dwindling In The Southwest, Arizona Plans For Coming Restrictions. Alex Hager, KUNC. August, 2021.
- What can Arizona learn from California's drought and mandatory water cuts? Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. August, 2021.
- 40 Million People Rely on the Colorado River. It’s Drying Up Fast. Abrahm Lustgarten, The New York Times. August, 2021.
- Monsoon Stories 2021: Rain And Wildlife. Lauren Gilger, 91.5 KJZZ. August, 2021.
- Looking to the Rockies for clues to water woes. Erik Stokstad, Science. August, 2021.
- The Colorado River Basin: What’s wrong and what’s needed to make it right. Will Sarni, GreenBiz. August, 2021.
- What the Future Holds for Water in the West. Annie Sinsabaugh and Kimberly Atkins Stohr, WBUR. August, 2021.
- New Colorado River observatory will help predict droughts. Scott Wyland, Santa Fe New Mexican. August, 2021.
- Scientists Launch Effort To Collect Water Data In West. Associated Press. August, 2021.
- Tim Steller's opinion: Cochise County's water reckoning is now; Tucson's is coming. Tim Stellar, Arizona Daily Star. August, 2021.
- Climate Change Is Already Here. Just Look at the American West. Justin Worland and Adam Ferguson, Time Magazine. August, 2021.
- First-ever water shortage on the Colorado River will bring cuts for Arizona farmers. Ian James and Zayna Syed, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. August, 2021.
- Major US river that supplies water to 40million people is drying up - 7 states affected. Liam Doyle, Express. August, 2021.
- ‘The Worst Thing I Can Ever Remember’: How Drought Is Crushing Ranchers. Henry Fountain, The New York Times. August, 2021.
- Bureau Of Reclamation Announces Water Cutbacks For Agriculture. Ron Dungan and Mark Brodie, KJZZ NPR. August, 2021.
- Water Agencies Across West Partner to Conserve Colorado River Water, Augment Lake Mead Level Through Agricultural Fallowing. Business Wire. August, 2021.
- Phoenix's wettest monsoon so far since 2008 brings greenery, bugs and mushrooms. Athena Ankrah, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. August, 2021.
- Panel examines impact of water shortage on Pinal developers, farmers. Aaron Dorman, Maricopa Monitor. August, 2021.
- Rosie on the House: Water Conservation Continues Despite Record Rainfall. Rosie Romero, Arizona Daily Star. August, 2021.
- The incredible shrinking Colorado River. Jonathan Thompson, High Country News. August, 2021.
- Water shortage to keep Legislature busy in ‘22. Nathan Brown, Arizona Capitol Times. August, 2021.
- Pinal County Farmers Brace For Central Arizona Project Water Cuts. Ron Dungan, KJZZ NPR. August, 2021.
- Drought? This Is What Climate Change Looks like in the West. Karyn Stockdale, National Audubon Society. August, 2021.
- The West’s megadrought is so bad, authorities are airlifting water for animals. Benji Jones, Vox. August, 2021.
- Fissures from groundwater pumping close two more Cochise County road. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. August, 2021.
- We hit the mark for additional cuts to prop up Lake Mead. How will that play out? Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. August, 2021.
- Arizonans Respond To Colorado River Shortage. Melissa Sevigny, KNAU. August, 2021.
- Farmers In Arizona Face Cuts Because Of Colorado River Water Shortages. Ron Dungan, KNAU. August, 2021.
- U.S. Government Declares Water Delivery Reductions to Southwestern States as Climate Change Devastates Colorado River. Jennifer Pitt, National Audubon Society. August, 2021.
- Opinion: What to do about the Colorado River’s megadrought ‘code red’. Dave D. White, The Washington Post. August, 2021.
- Low levels on the Colorado River: What it means for you. AZ Big Media. August, 2021.
- Exceptional Drought: How conserving water could save a town. Jeff Zevely, CBS8 News. August, 2021.
- Boaters watching Lake Mead water levels as situation turns political. KSNV News. August, 2021.
- Why pumping groundwater isn’t a long-term solution to drought. The Economist. August, 2021.
- In a First, U.S. Declares Shortage on Colorado River, Forcing Water Cuts. Henry Fountain, The New York Times. August, 2021.
- Western States Face First Colorado River Water Cuts As Megadrought Drains Reservoirs. Alexander C. Kaufman, Huffington Post. August, 2021.
- The Colorado River Basin’s Daunting New Math. Brett Walton, Circle of Blue. August, 2021.
- Before-and-after satellite photos show just how terrible the drought is in the West. Alix Martichoux, Nexstar Media Wire. August, 2021.
- Severe Drought Could Threaten Power Supply in West for Years to Come. Lindsay Huth and Taylor Umlauf, The Wall Street Journal. August, 2021.
- Officials declare first-ever water shortage at Lake Mead. Jorge Torres, ABC 15. August, 2021.
- Yes, we're facing a water shortage on the Colorado River. No, it's not yet a crisis. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. August, 2021.
- Arizona farmers brace for force first-ever mandatory cuts to vital Colorado water supply. Associated Press. August, 2021.
- New plan slows Lake Mead decline by paying farms not to plant crops. Blake Apgar, Las Vegas Review-Journal. August, 2021.
- Company Cancels Two Little Colorado River Hydro Projects, Pursues a Third. Ryan Heinsius, Arizona Public Radio. August, 2021.
- Sen. Kelly secures key Arizona priorities in landmark bipartisan infrastructure legislation. Gila Herald. August, 2021.
- Feds project unsustainable pumping of Colorado River. Todd Fitchette, Western Farm Press. August, 2021.
- What the deepening water shortage means for Arizona homeowners. Trevor Halpern, AZ Big Media. August, 2021.
- The Grand Canyon Has Always Faced Water Problems, This Year The Problems Are Different. Judy Fahys, Utah Public Radio. August, 2021.
- Water cutbacks coming to Arizona. Christopher Conover, Arizona Public Media. August, 2021.
- Facing the challenges: Water, land, cost weighs heavy on local farmers. Sam Ribqakoff, The Copper Era. August, 2021.
- Lake Powell water levels dip to record lows, leaving tourists and businesses scrambling. Sophia Eppolito, Associated Press. August, 2021.
- Colorado River shortage to hit Central Arizona farmers hardest. Brad Poole, Courthouse News Service. August, 2021.
- A Crisis Of Water And Power On The Colorado River. Luke Runyon, Inside Climate News. August, 2021.
- Recreation at Risk as Lake Powell Dips to Historic Low. Associated Press. August, 2021.
- Years of drought have led to the lowest water level in Lake Mead since the 1930s — what comes next? Scott Seckel, ASU News. August, 2021.
- Tribes cheer withdrawal of 2 Little Colorado hydropower projects but fear a 3rd. Debra Utacia Krol, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. August, 2021.
- Utahans seeking Lake Powell pipeline already use too much water, critics say. Jeniffer Solis, Nevada Current. August, 2021.
- In an arid U.S. West, water agencies look to deliver purified wastewater directly to customers’ faucets, despite “yuck factor”. Sharon Udasin, Ensia. August, 2021.
- A watershed moment. Catherine Boudreau and Annie Snider, Politico. August, 2021.
- People — Not Just The Megadrought — Are Driving The West’s Water Crisis. Caitlin Ochs, BuzzFeed News. August, 2021.
- Using Shoebox-Sized Satellites, ASU Researchers Track Arizona Rivers. Ron Dungan, 91.5 KJZZ. August, 2021.
- Congress’ bipartisan infrastructure bill includes $8.3 billion for Western water. Jesse Paul, The Colorado Sun. July, 2021.
- A mega-dairy is transforming Arizona’s aquifer and farming lifestyles. Debbie Weingarten and Tony Davis, High Country News. August, 2021.
- Declining Lake Powell water level sparks concern in Arizona town. Blake Apgar, Las Vegas Review-Journal. July, 2021.
- Salt River Project Reservoirs Two-Thirds Full Despite Dry Winter. Melissa Sevigny, KNAU NPR. July, 2021.
- Western water provisions included in infrastructure bill. Dan Keppen, Western FarmPress. July, 2021.
- As Lake Powell and Western Rivers Hit Record Lows, New Report Shows Better Alternative to Expensive, Unnecessary Lake Powell Pipeline. Jamie Trafficanda, Western Resource Advocates. July, 2021.
- Newly introduced bill aims to increase access to clean water in tribal lands. Emma Gibson, Arizona Public Media. July, 2021.
- ‘Adapt or We’ll Break’: A Water Expert Lays Out the West’s Risky Future in the Megadrought Era. Molly Taft, Gizmodo. July, 2021.
- Does St. George really need Lake Powell water? Brian Maffly, The Salt Lake Tribune. July, 2021.
- Even In An Epically Dry Year, Water Flows Into Parched Colorado River Delta. Luke Runyon, KUNC NPR. July, 2021.
- Lake Mead business struggles to stay afloat as water drops to historic low. Kai Ryssdal and Maria Hollenhorst, Marketplace. July, 2021.
- ASU scientists use commercial satellite data to determine water flow in Southwestern rivers. Karin Valentine, Arizona State University News. July, 2021.
- Climate change wrecks two US lakes. Alexandra Kelley, The Hill. July, 2021.
- Climate Change Is Driving Deadly Weather Disasters From Arizona To Mumbai. Rachel Treisman, NPR. July, 2021.
- Overpumping causing AZ land to sink dramatically where highway crack opened. Tony Dyavis, Arizona Daily Star/Tucson.com. July, 2021.
- Lake Powell Hitting Record Low Signals Bleak Water Future For Arizona. Lauren Gilger, KJZZ Fronteras Desk. July, 2021.
- A sacred river in danger: native communities fear for the future along the Colorado River. Willy Lowry, The National News. July, 2021.
- Is Arizona's active monsoon season helping the decades-long drought? Nicole Garcia, Fox 10 News. July, 2021.
- Arizona is bracing for a historic water shortage. Here's where water rates are rising and by how much. Joshua Bowling, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. July, 2021.
- Arizona Edition: Saving the Colorado River. Lou Gum, KAWC News The World. July, 2021.
- Drought on the Colorado River: America's biggest reservoirs on the brink of disaster. Willy Lowry, The National News. July, 2021.
- Feds will prop up Lake Powell as it hits record low elevation. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star/Tucson.com. July, 2021.
- Study: Stark picture for Arizona water supply, Tucson could be oasis in desert. Shelle Jackson, News 4 Tucson. July, 2021.
- Lake Powell Just Hit Its Lowest Level On Record. Here’s What That Means For Colorado And States That Rely On It. Michael Elizabeth Sakas, CPR News. July, 2021.
- 'Long overdue': Lawmakers propose $6.7 billion to bring clean drinking water to Indian Country. Debra Utacia Krol and Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. July, 2021.
- Will the Drought Contingency Plan be enough to save Lake Mead? Maybe - for now. Bruce Babbitt, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. July, 2021.
- Rio Reimagined project gets renewed support from Sinema-Cornyn legislation. AZ BigMedia. July, 2021.
- Lake Powell to reach lowest level in reservoir’s history. Blake Apgar, Las Vegas Review-Journal. July, 2021.
- Demand management discussions continue amid worsening Colorado River crisis. Heather Sackett, Aspen Journalism. July, 2021.
- Federal Action Needed to Address Disastrous Drought, Wildfires, and Ecosystem Degradation in the West. Caitlin Wall, National Audubon Society. July, 2021.
- The Age of Aridification on the Mighty Colorado River. Jennifer Pitt, National Audubon Society. July, 2021.
- Cultivating Optimism as Drought Cripples the Colorado River. Sarah Bardeen, Public Policy Institute of California. July, 2021.
- Three Colorado River Basin reservoirs will be partially drained to keep Lake Powell producing hydropower. Michael Booth, The Colorado Sun. July, 2021.
- Not just Mead: Powell will soon drop to the lowest level since filling in the 1960s. John Fleck, Inkstain. July, 2021.
- How Colorado River Water Cutbacks Could Affect Cities’ Credit Ratings. Mark Brodie, 91.5 KJZZ. July, 2021.
- We are just 5 feet away from the possibility of deeper water cuts to save Lake Mead. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. July, 2021.
- Colorado River Basin Reservoirs Begin Emergency Releases To Prop Up A Troubled Lake Powell. Luky Runyon, KUNC The World. July, 2021.
- Satellite photos shows shocking impact of climate crisis in western US. Greg Graziosi. The Independent. July, 2021.
- Arizona hit hard with flash flooding in wildfire burn scar. Julia Musto, Fox News. July, 2021.
- A legendary Arizona river is under threat. Rebecca Toy, National Geographic. July, 2021.
- At shrinking Lake Mead, a new coalition says status quo on Colorado River is failing. Anton L. Delgado and Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. July, 2021.
- The Entire Colorado River Basin is in Crisis. Karyn Stockdale, National Audubon Society. July, 2021.
- Hydropower Worries Grow As Colorado River Reservoirs Keep Dropping. Luke Runyon, Science Friday. July, 2021.
- The Momentary Reprieve of Rain on the Rio Grande. Paul Tashjian, Audubon Southwest. July, 2021.
- Colorado River Indian Tribes become key water player with drought aid to Arizona. Felicia Fonseca, Associated Press. July, 2021.
- Hydropower Worries Grow As Colorado River Reservoirs Keep Dropping. Luke Runyon, KUNC. July, 2021.
- Amid A Megadrought, Federal Water Shortage Limits Loom For The Colorado River. Luke Runyon, NPR Morning Edition. July, 2021.
- The once-perennial Gila River ebbs to an uncertain future. Jim Robbins, High Country News. July, 2021.
- Drought Hits the Southwest, and New Mexico’s Canals Run Dry. Simon Romero, The New York Times. July, 2021.
- Tribes Struggle for Water in Colorado River Basin as Drought Sears the West. Paloma Green, Newsweek. July, 2021.
- How will the West solve a water crisis if climate change continues to get worse? Julia Jacobo, ABC News. July, 2021.
- Regional Replenishment Network Drives Water Solutions Along the San Pedro River in Drought-stricken Arizona. Tracey Stone, The Nature Conservancy. July, 2021.
- ‘Unrecognizable.’ Lake Mead, a lifeline for water in Los Angeles and the West, tips toward crisis. Jaweed Kaleem and Thomas Curwen, Los Angeles Times. July, 2021.
- Pinal homebuilders cannot grow on groundwater. That has implications. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. July, 2021.
- The Colorado River dryout. Matthew Choi and Annie Snider, Politico. July, 2021.
- Feds put big Benson project on hold, suspend permit allowing construction. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star/Tucson.com. July, 2021.
- 'A Pretty Bleak Year': Water Demands Strain Colorado River. Steve Goldstein, 91.5 KJZZ. July, 2021.
- What does a Colorado River shortage look like for the agency managing Lake Mead? Daniel Rothberg, The Nevada Independent. July, 2021.
- US to Start Massive Water Recycling Project Due to Lake Mead's Critical Level. Rain Jordan, Nature World News. July, 2021.
- Major crack closes Southern Arizona highway in heavy groundwater-pumping area. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star/Tucson.com. July, 2021.
- Lawmakers missed a $200 million opportunity to slow Arizona's shrinking water supply. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. July, 2021.
- After Decades Of Warming And Drying, The Colorado River Struggles To Water The West. Luke Runyon, KUNC Marketplace. July, 2021.
- Salt River Project Reservoirs Holding Up During Drought. Ron Dungan, 91.5 KJZZ. July, 2021.
- Plan for development near San Pedro River hits obstacle as government suspends permit. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. July, 2021.
- Gov. Doug Ducey could broker a truce to help golf courses use less water. Will he? Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. July, 2021.
- A Glimpse into the Future of Agriculture in the U.S. Southwest. Stephanie Mercier, Farm Jorunal. July, 2021.
- ‘Megadrought’ along border strains US-Mexico water relations. Clarise Zoleta, The Street. July, 2021.
- Tribes playing a critical role in water decisions for Colorado River. Associated Press. July, 2021.
- Is there enough water to grow Valley cities during population boom amid drought? Jorge Torres, ABC 15 Arizona. July, 2021.
- Arizona Legislative Session Results in Funding for Audubon Priorities. Haley Paul, Audubon Southwest. July, 2021.
- Drought impacts: Officials warn of ‘point of no recovery’. Arlyssa Becenti, Navajo Times. July, 2021.
- The Colorado River is shrinking. Hard choices lie ahead, this scientist warns. Erik Stokstad, Science Magazine. July, 2021.
- What’s causing the drought in the West — and why it’s so bad. Chloe Jones, PBS News Hour. June, 2021.
- The Future of Water in the West. Aaron Weiss, The Landscape. June, 2021.
- SRP re-opens water storage facility to assist in Arizona's drought. Jorge Torres, ABC 15. June, 2021.
- Landmark water deal secures 49 billion gallons of water for Lake Mead. AZ Big Media. June, 2021.
- Is it time to start thinking about the worst-case scenario on Lake Mead? Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. June, 2021.
- Population Is Booming In The West — But There's Not Enough Water To Keep Up With It. 91.5 KJZZ. June, 2021.
- $200M for water shortages likely to pass. Kenneth Rasmussen, Arizona Capitol Times. June, 2021.
- Once Again, the Earth Is Being Wrung Dry. Farhad Manjoo, The New York Times. June, 2021.
- Low-flow research on Colorado River sheds light on eventual new normal for Grand Canyon. Oregon State University. June, 2021.
- Another Dry Year On The Colorado River Could Force States, Feds Back To Negotiating Table. Luke Runyon, High Plains Public Radio. June, 2021.
- OPINION: Godzilla and the Colorado River. Gary Wockner, Pagosa Daily Post. June, 2021.
- Report Warns Of Arizona’s Diminishing Groundwater Supplies. Melissa Sevigny, KNAU NPR. June, 2021.
- New team to cover US water issues. Patrick Maks, Associated Press. June, 2021.
- Even Emergency Measures Won’t Save the West From Megadrought. Nick Martin, The New Republic. June, 2021.
- Major Corporations and Foundations Commit Final Funding for Landmark Water Conservation Deal that Secures Nearly 49 Billion Gallons of Water for Lake Mead. Intel Corporation, CSR Wire. June, 2021.
- As the drought persists, here’s how Phoenix is prepared. AZ Big Media, June, 2021.
- Colorado River’s future could be in this Biden nominee’s hands. Associated Press. June, 2021.
- If Lake Powell’s Water Levels Keep Falling, A Multi-State Reservoir Release May Be Needed. Michael Elizabeth Sakas, CPR News. June, 2021.
- Here are some things to know about the extreme drought in the Western U.S. Celina Tebor, Los Angeles Times. June, 2021.
- Water cutbacks anticipated as Lake Mead levels drop. Kassandra Lau, Arizona Public Media. June, 2021.
- Record Drought Shrivels Lake Mead With No Easy Answers On Tap. Kristen Kidman, Nevada Public Radio. June, 2021.
- Climate Change Batters the West Before Summer Even Begins. Edgar Sandoval, Catrin Einhorn and John Schwartz, The New York Times. June, 2021.
- Peter Else: SunZia's transmission line plan would harm San Pedro River ecosystem, bird routes. Peter Else, Arizona Daily Star/Tucson.com. June, 2021.
- Before and After Images of Lake Mead Show How Devastating the West's Drought Really Is. Nicole Bonaccorso, The Weather Channel. June, 2021.
- Groundwater Pumping Can Have Long-Term Consequences: Sinkholes. Ron Dungan, KJZZ Fronteras Desk. June, 2021.
- “A generational historic struggle to regain our water. Sharon Udasin, Resilience. June, 2021.
- How Severe Is the Western Drought? See For Yourself. Nadja Popovich, The New York Times. June, 2021.
- 'Dying of thirst': The Cucapá in Mexico fight against climate change and oblivion. Albinson Linares, Noticias Telemundo. June, 2021.
- Lake Powell pipeline plans to tap water promised to the Utes. Why the tribe sees it as yet another racially based scheme. Emma Penrod, special to The Salt Lake Tribune. June, 2021.
- Some Arizona golf courses are pushing back against the state's plan to reduce water use. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. June, 2021.
- Colorado River Reckoning: Drought, Climate and Equal Access. Climate One. June, 2021.
- Here’s how Valley utilities protect water supply amid rapid growth. Rebecca L. Rhoades, AZ Big Media. June, 2021.
- As water levels drop at Lake Mead, Phoenix works to reduce its dependence on Colorado River Water. Mark Phillips, ABC 15 News. June, 2021.
- Biden administration to rewrite WOTUS rule. Don Jenkins, Capital Press. June, 2021.
- Biden Administration to Restore Clean-Water Protections Ended by Trump. Lisa Friedman, The New York Times. June, 2021.
- Monsoon Season Officially Kicks Off Next Week in the Southwest, but It's Typically Slow to Start. Chris Dolce, The Weather Channel. June, 2021.
- Report: Arizona 'Not All That Close' To Achieving Safe-Yield On Groundwater. Mark Brodie, KJZZ Fronteras Desk. June, 2021.
- 'Red alert': Lake Mead falls to record-low level, a milestone in Colorado River's crisis. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. June, 2021.
- Report: Colorado River Basin Tribes Lack Clean, Reliable Water. Melissa Sevigny, KNAU NPR. June, 2021.
- The Drought In The Western U.S. Is Getting Bad. Climate Change Is Making It Worse. Lauren Sommer, NPR. June, 2021.
- EPA to expand clean water protections to smaller U.S. waterways, reversing Trump policy. Emma Newburger, CNBC. June, 2021.
- Udall: Investing in water infrastructure good for economy, environment. Chris Udall, Daily Independent. June, 2021.
- Lake Mead at the Hoover Dam to reach lowest water level in decades. Joe Sutton and Kelly McCleary, CNN. June, 2021.
- After 'use it or lose it' water policy, HB 2056 allows farmers to keep water, still use it wisely. Jorge Torres, ABC 15 Arizona. June, 2021.
- Scientists say dire climate change scenarios should be taken into account in Colorado River Basin water management. Hannah Grover, New Mexico Politcial Report. June, 2021.
- Pecan farmer, mining company hope to avoid big cuts in CAP water. Tony Davis, The Guardian. June, 2021.
- Pinal farmers are facing water shortages. Shouldn't they be growing less thirsty crops? Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. June, 2021.
- Here’s why TSMC and Intel keep building foundries in the Arizona desert. Jim Salter, ARS Technia. June, 2021.
- Mega-dairies, disappearing wells, and Arizona’s deepening water crisis. Tony Davis, The Guardian. June, 2021.
- Amid Dire Colorado River Outlook, States Plan to Tap Their Lake Mead Savings Accounts. Brett Walton, Circle of Blue. June, 2021.
- Rapid growth in Arizona’s suburbs bets against an uncertain water supply. Sarah Tory, High Country News. June, 2021.
- U.S. Southwest, Already Parched, Sees ‘Virtual Water’ Drain Abroad. Diana Kruzman, Undark. June, 2021.
- Chandler-Intel pact preserves city’s water resources as drought lingers. Joyce Coronel, Wrangler News. June, 2021.
- Devastated by drought: Arizona farmers impacted by water cutbacks hold their last hope on a plentiful monsoon. Bud Foster, KOLD News 13. June, 2021.
- Lake Powell near historic lows. Krista Allen, Navajo Times. June, 2021.
- Amid Historic Drought, a New Water War in the West. Mike Baker, The New York Times. June, 2021.
- Lake Mead water levels. Arizona Republic/AZ Central. June, 2021.
- What Happens When The Colorado River Runs Dry? Kathleen Davis and John Dankosky, Science Friday. June, 2021.
- Once again, Arizona hopes to import out-of-state water in face of crisis. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star/Tucson.com. June, 2021.
- 'Worse-case' CAP shortages threaten the Tucson aquifer's delicate balance. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star/Tucson.com. May, 2021.
- SRP’s underground water storage project near Mesa to assist with drought. James Eastwood, Daily Independent. May, 2021.
- First-ever Colorado River water shortage is now almost certain, new projections show. Pedram Javaheri and Drew Kann, CNN. May, 2021.
- A pipeline from the Mississippi River won't solve our water problems, but this might. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. May, 2021.
- Hoover Dam, symbol of the modern West, faces a new test with an epic water shortage. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. May, 2021.
- Arizona’s current historic drought may be ‘baseline for the future’. Alyssa Marksz, Cronkite News. May, 2021.
- That Mississippi River Pipeline? Bureau Of Reclamation Weighed In About A Decade Ago. Ron Dungan, 91.5 KJZZ. May, 2021.
- 'Powell Pipeline' study gets major support from Legislature. Aaron Dorman, Casa Grande Dispatch. May, 2021.
- Some experts welcome alarm bells about Arizona groundwater. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star/Tucson.com. May, 2021.
- Not just another drought: The American West moves from dry to bone dry. Kurt Cobb, Resource Insights. May, 2021.
- Melting Snow Usually Means Water For The West. But This Year, It Might Not Be Enough. Michael Elizabeth Sakas, GPB News. May, 2021.
- Declining Lake Powell Levels Prompt Colorado River States To Form New Plan. Luke Runyon, KSUT Public Radio. May, 2021.
- Q&AZ: Are Microchips Too Thirsty For Drought-Stricken Arizona? The Answer Is Complicated. Nicholas Gerbis, 91.5 KJZZ. May, 2021.
- Arizona Lawmakers Float Idea Of Piping Water From The Mississippi River. Ron Dungan, 91.5 KJZZ. May, 2021.
- Babbitt Center for Land and Water Policy Releases Comprehensive Colorado River Basin Map. IT News Online. May, 2021.
- Severe Drought, Worsened by Climate Change, Ravages the American West. Henry Fountain, The New York Times. May, 2021.
- Despite likely cuts, Phoenix and Chandler say they have plenty of water for thirsty chip factories. Andy Blye, Phoenix Business Journal. May, 2021.
- Arizona's aquifers remain at risk from 'unsustainable' pumping. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star/Tucson.com. May, 2021.
- The Hoover Dam Made Life in the West Possible. Or So We Thought. Timothy Egan, The New York Times. May, 2021.
- SRP reactivates underground water storage facility as drought persists in Arizona. Stephanie Olmo, Fox 10 Phoenix. May, 2021.
- Lake Mead could be in a Tier 2 shortage by 2023. What's that mean for Arizona? Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. May, 2021.
- Arizona Legislature wants feasibility study for long-distance pipeline to replenish Colorado River supply. Mohave Valley Daily News. May, 2021.
- When Predicting Less Leaves Room for More. Page Buono, American Rivers. May, 2021.
- The Gila River Indian Community innovates for a drought-ridden future. Sharon Udasin, High Country News. May, 2021.
- 'Our own survival is at stake': Arizona is using up its groundwater, researchers warn. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. May, 2021.
- Arizona's continuing population growth puts pressure on water supply. Cameron Polom, ABC 15 Arizona. May, 2021.
- Colorado River Water flows across U.S.-Mexico border through historic cooperation. National Audubon Society, May, 2021.
- Arizona Legislature wants feasibility study for long-distance pipeline to replenish Colorado River supply. Mohave Valley Daily News. May, 2021.
- Most of the work we did in 2001 on groundwater was DOA. What to learn from that now. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. May, 2021.
- Reconnecting the Colorado River to the Sea. Jennifer Pitt, National Audubon Society. May, 2021.
- Payson will get a little C.C. Cragin water after all. Peter Aleshire, Payson Roundup. May, 2021.
- Arizona Passes Law that Partially Protects Some Rivers Left Behind from Federal Clean Water Act Rollbacks. Haley Paul, Audubon Southwest. May, 2021.
- Emails show mining industry, home-builders pushed for changes in water bill — and got them. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. May, 2021.
- Saving groundwater: 3 new pipelines to bring CAP to Tucson's suburbs. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star/Tucson.com. May, 2021.
- New Clean Water Program Signed Into Arizona Law. Melissa Sevigny, KUNC NPR. May, 2021.
- Governor Ducey Signs Historic Water Protection Legislation. Signals AZ. May, 2021.
- ‘Megadrought’ persists in western U.S., as another extremely dry year develops. Alejandra Borunda, National Geographic. May, 2021.
- Don't expect Miracle May this month on the Colorado River. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star/Tucson.com. May, 2021.
- Joint Colorado River Shortage Briefing Draws Hundreds of Online Attendees. Arizona Department of Water Resources. May, 2021.
- Active monsoon could help during wildfire season. KVOA Tucson. May, 2021.
- Counties plead for federal help to secure water supply. Peter Aleshire, Payson Roundup. May, 2021.
- Arizona is ready to deal with a water shortage ... except for one thing. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. May, 2021.
- Drought intensifies forcing rationing of Colorado River water. Peter Aleshire, Payson Roundup. May, 2021.
- Here’s how Arizona is preparing for 1st cuts to Colorado River allocation. Ted Cooke and Tom Buschatzke, AZ Big Media. May, 2021.
- Gov. Doug Ducey signs historic water protection legislation. KTAR News. May, 2021.
- Western tribes already lacked water access. Now there’s a megadrought. Why some tribal advocates and water experts are feeling hopeful. Zoya Teirstein, Grist. May, 2021.
- Stanton urges house appropriators to fund critical Arizona water projects. AZ Big Media. May, 2021.
- Drought intensifies forcing rationing of Colorado River water. Peter Aleshire, Payson Roundup. May, 2021.
- Severe Water Cuts Are Coming for Arizona. The Rest of the Southwest Is Next. Nick Martin, The New Republic. May, 2021.
- Arizona prepped and ready for first cuts to Colorado River allocation. Victoria Harker, AZ Big Media/Chamber Business News. May, 2021.
- A 'hidden crisis': Millions of groundwater wells are at risk of running dry, scientists find. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. April, 2021.
- Arizona farmers to bear brunt of cuts from Colorado River. Felicia Fonseca, Associated Press. March, 2021.
- Parts of Southern Arizona named critical habitat for threatened cuckoo, snake. Henry Brean, Arizona Daily Star/Tucson.com. April, 2021.
- As Drought Continues, Arizona Prepares For Water Cuts In 2022. Katherine Davis-Young, Fronteras Desk. April, 2021.
- Colorado River water use not price-moderated, despite drought. Dan Brendel, The Coast News. April, 2021.
- Arizona positioned to take on biggest cuts in Colorado River supply. Associated Press. April, 2021.
- Court breathes life into Navajo fight for Colorado River. Jeremy P. Jacobs, E&E News. April, 2021.
- Colorado River Basin States Brace For Future Water Cuts As Colorado River Reservoirs Run Low. Lauren Gilger, 91.5 KJZZ. April, 2021.
- Arizona's water supply could be impacted by continued drought conditions. Jorge Torres, ABC 15. April, 2021.
- Less than 1% of Arizona's General Fund needed to help safeguard state's environment, experts say. Hunter Bassler, 12 News. April, 2021.
- Arizona Groundwater Explained. Susanna Eden, Prescott E News. April, 2021.
- A Joint Colorado River Shortage Preparedness Briefing is Scheduled for April 29. Arizona Department of Water Resources. April, 2021.
- Arizona farmers raised the bar on themselves (and the water conservation debate). Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. April, 2021.
- Restoring the Colorado River and the Heritage of the Cocopah. Lou Gum, KAWC News Morning Edition. April, 2021.
- U.S. sets aside habitat critical for survival of rare songbird. Susan Montoya Bryan. Santa Fe New Mexican. April, 2021.
- Experimental High Spring Flows in the Grand Canyon. Julia Morton, National Audubon Society. May, 2021.
- Over 150,000 Acres of Critical Habitat Designated for the Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo in Arizona. Steven Prager, Audubon Southwest. May, 2021.
- Critical Habitat Finally Designated for Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo. Karyn Stockdale, National Audubon Society. April, 2021.
- As a hotter, drier climate grips the Colorado River, water risks grow across the Southwest, Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. April, 2021.
- Planting along the Colorado River with the Cocopah Indian Tribe and Yuma Audubon. Nancy Meister, Yuma Audubon Society. April, 2021.
- Water Supplies in U.S. West and Mexico Projected to Fall. Cristina Tuser, Water and Waste Digest. April, 2021.
- Western states brace for possible first water shortage from Colorado River. Sierra Dawn McClain, Capital Press. April, 2021.
- About-face: Army Corps to consult with tribes on WOTUS. Hannah Northery, E&E News. April, 2021.
- US West prepares for possible 1st water shortage declaration. Sam Metz, Associated Press. April, 2021.
- Shortages Looming For Colorado River Basin. Melissa Sevigny, KUNC NPR. April, 2021.
- With First-Ever Colorado River Shortage Almost Certain, States Stare Down Mandatory Cutback. Luke Runyon, KUNC. April, 2021.
- Here’s what is being done to protect Arizona’s water supplies for future growth. Victoria Harker, AZ Big Media/Chamber Business News. April, 2021.
- State leaders update manufacturing community on Arizona’s water future. Victoria Harker, Chamber Business News. April, 2021.
- Shortages Looming For Colorado River Basin. Melissa Sevigny, KNAU NPR. April, 2021.
- Local ranchers, farmers hoping monsoon predictions come true. Brooke Curley, Eastern Arizona Courier. April, 2021.
- Colorado River Basin’s snowpack season earns low grades: Bad news for water in the West. Becky Bolinger, The Washington Post. April, 2021.
- Joint statement from ADWR & CAP on results of the April 24 Month Study. Arizona Department of Water Resources. April, 2021.
- Extreme conditions now sparking drought contingency plan for first time. Megan McNeil, KOLD 13 News. April, 2021.
- Snowpack peak a bit below average, with streamflow outlook more dire. Dennis Webb, The Daily Sentinel. April, 2021.
- Arizona's Portion Of Colorado River Water Expected To Decrease In 2022. Steve Goldstein, 91.5 KJZZ. April, 2021.
- Low water levels at Lake Mead could affect boaters’ access to several locations. Nikki Bowers, 8 News Now Las Vegas. April, 2021.
- Colorado River basin due for more frequent, intense hydroclimate events. Charles Poling, Los Alamos National Laboratory. April, 2021.
- The water fight over the shrinking Colorado River. Paige Sutherland, BBC News. April, 2021.
- Colorado River Indian Tribes will get $209K to stop water loss from irrigation canals. Today's News-Herald/Havasu News. April, 2021.
- Southwest braces for water cutbacks as drought deepens along the Colorado River. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. April, 2021.
- Meet Arizona's water one-percenters - In Phoenix, two cities are emerging: one is water-rich, the other water-poor. Elizabeth Wang Whitman, The Guardian. April, 2021.
- Along the San Pedro River, a conservationist's dream of restoring habitat has dimmed. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. April, 2021.
- Agencies: Arizona farmers should expect less water in 2022. Associated Press. April, 2021.
- A Joint ADWR/CAP Statement On CO River Shortage Preparedness. Arizona Department of Water Resources. April, 2021.
- New legislation amending “use it or lose it” law bolsters Arizona’s reputation for wise water stewardship. Garrick Taylor, Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry. March, 2021.
- No movement on groundwater protection bills. Ariana Brocious, Arizona Public Media. March, 2021.
- A Bird (and People) Budget for Arizona’s Legislature. Haley Paul, Audubon Southwest. March, 2021.
- Too many in Arizona lack water security. It's time to rethink how we manage it. Chris Kuzdas and Haley Paul, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. March, 2021.
- Colorado River Tribes Aim To Establish ‘One Unified Voice’ In Policy Talks. Luke Runyon, KUNC. March, 2021.
- Study exposes global ripple effects of regional water scarcity. Cornell University, Science Daily. March, 2021.
- Tucson official says city can fight water cuts despite data. Associated Press. March, 2021.
- Bending Towards Water Justice – ‘valuing’ water and World Water Day 2021. Water Justice Hub, March, 2021.
- Forecast for spring: Nasty drought worsens for much of US. Seth Borenstein, Associated Press. March, 2021.
- Audubon’s Water Policy Agenda Focuses on Results. Julie Hill-Gabriel. National Audubon Society. March, 2021.
- Forecast for spring: Nasty drought worsens for much of US. Seth Borenstein, Associated Press. March, 2021.
- A Colorado River Showdown Is Looming. Let The Posturing Begin. Luke Runyon, Ariana Brocious, and Lexi Peery, KUNC. March, 2021.
- Redesigned Drought.gov: A “One-Stop Resource” For All Things Drought. Arizona Department of Water Resources. March, 2021.
- Groundwater Protections Key to Sustaining Water Supplies for People and Birds. Elija Flores, National Audubon Society. March, 2021.
- Parts of Grand Canyon will be visible for first time in decades. Experts explain why. Maddie Capron, The Charlotte Observer. March, 2021.
- Colorado’s latest proposal to divert water from the Western Slope is a complex, disputed set of pipes. Michael Booth, The Colorado Sun. March, 2021.
- Utah Water Legislation Concerns Colorado River Basin States. Ron Dungan, 91.5 KJZZ. March, 2021.
- Reduced water flow prepped at Lake Powell. Adrian Skabelund, Arizona Daily Sun. March, 2021.
- Unregulated groundwater threatens Arizona’s viability. Guest Opinion, Arizona Capitol Times. March, 2021.
- How experts say climate change is impacting Arizona snowpack, water supply. Jorge Torres, ABC 15 Arizona. March, 2021.
- Report Calls For “Radical Changes” To Colorado River Management. Melissa Sevigny, KNAU NPR. March, 2021.
- Attempts to protect Arizona's groundwater and rivers meet legislative resistance. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. March, 2021.
- Western states chart diverging paths as water shortages loom. Sophia Eppolito and Felicia Fonseca, Associated Press. March, 2021.
- Guest Collumn: We Must Protect Our Groundwater. Becky Fawson, Kingman Area Chamber of Commerce, The KD Miner. March, 2021.
- Colorado River study predicts even bigger water cuts. That's not why it's so intriguing. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. March, 2021.
- Recent UA study confirms groundwater pumping is drying up Arizona rivers. Allison Steinbach, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. March, 2021.
- Arizona seeks to create surface water protections after Clean Water Act rollback. Ariana Brocious, Arizona Public Media. March, 2021.
- New water law helps conservation work for all Arizonans. Haley Paul and Kim Mitchell, Arizona Capitol Times. March, 2021.
- Stakeholders Debate Arizona’s Proposed Clean Water Rules. Melissa Sevigny, KNAU NPR. March, 2021.
- Arizona careening toward water shortage crisis. Peter Aleshire, Payson Roundup. March, 2021.
- In Rapidly Warming Colorado River Basin, The Negotiating Table Is Being Set. Luke Runyon, KUNC. March, 2021.
- The big issues facing the West. Katherine Lanpher, High Country News. March, 2021.
- Arizona Law Opens New Pathway For Water Conservation. Melissa Sevigny, KNAU NPR. February, 2021.
- The Water Tap: Climate change and climate denial on the Colorado River. Joan Meiners, St. George Spectrum & Daily News. February, 2021.
- Opinion: Water rights for tribes is environmental justice. Isaac Humrich, Arizona Capitol Times. February, 2021.
- How Does a State Use 40 Percent Less Water? Nick Martin, The New Republic. February, 2021.
- Arizona changes 'use it or lose it' water law. Ariana Brocious, Arizona Public Media. February, 2021.
- Will the climate crisis tap out the Colorado River? Nick Bowlin, High Country News. February, 2021.
- Federal Priorities for a Secure Water Future in the West. Caitlin Wall, National Audubon Society. February, 2021.
- Dunham: New water line benefits customers, supports local farmers. Doug Dunham, The Daily Independent. February, 2021.
- Colorado River study means it's time to cut water use now, outside experts say. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star/Tucson.com. February, 2021.
- Colorado River Futures – “Climate & the River” Edition. Page Buono, American Rivers. February, 2021.
- The Colorado River Basin’s Worsening Dryness In Five Numbers. Luke Runyon, Nevada Public Radio. February, 2021.
- As Arizona lawmakers consider clean-water rules, critics say the proposal falls short. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2021.
- Audubon-Supported Legislation Benefits Birds and Water Rights Holders in Arizona. Haley Paul, National Audubon Society. February, 2021.
- Keeping Beer and Rivers Flowing: craft brewers speak up to advance Arizona’s water law. Steven Prager, National Audubon Society. February, 2021.
- ADEQ develops bill to protect Arizona waters. News 4 Tucson/KVOA.com. February, 2021.
- Our View: Colorado River water too scarce to allow transfers elsewhere. Today's News-Herald/Havasu News. February, 2021.
- Storymap: The Hardest Working River in the West. Babbitt Center for Land and Water Policy, a center of the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. February, 2021.
- Western Water Network Grants: Chapter Highlights. Steven Prager, National Audubon Society. February, 2021.
- Snowpack improving with turn in weather. Dennis Webb, The Daily Sentinel. February, 2021.
- Opinion: If we want to keep Arizona's endangered rivers flowing, this water law must change. Kristen Wolfe, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2021.
- Future of the Colorado River – the “Changed River” edition. Sinjin Eberle, American Rivers. February, 2021.
- Why is Arizona growing when groundwater is shrinking? We're finally having this debate. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2021.
- Letter: Horrific Colorado River bill would enshrine lack of accountability. Marjorie McCloy, The Salt Lake Tribune. February, 2021.
- Utah’s new river commissioner appointed at ‘critical time’ for Colorado River use. Mori Kessler, St. George News. February, 2021.
- Important Milestone in Pinal County as SB 1274 Passes into Legislation. SanTanValley.com. February, 2021.
- 'It's just a free-for-all': As water declines in rural Arizona, oversight faces resistance. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2021.
- Oil drilling on sensitive New Mexico public lands puts drinking water, rare caves at risk. Jennifer Oldham, National Geographic. February, 2021.
- The Common Thread: People and the Rio Grande. Emily Downing, Intermountain West Joint Venture. February, 2021.
- The Colorado River Crisis Is a National Crisis. Nick Martin, The New Republic. February, 2021.
- Arizona water boss doubles amount of Colorado River water for Queen Creek. Dave Hawkins, Today's News-Herald/Havasu News. February, 2021.
- Climate change ravaged Colorado and the West with heat and drought in 2020. This year may be worse. Judy Fahys, The Colorado Sun. February, 2021.
- Snow is falling, but will the next few months bring enough moisture to avoid severe summer drought? Kari Dequine Harden, Steamboat Pilot & Today. February, 2021.
- Proposed river authority would assert Utah’s claims to the Colorado’s dwindling water. Brian Maffly, The Salt Lake Tribune. February, 2021.
- Colorado River outlook darkens dramatically in new study. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star/Tucson.com. February, 2021.
- Advancing Arizona’s Groundwater Management to Protect Our Water Supply. Haley Paul, Audubon Southwest. February, 2021.
- How to advance water security for Arizona? These 3 bills are a good start. Christopher Kuzdas, Environmental Defense Fund. February, 2021.
- CRIT gets support for leasing its water. Jon Wright, Parker Live Oline. February, 2021.
- Study: Dam Management Matters For Survival Of Endangered Fish In Grand Canyon. Melissa Sevigny, KNAU NPR. February, 2021.
- Local entities bracing for water war. Dave Hawkins, Mohave Valley Daily News. February, 2021.
- EPCOR Plans New Infrastructure Investments In San Tan Valley Service Area. Jimmy Jenkins, 91.5 KJZZ. February, 2021.
- A deep rethink of the Colorado River. Allen Best, Mountain Town News. February, 2021.
- Expert sounds off on projected drop in Lake Mead water level. Tedd Florendo, 8NewsNow. February, 2021.
- Bill gives Legislature some control of utility regulators. Dillon Rosenblatt, Arizona Capitol Times. February, 2021.
- How dry is the Colorado River Basin? We explain it in 5 numbers. Luke Runyon, KUNC. February, 2021.
- If more Colorado River water flows to Queen Creek now, that could start World War III. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2021.
- New report confronts tough choices for the future of the Colorado River. Sinjin Eberle and Page Buono, American Rivers. February, 2021.
- As climate warms, summer monsoons to produce less streamflow. Desert Research Institute via Science Daily. February, 2021.
- Concerns Grow As Ongoing Drought, Declining Reservoir Levels Impact Colorado River. Peter O'Dowd and Luke Runyon, WBUR. February, 2021.
- Colorado River Getting Saltier Sparks Calls for Federal Help. Emily C. Dooley, Bloomberg Law. February, 2021.
- Colorado River water and groundwater would get protection under Cobb's legislative bills. Agata Popeda, Todays News-Herald/Havasu News. January, 2021.
- Arizona regulators OK'd carbon-free energy rules; now the Legislature could strip their powers. Ryan Randazzo, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. January, 2021.
- Further drop in Lake Mead water level could trigger water shortage declaration. Jordan Gartner, KTNV Las Vegas. February, 2021.
- Cimate Change Ravaged the West With Heat and Drought Last Year; Many Fear 2021 Will Be Worse. Judy Fahys, Inside Climate News. January, 2021.
- Shrinking Lake Mead inches closer to water shortage declaration. Blake Apgar, Las Vegas Review-Journal. January, 2021.
- Tensions rise over company's plan to sell Colorado River water in Arizona. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. January, 2021.
- Arizona GOP lawmakers fast-tracking bill blocking energy standards. Associated Press. January, 2021.
- Press Release: Arizona’s Continued Commitment To Water Conservation. Office of the Arizona Governor, Prescott eNews. January, 2021.
- Pascua Yaqui Tribe secures federal grant for water pipeline. Emma Gibson, Arizona Public Media. January, 2021.
- Big storms will put dent in Arizona’s drought, climate expert says. Jim Cross, KTAR News. January, 2021.
- 'We're All Going To Have To Live With Less Water': Upper Basin States Activate Activate Colorado River Drought Contingency Plan. Lauren Gilger, 91.5 KJZZ. January, 2021.
- Top 3 water priorities in the 2021 Arizona legislative session. Christopher Kuzdas, Environmental Defense Fund. January, 2021.
- Arizona legislators update business community on environmental policy, water legislation. Victoria Harker, Chamber Business News. January, 2021.
- Colorado River Expert Biden’s Pick for Interior Water Post. Tripp Baltz and Bobby Magill, Bloomberg Law. January, 2021.
- Upper Colorado River Drought Plan Triggered For First Time. Luke Runyon, KUNC. January, 2021.
- Lasting Colorado River solutions come from Main Street, not Wall Street. Dan Keppen, The Daily Sentinel. January, 2021.
- National eyes on Colorado River — but local reporters got there first. Hannah Holm, The Daily Sentinel. January, 2021.
- Arizona needs to use less groundwater. But how much are we really willing to conserve? Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. January, 2021.
- Critical readings on Colorado River Basin. SueEllen Campbell, Yale Climate Connections. January, 2021.
- Drought-stricken Colorado River Basin could see additional 20% drop in water flow by 2050. Jen Ellen Spiegel, Yale Climate Connections. January, 2021.
- To the Editor: Tribal Member urges opposition to CRIT marketing its water. Amber Van Fleet, Parker Pioneer. January, 2021.
- Can Wall Street profit off the Colorado River? Matt Rice, American Rivers. January, 2021.
- Who Calls the Shots on the Colorado River? Dave Marston, Writers on the Range. January, 2021.
- Top Arizona Water Priorities for the Legislature this Year. Haley Paul, Audubon Southwest. January, 2021.
- Desert pipeline tests Colorado River's future. Richard Martin, S&P Global. January, 2021.
- Action needed to preserve Willcox Basin. Shar Porier, Arizona Range News. January, 2021.
- California’s water wars serve as a ‘bellwether’ for Colorado River negotiations. Brad Hooker, AgriPulse. January, 2021.
- How the Trump border wall sapped a desert oasis dry. Lucy Sherriff, Popular Science. January, 2021.
- Why the American West is fighting for water protections. Laura Bult, Vox. January, 2021.
- Communities Concerned As Private Companies Buy Colorado River Water Rights. Steve Goldstein, KJZZ Fronteras Desk. January, 2021.
- Climate's toll on the Colorado River: 'We can weather maybe a couple of years'. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. January, 2021.
- Wall Street Eyes Billions in the Colorado’s Water. Ben Ryder Howe, The New York Times. January, 2021.
- SRP reservoirs finish 2020 mostly full despite dry Arizona conditions. Jim Cross, KTAR News. January, 2021.
- 'We are all bound by the river': Climate change is altering the Colorado River. Arizona Republic/AZ Central. January, 2021.
- 'There is hope now': Well project in western Navajo Nation gives families a new water supply. Shondiin SIlversmith, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. December, 2020.
- Boiling Point: Climate change spells trouble for the Colorado River. But there’s still hope. Sammy Roth, Los Angeles Times. December, 2020.
- If Arizona wants a secure water future, it must do more to settle tribal water claims. Gary Gold, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. December, 2020.
- New study tells us that Arizona can't wait to act on groundwater overuse. Jamie Kelley, Arizona Republic/azcentral.com. December, 2020.
- Analysis: Arizona’s strong record on water management. Chamber Business News. December, 2020.
- Incoming interior secretary faces many issues in Arizona and beyond, from water rights to climate. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star/Tucson.com. December, 2020.
- A Colorado River Win for the Navajo Nation as Congress Passes Major Omnibus. Jennifer Pitt, National Audubon Society. December, 2020.
- Colorado River management may change under Biden administration. Marianne Goodland, The Gazette. December, 2020.
- Colorado River tribes seek approval from Congress to put water on the market in Arizona. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. December, 2020.
- New study tells us that Arizona can't wait to act on groundwater overuse. Jamie Kelley, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. December, 2020.
- Western Water Legislation Advances Conservation, Resilience, and Equity. National Audubon Society. December, 2020.
- Colorado River Basin winter forecast signals dry times ahead. Luke Runyon, KUNC. December, 2020.
- McCarthy completes Greenfield Water Reclamation Plant expansion in Gilbert. AZBigMedia. December, 2020.
- New Perils Threaten to Destroy an Embattled Desert Haven for Birds. Noah Gallagher Shannon, National Audubon Society. December, 2020.
- 3 simple steps to help protect Arizona’s at-risk rivers and lakes. Rachel O'Connor, Environmental Defense Fund. December, 2020.
- More must be done to protect Colorado River from drought, federal report says. Associated Press, The Colorado Sun. December, 2020.
- State unveils draft legislation to create surface water protections. Ariana Brocious, Arizona Public Media. December, 2020.
- Drought Keeps Lake Mead Levels Low, But There Is Plenty Of Winter Left. Ron Dungan, 91.5 KJZZ. December, 2020.
- Monitor groundwater along river corridors. University of California - Santa Barbara. December, 2020.
- Researchers solve a Colorado River mystery. University of Oregon, Phys.org. December, 2020.
- Our View: CRIT water lease plans may contain some keys to actual river solutions. Editorial Board, Today's News-Herald/Havasu News. December, 2020.
- Willcox council approves updated strategic plan. Jon Rice, My Herald/Review. December, 2020.
- Colorado River Indian Tribes Take Another Step Toward Marketing Valuable Water in Arizona. Brett Walton, Circle of Blue. December, 2020.
- Arizona Tribe Proposes Federal Law To Lease Its Water Rights. Austin Fast, KJZZ Fronteras Desk. December, 2020.
- Drought tightens its grip on the Southwest. Peter Aleshire, Payson Roundup. December, 2020.
- 'We need water to survive': Hopi Tribe pushes for solutions in long struggle for water. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. December, 2020.
- Colorado winter snow outlook bleak after dry summer; emergency drought plan activated. Mary Shinn, The Gazette. December, 2020.
- Silver lining: Lining canals to cut for salinity also boosts efficiency. Dennis Webb, The Daily Sentinel. December, 2020.
- Land owners tout conservation but oppose ‘Wild and Scenic’ designation for Gila. Kendra Chamberlain. NM Political Report. December, 2020.
- Water Is Running Out So Fast, Wall Street Is Trading It Like Gold and Oil. Nicole Spector, Yahoo!Finance. December, 2020.
- The Drying U.S. West. Adam Voiland, NASA Earth Observatory. December, 2020.
- Environmentalists hope Biden will reverse Trump policies. Scott Wyland, Santa Fe New Mexican. December, 2020.
- ASU study reveals groundwater generates 43 percent of state GDP. Victoria Harker, Chamber Business News. December, 2020.
- Rainfall breaks dry streak in Phoenix area; morning temperatures to drop into 40s. Salma Reyes and Chloe Jones. Arizona Republic/AZ Central. December, 2020.
- Closing the Clean Water Gap: Arizona DEQ Proposes State Protected Surface Waters Program. JD Supra. December, 2020.
- Enviro groups win bid for evidence on approval for Vigneto housing development. Ariana Brocious, Arizona Public Media. December, 2020.
- 12-mile pipeline helps secure area's water future, aids orchards, mine. Dan Shearer, Green Valley News. December, 2020.
- 'Everything is drying up': As springs on Hopi land decline, a sacred connection is threatened. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. December, 2020.
- What happens if some of the most secure water in Arizona comes up for grabs? Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. December, 2020.
- The Rancher Trying to Solve the West’s Water Crisis. Annie Snider, Politico. December, 2020.
- Why Las Vegas Is at the Heart of Western States’ Water Conundrums. Frederick Clayton, Thruthout. November, 2020.
- Report: Making NM Rivers 'Wild and Scenic' Would Boost Economy. Pew Charitable Trust, Public News Services. November, 2020.
- Milestone Colorado River Management Plan Mostly Worked Amid Epic Drought, Review Finds. Gary Pitzer, Water Education Foundation. November, 2020.
- Colorado River Indian Tribes Want To Lease Water For Non-Tribal Use. Katherine Davis-Young. KJZZ Fronteras Desk. November, 2020.
- 'Everything depends on the corn': As crops wither, the Hopi fear for their way of life. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. November, 2020.
- Major changes in environmental policy expected under Biden. Tony Perkins, Arizona Public Media. November, 2020.
- Rural Arizona to get $25 million for water infrastructure projects, Victoria Harker, Chamber Business News. November, 2020.
- As Lake Powell Recedes, River Runners Race To Document Long-Hidden Rapids. Molly Marcello, Utah Public Radio. November, 2020.
- One more warm, dry winter could spell shortage for Lake Mead (and trouble for Arizona). Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. November, 2020.
- Wildfires Emerge as Threat to Water Quantity Across Parched West. Bobby Magill, Bloomberg Law. November, 2020.
- USGS Report: Climate Change Will Reduce Groundwater In Lower Colorado River Basin. Melissa Sevigny, KNAU NPR. November, 2020.
- Water lease agreement could help fish and help meet Colorado River Compact requirements. Hannah Grover, Farmington Daily Times. November, 2020.
- Taking a Hard Look at Reaching Safe-Yield. Warren Tenney, Arizona Municipal Water Users Association. November, 2020.
- Funds for Arizona conservation projects approved in State’s DCP legislation are allocated. Arizona Department of Water Resources. November, 2020.
- Audubon Prepares Advocates for Upcoming Arizona Legislative Season. Haley Paul, Audubon Southwest. November, 2020.
- Verde River flow shows consistent decline since 1990. Vyto Starinskas, The Verde Valley Independent and Camp Verde Bugle. November, 2020.
- With world’s aquatic life at risk, scientists issue rare call to action on climate change. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. November, 2020.
- Supervisors oppose future transfers of river water to central Arizona with resolution. Brandon Messick, Today's News-Herald/Havasu News. November, 2020.
- How Biden could undo Trump's water regulations. Hannah Northey, E&E News. November, 2020.
- What the Biden victory means for our rivers and clean water. William Robert (Bob) Irvin, American Rivers. November, 2020.
- Rural Arizonans need these tools to manage declining groundwater resources, fast. Rachel O'Connor, Environmental Defense Fund. November, 2020.
- Interior secretary was involved in Vigneto whistleblower case, document shows. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star/Tucson.com. November, 2020.
- Drought planning hinges on demand management, reaching an agreement could be challenging. Hannah Grover, Farmington Daily Times. November, 2020.
- Phoenix remains in drought after record-breaking summer heat. Sara Detwiler, AZBigMedia. November, 2020.
- State shares framework for new surface water quality protections. Ariana Brocious, Arizona Public Media. November, 2020.
- 2020 Delivers Setbacks For Some Long-Planned Western Water Projects. Luke Runyon, KUNC NPR. November, 2020.
- Drought in western U.S. is biggest in years and predicted to worsen during winter months. Matthew Cappucci, The Washington Post. November, 2020.
- River managers turn eyes to new Powell-Mead deal. Dennis Webb, The Daily Sentinel. November, 2020.
- USDA to invest millions in Bouse water system. John Wright, Parker Pioneer. November, 2020.
- Rivers, clean air, imperiled species: How Trump's environmental rollbacks affect Arizona. Erin Stone, and Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. November, 2020.
- Pinal gives OK for large development near Queen Creek to move forward. Mark Cowlings, San Tan Valley Sentinel. October, 2020.
- Climate change and the water policy funnel. John Fleck, Inkstain. October, 2020.
- The Art of Water in the Southwest: Artists convey urgency of water issues in exhibit up through early 2021. MacKenzie Chase, Arizona Daily Sun. October, 2020.
- Forecasting Water Levels Of The Colorado River. USU College of Agriculture and Applied Science, Utah Public Radio. October, 2020.
- "Water is life." Infrastructure needs on Hopi Reservation. Arizona Republic/AZ Central. October, 2020.
- Into Ashes: Is Phoenix Ready for a Future With More Heat and Less Water? Alisa Reznick, Bitterroot. October, 2020.
- Forecasting Water Supply In Colorado River May Benefit Water Resource Management. Harriet Cornachione, Utah Public Radio. October, 2020.
- President Trump Takes Action to Modernize America’s Water Resource Management and Infrastructure. White House Press Release. October, 2020.
- Tri-City Council may oppose Queen Creek water transfer. MIchael Zogg, Today's News Herald. October, 2020.
- Mohave County may not be as low on groundwater as we thought ... for now. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. October, 2020.
- The question of reservoir evaporation – How much water are the Lower Colorado River Basin states really using? John Fleck, Inkstain. October, 2020.
- NOAA Releases Newest Winter Forecast For Arizona. Lindsay Walker, Patch. October, 2020.
- Hualapai Valley Basin Aquifer report slated for Monday, Oct. 19 in Kingman. KdMiner. October, 2020.
- Lake Mead National Recreation Area reporting huge increase in visitors. Joyce Lupiani, KTNV 13 Las Vegas. October, 2020.
- The Urgency of Water. Walton Family Foundation. October, 2020.
- Americans See Urgent Need to Protect Water Amidst Climate Change in New Walton Family Foundation Poll. Walton Family Foundation. October, 2020.
- Endangered Birds Were Dying Where They Shouldn't. Now Scientists Know Why. Kevin Johnson, National Audubon Society. August, 2020.
- Arizona’s Often-dry Streams Now under Threat Due to Clean Water Act Rollback. Haley Paul, National Audubon Society. October, 2020.
- Return of the non-soon: Arizona's second dry monsoon season breaks records. Madeline Ackley, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. October, 2020.
- These hay fields may know something we don’t: how to save the Colorado River. Jerd Smith, Fresh Water News. October, 2020.
- Ocean patterns help scientists forecast drought, water flow in the Colorado river. Brooks Hays, UPI. October, 2020.
- Center For Biological Diversity Says Fort Huachuca Is Damaging The San Pedro River; Sues For Documents. Jill Ryan, 91.5 KJZZ. October, 2020.
- THAT SINKING FEELING: Fissures, land subsidence create problems in Sulphur Springs Valley. Shar Porier, My Herald Review. October, 2020.
- Growing Arizona’s economy with climate change in mind. Victoria Harker, Chamber Business News. October, 2020.
- ADWR Hydrology publishes research of water-supply conditions in western Arizona. Arizona Department of Water Resources. October, 2020.
- Water Maintenance: Tucson Water will switch to groundwater temporarily. Frankie McLister, KVOA News. October, 2020.
- This calculation shows Monsoon 2020 was the driest ever in the Valley. Here's what that means. Cameron La Fontaine, KPNX News. October, 2020.
- Pinal County continues to work on water solutions. Suzanne Adams-Ockrassa, Pinal Central. October, 2020.
- The Colorado River is awash in data vital to its management, but making sense of it all is a challenge. Western Water, The Water Desk. October, 2020.
- Queen Creek's water transfer request tops BHC Council agenda. Terri Harber, Mohave Valley Daily News. October, 2020.
- Water shortages in U.S. West likelier than previously thought. Sam Metz, Associated Press. October, 2020.
- Mohave County, Kingman to receive update on Hualapai Basin groundwater reserves. Agata Popeda, The KD Miner. October, 2020.
- Local Opinion: Who will be the next water hero for Arizona? David Wegner, Special to the Arizona Daily Star. October, 2020.
- Editorial: Using Lake Powell to keep lawns green in Utah would be a waste of resources. Las Vegas Sun. October, 2020.
- Gila County swelters in the grip of ‘extreme drought. Peter Aleshire, Payson Roundup. October, 2020.
- COLUMN: The Salton Sea is drying up; why does Colorado care? Michael Cox, Special to the Montrose Daily Press. October, 2020.
- Supervisors’ approve resolution opposing Cibola water transfer. John Gutekunst, Parker Pioneer. October, 2020.
- Utah Asks US To Delay Decision On Tapping Colorado River. Associated Press. October, 2020.
- Tucson's heat, drought broke yet more records in September. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star/Tucson.com. October, 2020.
- Environmentalists seek protections for dry riverbeds. Helen Wieffering, Arizona Capitol Times. October, 2020.
- Arizona's Western Yellow-Billed Cuckoo To Remain Protected. Associated Press. September, 2020.
- Az Audubon offered in-depth look at state underground water issues. Shar Porier, My Herald Review. September, 2020.
- Climate Experts Discuss Threats To Arizona And Possible Solutions. Scott Bourque, 91.5 KJZZ. September, 2020.
- Lawmaker to push bill banning sale of Colorado River rights. Janet Perez, Arizona Capitol Times. September, 2020.
- Lake Havasu City officially opposes water transfer to Queen Creek. Michael Zogg, Today's News-Herald. September, 2020.
- Microsoft’s latest environmental pledge tackles water scarcity. Justine Calma, The Verge. September, 2020.
- Access to water enables agriculture to meet consumer needs. Guest opinion: Phillip Bashaw, Arizona Capitol Times. September, 2020.
- Utah asks U.S. to delay decision on tapping Colorado River. Associated Press. September, 2020.
- As climate change fuels heat, fires, drought, Republic panel examines threats, solutions. Anton L. Delgado, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. September, 2020.
- Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo Remains Federally Protected after Delisting Threat Falls Flat. Karyn Stockdale, National Audubon Society. September, 2020.
- Sustaining Healthy Groundwater Levels is Critical to Habitat, Birds, and People. Haley Paul, Audubon Southwest. September, 2020.
- Federal agency keeps protections on Arizona's ‘rain crow,’ rejecting opposition. Anton L. Delgado, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. September, 2020.
- Other options being evaluated to solve Southwest US freshwater issues. R.B. Provencher, Post Register. September, 2020.
- The scoops on water keep on coming. Arizona Department of Water Resources. September, 2020.
- Tucson may tighten water-for-annexation rules. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star/Tucson.com. September, 2020.
- Most people in Arizona want government to act on climate change, poll finds. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. September, 2020.
- Writers on the Range: A clear warning about the Colorado River. Dave Marston, Steamboat Pilot&Today. September, 2020.
- Despite dry monsoon season, reservoirs still full. Jamie Warren, ABC 15. September, 2020.
- Feds issue red flag warning on lakes Powell and Mead. Jerd Smith, Fresh Water News. September, 2020.
- A healthy river equals a healthy economy. Rusty Llyod, The Daily Sentinel. September, 2020.
- Climate change likely to keep hammering Colorado River's biggest reservoirs, model shows. Luke Runyon, KUNC NPR. September, 2020.
- ADWR recommends approval of water transfer to Queen Creek. John Gutekunst, Parker Pioneer. September, 2020.
- Drought relief for endangered Colorado River fish arrives on Saturday. Keely Sugden, Fox31 News. September, 2020.
- Feds reaffirm western yellow-billed cuckoo’s threatened species status. Allen H. Awfe, Cronkite News. September, 2020.
- Cuckoo's threatened species status stands. Dennis Webb, Daily Sentinel. September, 2020.
- Just Add Water: Biodiversity Resurgence in Effluent-Fed Desert Riverbed. Rosemary Brandt, University of Arizona College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. September, 2020.
- Risk of Colorado River shortage is on the rise, could hit within 5 years, officials say. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. September, 2020.
- Lake Powell Pipeline Raises Objections From Six Western States. Melissa Evigny, KNAU NPR. September, 2020.
- Local Opinion: Re-watering Arizona in three steps. Mark Johnson, Special to the Arizona Daily Star. September, 2020.
- Why is Queen Creek's water deal so contentious? It exposes our most fundamental problems. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. September, 2020.
- Our View: State blessing of water transfer a big blow to river communities. Today's News-Herald, Havasu News. September, 2020.
- Santa Cruz River flows in downtown Tucson cut again to protect landfill. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star/Tucson.com. Sseptember, 2020.
- Efforts to sustain Verde River get a boost with $1.2 million grant. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. September, 2020.
- Audubon “Wingspan” Weighs in on Colorado River Lake Powell Pipeline. Karyn Stockdale, National Audubon Society. September, 2020.
- Utah's proposal to build Colorado River pipeline gets pushback from 6 states. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. September, 2020.
- Payson Sees Groundwater Rise With Addition Of Reservoir. Ron Dungan, 91.5 KJZZ. September, 2020.https://kjzz.org/content/1621547/climate-experts-discuss-threats-arizona...
- Arizona endorses a company's plan to sell Colorado River water to Queen Creek. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. September, 2020.
- Feedback sought for controversial Lake Powell Pipeline plan. Amy Joi O'Donoghue, Desert News. September, 2020.
- Report highlights biodiversity loss at Quitobaquito during border wall construction. Emma Gibson, Arizona Public Media. September, 2020.
- Rio Reimagined project gets boost with federal designation. Christa Freer, AZ Big Media. September, 2020.
- Why Intel, Cox and others pledged millions to close Arizona's water funding gap. Elizabeth Shipley and Ted Kowalski. Arizona Republic/azcentral.com. September, 2020.
- The Water Tap: New study finds climate change will dry Colorado River even more than previously thought. Joan Meiners, St. George Spectrum and Daily News. September, 2020.
- New ADWR Tool to Help AMA Stakeholders Participate in Development of 5th Management Plans. Arizona Department of Water Resources. September, 2020.
- Arizona announces new Salt River revitalization project. Pablo Lopez, KVOA News 4 Tucson. September, 2020.
- Rio Reimagined project to restore Salt, Gila rivers receives special designation from the EPA. Joshua Bowling, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. September, 2020.
- Water leaders talk about how Arizona will sustain future growth. Viktoria Harker, Chamber Business News. September, 2020.
- Arizona’s Salt, Gila Rivers Join EPA’s Urban Waters Partnership. Bobby Magill, Bloomberg Environment. September, 2020.
- Progress is made to restore the Gila River's flow in metro Phoenix after decades of planning. Joshua Bowling, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. August, 2020.
- Urban Wetlands, A Flood-Control Tool, Face Threats Under New Trump Administration Rule. Ben Meyer, WXPR. August, 2020.
- NAU researchers co-author study that finds water efficiency achievable throughout U.S. without decrease in economic activity. Heidi Toth, NAU News. August, 2020.
- Opinion: Farmers and ranchers lead the way on conserving the Colorado River. Paul Bruchez, Steamboat Pilot&Today. August, 2020.
- Lake Mead and Lower Colorado River to Remain in Tier Zero Shortage for 2021. Jennifer Pitt, National Audubon Society. August, 2020.
- Rim Country among few areas with adequate water supply. Peter Aleshire, Payson Roundup. August, 2020.
- Water Resources Specialist Chronicles his Colorado River Trip Through the Grand Canyon. Arizona Department of Water Resources. August, 2020.
- Grizzly Creek Fire: Concern Grows For Threat Of Flooding & River Impacts. Jamie Leary, CBS 4 Denver. August, 2020.
- Colorado mulls joining massive water conservation project. Jerd Smith, The Gazette. August, 2020.
- Tucson, Marana enter agreement to reduce groundwater pumping. Joshua Morales, KOLD13 News. August, 2020.
- Conservation efforts aid reservoir. Celia Shortt. Goodyear Boulder City Review. August, 2020.
- Indy Environment: Heat waves, wildfires and the fingerprints of climate change. Daniel Rotherberg, The Nevada Independent. August, 2020.
- Fore! More Birding, Fewer Invasive Weeds. Khanh Nguyen. National Audubon Society. August, 2020.
- Forecast: Plenty of CAP water for Tucson and AZ for now despite overheated drought. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star/Tucson.com. August, 2020.
- The Grizzly Creek fire is threatening the Colorado River and water for the entire West. Jasopn Blevins and Jennifer Brown, The Colorado Sun. August, 2020.
- Statement on the Bureau of Reclamation’s August 24-Month Study. Arizona Department of Water Resources. August, 2020.
- Protesters at the San Pedro River say the border wall threatens habitat, risks flooding. Erin Stone, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. August, 2020.
- Colorado River states mostly avoid cutbacks. Jeremy P. Jacobs, E&E News. August, 2020.
- 'The pie keeps shrinking': Lake Mead's low level will trigger water cutbacks for Arizona, Nevada. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. August, 2020
- Nonsoon 2020, Arizona water supply is OK—for now. Megan McNeil, KOLD13 News. August, 2020.
- Colorado River: West faces reckoning over water but avoids cuts for now. Greenwire. August, 2020.
- Science takes on Trump's WOTUS rewrite. Hannah Northey, E&E News. August, 2020.
- Border wall groundwater pumping threatens to push endangered species to 'brink of extinction'. Ariana Brocious, Arizona Public Media. August, 2020.
- 'This land is all we have left': tribes on edge over giant dam proposal near Grand Canyon. Cody Nelson, The Guardian. August, 2020.
- Tribes, labor, and environmental advocates file lawsuit as the administration finalizes WOTUS. Jacqueline Koch, The Dalles Chronicle. August, 2020.
- Contested water settlements inflamed the Navajo Nation’s health crisis. Andrew Curley, High Country News. August, 2020.
- Drought continues to expand as the monsoon in the Southwest has been largely a no-show. Paul Duginski, Los Angeles Times. August, 2020.
- This giant climate hot spot is robbing the West of its water. Juliet Eilperin, The Washington Post. August, 2020.
- Here’s how to decrease your household water consumption. Rosie Romero, KTAR News. August, 2020.
- For first time in 8 years, 100% of Colorado is under drought or abnormally dry conditions. Bruce Finley, The Denver Post. August, 2020.
- Keeping the river and its ecosystems ‘alive enough’ during dry spells. Kendra Chamberlain, NM Political Report. August, 2020.
- The past, present, and future of maintenance at the Hoover Dam. Matthew Farmer, Power Technology. August, 2020.
- Arizona’s Rivers Could Face Irreparable Harm. Haley Paul, National Audubon Society. August, 2020.
- Final Willcox water basin workshop provides ideas to recharge aquifer. Shar Porier, Arizona Range News. August, 2020.
- Monsoon storm floods border wall project across Arizona's San Pedro River. Curt Prendergast, Arizona Daily Star/Tucson.com. August, 2020.
- Can the Colorado River keep on running? Jon Heggie, National Geographic. August, 2020.
- Fixing the Colorado River will be difficult. Good thing Arizona is starting early. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. August, 2020.
- Glen Canyon Dam may release more water to cope with COVID electricity needs. Erin Stone, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. August, 2020.
- House Advances Water Infrastructure Policy Bill. Transport Topics. August, 2020.
- House passes bill that includes expanding Abiquiú reservoir. Scott Wyland, Santa Fe New Mexican. August, 2020.
- Congress and the Yuma Desalting Plant. John Fleck, Inkstain. August, 2020.
- Glen Canyon Dam may release more water to cope with COVID electricity needs. Erin Stone, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. August, 2020.
- Audubon releases water for bird habitat on Rio Grande. Theresa Davis, Albuquerque Journal. August, 2020.
- New Senate Bill Threatens U.S.—Mexico Cooperation, Environment, and Birds of Lower Colorado River. Jennifer Pitt, National Audubon Society. July, 2020.
- Cash For Water Creates Win-Win For Ranchers, Consumers, Rhonda Brooks, Drovers. July, 2020.
- How a tiny fish is helping Utah and the West tackle big questions about the Colorado River’s future. Judy Fahys, InsideClimate News. July, 2020.
- Arizona: (UPDATE) International Infrastructure Issues Threaten Arizona’s Santa Cruz River. Haley Paul, Audubon Southwest. July, 2020.
- In Driest Year in Half Century, Audubon Releases Water into Rio Grande to Sustain Flows. Paul Tashjian, Audubon Southwest. July, 2020.
- U.S. Senate Introduces New Program to Assess and Monitor Saltwater Lake Ecosystems in the West. National Audubon Society. July 2020.
- Arizona’s Beloved San Pedro River Is about to Meet the Rising Wall on the US-Mexico Border. Helen Wieffering, Earth Island Journal. July, 2020.
- Waiting for water: On the Navajo Nation, long lines, scarce resources, a cry for solutions. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. July, 2020.
- Nogales sewer project to aid economy in the region. Victoria Harker, Chamber Business News. July, 2020.
- Blackened runoff seen in Tucson-area wash may be just the beginning, flood experts warn. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star/Tucson.com. July, 2020.
- Emails and documents raise questions about Army base’s water deal near the San Pedro River. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. July, 2020.
- As monsoon storms loom, border wall construction begins across San Pedro. Erin Stone, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. July, 2020.
- $38M landmark investment to help repair international pipeline. Luzdelia Caballero, KGUN. July, 2020.
- Imperial Irrigation District seeks Salton Sea consideration in lawsuit over Colorado River water. Mark Olalde, Palm Springs Desert Sun. July, 2020.
- Local Opinion: Border wall impedes wildlife, flow of water. Kate Scott Special to the Arizona Daily Star, July, 2020.
- A Tale Of Two Arizona Rivers: How Lawsuits Are Shaping The Verde And San Pedro. Madison Staten & Cronkite News, KUNC. July, 2020.
- In Parched Southwest, Warm Spring Renews Threat of ‘Megadrought’. Henry Fountain, The New York Times. July, 2020.
- Central Arizona housing boom tees up opportunity for water investors. Brett Jaspers, KJZZ via Cronkite News. July, 2020.
- Mohave County addresses dwindling water supply in Kingman. Brandon Messick, The Miner. July, 2020.
- Humpback Chub 'Alien Abductions' Help Frame the Future of the Colorado River. Judy Fahys, InsideClimate News. July, 2020.
- Bill Barron: Lake Powell Pipeline would accelerate climate damage in Colorado River Basin. Bill Barron, Salt Lake Tribune. July, 2020.
- Border wall construction begins across San Pedro River. Ariana Brocious, Arizona Public Media. July, 2020.
- Work to protect Colorado River is far from done. Tom Buschatzke, Arizona Capitol Times. July, 2020.
- Opinion: More Western water conservation and resilient systems needed now. Melinda Kassen and Julie Hill-Gabriel, The Hill. June, 2020.
- Caretakers of the Colorado back in action. Victoria Harker, Chamber Business News. June, 2020.
- Salt And Verde Rivers Found To Be More Drought Resistant Than The Colorado River. Steve Goldstein, 91.5 KJZZ. June, 2020.
- New Committee Meets To Plan For Colorado River's Future. Katherine Davis-Young, 91.5 KJZZ. June, 2020.
- San Pedro River, squeezed by growing population, is subject of two lawsuits. Madison Staten, Cronkite News. June, 2020.
- Feds reveal details for border wall that will span San Pedro River. Kurt Prendergast, Arizona Daily Star/Tucson.com. May, 2020.
- We've stabilized the Colorado River - for now. But much tougher work lies ahead. Tom Buschatzke and Ted Cooke, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. June, 2020.
- Kyl Center's interactive tool includes desalination projects, habitats, dams, agriculture. Press Release. June, 2020.
- Cattle damage to Arizona’s Verde River spurs legal action. Madison Staten, Cronkite News. June, 2020.
- Arizona starts talks on addressing dwindling Colorado River. Felicia Fonseca, Associated Press. June 2020.
- How Protecting Birds Can Save Western Rivers. Elizabeth Miller, Earth Island Journal. June, 2020.
- Editorial: Water for the future. Editorial, Pinal Central. June, 2020.
- Tribes take federal government to court over water-quality rules. Howard Fischer, Capitol Media Services. June, 2020.
- Gila River Diversion Stopped. Desiree Loggins, Audubon New Mexico. June, 2020.
- Remarkable Drop in Colorado River Water Use a Sign of Climate Adaptation. Brett Walton, EcoWatch. June, 2020.
- U.S. Senate Votes to Protect Birds, Improve Parks, and Create Jobs. National Audubon Society. June, 2020.
- Tribes, environmentalists sue to stop rollback of Clean Water Act protections. Debra Utacia Krol Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. June, 2020.
- Growing Arizona metros look to rural communities for water. Kassandra Lau, Arizona Public Media. June, 2020.
- Tribes, Labor, And Environmental Advocates File Lawsuit As The Trump Administration Finalizes WOTUS. Earthjustice. June, 2020.
- Federal judge denies Democratic AGs' bid to halt Trump WOTUS rule. Anne Snider, Politico. June, 2020.
- A Win for the Gila! Audubon New Mexico. June, 2020.
- Summer heat brings out the most in water usage around the Valley. Chris Caraveo, Daily Independent. June, 2020.
- Judge rejects injunction request to stop new 'waters' rule. Steve Davies, AgriPulse. June, 2020.
- Federal Judge Considers States’ Bid to Block Trump Water Rule. Alexandra Yetter and Ellen M. Gilber, Bloomberg Law. June, 2020.
- Wildfires Impact on our Water. Arizona Municipal Water Users Association. June, 2020.
- In Crossing Arizona's Last Free-Flowing River, Border Wall Construction Results In "Loss Of Trust". Ariana Brocious, Arizona Public Media. June, 2020.
- Arizona's Groundwater Management Act was groundbreaking, but it needs an update. Kim Mitchell and Christopher Kuzdas, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. June, 2020.
- For Now, No Border Wall For Arizona Tribe's Colorado River Stretch. Alisa Reznick, Arizona Public Media. June, 2020.
- Engineering “marvel” is economic powerhouse for Arizona. Victoria Harker, Chamber Business News. June, 2020.
- Arizona leaders must finish what was started on groundwater 40 years ago. Cristopher Kuzdas, Environmental Defense Fund. June, 2020.
- Denise Fort: Babbitt’s Colorado River plan doesn’t go far enough. Denise Fort, Today's News-Herald/Havasu News. June, 2020.
- Why planting tenacious tamarisk seemed like a good idea until it wasn’t, and other harrowing tales of Colorado’s invasive species. Michael Booth, The Colorado Sun. June, 2020.
- Hundreds of miles of stream "critical" for endangered snake. Peter Aleshire, Payson Roundup. June, 2020.
- Update: Little Colorado River Pumped Hydropower proposals. Sinjin Eberle, American Rivers, June, 2019.
- Arizona Housing Growth Tees Up Opportunity For Water Investors. Brett Jaspers, 91.5 KJZZ. June, 2020.
- Arizona Department of Water Resources and Audubon Agree to Funding Plan to Conserve Colorado River Water. National Audubon Society. May, 2020.
- Arizona, Advisory Council Discuss Water Management Plan. Associated Press. May, 2020.
- Arizona Legislature Adjourns 2020 Session. Haley Paul, Audubon Arizona. May, 2020.
- Restoring the Colorado River Delta. Jennifer Pitt, National Audubon Society. May, 2020.
- Preliminary OK for Little Colorado dam proposals worries plan’s critics. Ellie Borst, Cronkite News. May, 2020.
- From hummingbirds to warblers: What to know to start backyard birding in metro Phoenix. Weldon B. Johnson, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. May, 2020.
- Opinion: Don’t hurt farmers to save the Colorado River. Andy Mueller, Steamboat Pilot and Today. May, 2020.
- Private meetings spark concerns as Arizona considers rules for streams and wetlands. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. May, 2020.
- Arizona Legislature on the Verge of Adjourning. Haley Paul, Audubon Arizona. May, 2020.
- New Survey Digs Into Americans’ Views On Water. Luke Runyon, KUNC. May, 2020.
- Private meetings spark concerns as Arizona considers rules for streams and wetlands. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. May, 2020.
- Complex dynamics of water shortages highlighted in study. Syl Kacapyr, Cornell Chronicle. May, 2020.
- Salt, Verde watersheds may prove less vulnerable to drought. Pater Aleshire, Payson Roundup. May, 2020.
- Opinion: Here's how less than 10% of farmland could solve the Colorado River's water deficit. Bruce Babbit, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. May, 2020.
- COVID-19 stopped Arizona's public groundwater debate - and just when it was getting good. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. May, 2020.
- As wall construction continues, conservation groups fear the fate of San Pedro River. Erin Stone, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. May, 2020.
- Fast-growing Western cities face megadrought. Alexandra Tempus, High Country News. May, 2020.
- Water Policy Wins in Colorado, Utah, and New Mexico before Coronavirus Closures. Karyn Stockdale, National Audubon Society, May, 2020.
- Native Plants Help Restore the Colorado River. National Audubon Society. May, 2020.
- A Healthy River is an Economic Engine. Fay Hartman, American Rivers. May, 2020.
- Episode 178: Steven Prager from Western Rivers Brewers Council. Eric Walters, Tap That AZ Podcast. May, 2020.
- Fast-growing Western cities face megadrought. Alexandra Tempus, High Country News. May, 2020.
- Apache Junction Water District userse taking conservation seriously. Arianna Grainey, Daily Independent. May, 2020.
- Expected spring runoff into Colorado River plunges after dry April. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star/Tucson.com. May, 2020.
- Supercharged by climate change, ‘megadrought’ points to drier future in the West. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. May, 2020.
- Colorado River keeps flowing — so do concerns about its future. Hannah Holm, The Daily Sentinel. May, 2020.
- Now, more than ever, we need tribes at the water negotiating table. Dennis Patch and Ted Kowalski, opinion contributors, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. May, 2020.
- Land fissures, falling earth levels feared with new Arizona water rules. Jean Lotus, United Press International. April, 2020.
- Groundwater and Surface Water Regulated Differently: What about Subflow? Chelsea McGuire, Arizona Farm Bureau. April, 2020.
- Emerging, decades-long megadrought emerging for the Southwest. Madison Staten, Cronkite News. April, 2020.
- Yuma Audubon Society Donates 200 Native Trees for Tribal Land. Kim Johnson and Brandon Mejia, KAWC News. April, 2020.
- Arizona Groundwater Pumping A Serious Concern For Water Association. Tom Maxedon, 91.5 KJZZ. April, 2020.
- Buckeye's plan reveals an inconvenient truth: We're all after the same water. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. April, 2020.
- 'Breathing room': Buckeye adopts a plan to find more water as city rapidly expands. Joshua Bowling, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. April, 2020.
- ‘Borrowing from the future’: What an emerging megadrought means for the Southwest. Madison Staten, Cronkite News. April, 2020.
- $10 Million To Fund Pinal County Water Infrastructure. Heather van Blokland, 91.5 KJZZ. April, 2020.
- Facing water cutbacks, Arizona farmers 'in limbo' despite $10 million federal pledge. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. April, 2020.
- Climate warming may hit Colorado River Basin farmers hardest as shrinking snowpack leads to less irrigation water. Bruce Finley, The Denver Post. April, 2020.
- US Drought Could Last A Century As We Now Enter A Megadrought, Study Finds. Trevor Nace, Forbes. April, 2020.
- Prescott’s bid to draw more groundwater could threaten Verde River. Christopher Howley, Cronkite News via Tucson Sentinel. April, 2020.
- Water table expected to lower at Lake Mead, despite denser snowpack. Brandon Messick, Today's News-Herald. April, 2020.
- Climate change fueling more intense megadroughts in U.S. West. NIcholas Iovino, Courthouse News Service via Tucson Sentinel. April, 2020.
- Report: Arizona's Colorado River water supply will hold steady next year. Ariana Brocious, Arizona Public Media. April, 2020.
- USBR Forecasts “Tier Zero” Shortage On Colorado River. Melissa Sevigny, KUNC NPR. April, 2020.
- Drought and Water Demand Continues in Spite of COVID-19 Pandemic. JDSupra, April, 2020.
- How a trickle of water is breathing life into the parched Colorado River Delta. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. April, 2020.
- Navajo Nation's water shortage may be supporting COVID-19 spread. Debra Utacia Krol, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. April, 2020.
- New Colorado River Basin Climate & Hydrology Report May Be Most Valuable Ever. Arizona Department of Water Resources. April, 2020.
- After A Dry Fall, Above Normal Snowpack Is Mostly Good News For Colorado. Michael Elizabeth Sakas, CPR News. April, 2020.
- Climate change: US megadrought 'already under way'. Matt McGrath, BBC News. April, 2020.
- Historic ‘megadrought’ underway in California, American West, new study finds. Paul Rogers, Mercury News. April, 2020.
- Arizona, neighbor states begin work on new plan to address drought. Andrew Nicla, Arizona Capitol Times. April, 2020.
- Southwest Drought Rivals Those of Centuries Ago, Thanks to Climate Change. Henry Fountain, The New York Times. April, 2020.
- America's Most Endangered Riversof 2020. American Rivers, April, 2020.
- Prescott’s bid to draw more groundwater could threaten Verde River. Christopher Howley, Cronkite News. April, 2020.
- A U.S. Tribe’s Uphill Battle Against Climate Change. Reuters via The New York Times. April, 2020.
- A low snowpack makes it imperative to better manage groundwater supplies. Here’s how. Maurice Hall, Environmental Defense Fund. April, 2020.
- Environmental groups sue to stop cattle grazing in San Pedro River preserve. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star/Tucson.com. April, 2020.
- Scaling Corporate Water Stewardship to Address Water Challenges in the Colorado River Basin. Karina de Souza, Cora Kammeyer, Michael Cohen, and Jason Morrison, Pacific Institute. April, 2020.
- Reservoirs that supply water to Phoenix area nearly full after wet winter. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. April, 2020.
- As temperatures rise, Arizona sinks. Jonathan Thompson, High Country News. April, 2020.
- The closure of Colorado coal-fired powerplants is freeing up water for thirsty cities. Ann Imse, special to the Colorado Sun. March, 2020.
- Groundwater Aquifers Can Expect A Boost From March Rains. Bret Jaspers, KJZZ Fronteras Desk. March, 2020.
- An Ode to Tributaries. Page Buono, American Rivers. March, 2020.
- Coronavirus Outbreak Tests Resilience Of Western Water Workforce. Luke Runyon, KUNC. March, 2020.
- The West is in an expanding 20-year drought that a ‘March Miracle’ will do little to change. Paul Duginski, Los Angeles Times. March, 2020.
- State, Local Leaders Collaborate to Manage Water Supplies. Groundwater Users' Advisory Council, Signals. March, 2020.
- Mike Hendrix: Saving our groundwater in Mohave County. Mike Hendrix, Todays News-Herald/Havasu News. March, 2020.
- World Water Day 2020: The role of innovation in creating abundance. Will Sarni, GreenBiz.com. March, 2020.
- Arizona working to define and protect its waterways cut from Clean Water Act. Ariana Brocious, Arizona Public Media. March, 2020.
- Management Area 4th Management Plan: Charting the direction for management of groundwater resources. Groundwater Users' Advisory Council, Signals. March, 2020.
- Water officials present detailed look at Willcox Basin. Shar Porier, My Herald Review. March, 2020.
- Former governor apologizes for failing rural counties on groundwater issues. Shar Porier, My Herald Review. March, 2020.
- How water managers can build recharge basins to boost resilience for farmers and birds alike. Anna Schiller, Environmental Defense Fund. March, 2020.
- The Colorado River: How will states manage a drier future? Rachel Fixsen, Moab Sun News. March, 2020.
- Colorado River in Trouble of Water Shortages Due to Climate Change. Eliza Erskine, One Green Planet. March, 2020.
- Arizona Legislature should act on rural groundwater, former Gov. Bruce Babbitt says. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. March, 2020.
- Tensions emerge as a top Arizona official discusses tribes’ unresolved water claims. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. March, 2020.
- Environmentalists sue feds, trying to force Fort Huachuca cutbacks. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star/Tucson.com. March, 2020.
- Groups sue over groundwater pumping linked to Arizona Army base, warning river is at risk. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. March, 2020.
- Tribal Nations Enter Negotiations Over Colorado River Water. Anna V. Smith, Mother Jones. March, 2020.
- A short-lived fight over a groundwater bill produced a big lesson for Arizona. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. March, 2020.
- Bill to end “use it or lose it” water policy sailing through Legislature. Victoria Harker, Chamber Business News. March, 2020.
- Buckeye Mayor Meck testifies at U.S. Senate on thirsty salt cedar trees. Jessica Myers, Cronkite News. March, 2020.
- West’s Biggest Reservoir Is Back on the Rise, Thanks to Conservation, Snow. Jim Carlton, The Wall Street Journal. March, 2020.
- ‘This system cannot be sustained’. Anna V. Smith, High Country News. March, 2019.
- Cobb’s bills among 12 groundwater bills to die at the Legislature. John Gutekunst, Parker Pioneer. March, 2020.
- Lawmakers angle for a seat at the table in Colorado River drought negotiations. Nick Reynolds, Casper Star Tribune. March, 2020.
- Releases of water into the Santa Cruz River slashed to protect landfill. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. March, 2020.
- Colorado mountain snowpack in “good spot” for water supply heading into spring. Bruce Finley, The Denver Post. March, 2020.
- The Colorado River: How will states manage a drier future? Rachel Fixsen, Moab Sun News. March, 2020.
- Groundwater pumping in unregulated rural areas in Arizona. Interview with Sarah Porter, Arizona PBS. March, 2020.
- Audubon Calls for More Resources and Attention (not Less) for Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo. Karyn Stockdale, National Audubon Society. February, 2020.
- US identifies habitat critical for survival of rare songbird. Susan Montoya Bryan, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2020.
- As Congress Weighs a Ban, the Local Fight Over the Risks of a Grand Canyon Mine Drags On. Elizabeth Whitman, Phoeinx New Times. February, 2020.
- Key stakeholders emphasize collaboration at Western water event. Shannon Mullane, Pine River TImes. February, 2020.
- Our View: Groundwater issue far from settled in Arizona’s rural areas. Today's News-Herald. February, 2020.
- Tim Steller's opinion: State leaders fail to confront groundwater emergency. Tim Stellar, Tucson.com. February, 2020.
- Doug Ducey: Arizona’s focus is on Mohave County. Today's News-Herald. February, 2020.
- The late-winter water report: drier weather makes an unwelcome return. Arizona Department of Water Resources. Feburary, 2020.
- As Western Coal Plants Close, What Happens To Their Water? Luke Runyon, KUNC. February, 2020.
- These bald eagle nestwatchers help an imperiled species soar again over Arizona. Debra Utacia Krol, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2020.
- Groundwater key to Southwest water policy. Theresa Davis, Albuquerque Journal. February, 2020.
- Management Plan Work Group Offers Public Opportunity to Develop Water Policies. Fred Breedlove, JDSupra. February, 2020.
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Releases Revised Critical Habitat Proposal for Western Yellow-Billed Cuckoo. Sierra Sun Times. February, 2020.
- Rural Arizona is turning into a tumbleweed. So, naturally, lawmakers ... do nothing. Laurie Roberts, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2020.
- Bills that would strengthen rural groundwater rules die in Arizona Legislature. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2020.
- Local Opinion: New groundwater legislation is encouraging, state must now follow through. Chris Kuzdas and Haley Paul, special to The Arizona Daily Star. February, 2020.
- Freedom at Too High a Price: Groundwater Depletion in Rural Arizona. Polina Whitehouse, Harvard Political Review. February, 2020.
- Rising temperatures are taking a worsening toll on the Colorado River, study finds. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2020.
- Groundwater use for Fort Huachuca and the San Pedro River. Ariana Brocious, Arizona Public Media. February, 2020.
- About 40 million people get water from the Colorado River. Studies show it's drying up. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2020.
- Trump Admin’s Clean Water Rollback Will Hit Some States Hard. The Revelator, EcoWatch. February, 2020.
- How is the Verde River doing? Conservation groups give the watershed a C-plus. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2020.
- Colorado River Is in Danger of a Parched Future. Shannon Hall, Scientific American. February, 2020.
- Arizona Legislators, Western Rivers Action Network Discuss Water Security. National Audubon Society. February, 2020.
- Arizona Senate committee shelves groundwater bill after impassioned debate. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2020.
- Colorado River flow shrinks from climate crisis, risking ‘severe water shortages’. Oliver Milman, The Guardian. February, 2020.
- Study: Colorado River’s Flow Decreases 9 Percent With Every Degree Of Warming. Melissa Sevigny, KNAU NPR. February, 2020.
- Climate change has stolen more than a billion tons of water from the West’s most vital river. Juliet Eilperin,The Washington Post. February, 2020.
- This bill will protect scarce water supplies for rural Arizona, if the Legislature can pass it. Cristopher Kuzdas, Environmental Defense Fund. February, 2020.
- Study Shows More Of The Country Faces Groundwater Decline. Luke Runyon, Nevada Public Radio. February, 2020.
- Ranchers, environmentalists on collision course in defining ‘waterway’. Andrew Nicla. Arizona Capitol Times. February, 2020.
- Farmers push back against tracking data on groundwater wells. Associated Press. February, 2020.
- Tribes considering a hemp production ordinance. John Gutekunst, Parker Pioneer. February, 2020.
- Reforming expectations to save Western rivers. Jen Pelz, Santa Fe New Mexican. February, 2020.
- As groundwater depletes, arid American West is moving east. University of Arizona via Newswise. February, 2020.
- Udall, Heinrich Seek Comment on Wild & Scenic Legislation to Protect the Gila River. KRWG Public Media. February, 2020.
- As Arizona weighs water reforms, farms push back against reporting pumping data. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2020.
- Only new regulations can ensure Arizona's wells won't go dry. Polina Whitehouse, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2020.
- Arizona Rep. Regina Cobb submits bills seeking groundwater protection. Brandon Messick, Today's News-Herald. February, 2020.
- An Arizona city searches for the answer to its water problem. But the price may be out of reach. Joshua Bowling, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2020.
- Rockies snowpack good, but dryness could threaten Colorado River flow. Blake Apgar Las Vegas Review-Journal. February, 2020.
- Arizona business leaders seek ways to protect water supply. Victoria Harker, AZBigMedia. February, 2020.
- Metro Phoenix cities don't have equal access to water. See how your city stacks up. Joshua Bowling, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2020.
- Water must be managed as a scarce resource. Rib L. Fleming, AZBigMedia. February, 2020.
- State lawmakers and industry talk water stewardship. Victoria Harker, Chamber Business News. February, 2020.
- Buckeye is the nation's fastest-growing city. But it doesn't have the water to keep it up. Joshua Bowling, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2020.
- Mohave County leaders ask state to help safeguard declining groundwater. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2020.
- Water management fixes won't come soon for Arizona, experts say. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. February, 2020.
- Supervisors move to protect groundwater. Mohave Valley Daily News. February, 2020.
- Rare talks to avoid lawsuit may pit Fort Huachuca jobs vs. San Pedro water needs. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. February, 2020.
- Family sets aside 2,500 acres for conservation on historic southern Arizona ranch. Erin Stone, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2020.
- 4 things Arizona should learn from California's groundwater regulation fight. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2020.
- Real estate industry's clout produced 'pro-development' 1993 groundwater law. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. February, 2020.
- Damming the Gila a vampire proposal. Bruce Babbitt, Santa Fe New Mexican. February, 2020.
- Crews cut down cottonwood trees at San Pedro River to make way for Trunmp's border wall. Erin Stone, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2020.
- Concerns grow that Trump's wall will damage rivers, wildlife habitat on Arizona border. Erin Stone, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2020.
- We’re Ready to Act Now to Protect our Air, Water and Land for Generations to Come. Kirsten Engel, Arizona Capitol Times. February, 2020.
- Some Droughts Are ‘Perfect.’ Here’s Why. Bret Jaspers and Mark Brodie, 91.5 KJZZ. February, 2020.
- State may threaten tribes who don’t agree to water settlements. Peter Aleshire, Payson Roundup. January, 2020.
- Lots Of Water Bills At Legislature One Year After Drought Plan Passed. Bret Jaspers and Mark Brodie, 91.5 KJZZ. January, 2020.
- Could Phoenix Survive a Water Crisis? Chris Malloy, The Counter. January, 2020.
- UPDATE: New Federal Rule Reduces Protections for Water in the West, Harming People and Birds. Haley Paul, Audubon Arizona. January, 2020.
- Five Audubon Chapters Awarded with Western Water Grants. Desiree Loggins, National Audubon Society. January, 2020.
- Arizona’s budget must reflect our water challenges. Guest Opinion: Kim Mitchell, Arizona Capitol Times. January, 2020.
- A 'gap in protection': Ariz. looks for a Plan B under WOTUS. Ariel Wittenberg, E&E News. January, 2020.
- Arizona's water system for suburban growth heads toward 'train wreck,' Babbitt says. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. January, 2020.
- Bill would block transfers of Colorado River water from rural areas to growing cities. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. January, 2020.
- Advocates: EPA’s new clean-water rules hit Arizona, Southwest hardest. Jessica Myers, Cronkite News. January, 2020.
- Water Rule Leaves Ephemeral Streams Unprotected. Bret Jaspers, Lauren Gilger, 91.5 KJZZ. January, 2020.
- Determining how much water Colorado’s snowpack will yield is an inexact science, but researchers persist. Mark Jaffe, The Colorado Sun. January, 2020.
- New Water Rule Endangers Millions of Birds and America’s Water Supply. National Audubon Society. January, 2020.
- Trump Administration Cuts Back Federal Protections For Streams And Wetlands. Stott Neuman and Colin Dwyer, National Public Radio. January, 2019.
- New Federal Water Rules Ditch Protections for Wetlands and Small Streams. Andy McGlashen, National Audubon Society. January, 2020.
- Trump rolls back US water pollution controls. BBC News. January, 2020.
- WOTUS rule finally coming. Kelsey Tamborrino, Politico. January, 2020.
- Ducey defends Arizona’s record on water, says state has ‘more to do’. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. January, 2020.
- Ducey pledges continued protection of Lake Mead, water in lower basin states. Michael McGrady, The Apache Junction & Gold Canyon News. January, 2020.
- Bill Would Ban Water Transfers From River Communities To Central Arizona. Bret Jaspers, 91.5 KJZZ. January, 2020.
- Water-well metering to prevent groundwater depletion proposed in Legislature. Brett Jaspers, KJZZ via Cronkite News. January, 2020.
- Arizona pumped hydro project gets nod from regulator. reNews.biz. January, 2020.
- How will Western water be affected by climate change? A tiny Colorado flower may have the answer. Mark Jaffe, Colorado Sun. January, 2020.
- Trump admin fast-tracks Colorado River pipeline. Jeremy P. Jacobs, E&E News. January, 2020.
- Arizona lawmakers want to use casino agreements to force tribes to settle water disputes. Ryan Randazzo and Andrew Oxford, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. January, 2020.
- 2019 Year In Review: Signing Colorado River agreement top water story for AZ. Arizona Department of Water Resources. January, 2020.
- Arizona lawmakers call for measuring groundwater pumping in rural areas. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. January, 2020.
- Lake’s tide turns: Water at highest level since 2014, not enough to end drought. Celia Shortt Goodyear, Boulder City Review. January, 2020.
- Water experts say 2020 is a big year for water conversations. Erin Crooks, KJCT News. January, 2020.
- Victory for residents opposed to 10-mile pipeline in north Phoenix neighborhood. Mark Phillips, ABC15 News. January, 2020.
- At Least 2 Well-Metering Bills At Arizona Capitol. Bret Jaspers, 91.5 KJZZ. January, 2020.
- Prioritizing Water Security for Arizona’s Birds and People. Haley Paul, Audubon Arizona. January, 2020.
- After San Pedro report leaks, groups demand review of Fort Huachuca groundwater pumping. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. January, 2020.
- In 2020 Legislative Session, Arizona Lawmakers Face Tough Questions About Water. Howard Fischer, Capitol Media Services. January, 2020.
- Legislature plans to address groundwater crisis in rural Arizona. Ian James and Rob O'Dell, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. January, 2020.
- Rural groundwater pumping is next big Arizona water issue for lawmakers. Howard Fischer, Capitol Media Services. January, 2020.
- What's on Tap for Arizona Water in 2020? Five Issues to Watch. Elizabeth Whitman, Phoenix New Times. January, 2020.
- Bill Seeks $6.1 Million and More Hydrologists for Arizona Department of Water Resources. Elizabeth Whitman, Phoenix New Times. January, 2020.
- Arizona’s water supply a major issue for legislative session. Bob Christie, Associated Press. January, 2020.
- Climate change on the Colorado River. Teagan Rasche, KYMA. January, 2020.
- Planning for a future with less Colorado River water. Ariana Brocious, Arizona Public Media. January, 2020.
- Colorado River water forecast lower than normal despite snowpack. Luke Runyon, Arizona Public Media. January, 2020.
- Teamwork will be key to balancing the overcommitted Colorado River. Brett Jaspers, KJZZ via Cronkite News. January, 2020.
- The Colorado River is overcommitted – here’s how that happened. Brett Jaspers, KJZZ via Cronkite News. January, 2020.
- Advocate: Colorado River Basin states need to cut water use. Associated Press. January, 2020.
- How big was Lake Mead’s “structural deficit” in 2019? John Fleck, Inkstain. January, 2020.
- Rising water at Lake Mead costs thousands of dollars for business to maneuver. Tiffany Lane, 3 News Las Vegas. January, 2020.
- Sinema’s New Bipartisan Bill Improves Arizona’s Water Supply. Press Release, Office of Senator Kyrsten Sinema. January, 2020.
- Is customer-based water conservation a drop in the bucket in Southern Nevada? Shannon Miller. The Nevada Independent. January, 2020.
- Opinion: Lawmakers could stop Arizona's next water war. But will they? Bruce Babbitt, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. January, 2020.
- Time to move faster on cutting Colorado River use, conservationist warns. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. January, 2020.
- Deception and science in the Colorado River. Jeff Gardner, Desert Times. January, 2020.
- Mark your calendar: Here are the biggest, most newsworthy dates to watch in 2020. Editorial Board, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. December, 2019.
- With Colorado River Cutbacks Looming, a Drought Pipeline Sparks Ire in Phoenix. Elizabeth Whitman, Phoenix New Times. December, 2019.
- Interior denies $56M in Gila diversion funds. Theresa Davis, Albuquerque Journal, December, 2019.
- Who should pay for water conservation in the West? Water managers wade into discussion. Heather Sackett, Aspen Times. December, 2019.
- Big News for the Gila River – America’s Most Endangered River for 2019. Sinjin Eberle, American Rivers. December, 2019.
- How two guys buried the hatchet and helped Arizona sign a historic drought plan. Editorial Board, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. December, 2019.
- Industrial farms invest in Arizona. They don't pirate its water and resources. Philip Bashaw , Arizona Republic/AZ Central. December, 2019.
- Lower basin states’ water contributions slow down Colorado River drought. Aziza Shuler, KYMA News. December, 2019.
- The Colorado River Is Overcommitted. Here's Why — And What We Can Do About It. Bret Jaspers, 91.5 KJZZ. December, 2019.
- Damming the Little Colorado River for power projects is opposed by tribes, environmentalists. James Carr, Cronkite News. December, 2019.
- Extension of White Mountain Apache Tribe’s water rights settlement among priorities Sinema secures in end-of-year appropriations bills. Indian Country Today. December, 2019.
- To Break Bread, We Need Water. Page Buono, American Rivers. December, 2019.
- What 2,000 years of traditional Hopi farming in the arid Southwest can teach about resilience. Christopher Kuzdas, Environmental Defense Fund. December, 2019.
- In western Arizona, corporate farms turn water into profits, leaving small towns in the dust. Rob O'Dell, and Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. December, 2019.
- Colorado River Users Convene In Las Vegas To Talk Drought Contingency Plan. Christin Kay, Aspen Public Radio. December, 2019.
- Interior secretary announces study impacting Colorado River water talks. Luke Runyon, Arizona Public Media. December, 2019.
- Water flows to resume Tuesday after $6M in CAP canal repairs. Associated Press. December, 2019.
- Monday Is Deadline To Comment On Cibola Valley-Queen Creek Water Transfer. Bret Jaspers, 91.5 KJZZ. December, 2019.
- Water Managers Consider The Future Of The Colorado River. Rachel Christiansen. Nevada Public Radio. December, 2019.
- With Drought Plans Finished, Water Managers Pause Colorado River Negotiations. Luke Runyon, KUNC. December, 2019.
- ‘Storytellers’ McBride and Runyon anchor Colorado River discussion. Genevieve J. Villamizar, Special to the Aspen Daily News. December, 2019.
- Building a Positive Water Future: Western Water Highlights in 2019. Karyn Stockdale, National Audubon Society. December, 2019.
- Yes we live in a desert, but is it really up to each of us to conserve water? John D'Anna, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. December, 2019.
- Equity, climate on the table at Colorado River conference as new negotiations loom for Southwest water managers. Daniel Rothberg, The Nevada Independent. December, 2019.
- Why are Saudi Arabian cows still eating Arizona's water? EJ Montini, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. December, 2019.
- Colorado River Water Users Association talks conservation at annual conference. Kyndell Kim, 3 News Las Vegas. December, 2019.
- States That Are Cutting Their Use Of Colorado River Water To Conserve It For Others Get Praise From US Water Chief. Associated Press. December, 2019.
- Feds will review Colorado River rules, Interior boss says, with an eye on long-term risks. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. December, 2019.
- Interior Secretary wants review of Colorado River agreement done by next December. Ken Ritter, Associated Press. December, 2019.
- US water chief praises Colorado River deal, sees challenges. Ken Ritter, The San Deiago Union-Tribune. December, 2019.
- Colorado River Water Users Association talks conservation at annual conference. Kyndell Kim, 3 News Las Vegas. December, 2019.
- As Winter Approaches, All Eyes Turn Toward Rocky Mountain Snowpack. Luke Runyon, KUNC. December, 2019.
- Conservation key as decades-long drought continues. Shea Johnson, Las Vegas Review-Journal. December, 2019.
- Global warming has SHRUNK the Colorado River. Spring Hill Insider. December, 2019.
- Supervisors discuss plan to address water concerns in Willcox Basin. Shar Porier, Sierra Vista Herald/Review. December, 2019.
- Judd to hold Willcox Basin water problem workshops in 2020. Shar Porier, Sierra Vista Herald/Review. December, 2019.
- Revived stretch of Santa Cruz River provides oasis for wildlife. Ariana Brocious, Arizona Public Media. December, 2019.
- Water cutbacks set to begin under deal designed to ‘buy down risk’ on Colorado River. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. December, 2019.
- Colorado River crisis could have huge impact on state. Jerd Smith, Water Education Colorado. December, 2019.
- For decades, groundwater beneath Arizona's big cities has been spared. That's about to change. Ian James and Rob O'Dell, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. December, 2019.
- These 7 industrial farm operations are draining Arizona's aquifers, and no one knows exactly how much they're taking. Ian James and Rob O'Dell, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. December, 2019.
- Amid the wasteland of the Salton Sea, a miraculous but challenging oasis is born. Louis Sahagun, Los Angeles Times. December, 2019.
- It's one of Arizona's most precious rivers. Hundreds of new wells may leave it running dry. Ian James and Rob O'Dell, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. December, 2019.
- Megafarms and deeper wells are draining the water beneath rural Arizona – quietly, irreversibly. Ian James and Rob O'Dell. Arizona Republic/AZ Central. December, 2019.
- Opinion | In the Colorado River Basin, challenges and solutions aren’t limited to compact compliance. Hannah Holm, Colorado Mesa University Hutchins Water Center. December, 2019.
- A River in Deficit: Deception and science in the Colorado River. Jeff Gardner, Tucson Weekly. December, 2019.
- Sinking Feeling: How ignoring inconvenient science drained the Colorado. Eric Kuhn and John Fleck, Tucson Weekly. December, 2019.
- Supporters Work To Make The Land And Water Conservation Fund Permanent. Bret Jaspers and Lauren Gilger, 91.5 KJZZ. December, 2019.
- Thanksgiving Storms Provide Big Boost To Colorado Snowpack. Luke Runyon, KUNC. December, 2019.
- 'The Wild Ones': The Story Of The First Women Who Successfully Rafted Down The Colorado River. Steve Goldstein, 91.5 KJZZ. December, 2019.
- Army Report Reveals Military Base’s Harm to San Pedro River Stretches Back to 2003. Press Release, Center for Biological Diversity. December, 2019.
- Officials celebrate Colorado River drought deal at Hoover Dam. Stock Daily Dish. December, 2019.
- In A Revived Arizona River, A Wildlife Oasis Is Remade. Ariana Brocious, KUNC All Things Considered. December, 2019.
- Julie Hill-Gabriel on “Water Resources Development Acts: Status of Implementation and Assessing Future Needs.” December, 2019.
- Bruce Babbitt: Urging youth to address climate change. Andrew Nicla, Arizona Capitol Times. December, 2019.
- Tribes, Conservation Groups Oppose Dams Near Grand Canyon. Katherine Davis-Young, 91.5 KJZZ. December, 2019.
- Editorial: Trying to find water for everyone. John Gutekunst. Parker Pioneer. December, 2019.
- Politicians knew the inconvenient truth about the Colorado River 100 years ago — and ignored it. Naveena Sadasivam, Grist. December, 2019.
- Las Vegas water pipeline battle is life-or-death fight for Shoshone sacred site. Benjamin Spillman, Reno Gazette Journal. November, 2019.
- Survey: Arizonans concerned most about water, education and the state's finances. Maria Polletta, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. November, 2019.
- Drought Coordinating Group recommends drought declaration continue. John Gutekunst, Parker Pioneer. November, 2019.
- Water transfer from Colorado River to central Arizona faces stiff opposition. Bret Jaspers, 91.5 KJZZ. November, 2019.
- In the Middle East, countries spend heavily to transform seawater into drinking water. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. November, 2019.
- Why Groundwater Matters for Arizona’s People and Birds, Haley Paul, Audubon Arizona. November, 2019.
- Poll: Arizonans Speak. Arizona State University's Morrison Institute for Public Policy. November, 2019.
- Survey: Arizonans concerned most about water, education and the state's finances. Maria Polletta, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. November, 2019.
- Letter: Groundwater Recharge. Sterling Vinson, Tucson.com. November, 2019.
- After Wet Winter, Why Is Tijuana Running Low On Water? Max Rivlin-Nadler, KPBS. November, 2019.
- Locals Shut Down Water Transfer Proposal to Maricopa County. Kim Johnson, KAWC/Colorado Public Media. November, 2019.
- On Colorado River, challenges and solutions go beyond compact. Hannah Holm, The Daily Sentinel. November, 2019.
- FERC flooded with opposition to Little Colorado River dam proposals. Scott Buffon, Arizona Daily Sun. November, 2019.
- Reservoirs full, but water future uncertain. Katharhynn Heidelberg, Montrose Press. November, 2019.
- Federal official says Colorado River drought plan not done yet. Stock Daily Dish. November, 2019.
- Water crisis looms if Colorado fails to meet its legal obligations to other states, study warns. Jerd Smith, Colorado Sun. November, 2019.
- New Monitoring Program Hopes To Boost Science On Colorado River Headwaters. Luke Runyon, KUNC. November, 2019.
- Historically Left Out, Colorado River Tribes Call For More Sway In Western Water Talks. Luke Runyon, Nevada Public Radio. November, 2019.
- Tribes oppose proposal to dam Colorado tributary. Associated Press. November, 2019.
- Drought panel recommends continued drought declaration as experts foresee a drier winter. Arizona Department of Water Resources. November 2019.
- ADWR hears comments on proposed Cibola water transfer. John Gutekunst, Parker Pioneer. November, 2019.
- Battle over water rights: Proposed transfer of Colorado River water. Aziza Shuler, KYMA. November, 2019.
- Press Release: Sinema’s New Bipartisan Bill Improves Arizona’s Water Supply. Senator Kyrsten Sinema. November, 2019.
- Debate: Does watering Arizona's suburbs promote affordable housing or urban sprawl? Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. November, 2019.
- ‘They’re going to dry up’: Debate erupts over plan to move water from farmland to suburbs. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. November, 2019.
- Central Arizona Tries Again To Bring In Water From On-River Entitlements. Bret Jaspers, 91.5 KJZZ. November, 2019.
- Local Opinion: A Gen-Z perspective on the climate crisis. Madeleine Zaritsky, Arizona Daily Stary. November, 2019.
- A big battle is brewing over a small amount of water. Here's why it matters. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. November, 2019.
- Panel takes step to secure water supply in Pinal County. Andrew Nicla, Arizona Capitol Times. November, 2019.
- New analysis spells out serious legal risk to Colorado River water users. Luke Runyon, Arizona Public Media KUNC. November, 2019.
- Arizona water — here are the reasons to be optimistic. Erin Thornburn, azBigMedia. November, 2019.
- Many Native Americans Can't Get Clean Water, Report Finds. Lourel Morales, NPR Morning Edition. November, 2019.
- Journalist Shares Appreciation Of Rafting Rivers In The Driest Reaches Of American West. Steve Shadley, KNAU NPR. November, 2019.
- As Arizona's suburban water tables drop, some potential solutions begin to emerge. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. November, 2019.
- Ancient aquifers are dropping as Tucson's suburbs pump groundwater. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. November, 2019.
- Colorado River Water Conservation District to perform demand management study. Marianne Goodland, Colorado Politics. November, 2019.
- New Analysis Spells Out Serious Legal Risk To Colorado River Water Users. Luke Runyon, KUNC. November, 2019.
- Historically Left Out, Colorado River Tribes Call For More Sway In Western Water Talks. Luke Runyon, KUNC. November, 2019.
- The future of management of Colorado River water. Interview with Arizona Department of Water Resources Director Tom Buschatzke and Central Arizona Project general manager Ted Cooke, Arizona PBS. November 2019.
- Habitat Prioritization Modelling for Yuma Ridgway’s Rail. Tice Supplee, Sonoran Joint Venture. November, 2019.
- Tracking a Secretive Marsh Bird through the Desert. Eamon Harrity and Dr. Courtney J. Conway, Sonoran Joint Venture. November, 2019.
- Navajo Nation appeals case against the feds over Colorado River water rights. Parker Shea, Arizona Mirror. November, 2019.
- All of Us Together: Art, Water, Community, and Culture. Morgan Moore, JAVA Magazine. November, 2019.
- The West's Water Shortage Is Fueled by Human Error. Philip Kiefer, Outside Magazine. November, 2019.
- 'Climate 2020' focuses on solutions for Arizona as planet heats up, Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. November, 2019.
- Tempe Town Lake inspires many to ask: What more could be done with the Salt River? Paulina Pineda, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. November, 2019.
- Drought Contingency Plan, McSally efforts highlighted in new U.S. Chamber TV spot. Garrick Taylor, Chamber Business News. November, 2019.
- Colorado Weather: New Snow Suddenly Becomes Scarce In The Mountains. Ashton Altieri, CBS 4 Denver. November, 2019.
- Phoenix pipeline pursuit threatens mountain preserve lands. Melissa Rosequist, The Town of Paradise Valley Independent. November, 2019.
- House panel will devise ways to loosen water rules in Pinal County to help developers. Parker Shea, Arizona Mirror. November, 2019.
- Water woes rise with border wall in Cochise County. Rocky Baier and Curt Prendergast, Arizona Daily Star. November, 2019.
- Where does the water come from to keep Tempe Town Lake full? Paulina Pineda, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. November, 2019.
- Water shortage risks for city of Buckeye highlighted in new Kyl Center report. Brady Harris, The State Press. November, 2019.
- House votes to permanently ban uranium mines near the Grand Canyon. Debra Krol, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. October, 2019.
- Lessons from Phoenix on water management and equity. Kathryn Sorensen, GreenBiz. October, 2019.
- Colorado River Basin story map highlights importance of managing water below the ground. Rachel O'Connor, Environmental Defense Fund. October, 2019.
- Hopi Tribe Strongly Opposed To Little Colorado River Dam Proposal. Ryan Heinsius, KNAU NPR. October, 2019.
- Groundwater in the Colorado River Basin. Story Map by Environmental Defense Fund. October, 2019.
- Water supply in Arizona threatened by new suburban developments. Associated Press. October, 2019.
- It’s Getting Hot in Here, So Take Off All Your Certainty: Hot Drought as the New Norm for the Southwest. Emily Kressley, The Catalyst. October, 2019.
- 'It's where we come from': the River People in Mexico left without a river. Nina Lakhani, The Guardian. October, 2019.
- Development in Arizona suburbs may run out of water, report says. Patrick O'Grady, Phoenix Business Journal. October, 2019.
- Climate Change Threatens Arizona’s Forest Birds. Tice Supplee, Audubon Arizona. October, 2019.
- Arizona will struggle to find enough water for suburban growth, report says. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. October, 2019.
- Half Of Arizona's Bird Species Are Under Threat From Climate Change. Mark Brodie, 91.5 KJZZ. October, 2019.
- The Elusive Concept of an Assured Water Supply: A Central Arizona Groundwater Replenishment District Report. The Kyl Center for Water Policy at Morrison Institute. October, 2019.
- Pinal County doesn't have enough water for the long haul. What will we do about it? Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. October, 2019.
- As developers built homes, Arizona groundwater levels fell. It can't continue, report says. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. October, 2019.
- New drought plan rules help stave off water shortages. Victoria Harker, Chamber Business News. October, 2019.
- Proposals would dam Little Colorado River for hydropower. Felicia Fonseca, Grand Canyon News. October, 2019.
- In Pinal, groundwater insufficient to meet long-term projected demands, officials say. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. October, 2019.
- New drought plan rules help stave off water shortages. Victoria Harker, Chamber Business News. October, 2019.
- Can’t Let the Taps Run Dry: Managing Water in an Unpredictable Climate. Katherine Long, Yes! Magazine. October, 2019.
- Local Opinion: Arizona shouldn't risk the San Pedro River. Peter Else, Arizona Daily Star. October, 2019.
- Climate Change is Water Change. Fay Harmant, American Rivers. October, 2019.
- 3 Environmental Groups Sue Federal Government Over Colorado River Management. Lauren Gilger, 91.5 KJZZ. October, 2019.
- Local Opinion: As Tucson-area rivers are reborn, we can do even more to help them flow. Lisa Shipek, Arizona Daily Star. October, 2019.
- Wet start to water year, now this: Drought designation areas to expand in western Colorado. Dennis Webb, Grand Junction Daily Sentinel. October, 2019.
- Leaders of DCP effort take home AZ Forward “Governor’s Award” for environmental excellence. Arizona Department of Water Resources. October, 2019.
- Opinion: Next step? Make AZ a strong voice among Colorado River states. Tom Buschatzke, Arizona Capitol Times. October, 2019.
- Navajo Nation Hasn’t Pursued Little Colorado River Dam Proposals. Ryan Heinius, KNAU NPR. October, 2019.
- Eco-groups sue feds, allege that Glen Canyon Dam plan ignores climate change. Brian Maffly, Salt Lake Tribune. October, 2019.
- Pinal County farmers fret over funding for new wells. Heeather Smathers, Arizona Capitol Times. September, 2019.
- Opinion: Smart cities must build resilient water strategies. Jon Freedman, Smart Cities Connect. September, 2019.
- The Santa Cruz River starts thriving again, water supply is restored. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. September, 2019.
- Two new dams near the Grand Canyon? Conservation groups call the plan 'unconscionable'. Debra Utacia Krol, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. September, 2019.
- House panel will devise ways to loosen water rules in Pinal County to help developers. Parker Shea, AZ Mirror. September, 2019.
- Villages at Vigneto will impact the San Pedro River. Not even slick PR can hide that. Robin Silver, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. September, 2019.
- Preliminary Permit Granted For Two Dams On Little Colorado River. Ryan Heinsius, KNAU. September, 2019.
- Could Super-Absorbent Gel Save Millions Of Gallons Of Water In The Desert? Peter O'Dowd, WBUR, September, 2019.
- Here are the winners of the 2019 Environmental Excellence Awards. AZBigMedia. September, 2019.
- How Changes to the Clean Water Act Affect Hunters and Anglers. Sam Lungren, Meat Eater. September, 2019.
- Water Sustainability Key to Moving Arizona Forward. Warren Tenney, AMWUA. April, 2019.
- Trump repeal of enviro rule will open way for massive AZ project, developer says. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. September, 2019.
- Cochise County group says environmental lawsuits harm landowners, economy. Ariana Brocious, Arizona Public Media. September, 2019.
- Climate change could mean less farming in the West. Twilight Greenaway, GreenBiz. September, 2019.
- Draining Arizona: Mining for water in the desert leaves residents' wells dry. NBC News. September, 2019.
- Arizona slipping back into drought. Peter Aleshire, Payson Roundup. September, 2019.
- Reasons to be optimistic about Arizona’s water future. Victoria Harker, Chamber Business News. September, 2019.
- Arizona Republic's 'An Unnatural Wonder' wins Rocky Mountain Emmy award. Alyssa Stoney, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. September, 2019.
- Resilience on the river: How an Arizona farmer combines tribal traditions with modern practices. Ronna Kelly, Environmental Defense Fund. September, 2019.
- As Water Sources Dry Up, Arizona Farmers Feel the Heat of Climate Change. Meg Wilcox, Civil Eats. September, 2019.
- Will Climate Change Mean Less Farming in the West? Twilight Greenaway, Civil Eats. September, 2019.
- How do we sustain the Colorado River past 2026? Here's how Arizona intends to find out. Tom Buschatzke and Ted Cooke, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. September, 2019.
- Fresh Thinking: Freshwater Science Is Being Pioneered in Arizona. Arizona Commerce Authority, Harvard Business Review. September, 2019.
- Repairs started on Bypass Drain. Blake Herzog, Yuma Sun. September, 2019.
- Unquenchable 3: The Fate of the Colorado River. Tim Pierce, KCPW. September, 2019.
- Farmers concerned over how mandatory water cuts from Colorado River will impact agriculture. Benjamin Brown, Fox News. September, 2019.
- Colorado River: The West's precious, but limited resource. Brenda Burman, The Hill. September, 2019.
- Presentations, prayers, perspectives: Annual festival honors Colorado River’s past, present, future. Gabriel Granillo, Arizona Daily Sun. September, 2019.
- How to Save the Colorado River from Climate Change and Chronic Overuse. Lucas Isakowitz, Time. September, 2019.
- Mexico facing ‘water zero’. Victoria Harker, AZ Big Media. August, 2019.
- Report: Climate change still a threat to overtapped Colorado River. Felicia Fonseca, Grand Canyon News. August, 2019.
- State will take less water from the Colorado River under a new contingency plan. Interview with Sarah Porter, Arizona State University. August, 2019.
- Key bills passed by state lawmakers and what they mean to you. Emily Richardson, AZ Big Media. August, 2019.
- Basin experiencing worst drought in 20 years, despite ’19 snowpack. Staff Report, The Moab Times-Independent. August, 2019.
- Salt impacting water quality throughout the West, but a 'grand deal' has improved it. Marianne Goodland, Colorado Politics. August, 2019.
- Mitigating factor: Peoria preparing for future water cuts. Philip Haldiman, YourValley,net. August, 2019.
- West wrestles with Colorado River “grand bargain” as changing climate depletes water governed by 1922 compact. Bruce Finley, The Denver Post. August, 2019.
- Colorado River News is a Mixed Bag: Heavy Snowmelt Can’t Prevent “Tier Zero” Shortage. JDsupra, Fred Breedlove and Snell & Wilmer. August, 2019.
- Months After Completing The Drought Contingency Plan, We Have To Use It. Lauren Gilger and Steve Goldstein, 91.5 KJZZ. August, 2019.
- First-ever mandatory water cutbacks will kick in next year along the Colorado River. Ian James, Arizona Republic. August, 2019.
- Arizona, Nevada cuts to Colorado River water negligible. Felicia Fonseca, Associated Press. August, 2019.
- Arizona to leave 192,000 acre feet of water in Lake Powell in 2020. Parker Pioneer. August, 2019.
- Climate Change Still Threatens Colorado River After Wet Winter. Associated Press. August, 2019.
- Despite High Snowpack, Low Reservoir Levels Will Trigger Drought Plans. Luke Runyon, KNPR. August, 2019.
- No mandatory cuts to Colorado River water in 2020, Arizona voluntarily cuts back. Associated Press. August, 2019.
- New Lake Mead forecast spares Arizona – for now. Here are four critical steps to water security. Kevin Moran, Environmental Defense Fund. August, 2019.
- Wet winter doesn’t end climate change risk to Colorado River. Felicia Fonseca, Associated Press. August, 2019.
- Arizona, Nevada, and Mexico to make Mandatory Reductions in Colorado River Water Use in 2020. Jennifer Pitt, National Audubon Society. August, 2019.
- Climate change threatens Colorado River despite wet winter. Associated Press. August, 2019.
- The West Is Trading Water for Cash. The Water Is Running Out. Luke McGrath, Bloomberg. August, 2019.
- It's all connected: Study confirms groundwater pumping linked to river, stream depletion. Shar Porier, News-Sun. August, 2019.
- Western states buy time with a 7-year Colorado River drought plan, but face a hotter, drier future. Brad Udall, John Fleck, and Douglas Kenney, Tucson Sentinel. August, 2019.
- Colorado River Indian Tribes Receive WaterSMART Grant Award to Conserve Water. Press Release, Colorado River Indian Tribes. August, 2019.
- Western farmers turn to tech as Colorado River faces distress. Dan Elliot, Associated Press. August, 2019.
- Guest Commentary: A wet year has filled our reservoirs but we must prepare for the drought to come. Ted Kowalski, The Denver Post. August, 2019.
- 'Snow droughts' are coming for the American West. Alejandra Borunda, National Geographic. August, 2019.
- Three things to know about the Upper Colorado River Basin drought contingency plan. Hannah Grover, Farmington Daily Times. August, 2019.
- Arizona’s drought plan offers key lessons for the road ahead. Glen Hamer and Kevin Moran, Arizona Capitol Times. August, 2019.
- Even after wet winter, Colorado River still threatened by climate change. Phoenix Scripps, Yahoo News. August, 2019.
- Dwindling groundwater, ever-deeper wells could spell trouble for Arizonans. Luke Runyon, KUNC and Melissa Robbins, Cronkite News. August, 2019.
- Central Arizona Project recognizes CRIT for fallow agreement. John Wright, ParkerLive. August, 2019.
- Water expert provides update on precious resource to members of Rotary Club of Scottsdale. Dr Honora A Norton, Scottsdale Independent. August, 2019.
- Fire and Rain: Together, Monsoons and Wildfires Can Ruin Arizona's Water Supply. Elizabeth Whitman, Phoenix New Times. August, 2019.
- To Commemorate Powell’s Colorado River Expedition, Research Team Retraces His Steps. Luke Runyon, KUNC. August, 2019.
- Panel: An Update On How The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act Is Working. Monica Velez, Valley Public Radio. July, 2019.
- Tamarisk Tree-Eating Beetles Evolve Heat-Proof Abilities, Continue Their March Across The Southwest. Associated Press. July, 2019.
- Diminished Groundwater Drives Wells Deeper Across The West. Luke Runyon, KUNC. July, 2019.
- Water in the desert: Glendale plans for sustainability during drought. Mark Carlisle, YourValley.net. July, 2019.
- Securing Arizona's Water Future: The Next 4 Important Steps. Kim Mitchell and Christopher Kuzdas, Arizona Republic/azcentral.com. July, 2019.
- USDA hints loan for groundwater could jeopardize federal funds. Andrew Howard, Arizona Capitol Times. July, 2019.
- As Southwest Water Managers Grapple With Climate Change, Can A 'Grand Bargain' Work? Luke Runyon and Bret Jaspers, KUNC. July, 2019.
- Recent UA study confirms groundwater pumping is drying up Arizona rivers. Alison Steinbach, Arizona Republic/azcentral.com. July, 2019.
- Villages at Vigneto decision targeted by Grijalva. Shar Porier, Herald/Review Media. July, 2019.
- Arizona Explores Desalination Options To Help Water Issue. Mark Brodie, 91.5 KJZZ. July, 2019.
- Local Opinion: Drought contingency plans embrace water marketing. Robert Glennon Special, Arizona Daily Star. July, 2019.
- Group pressures U.S. Forest Service to keep cattle away from streams. Howard Fischer, Arizona Capitol Times. July, 2019.
- Arizona Explores Desalination Options To Help Water Issue. Mark Brodie, KJZZ. July, 2019.
- Martha McSally And Kyrsten Sinema Join Forces To Support Water Sustainability Bill. Lauren Gilger, KJZZ. July, 2019.
- Group threatens lawsuit over 'cow pies' in streams in E. Arizona national forests. Howard Fischer, Capitol Media Services. July, 2019.
- State, local, federal agencies plan future collaboration on Colorado River. Brandon MEssick, Today's News-Herald. July, 2019.
- Cuckoos and Butterflies: River Pathways Field Dispatch. Daniel Hite, Audubon Arizona. July, 2019.
- The Colorado River needs a long-term plan for drought. Brad Udall, Douglas Kenney, and John Fleck. High Country News, July, 2019.
- The Illusion of Limitless Water. John Trotter, Photographic Museum of Humanity. July, 2019.
- Colorado's lingering snowpack making history. Liz Henderson, The Gazette. July, 2019.
- Metro Phoenix conserves groundwater like it's 1999. That's the problem. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. May, 2019.
- Western states buy time with a 7-year Colorado River drought plan, but face a hotter, drier future. Brad Udall, Houston Chronicle. July, 2019.
- Good water year is drop in the bucket for thirsty basin. Katie Klingsporn, The Daily Sentinel. July, 2019.
- Newly created river flow on Santa Cruz seen as 'miracle' to some. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. July, 2019.
- John Wesley Powell First Descended the Grand Canyon 150 Years Ago, Here's How It's Changed Since. Kristina Young, Forbes. July, 2019.
- Little Colorado River adjudication drags into 41st year. Laura Singleton, The Independent. July, 2019.
- Even after a rush of snow and rain, the thirsty Colorado River Basin is “not out of the woods yet”. Katie Klingsporn, The Colorado Sun. July, 2019.
- Analysis: Climate change is shrinking the Colorado River. Brad Udall and Jonathan Overpeck, The Pueblo Chieftain. July, 2019.
- Breaking free: Arizona still has a long way to go to bust loose of drought, long term. Arizona Department of Water Resources. June, 2019.
- Lower Colorado River Basin Can Still Expect Shortage Next Year. Bret Jaspers, 91.5 KJZZ. June, 2019.
- 'Better late than never,' says onlooker as Santa Cruz River lives again. Arizona Daily Star. June, 2019.
- The National Audubon Society Designates Third Important Bird Area in Camp Verde. Friends of the Verde River, Sedona.biz. June, 2019.
- Starting today, a small section of Tucson's Santa Cruz River to flow again. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. June, 2019.
- Water shortages are a real threat for rural Arizona. Can we stop them? Bruce Babbitt and Kathleen Ferris, Arizona Republic/azcentral.com. June, 2019.
- The Santa Cruz River will flow again near Tucson's birthplace. Johanna Willett, This Is Tucson. June, 2019.
- It’s summer, so let’s talk water. Interview with Claire Lauer. ASUNow, Arizona State University. June, 2019.
- New agreement cuts water usage further if Colorado River levels keep dropping. John Sadler, Las Vegas Sun. June, 2019.
- Camp Verde receives Important Bird Area designation. Camp Verde Bugle. June, 2019.
- OPINION: Colorado's booming outdoor recreation economy depends on a healthy river system. Nathan Fey and Heather Hansman, ColoradoPolitics. June, 2019.
- Bureau of Reclamation Selects 18 Projects to Receive $9 Million in WaterSMART Grants to Prepare and Build Resilience to Drought. Press Release. June, 2019.
- Map Shows Arizona Free of Short-Term Drought. Felicia Fonseca, Associated Press. June, 2019.
- Utah joins water officials from 7 states to urge California to preserve Colorado River. KUTV Staff, KJZZ.com. June, 2019.
- Good Year for Snow Could Delay Colorado River Water Emergency. Zac Ziegler, National Public Radio KNAU. June, 2019.
- As Water Scarcity Increases, Desalination Plants Are on the Rise. Dan Elliot, Associated Press. June, 2019.
- Colorado River Water Conservation Pilot Program Wraps Up. Melodie Edwards, Wyoming Public Media. June, 2019.
- Water wise farming using drip irrigation. Arianna Shell, KYMA News. June, 2019.
- The Snowpack is huge, so we are saved, right. Sinjin Eberle, American Rivers. June, 2019.
- Colorado exploring program to pay farmers to temporarily stop using water. Eleanor C. Hasenbeck, Steamboat Pilot and Today. June, 2019.
- Colorado’s rivers are starting to swell — but there are still feet of snow left to melt in the high country. Jesse Paul, The Colorado Sun. June, 2019.
- Utah Presses Forward With Pipeline Plans Despite Colorado River Basin Constraints. Judy Fahys, KUER. June, 2019.
- Colorado snowpack is at 751 percent. But the images truly tell the story. Chris Bianchi, The Denver Post. June, 2019.
- Reducing water demand key to Southwest’s future. Steve harris, Albuquerque Journal. June, 2019.
- This Year’s Snowmelt Surge Is A Welcome Reprieve For The Parched Southwest. Dan Elliot, Associated Press. June, 2019.
- Just Add Water: A new flow for the Santa Cruz River in Downtown Tucson. Grace Wofford, Sonoran Institute. June, 2019.
- Nogales Wastewater Fairness Act gets another shot in Congress. Jonathan Clark, Nogales International. June, 2019.
- In the Field—Western Rivers Bird Count. Tice Supplee, Audubon Arizona. June, 2019.
- Arizona plans for drought contingency plan impacts. Ariana Brocious, Arizona Public Media. June, 2019.
- Only by working together can we solve our nation’s water crises. Guest Collumn: Ted Kowalski and Kristin Tracz, nola.com. June, 2019.
- Solid winter snowpack masks systemic problems in Colorado River. Sky-Hi News. June, 2019.
- Lake Powell’s water levels on the rise — for now. Josh Carter, The Daily Universe. June, 2019.
- Visitors to Lake Mead boost area economy by $336 million. Celia Shortt Goodyear, Boulder City Review. June, 2019.
- Unusually wet winter and spring pushes Arizona out of short-term drought. Melissa Robbins, Cronkite News/Arizona PBS. June, 2019.
- Arizona Legislature Wraps up with Wins for Birds, Water, and Public Lands. Haley Paul, Audubon Arizona. June, 2019.
- Where Will All the Water Go? Bob Henson, weather.com. June, 2019.
- Tubac area now hosts the only known U.S. nesting sites for this lovely bird. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. June, 2019.
- Tourism at Lake Mead generates $336 million in economic benefits. Gabriella Benavidez, Fox 5 KVVU-TV. May, 2019.
- Arizona Budget Includes Money For Groundwater Infrastructure In Pinal. Bret Jaspers, KJZZ. May, 2019.
- Boas: Water Debates In The Arizona Legislature. Steve Goldstein, KJZZ. May, 2019.
- The Colorado River’s Biggest Challenge Looms. Tara Lohan, The Revelator. May, 2019.
- Amid drought, Phoenix plans for a future with less water. PBS Newshour. May, 2019.
- U.S. drought breaks for first time in 20 years, United States Drought Monitor reports. Serena O'Sullivan, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. May, 2019.
- A long, cold spring delays fire season. Michele Nelson, Payson Roundup. May, 2019.
- Community Ag Alliance: Water management is important to all. Nicole Seltzer, Steamboat Pilot. May, 2019.
- This Year's Heavy Snow And Spring Runoff Are Both A Blessing And A Curse. Michael Elizabeth Sakas, Natalia Navarro and Kelley Griffin, Colorado Public Radio. May, 2019.
- 150th anniversary of Colorado River expedition holds lessons for water in era of climate change. Amy Souers Kober, American Rivers. May, 2019.
- Demand Management in the Colorado River Basin. The Nature Conservancy. May, 2019.
- Down River: Into The Future Of Water In The West. John Miles, National Parks Traveler. May, 2019.
- Valley Partnership works to find solutions to water availability issues in Arizona. Steve Burks, AZBigMedia. May, 2019.
- This is the biggest small step Arizona could take to save rural groundwater. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. May, 2019.
- 7-State Plan To Preserve Colorado River Water Adopted at Hoover Dam Ceremony. Natalia V. Navarro, Colorado Public Radio. May, 2019.
- Opinion: This drought plan saves Colorado River water. But it's about much more than that. Lukas and Rob Walton, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. May, 2019.
- States sign short-term Colorado River drought plan, but global warming looms over long-term solutions. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. May, 2019.
- Press Release: Lower Basin States, Mexico Sign Colorado Drought Contingency Plan. Governor Doug Ducey. May, 2019.
- Final 100 miles of the Colorado highlight how badly the river is overtaxed. Luke Runyon, KUNC via Cronkite News/Arizona PBS. May, 2019.
- States Set To Sign Drought Contingency Plan For Colorado River. Luke Runyon, Nevada Public Radio. May, 2019.
- As states gather to sign Colorado River drought plan, focus turns to what's next. Andrew Nicla, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. May, 2019.
- One good year does not end a drought. Jim Spehar, Grand Junction Daily Sentinel. May, 2019.
- We were warned 150 years ago about our water shortage. We have to do better. Heather Hansman, The Washington Post. May, 2019.
- Lawmaker, farmers make pitch for $20M for water plan. Howard Fischer, Capitol Media Services. May, 2019.
- Pinal County farmers seek $20 million for drought plan. Associated Press. May, 2019.
- Latinos rely heavily on Colorado River water amid plans for cutbacks. Guest Opinion: Elizabeth Venalonzo, Arizona Capitol Times. May, 2019.
- Sustaining the San Pedro River. Ariana Brocious, Arizona Public Media. May, 2019.
- ASU awarded NASA grant for study on Colorado River water management. Karin Valentine, Arizona State University. May, 2019.
- If You’re a Skier, You Should Care About Rivers. Powder Magazine. May, 2019.
- This Arizona bill supports local planning for resilient groundwater supplies in two rural counties. Christopher Kuzdas, Environmental Defense Fund. May, 2019.
- Colorado to make tough decisions when it comes to water usage in drought contingency plan. Deepan Dutta, SummitDaily. May, 2019.
- California irrigation district challenges Colorado river drought plan. Felicia Fonseca, Associate Press. May, 2019.
- International Infrastructure Issues Threaten Arizona’s Santa Cruz River. Haley Paul, Audubon Arizona. May, 2019.
- Bureau of Reclamation projects Lake Mead to stay above shortage trigger. Saul A. Flores, Mohave Valley Daily News. May, 2019.
- Hirt: cooperation, optimism the key to Arizona’s water future. Ken Showers, The Copper Era. May, 2019.
One Benefit of Record Flooding, Drought Levels in US Hit Historic Low. Douglas A. McIntyre, 24/7 Wall St. May, 2019.
- 6 Major Rivers Facing Drought-like Situations from Overuse. Kaqshyap Vyas, Interesting Engineering. May, 2019.
- Changing water flow leads to more bugs in Grand Canyon. Felicia Fonseca, Associate Press. May, 2019.
- Homes, businesses at risk for massive damage from fissures in Arizona. Briana Whitney, AZfamily.com. May, 2019.
- Water is an economic issue, not just an environmental issue. Opinion: Glen Hamer, The Hill. April, 2019.
- In Colorado River's Final Hundred Miles, Small Signs Of Life Return. Luke Runyon, 91.5 KRCC. May, 2019.
- Can Arizona fix its water problems? Here's what (and who) will answer that. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. May, 2019.
- Water in the West: Snow news may not be good news. Tom Yulsman, Discover. May, 2019.
- NEPA looms over drought plan enthusiasm. Jeremy P. Jacobs, E&E News. May, 2019.
- Heavy Mountain Snowpack Delays Lake Mead Shortage Levels. Vernon Robison, Moapa Valley Progress. May, 2019.
- Audubon’s Jennifer Pitt Honored with Leadership Award for Colorado River Work. National Audubon Society, May, 2019.
- Is it really drought contingency or a missed opportunity? Guest Opinion, Arizona Capitol Times. April, 2019.
- Arizona Needs to Resolve Long-Running Lawsuit in Order to Protect Rivers. Haley Paul, National Audubon Society. April, 2019.
- Colorado River basin reservoirs benefit from heavy snowpack. Associated Press, April, 2019.
- A Colorado River Drought Contingency Plan Is in Place—Now What? Karyn Stockdale, National Audubon Society. April, 2019.
- Hydrologists cautiously optomistic about Colorado River Basin flows after a wetter than normal El Nino season. Amy G. Hadachek, The Fence Post. April, 2019.
- Apache County waterways a $442 million industry. White Mountain Independent. April, 2019.
- A Tempe Town Lake west of metro Phoenix? Here are plans for Gila River, and what's stopping them. Joshua Bowling, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. April, 2019.
- The New Normal. Will McKay, Backcountry Magazine. April, 2019.
- Drought will become the norm by mid-century as the planet warms. Kelly Puente, Long Beach Post. April, 2019.
- Guest Column: River alliance inspiring new conservation workers. Morgan Moore, Arizona Republic. April, 2019.
- Colorado River drought plan could improve local drought resilience. Hannah Holm, The Daily Sentinel. April, 2019.
- Advocacy group: Gila River is America’s most endangered. Bret Jaspers, Mark Brodie, and Steve Goldstein, KJZZ. April, 2019.
- Healthy Snowpack In The Colorado River Basin Is Improving Reservoirs Across Multiple States. Joella Baumann, Colorado Public Radio. April, 2019.
- Landmark Agreement Addresses Colorado River Basin Supply. Fay Hartman, American Rivers. April, 2019.
- How California's drought-plan lawsuit hurts Arizona. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. April, 2019.
- 27 miles of paradise. Barbara Davis, White Mountain Independent. April, 2019.
- Drought lawsuit by California district doesn't worry Arizona's top water official. Howard Fischer, Capitol Media Services. April, 2019.
- Birds and Brews: How breweries are trying to conserve western river habitats. Zach Fitzner, Earth.com. April, 2019.
- IID sues to halt Colorado River drought plan signed by Trump, says officials ignored Salton Sea. Janet Wilson, Palm Springs Desert Sun. April, 2019.
- Above-Average Snowpack Improves Colorado River Reservoir Levels. Ariana Brocious, Arizona Public Media. April, 2019.
- Trump signs drought contingency plan. Howard Fischer, Capitol Media Services. April, 2019.
- Lakes and streams gush money in Gila County. Peter Aleshire, Payson Roundup. April, 2019.
- Bipartisan Colorado River Drought Plan Signed into Law Averting Potentially Catastrophic Outcomes for People and Birds. National Audubon Society. April, 2019.
- Outdoor Recreation Along Arizona’s Waterways is a $13.5 Billion Industry, Ranked Higher than Golf and Mining, New Report Says. Joey Kahn, National Audubon Society. April, 2019.
- Experts say Arizona tribes’ role in drought negotiations marks turning point for inclusion. Lillian Donahue, Cronkite News. April, 2019.
- Art Exhibitions Part of Sesquicentennial Colorado River Exploration Expedition Project. University of Wyoming. April, 2019.
- Reclamation, Metropolitan to Dedicate New 635-Acre Conservation Area along Colorado River. Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, Business Wire. April, 2019.
- Nature Conservancy, Hudbay square off over mine's impact on Sonoita Creek. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. April, 2019.
- Wet winter likely to keep Colorado River out of shortage next year. Tim Evans, Hanahan Herald. April, 2019.
- Report: Water-related outdoor recreation adds $3 billion in Yavapai, Coconino counties. Friends of the Verde River, Camp Verde Bugle. April, 2019.
- Study underscores the importance of outdoor recreation in Arizona. Brandon Messick, Today's News-Herald. April, 2019.
- Even In Arid West, Federal Rule Change For Waterways Matters. Bret Jaspers, 91.5 KJZZ. April, 2019.
- Series: Where The River Ends. KUNC. April, 2019.
- KUNC's Colorado Edition: A River Used To Run Through It. KUNC. April, 2019.
- After Colorado River Drought Plan, What's Next for Water in Arizona? Elizabeth Whitman, Phoenix New Times. April, 2019.
- CRIT issues statement on passage of drought contingency plan. John Gutekunst, Parker Pioneer. April, 2019.
- Major conservation milestone: This water plan benefits 40 million Americans – and counting. David Festa, Environmental Defense Fund. April, 2019.
- States set plans for declining Colorado River flows. Laura Paskus, NM Political Report. April, 2019.
- Study says water-related recreation has big impact. Nogales International. April, 2019.
- With The Drought Contingency Plan Through Congress, Some Argue Attention Should Turn To Water Conservation Efforts. Mark Brodie, 91.5 KJZZ. April, 2019.
- Pelosi Remarks at Bill Enrollment Photo Opportunity for Colorado River Drought Contingency Plan Authorization Act. Newsroom, www.speaker.gov. April, 2019.
- Economic impact of outdoor recreation. Interview: Haley Paul, Arizona Horizon. April, 2019.
- Bipartisan Colorado River Drought Plan Overwhelmingly Passes in Congress. Audubon Says: “Win for People and Birds in the Arid West.” National Audubon Society. April, 2019.
- Untold Arizona: Tracing The Ancient Origins Of Arizona Rivers. Nicholas Gerbis, 91.5 KJZZ. April, 2019.
- House, Senate OK Colorado River drought plan, capping years of debate. Andrew Howard, Cronkite News. April, 2019.
- Senate Passes Bipartisan Bill to Protect Millions of Americans’ Water Supply. Kentucky New Era, April, 2019.
- Outdoor recreation along Arizona’s waterways a $13.5 billion industry, new report says. Apache Junction Independent. April, 2019.
- Report: Arizona's Rivers, Lakes And Streams Worth $13.5 Billion To Economy. Mark Brodie, 91.5 KJZZ. April, 2019.
- Congress Passes Colorado River Drought Contingency Plan. Christopher Conover, Arizona Public Media. April, 2019.
- House, Senate OK Colorado River drought plan. Andrew Howard, Cronkite News via Arizona Capitol Times. April, 2019.
- Congress approves seven-state Colorado River deal addressing drought conditions. Rebecca Beitsch, The Hill. April, 2019.
- U.S. Congress approves Colorado River drought plan. The Associated Press. April, 2019.
- The Little-Known Report with Potentially Big Consequences. Warren Tenney, AMWUA. April, 2019.
- Five Years Later, Effects Of Colorado River Pulse Flow Still Linger. Luke Runyon, KUNC. April, 2019.
- This desert's history is surrounded by stories of water. Janet Wilson, Palm Springs Desert Sun. April, 2019.
- As Temperatures Rise, What's Next For Metro Phoenix's Water Supply? Steve Goldstein, 91.5 KJZZ. April, 2019.
- Challenges Facing Arizona Farmers as Need to Conserve Water Intensifies. A discussion with UA Cooperative Extension's Jeff Silvertooth, Arizona Public Media. April, 2019.
- Opinion: State should loan Pinal County farmers funds until feds pitch in. Sine kerr, Arizona Capitol Times. April, 2019.
- Former Arizona Sen. Jon Kyl Weighs In On Drought Contingency Plan. Steve Goldstein, 91.5 KJZZ. April, 2019.
- Bennet, Gardner Sign On To Bill That Sanctifies Multistate Colorado River Drought Plan. CPR News Staff and the Associated Press, Colorado Public Radio. April, 2019.
- Senator Romney introduces drought contingency plan legislation. Rose Storey, ABC4. April, 2019.
- Will Congress leave the Colorado River high and dry? Naveena Sadasivam, Grist. April, 2019.
- An Important Step for the Colorado River. Fay Hartman, American Rivers. April, 2019.
- Researchers learning true scale of Lake Mead, Powell evaporation rates. Henry Brean, Las Vegas Review Journal. April, 2019.
- 7 Bird-Friendly Foods to Put in Your Pantry. Gustave Axelson and Marc Devokaitis, All About Birds. March, 2019.
- Colorado River DCP Proposals Get A Positive, Enthusiastic Reception In Congress. Arizona Department of Water Resources. March, 2019.
- Protecting our Green Infrastructure in the Southwest. Cal Joyner, Prescott eNews. March, 2019.
- Will winter snowpack be enough to replenish Lake Powell? Cara MacDonald, KSL.com. March, 2019.
- Colorado River Basin states agree on ‘pain-sharing’ plan to deal with drought affecting 40 million Americans. Tom Yulsman, Discover Magazine Blog. March, 2019.
- Water planning, climate uncertainty are main themes at Phoenix event. Priscilla Totiyapungprasert and Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. March, 2019.
- Colorado River drought plan clears 2 early hurdles in Congress. Andrew Nicla, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. March, 2019.
- Utah among 7 states hoping for swift action on drought plan. Felicia Fonseca, Associate Press. March, 2019.
- Bipartisan Drought Contingency Plan Legislation Coming To Congress 'Very Soon'. Bret Jaspers, 91.5 KJZZ. March, 2019.
- Water officials press Senate on urgency of Colorado River drought plan. Andrew Howard, Cronkite News/Arizona PBS. March, 2019.
- Video: House Natural Resources Subcommittee Hearing on Colorado River Drought Plan. C-Span. March, 2019.
- Arizona Sen. McSally promises swift action on drought plan. Felicia Fonseca, Associate Press. March, 2019.
- Colorado River drought plan gets first congressional hearing. Associate Press. March, 2019.
- Here's what the Colorado River deal will do, and why some criticize Arizona's approach. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. March, 2019.
- Colorado River Drought Contingency Plan Is Necessary Now. Tom Buschatzke, Special to the Desert Sun. March, 2019.
- Professors, experts at University of Arizona set to hold panel on Arizona Drought Contingency Plan. Veronica Acosta, KGUN 9 On Your Side. March, 2019.
- Imperial, the Salton Sea, and the Colorado River Drought Contingency Plan. John Fleck, Inkstain. March, 2019.
- One Planet: Climate change and the Colorado River. Rose Aguilar and Malihe Razazan. 91.7 KALW. March, 2019.
- Committees to tackle controversial drought pact. Jeremy P. Jacobs, E&E News. March, 2019.
- Nature up close: Grand Canyon ecosystems. Judy Lehmberg, CBS News. March, 2019.
- The crisis at Lake Mead is about more than just a lack of water. Opinion: Wellington Reiter, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. March, 2019.
- Congress: Approve the Colorado River Plan as a modeOl for climate resilience. Opinion: David Festa, The Hill. March, 2019.
- Drought means no shortage of water issues. Congressman Tom O'Halleran, White Mountain Independent. March, 2019.
- San Diego Explained: The Colorado Is a River, But Also a Bank. Adriana Heldiz, Voice of San Diego. March, 2019.
- “We all recognize we’re looking at a drier future”: Official declares Colorado River drought plan complete. Felicia Fonseca, Associate Press. March, 2019.
- The Colorado River Drought Contingency Plan Is Finally Complete. Lauren Gilger, 91.5 KJZZ. March, 2019.
- To finish drought plan, Colorado River water managers ask Congress for approval. Luke Runyon, KUNC. March, 2019.
- Drought Contingency Plan focus now turns to Congress: ADWR Director to testify at U.S. House and Senate. Arizona Department of Water Resources, March, 2019.
- States Ask Congress to Authorize Drought Contingency Plans. Vanessa Barchfield, Arizona Public Media. March, 2019.
- Colorado River drought plan work "done" but Salton Sea fix not included. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. March, 2019.
- Amid 19-Year Drought, States Sign Deal to Conserve Colorado River Water. John Schwartz, The New York Times. March, 2019.
- Averting a looming crisis on the Colorado River. Kevin Moran, Environmental Defense Fund. March, 2019.
- US official declares drought plan done for Colorado River. Felicia Fonseca, Associate Press. March, 2019.
- Outlook improves for Colorado River reservoirs, but a drought deal is still in the works. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. March, 2019.
- Western drought deal is a go, without IID and as Salton Sea clean-up remains stalled. Janet Wilson, Palm Springs Desert Sun. March, 2019.
- High stakes on the Colorado. Kelsey Tamborrino, Politico. March, 2019.
- High Snowpack Could Temporarily Stave Off Colorado River Water Shortage. Luke Runyon, KUNC. March, 2019.
- California Board Advances Colorado River Drought Plan. Emily C. Dooley, Bloomberg Environmental. March, 2019.
- Wet winter likely to keep Colorado River out of shortage next year. Henry Brean, Las Vegas Review Journal. March, 2019.
- Water war in California: Two agencies fight over Colorado River drought plan with a crucial deadline looming. Jeff Daniels, CNBC. March, 2019.
- The Latest On The Drought Contingency Plan For The Colorado River. Lauren Gilger, 91.5 KJZZ. March, 2019.
- Here's the big problem with that March 19 drought plan deadline. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. March, 2019.
- The $20M for Pinal County farmers, killed in House, is revived in Senate. Howard Fischer, Capitol media Services. March, 2019.
- Pinal County Farmers Ask For $20M To Drill New Wells. Kathie Ritchie, 91.5 KJZZ. March, 2019.
- MWD vote moves Colorado River drought plan forward. Bettina Boxall, The San Diego Union-Tribune. March, 2019.
- California agencies at odds over Colorado River drought plan. Felicia Fonseca and Jonathan J. Cooper. Associated Press. March, 2019.
- EDF, Audubon Urge California Water Agencies to Finalize Colorado River Drought Contingency Plan. Maurice Hall, Environmental Defense Fund. March, 2019.
- IID’s position linking DCP to Salton Sea is under threat. Tom Bodus, Imperial Valley Press. March, 2019.
- Yuma mural highlights endangered animals unique to the Southwest. Jodi Guerrero, Cronkite News. March, 2019.
- Top fed backs IID push for Salton Sea Farm Bill clean-up funds, with no linkage to drought plan. Janet Wilson, Palm Springs Desert Sun. March, 2019.
- Colorado River states urge California to OK drought plan. Henry Brean, Las Vegas Review Journal. March, 2019.
- How Craft Beer Is Helping Save Water In the Colorado River Basin. Dominic Arenas, National Audubon Society. March, 2019.
- With no drought contingency plan approved, official turns to governors. Howard Fischer, Capitol media Services. March, 2019.
- Will Arizona Blow Another Deadline for the Colorado River Drought Plan? Elizabeth Whitman, Phoenix New Times. March, 2019.
- Feds say Salton Sea won't be adversely impacted by multi-state drought plan; IID can join when it chooses. Janet Wilson, Palm Springs Desert Sun. March, 2019.
- Not-quite-completed drought plan for Colorado seen as a first step. Henry Brean, Las Vegas Review Journal. March, 2019.
- Why Drought Contingency Plan "Deadlines" Don't Tell The Full Story. Bret Jaspers, KUNC, March, 2019.
- What Impact Does Precipitation Have On Our Drought and Water Supplies? Warren Tenney, AMWUA. March, 2019.
- Breaking impasse, feds will include Salton Sea in seven-state drought plan, IID says. Janet Wilson and Ian James, USA Today Network. March, 2019.
- Ducey firm in belief cotton farming should continue in desert. Howard Fischer, Capitol media Services. March, 2019.
- Balancing the access to groundwater for Pinal County community. Mark Phillips, ABC15 Arizona. March, 2019.
- We can plan for a 'leaner' Colorado River as we save the Salton Sea. Opinion: Ted Kowalski, Special to the Desert Sun. March, 2019.
- Gila River Indian Community Celebrates Historic Groundwater Project. Jaspers, 91.5 KJZZ. March, 2019.
- As Arizona nears completion of Colorado River plan, deal remains unfinished in California. Ian James and Janet Wilson, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. March, 2019.
- A future no one could see capped Nevada’s share of Colorado River water. Henry Brean, Las Vegas Review Journal. March, 2019.
- Is the Recent Drought on the Colorado River the New Normal? Joseph J. Barsugli, Martin P. Hoerling, and Ben Livneh, EOS. March, 2019.
- The Drought Plan and Water Conservation. Ariana Brocious, Arizona Public Media. March, 2019.
- Gaggle podcast: Why is Arizona facing a water crisis? Tea Price, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. March, 2019.
- 'A recipe for disaster': Pinal County might not have enough water for 139,000 planned homes. Dustin Gardiner, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. March, 2019.
- Gilbert officials say drought contingency plan assures town water supply. Tom Blodgett, Community Impact Newspaper. February, 2019.
- LA offers to supply water instead of IID to get Colorado River drought plan across the finish line. Janet Wilson, Palm Springs Desert Sun. February, 2019.
- Mountain snow still not enough to end Colorado River drought. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2019.
- Auditor General: Hit by Recession, Arizona's Water Department 10 Years Behind. Elizabeth Whitman, Phoenix New Times. February, 2019.
- Does Arizona really use less water now than it did in 1957? Andrew Nicla, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2019.
- Committee kills bill to fund groundwater for Pinal County farms. Howard Fischer, Capitol media Services. Feburary, 2019.
- Lawmaker assures Gila River Indian Community contentious water bill is dead. Howard Fischer, Capitol media Services. Feburary, 2019.
- The Gila River Indian Community Is Back On Board With The Arizona Drought Contingency Plan. Bret Jaspers and Lauren Gilger, 91.5 KJZZ. February, 2019.
- Arizona's 19-year drought and climate change. Ivany Villalobos, KYMA News. February, 2019.
- Will the West’s ‘Great River’ run dry? Jim Robbins, Yale Environmental 360. February, 2019.
- The Grand Canyon Turns 100 Years Old Today. Take a Look at Its History in Photos. Alex Scimecca, Fortune. February, 2019.
- Bid by farmers to get extra Colorado River water axed. Howard Fischer, Capitol media Services. Feburary, 2019.
- Bid To Secure Cash For The Salton Sea Stalls Colorado River Drought Plan. Associated Press. February, 2019.
- State Climatologist: Recent Snow, Rain Likely Not Enough To Head Off Lake Mead Drought Declaration. Mark Brodie, 91.5 KJZZ. February, 2019.
- Gila River Community reaches deal with Arizona over drought plan. Howard Fischer, Capitol media Services. Feburary, 2019.
- Gila River Indian Community moves ahead with Colorado River drought plan after clash with lawmaker. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2019.
- Arizona, other Western states unlikely to meet Colorado River drought plan deadline. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. February, 2019.
- This water-rights fight belongs in the courts, not at the Arizona Legislature. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2019.
- Bill That Nearly Scuttled Drought Plan Shelved. Christopher Conover, Arizona Public Media. February, 2019.
- One family makes sense of losing its Colorado River water. Tony Davis, High Country News. February, 2019.
- Salton Sea Money Demand Clogs Up Colorado River Drought Plans. Emily C. Dooley, Bloomberg Environment. February, 2019.
- Arizona lawmaker withdraws bill that angered tribe, imperiled drought contingency plan. Howard Fischer, Capitol media Services. Feburary, 2019.
- Bowers yanks contentious water bill that threatened drought plan. Katie Campbell and Carmen Forman, Arizona Capitol Times. Feburary, 2019.
- 'Unnatural Wonder': See The Republic's Colorado River documentary and join the discussion. Elizabeth Montgomery, rizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2019.
- Showdown over water bill averted, clearing way for Arizona to finish Colorado River deal. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2019.
- Bowers holds water bill that threatens the drought plan. Jerod MacDonald-Evoy, AZ Mirror. February, 2019.
- Non-Vetted Water Bills Threaten More Than DCP. Warren Tenney, AMWUA. February, 2019.
- Officials: Arizona will miss US deadline for key water plan. Jonathan J. Cooper, Associated Press. February, 2019.
- Spin-off benefits of Cragin. Peter Aleshire, Payson Roundup. February, 2019.
- Rising Temperatures Reduce Colorado River Flow. Sarah Stanley, Water Resources Research. February, 2019.
- Arizona Congratulates Itself on Colorado River Drought Plan, Which Still Isn't Done. Elizabeth Whitman, Phoenix New Times. February, 2019.
- In Discussing Colorado River Drought Plan, Ducey Won't Say 'Climate Change'. Elizabeth Whitman, Phoenix New Times. February, 2019.
- Arizona Lawmaker Wants to Spend $20 Million More on Drought Plan. Frank Hernandez, The Arizona Tribune (blog). February, 2019.
- Colorado drought report: Southwest faces long road back to normal; Front Range dry but better off. Jackson Barnett, The Denver Post. February, 2019.
- The Latest: Tribe says water bill based on misinformation. Associated Press. February, 2019.
- You know what Arizona DOESN'T need now? Another water fight. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2019.
- Bowers forges ahead with water bill that could torpedo drought plan. Howard Fischer, Capitol media Services. Feburary, 2019.
- As the Colorado River runs dry: A five-part climate change story. Jim Robbins and Ted Wood, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Feburary, 2019.
- Arizona lawmaker accused of endangering Colorado River drought plan. Jonathan J. Cooper, Associated Press. February, 2019.
- Drought: Arizona lawmaker vows to press on despite tribe’s threat. Howard Fischer, Capitol media Services. Feburary, 2019.
- How Will Arizona Battle Drought In The Next Decade? Luke Runyon and Bret Jaspers, Science Friday - 91.5 KJZZ. February, 2019.
- Payson will make water history. Peter Aleshire, Payson Roundup. February, 2019.
- Gila River pulls out of Drought Contingency Plan. Howard Fischer, Capitol media Services. Feburary, 2019.
- Restoring the Colorado: Bringing New Life to a Stressed River. Jim Robbins and Ted Wood, YaleEnvironment360. Feburary, 2019.
- Will Martha McSally and Raul Grijalva fight for Arizona on water? Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2019.
- Facing cutbacks on the Colorado River, Arizona farmers look to groundwater to stay in business. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2019.
- Drought, what drought? The Colorado River Basin dance. Will Sarni, GrenBiz. February, 2019.
- Marana, Oro Valley still afloat despite drought plan. Jeff Gardner, Tucson Local Media. February, 2019.
- With CVWD okay, Imperial Irrigation District now holds key to seven state drought deal. Janet Wilson, Palm Springs Desert Sun. February, 2019.
- Does Arizona really use less water now than it did in 1957? Andrew Nicla, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2019.
- Talks Focus On Colorado River Health. Wyatt Orme, Aspen Public Radio. February, 2019.
- Water concerns in the desert. Seth Hoyt, Hay and Forage Grower. February, 2019.
- Video: Water conservation takes central role in governor’s speech in Havasu. Brandon Messick, Today's News-Herald, Havasu News. February, 2019.
- Auditor General: Hit by Recession, Arizona's Water Department 10 Years Behind. Elizabeth Whitman, Phoenix New Times. February, 2019.
- Imperial Irrigation District ties Colorado River plan to Salton Sea funds. Make it happen. Editorial Board, The Desert Sun. February, 2019.
- Despite signs of interstate cooperation, the decline of Lake Mead isn’t near being solved. Michael Hiltzik, Los Angeles Times. February, 2019.
- Bureau of Reclamation officials explain drought measures in Lower Colorado River Basin. Brent Gardner-Smith, Aspen Journalism. February, 2019.
- Market Ignores Colorado River Crisis At Its Peril. Lipper Alpha Insight, Seeking Alpha. February, 2019.
- Drought Contingency Plan isn't an example of Arizona doing water right. Editorial, Robert Robb. Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2019.
- A New Clean-Water Initiative Aims to Benefit Breweries and Birds. John Holl, Craft Beer & Brewing. February, 2019.
- 5 critical water questions Arizona must answer - and soon. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. February, 2019.
- What Is Happening With The Colorado River Drought Plans? Luke Runyon and Bret Jaspers, KUNC, All Things Considered. February, 2019.
- Arizona buildings may have to install waterless urinals to conserve water. Lauren Schieler, azfamily.com. February, 2019.
- Former top Ducey aide consulting on water, gaming for Governor’s Office. Carmen Forman, Arizona Capitol Times. February, 2019.
- Federal Register notice on DCP draws ire from IID. Tim Bodus, Imperial Valley Press. Feburary, 2019.
- CRIT played big role in Drought Contingency Plan. John Gutekunst, Parker Pioneer. February, 2019.
- In Era of Drought, Phoenix Prepares for a Future Without Colorado River Water. Jim Robbins and Ted Wood, YaleEnvironment360. Feburary, 2019.
- Runoff in Upper Colorado River Basin likely below-average, federal official warns. Brent Gardner-Smith, Aspen Journalism. February, 2019.
- To Save Salton Sea, Inland Water District Delays 7-State Colorado River Water Pact. Lauren Sommer, 91.9 KVCR NPR. February, 2019.
- Editorial: Lessons from the ‘Bathtub Ring’. John Gutekunst, Parker Pioneer. February, 2019.
- Responding to Historic Drought and Ongoing Dry Conditions in the Colorado River Basin: Request for Input. Bureau of Reclamation. February, 2019.
- Deadline on Drought Contingency Plan. Sarah Porter, ASU Morrison Institute for Public Policy. February, 2019.
- 'Close Is Not Done;' What's Next For Arizona's Drought Contingency Plan? Mark Brodie, 91.5 KJZZ. February, 2019.
- Park Service still accepting suggestions to address low-water concerns at Lake Mead. Sally Jaramillo, Las Vegas Now. February, 2019.
- We must take care of the Colorado River for economic prosperity, life. Opinion: Maite Arce, Arizona Capitol Times. Feburary, 2019.
- DCP: Milestone for Arizona But Now What? Warren Tenney, AMWUA. February, 2019.
- The Breakdown: About that DCP deadline. Katie Campbell, Arizona Capitol Times. February, 2019.
- California Talks and Deadline Drama Cloud Arizona's Approval of Drought Plan. Joseph Flaherty, Phoenix New Times. February, 2019.
- Steller column: Tucson-area farmer helps ag win at state Legislature. Tim Stellar, Arizona Daily Star. February, 2019.
- Arizona drought plan's tab could hit $280 million. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. February, 2019.
- With Colorado River water shortage looming, U.S. threatens to impose cuts. Bettina Boxall, SF Gate. February, 2019.
- It’s Not Just a Drought: Expect ‘Aridification’ to Become the New Normal. Klaus Reichardt. Environmental Leader. February, 2019.
- US says 2 states must finish Colorado River drought plan. Felicia Fonseca, Associated Press. February, 2019.
- The Latest: Arizona, California Optimistic on Drought Plan. Associated Press. February, 2019.
- Arizona still has work to do for drought contingency plan, feds say. Kevin Stone, KTAR News. February, 2019.
- Stakeholders Reflect On Deadline Passage of Arizona Drought Plan. Vanessa Barchfield and Christopher Conover, Arizona Public Media. February, 2019.
- Arizona, Utah and five other states agree to use less water from the Colorado River. Jonathan J. Cooper, The Associated Press. February, 2019.
- Arizona approves Colorado River drought plan before deadline. Henry Brean, Las Vegas Review Journal. February, 2019.
- Colorado River Drought Plan Passes Through Arizona Legislature. Associated Press via KUNC All Things Considered. February, 2019.
- Gov. Doug Ducey signs Drought Contingency Plan. Arizona Republic/AZ Central. January, 2019.
- Arizona Legislature passes historic Colorado River drought plan hours before deadline. Dustin Gardiner, Andrew Nicla, and Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. January, 2019.
- It’s Deadline Day For Arizona’s Debate Over Colorado River Drought Plan. Associated Press. January, 2019.
- Imperial Irrigation District wants $200M for Salton Sea in exchange for Colorado River drought plan OK. Janet Wilson, Palm Springs Desert Sun. January, 2019.
- Colorado River drought plan takes another step at Arizona Legislature; final vote Thursday. Andrew Nicla, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. January, 2019.
- Legislature to vote drought contingency plan Thursday. Howard Fischer, Capitol media Services. January, 2019.
- Environmental coalition supports Arizona drought plan, counters Sierra Club concerns. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. January, 2019.
- Drought plan clears committee, despite fears on both sides. Jerod MacDonald-Evoy, AZ Mirror. January, 2019.
- Tough Times Along the Colorado River. Peter Annin, The New York Times. January, 2019.
- Arizona lawmakers debate Colorado River drought plan. Jonathan J. Cooper, Lexington Herald Leader. January, 2019.
- Drought Contingency Plan at the Arizona Legislature. Arizona Republic/AZ Central. January, 2019.
- Stephanie Sklar: Drought Contingency Plan's benefits for Southern Arizona and the Santa Cruz River. Stephanie Sklar, Special to the Arizona Daily Star. January, 2019.
- Audubon: Pass the Colorado River Drought Contingency Plan. Sonia Perillo, National Audubon Society. January, 2019.
- Colorado River drought deal clears first hurdle in Arizona as clock ticks toward deadline. Dustin Gardiner and Andrew Nicla, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. January, 2019.
- States Along Colorado River Working To Avert Crisis From 19-Year Drought. NPR, All Things Considered. January, 2019.
- Opening arguments begin in highly anticipated SPRNCA water rights trial. Shar Porier, Herald/Review Media. January, 2019.
- Colorado River Compact Call Part 2 – Reducing the Risk of a Call. Matt Rice, American Rivers. January, 2019.
- One tribal nation could decide the fate of Arizona’s drought plan. Elena Saavedra Buckley, High Country News, January, 2019.
- These key players could decide the fate of the Colorado River drought deal. Ian James and Dustin Gardiner, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. January, 2019.
- Arizona is on the brink of setting off another Colorado River water war. Bruce Babbitt, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. January, 2019.
- Lack of Arizona drought plan would mean chaos and uncertainty, water experts say. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. January, 2019.
- Deadline looming for Arizona to sign Drought Contingency Plan. Sonu Wasu, ABC15 Arizona. January, 2019.
- Grijalva on Shutdown and Border Security, Drought Contingency Plan. Christopher Conover, Arizona Public Media. January, 2019.
- McSally on Shutdown, Drought Contingency Plan, Priorities in Senate. Lorraine Rivera, Arizona Public Media. January, 2019.
- Groundwater Levels Declining in Colorado River. Water and Wastes Digest, January, 2019.
- Wading Into Colorado River Negotiations. Christopher Conover and Vanessa Barchfield, Arizona Public Media. January, 2019.
- Central Arizona Project Supports Draft Legislation For DCP. Bret Jaspers, 91.5 KJZZ. January, 2019.
- What is the Drought Contingency Plan and will it affect me? Andrew Nicla, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. January, 2019.
- Phoenix Water Rates Rise in March. Robert Roy Britt, North Phoenix News. January, 2019.
- Arizona Governor puts saving Lake Mead onto center stage on social media platforms. Arizona Department of Water Resources, January, 2019.
- Arizona Lawmakers Back To Work On Drought Contingency Plan. Mark Brodie, 91.5 KJZZ. January, 2019.
- As a shortage looms, groundwater takes on added importance in the Colorado River Delta. Alex Devoid, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. January, 2019.
- Drought hangover: ‘OK’ snowpack in Colorado won’t be enough to replenish reservoirs. Luke Runyon, KUNC via Cronkite News. January, 2019.
- Gila River tribe threatens to pull out of Arizona drought plan. Howard Fischer, Capitol Media Services. January, 2019.
- On the Water-Starved Colorado River, Drought Is the New Normal. Jim Robbins, Yale Environmental 360. January, 2019.
- A rancher and an ecologist hike the desert, hunting for water and common ground on the San Pedro River. Alex Devoid, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. January, 2019.
- Arizona Water Leaders Lean on Developers to Support Drought Plan. Elizabeth Whitman, Phoenix New Times. January, 2019.
- ‘The United States won’t let Lake Mead crash’. Steve Burke, AZBigMedia. January, 2019.
- With Jan. 31 deadline looming, water legislation takes shape in Arizona. Ian James and Andrew Nicla, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. January, 2019.
- 'Enough Is Enough:' Organization Warns Pinal County Farmers Against Demanding More Water. Kathy Ritchie and Bret Jaspers, 91.5 KJZZ. January, 2019.
- Lawmaker warns governor's water plan could lead to other environmental hazards. Dennis Welch, azfamily.com. January, 2019.
- Lake Powell could become a ‘dead pool’ as climate change, political wars and unabated growth drain its waters. Brian Maffly, The Salt Lake Tribune. January, 2019.
- CRIT voters approve ordinance to allow for leasing some water rights. John Gutekunst, Parker Pioneer. January, 2019.
- Arizona House Democrats want drought plan to mandate water conservation. Howard Fischer, Capitol Media Services. January, 2019.
- Pinal County farmers told not to demand more in drought contingency plan. Howard Fischer, Capitol Media Services. January, 2019.
- With 15 Days to Go, Draft Legislation for Arizona Drought Plan Emerges. Elizabeth Whitman, Phoenix New Times. January, 2019.
- Ducey to contract with former chief of staff on water, gaming. Jeremy Duda, AZ Mirror. January, 2019.
- Nevada, Arizona working to finalize Colorado River drought plan. Henry Brean, Las Vegas Review Journal. January, 2019.
- Cities, farmers fight over water conservation plan. Howard Fischer, Capitol Media Services. January, 2019.
- Arizona has the will to pass the Drought Contingency Plan. What we don't have is time. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. January, 2019.
- Lawmakers get first look at legislation for Drought Contingency Plan. Carmen Forman, Arizona Capitol Times. January, 2019.
- Ducey Urges Arizona Legislators to Pass Drought Contingency Plan. Elizabeth Whitman, Phoenix New Times. January, 2019.
- Hangover From 2018 Drought Likely To Deplete Spring Runoff. Luke Runyon, KUNC. January, 2019.
- Tribal members to vote on leasing water to outside interests. John Gutekunst, Parker Pioneer. January, 2019.
- Arizona lawmakers chafe at Jan. 31 deadline to OK 'unseen' drought plan. Howard Fischer, Capitol Media Services. January, 2019.
- Dripping closer to shortage: Peoria water reductions could come sooner than expected. Philip Haldiman, Independent Newsmedia. January, 2019.
- Arizona under pressure to pass Colorado River drought plan as deadline nears. Andrew Nicla and Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. January, 2019.
- Full remarks: Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey's 2019 State of the State address. Maria Polletta, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. January, 2019.
- Babbitt: Colorado River drought plan just the beginning of tough decisions needed. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. January, 2019.
- Tucson Water weighs in on the future of our water supply after the state of the state address. Brian Brennan, KGUN Tucson. January, 2019.
- ‘It’s going to get worse before it gets better’: Ducey on Arizona drought. Mackenzie Concepcion. January, 2019.
- Southern California Begins 'Emergency Withdrawals' From Lake Mead. Lauren Gilger, 91.5 KJZZ, January, 2019.
- DCP: The Time Is Now. Warren Tenney, AMWUA. January, 2019.
- A larger issue looms over short-term Colorado River plan: climate change. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. January, 2019.
- 6 sites in, near Yuma to become 'important bird areas'. Staff Reports, Yuma Sun. January, 2019.
- Gov. Ducey's State of State address: Arizona's water situation is urgent problem. Howard Fischer, Capitol Media Services. January, 2019.
- Things Are Getting Crazy on the Colorado River. Ry Rivard, The Voice of San Diego. January, 2019.
- As Drought Deadline Looms, Arizona Lawmakers Take Water 101. Elizabeth Whitman and Joseph Flaherty, Phoenix New Times. January, 2019.
- Study: Snowpack down 40 percent in parts of the west. Peter Aleshire, Payson Roundup. January, 2019.
- Arizona lawmakers optimistic about passing monumental drought plan. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. January, 2019.
- Arizona Legislature convenes Monday with water, taxes and education among big issues. Howard Fischer, Capitol Media Services. January, 2019.
- After a year of water challenges, will this be the year for a solution? Hannah Holm, The Daily Sentinel. January, 2019.
- Feds Could Step In If Western States Don't Agree To Drought Contingency Plan. Rae Ellen Bichell. Arizona Republic/AZ Central. January, 2019.
- Arizona governor, lawmakers call water their top priority. Anita Snow, Associated Press. January, 2019.
- Water Planners Feel Pressure. Carol Batchelor, Lake Powell Life News. January, 2019.
- Arizona lawmakers under pressure to approve seven-state Colorado River drought plan before federal deadline. Jason Blevins, The Colorado Sun. January, 2019.
- Ducey urges lawmakers to pass drought plan, but farmers have concerns. Jerod MacDonald-Evoy, AZ Mirror. January, 2019.
- Shutdown, additional requests for water could disrupt Arizona drought plan. Bret Jaspers, KJZZ. January, 2019.
- Arizona's Drought Contingency Plan May Be Its Best Hope, But Will It Pass? Peter Chawaga, Water Online. January, 2019.
- Phoenix City Council votes to increase water rates in case of Colorado River shortage. Alejandra Armstrong, 12News Arizona. January, 2019.
- What if Arizona misses a Jan. 31 deadline to join the drought contingency plan? Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. January, 2019.
- This may be the only thing that saves a critical drought contingency plan in Arizona. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. January, 2019.
- Arizona faces unresolved issues as lawmakers prepare to take up Colorado River drought plan. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. January, 2019.
- Deadline nears for Colorado River plan. Associated Press. January, 2019.
- Arizona Chamber Of Commerce Pushing Drought Contingency Plan In Legislature. Mark Brodie, 91.5 KJZZ. January, 2019.
- Arizona drought-plan issues remain as federal Jan. 31 deadline nears. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. January, 2019.
- Wakimoto tells supervisors drought plans not yet signed. Jim Seckler, Mohave Valley Daily News. January, 2019.
- Governor Doug Ducey demands Colorado River drought plan for Arizona before feds get involved. Howard Fischer, Capitol Media Services. January, 2019.
- 2019 Will Be a Big Year for Water. Tara Lohan, EcoWatch. January, 2019.
- The Breakdown: Session is coming. Katie Campbell, Arizona Capitol Times. January, 2019.
- Our current drought is worse than most megadroughts, new study says. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. January, 2019.
- Local snowpack good, for now. Scott Miller, Vail Daily. January, 2019.
- Ecological restoration occurs yearlong on Lower Salt River. Apache Junction Independent. January, 2019.
- With deadline looming, can Arizona Legislature agree to complex drought plan? Bret Jaspers, 91.5 KJZZ. January, 2019.
- Ducey and CAP Board Each Pledge $5 Million for Pinal County Farmers. Elizabeth Whitman, Phoenix New Times. January, 2019.
- Wakimoto to give presentation on water conference to supervisors. Jim Seckler, Mohave Valley Daily News. January, 2019.
- We Are Rivers Podcast: Colorado River Compact Call Part 1 – What Could A Call Mean. Matt Rice, American Rivers. January, 2019.
- Fowl Play: Nearby Colorado River spots to be named "important bird areas" by National Audubon Society. Yuma Sun, January, 2019.
- Why Overall Water Use Is Declining in US Despite Population Growth. Jennifer Hermes, Environmental Leader. January, 2019.
- District-Funded Study Says Farming Contributes $2.3 Billion to Pinal County. Elizabeth Whitman, Phoenix New Times. January, 2019.
- Our View: Conservation of water still a priority. Editorial, Herald/Review Media. December, 2018.
- It was 'Land of the Free.' Then the water disappeared. Jeremy P. Jacobs, E&E News. December, 2018.
- Crisis on the Colorado River: In the words of water officials. Brent Gardner-Smith, Aspen Journalism. December, 2018.
- No. 3 - Drought, wildfires make for trying year. Dennis Webb, the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel. December, 2018.
- Rocky Mountain snowpack declined over three decades. Deepan Dutta, Summit Daily. December, 2018.
- The West Coast’s biggest bird oasis is dying. Will it be saved? Alejandra Borunda, National Geographic. December, 2018.
- Pinal County is about to use a lot more groundwater. And, yes, that's as bad as it sounds. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. December, 2018.
- Charting a New Course for Water Supply in the Southwest. Ariana Brocious, Arizona Public Media. December, 2018.
- Doing with far less water. Allen Best, Pique News Magazine. December, 2018.
- Trump's rule a wild card for Western water supplies. Ariel Wittenberg and Jeremy P. Jacobs, E&E News, December, 2018.
- 2018: The Year of Day Zero and the Mega-Drought. Justin Mikulkua, DESMOG Blog, December, 2018.
- Time for Arizona lawmakers to take groundwater decline seriously. Tim Stellar, Arizona Daily Star. December, 2018
- Will The Arizona Legislature Act Quickly On A Drought Contingency Plan? Bret Jaspers, 91.5 KJZZ. December, 2018.
- 2018 A Bad Year For Water Supplies In Colorado River Basin. Lauren Gilger, KJZZ 91.5 FM. December, 2018.
- States scramble for Colorado River deal. Kelsey Tamborrino, Politico. December, 2018.
- Dust is causing Utah's snowpack to melt faster, new U. study says. Carter Williams, KSL.com. December, 2018.
- How best to share the disappearing Colorado River. Paige Blankenbuehler, High Country News. December, 2018.
- Time Running Out For Drought Contingency Plan. Steve Goldstein, 91.5 KJZZ. December, 2018.
- The Southwest Might Be in One of the Worst Mega-Droughts in History, Experts Say. Drew MacFarlane, The Weather Channel. December, 2018.
- Colorado River Basin States Inch Closer to Agreements on Drought Contingency Plan as Bureau of Reclamation Sets Deadline. Press Release: Snell & Wilmer via JDSupra. December, 2018.
- Local Tribal Communities To Help On Colorado River Drought Deal. Victor Calderón, KAWC Colorado River Public Media/Border Radio. December, 2018.
- Yuma Water Lawyer: Be Careful With Water Use. Victor Calderón, KAWC Colorado River Public Media/Border Radio. December, 2018.
- Arizona has no choice but to act on drought contingency plan. Opinion: Rosanna Gabaldon and Kirsten Engel, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. December, 2018.
- UA Report: Colorado River Delta Restoration Efforts Are Succeeding. Bridget Dowd, 91.5 KJZZ. December, 2018.
- Four Years After Water Released Into Colorado River, Benefits Continue. Vanessa Barchfield, Arizona Public Media, December, 2018.
- Fear And Grieving In Las Vegas: Colorado River Managers Struggle With Water Scarcity. Luke Runyon, KUNC. December, 2018.
- Snowpack in trouble across the West and around the globe, researchers say. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. December, 2018
- Utah, other Southwestern U.S. states get Jan. 31 deadline for drought deal. Ken Ritter, The Salt Lake Tribune. December, 2018.
- Minute 319 Colorado River Limitrophe and Delta Environmental Flows Monitoring Final Report. International Boundary and Water Commission. December, 2018.
- Colorado River Delta report provides restoration road map. University of Arizona. December, 2018.
- The feds have laid the smack down on water. How will Arizona respond? Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. December, 2018.
- Arizona is through with Band-Aids. This should be our next big move on water. Karen Fann and Rodney Glassman, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. December, 2018.
- Federal official threatens takeover of key Colorado River decisions from states. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. December, 2018
- Bureau of Reclamation Releases Colorado River Basin Ten Tribes Partnership Tribal Water Study. Press Relese, Bureau of Reclamation. December, 2018.
- Local Motion: A Year on the Colorado River. Eric Goold, KVNF Radio. December, 2018.
- Upper Colorado River basin states approve drought-management agreements. Brent Gardner-Smith, Aspen Journalism. December, 2018.
- US water official: Feds will protect Colorado River without state drought plans. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. December, 2018
- 2018 Drought Preparedness Plan annual report makes for extremely dry reading. Arizona Department of Water Resources, December, 2018.
- Southwest states eye drought plans ahead of expected Lake Mead shortages. Yvonne Gonzalez, Las Vegas Sun. December, 2018.
- Boring industry conference? Nope, it's a key battle in Arizona's new water war. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. December, 2018.
- Western Water Managers Meet In Las Vegas. KNPR News Staff, Nevada Public Radio. December, 2018.
- Colorado River conservation makes it into federal Farm Bill. Thomas Phippen, Post Independent. December, 2018.
- 7 Southwestern States, Including California, Close to Finalizing Drought Contingency Plan. Associated Press, December, 2018.
- With Colorado River water shortage looming, Phoenix votes down water-rate increase. Jessica Boehm, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. December, 2018.
- Ducey threatens veto of water bill that ignores his principles. Howard Fischer, Capitol Media Services. December, 2018.
- Colorado River drought plan gets CAP support; heading to Arizona lawmakers. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. December, 2018
- Report points to ongoing drought conditions. Trudy Balcom, White Mountain Independent. December, 2018.
- Snow is falling across Nevada and the Colorado River Basin but more is needed to pull the West from drought. Daniel Rothberg, The Nevada Independent. December, 2018.
- Lakes Mead and Powell at about 40 percent capacity; deadline approaching for Colorado River drought plan. Associated Press. December, 2018.
- US states to meet at deadline on Colorado River drought plan. Ken Ritter, Associated Press. December, 2018.
- From the Editor: Progress on state's water issues. Dan Shearer, Green Valley News. December, 2018.
- Shaping Arizona Water Policy in 2019. Vanessa Barchfield, Arizona Public Media, December, 2018.
- Colorado River drought plan 'gaining momentum' as CAP board signals support. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. December, 2018.
- As Pieces of Arizona Drought Plan Fall in Place, CAP Insists on Signing Rights. Elizabeth Whitman, Phoenix New Times. December, 2018.
- Arizona Water Officials Reach Agreement On Drought Plan. KNPR News Staff, Nevada Public Radio. December, 2018.
- Exploring the Ecosystem of the U.S.–Mexico Border. Margaret Wilder, Scientific American. December, 2018.
- Drought ICG recommends continuing ‘drought emergency declaration’ for Arizona. Arizona Department of Water Resources, December, 2018.
- Phoenix water department recommends water rate increase in 2019, 2020. Samie J Gerbers, azfamily.com. December, 2018.
- Arizona water coalition declares support for “Implementation Plan” to complete state’s plan for Colorado River delivery shortfalls. Arizona Department of Water Resources, December, 2018.
- CAP Board Could Act On Drought Plan At Thursday Meeting. Bret Jaspers, 91.5 KJZZ. December, 2018.
- Looming shortages on Colorado River could lead to a water rate increase for Phoenicians. John Patrick, ABC15 Arizona. December, 2018.
- What happened in Vegas? When it comes to water, this doesn’t stay in Vegas. Haley Paul, The National Audubon Society. December, 2018.
- Gila River Indian Community Approves Major Deal to Provide Water to CAP. Elizabeth Whitman, Phoenix New Times. December, 2018.
- Help save critical riparian habitat to protect endangered bird species. Opinion: Eric Moore, Prescott Daily Courier. December, 2018.
- What is Going on with Water Planning in Arizona? Haley Paul, The National Audubon Society. December, 2018.
- Flawed? Maybe. But Arizona's plan to help save Lake Mead is still a game-changer. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. December, 2018.
- Climate news got you down? Here are 3 bright spots that show promise in building resilience. David Festa, Environmental Defense Fund. December, 2018.
- 'Friendly' Proposal by CAP Board Could Derail Arizona Drought Talks. Elizabeth Whitman, Phoenix New Times. November, 2018.
- Back to the future: New CAP drought plan puts farmers back on groundwater. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. December, 2018
- Dire warnings for Arizona, the Southwest included in new federal climate report. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. December, 2018
- Carefully Crafted Plan is Arizona’s Path to Protecting Colorado River. Warren Tenney, AMWUA. December, 2018.
- Gov. Doug Ducey: Why I put $30 million toward Arizona's Drought Contingency Plan. Opinion: Governor Doug Ducey. Arizona Republic/AZ Central. December, 2018.
- Arizona makes progress on Colorado River drought plan. Associated Press. November, 2018.
- On Hope, Birds, and Tacos: Touring the last great wetland of the Colorado River Delta. Karyn Stockdale, National Audubon Society. November, 2018.
- Park Service Releases New Low-Water Plan For Lake Mead. KNPR News Staff, Nevada Pubic Radio. November, 2018.
- Arizona's water future hinged on this meeting. Here's what came of it. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. November, 2018.
- Arizona officials agree to $100M plan to deal with Colorado River water shortage. Howard Fischer, Capitol Media Services. November, 2018.
- New Arizona drought plan would put Pinal farmers back on groundwater. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. November, 2018.
- Dry and getting drier: Water scarcity in Southwest is the new norm, study says. Luke Runyon, KUNC. November, 2018.
- Counting the Drops: Climate Change and The Colorado River. The Real News Network. November, 2018.
- Project to build deeper Lake Mead water intake passes key milestone. Henry Brean, Las Vegas Review Journal. November, 2018.
- Imperial Irrigation District fight could threaten federal Colorado River drought plan. Janet Wilson, Palm Springs Desert Sun. November, 2018.
- Stay flexible, Arizona: Collaboration might be the only way forward for communities facing an uncertain water future. Jeffrey Odefey, American Rivers. November, 2018.
- Climate Change: Southwest becoming dangerously dry. Danielle Prokop and Justin Garcia, DailyLobo.com. November, 2018.
- ‘Already affecting us’: Climate change evident in Southwest as heat, drought, fires, federal report says. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. November, 2018.
- Huge Benson development near San Pedro River gets federal OK. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. November, 2018.
- Serious water supply concerns for Benson project. Robert Mac Nish, Special to the Arizona Daily Star. November, 2018.
- Ducey, Babbitt lead the way on water conservation. Ted Kowalski, Arizona Capitol Times. November, 2018.
- Gila River leader wants to help Arizona complete water deal but vows to defend landmark settlement. Ian James, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. November, 2018.
- Managing water in the arid West. Sarah Stock, Moab Sun News. November, 2018.
- Early Season Snow Delights Skiers, But The Drought Is Far From Over. Luke Runyon, KUNC. November, 2018.
- CAP has a plan to get us through a water shortage. Here's what you need to know about it. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. November, 2018.
- CAP pushes new drought plan for Lake Mead protection. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. November, 2018.
- Opinion: Arizona is on the brink of setting off another Colorado River water war. Bruce Babbitt, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. November, 2018.
- Colorado River Drought Contingency Plan: “Arizona will figure it out.” John Fleck, Inkstain. November, 2018.
- Nevada takes first sip of Colorado River drought plan. Henry Brean, Las Vegas Review Journal. November, 2018.
- Major Colorado River water user floats Arizona drought plan. KGUN9. November, 2018.
- Meeting Held To Address Falling Lake Mead Water Levels. Lauren Gilger, Mark Brodie, Bret Jaspers, and Luke Runyon, 91.5 KJZZ. November, 2018.
- Why the next few weeks could make or break Arizona's water future. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. November, 2018.
- The time to secure Arizona’s water future is now. Opinion: Governor Doug Ducey, Arizona Capitol Times. November, 2018.
- Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey Weighs In On Drought Plan. Bret Jaspers, 91.5 KJZZ. November, 2018.
- Western Arizona Tribe: We Can Help With Drought Plan. Bret Jaspers, 91.5 KJZZ. November, 2018.
- Eight Natural Resource Issues for the next U.S. Senator from Arizona. Haley Paul, The National Audubon Society. November, 2018.
- States voice shared goal for helping Colorado River basin. Dennis Webb, the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel. November, 2018.
- Introducing Ripple Effects: A new podcast highlighting community connections with your local rivers. Fay Augustyn, American Rivers. November, 2018.
- Tribe offers State of Arizona fallow deal worth $37.5m. John Wright, Parker Live. November, 2018.
- A Surprise Choice in the Central Arizona Project Board Election. Vanessa Barchfield, Arizona Public Media, November, 2018.
- What is a drought contingency plan? Ed Boucher, American Rivers. November, 2018.
- This question could tank months of work on Arizona's plan to help save Lake Mead. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. November, 2018.
- Voters chose 2 new members for CAWCD, a critical water board. But 1 is a complete mystery. Joanna Allhands, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. November, 2018.
- As Deadline Looms, Arizona Cancels Another Drought Planning Meeting. Elizabeth Whitman, Phoenix New Times. November, 2018.
- Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey won handily. But the hard work for him has just begun. Editorial Board, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. November, 2018.
- Environment Report: Tribes Want a Say in the Colorado River's Future. Ry Rivard, Voice of San Diego. November, 2018.
- Natural Resources chief: California is fully committed to the Salton Sea’s future. John Laird, Desert Sun. November, 2018.
- Controlled flood of the Grand Canyon begins a four-day exercise on the Colorado River. Alex Devoid, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. November, 2018.
- The new Colorado River drought plan is an important first step. Jeffrey Odefey, American Rivers. November, 2018.
- Drought plan must preserve Arizona’s long-term water management. Warren Tenney, AMWUA. November, 2018.
- CAP agrees to water supply deal with Gila River tribe. DK McDonald, Mohave Valley Daily News. November, 2018.
- Looming Drought Prompts Arizona Cities to Stock up on Colorado River Water. Elizabeth Whitman, Phoenix New Times. November, 2018.
- Pinal County water battle jeopardizing Colorado River drought plan. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. November, 2018.
- Conservation Groups Welcome Governor's Proposed Investment in Colorado Water Plan. Environmental Defense Fund press release. November, 2018.
- Regional Water Recharge Project partners seeking Apache Junction site. Richard H. Dyer, Apache Junction/Gold Canyon Independent. November, 2018.
- As Shortages Loom in the Colorado River Basin, Indian Tribes Seek to Secure Their Water Rights. Gary Pitzer, Water Education Foundation. November, 2018.
- Governor’s Office immersed in drought talks, water policy do-over. Carmen Forman, Arizona Capitol Times. November, 2018.
- The biggest share of Colorado River water in the West is up for grabs. Sammy Roth, The Desert Sun. October, 2018.
- Impasse Over Who Loses Water, and How Much, Could Sink Arizona Drought Planning. Vanessa Barchfield, Arizona Public Media, October, 2018.
- Three Things To Know About Colorado River Plans In The Works. Luke Runyon and Bret Jaspers, KUNC's All Thing's Considered. October, 2018.
- Forest restoration in northern Arizona aimed at cutting costs for Forest Service, lumber industry. Graham Bosch, Chamber Business News. October, 2018?
- High-Flow Release From Glen Canyon Dam Will Send Surge Through Grand Canyon National Park. National Parks Traveler. October, 2018.
- A wake-up call. The Daily Sentinel. October 2018.
- Arizona cities could pursue 'toilet to tap' but so far have taken a more indirect approach. Joshua Bowling, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. October, 2018.
- Arizona’s efforts to cope with reduced Colorado River supplies, moving in reverse. John Fleck, Inkstain. October, 2018.
- Is Lake Mead Drying Up? Sara Jerome, Water Online. October, 2018.
- MVIDD offers drought-contingency fallowing plan. DK McDonald, Mohave Valley Daily News. October, 2018.
- CAP celebrates 50 years since landmark legislation. Carmen Forman, Arizona Capitol Times. October, 2018.
- What's at stake in looming water vote. 12 News Arizona. October, 2018.
- Water board election a dry topic for most voters. Katie Campbell, Arizona Capitol Times. October, 2018.
- Arizona Drought Talks Stumble Over Proposed Water Cuts to Indian Communities. Elizabeth Whitman, Phoenix New Times. October, 2018.
- Negotiations Heating Up Over Drought Plan. Bret Jaspers, 91.5 KJZZ. October, 2018.
- Arizona cancels water meeting amid difficult negotiations on Colorado River deal. Ian James, AZ Central. October, 2018.
- Midterm elections could have key impact on future of Arizona's water. John Patrick, ABC15 Arizona. October, 2018.
- States Along Colorado River Work to Finish Water Agreements as Lakes Mead and Powell Reach Critical Levels. Ron Brackett, The Weather Channel. October, 2018.
- CAP looking to Gila River Indian Community for water deal. DK McDonald, Mohave Valley Daily News. October, 2018.
- MVIDD calls special meeting on drought programs. DK McDonald, Mohave Valley Daily News. October, 2018.
- Arizona election: This race could effect how Arizona handles water shortage. 12news Arizona. October, 2018.
- OPINION: Looming Threats to Colorado Water. Bart Miller and Aaron Citron, Special to the Pagosa Daily Post. October, 2018.
- Despite rainy October, Arizona lake water levels still low. John Patrick, ABC 15 Arizona. October, 2018.
- Unnatural wonder: A 16-day journey to the heart of the Colorado River. David Wallace and Michael Chow, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. October, 2018.
- Arizona must plan ahead to keep rivers and taps flowing. Hank Rowe, Special to Tucson Local Media. October, 2018.
- Colorado River Reservoirs Drop Below 47 Percent Of Capacity. Luke Runyon, 91.5 KJZZ. October, 2018.
- The cost of drought: Less water from Lake Mead in 2020, higher rates for consumers. Corey Hawk, Cronkite News. October, 2018.
- How Will AZDCP Fit Into the Colorado River Basin Drought Contingency Plan? Arizona Department of Water Resources. October, 2018.
- Is Arizona's Wettest October In History Helping The Drought? Mark Brodie, 91.5 KJZZ. October, 2018.
- Colorado River Reservoirs Start Water Year At Lowest Point Since Filled. Luke Runyon, KUNC. October, 2018.
- Low and Dry. Dennis Webb, the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel. October, 2018.
- 2018's Least Known Election Is One of The Most Important. Warren Tenney, AMWUA. October, 2018.
- If you care about how Arizona handles a water shortage, don't overlook this race. Joanna Allhands, AZ Central. October, 2018.
- Colorado River Basin States have reached a draft agreement to deal with critical water shortages across the West. Deepan Dutta, Summit Daily. October, 2018.
- The plan to save Lake Mead (for now) is finally public. Here's what's in it. Joanna Allhands, AZ Central. October, 2018.
- Colorado River news gets worse: Lakes Mead, Powell at just 41 percent of normal. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. October, 2018.
- Pinal farmers would have to fallow half their lands under tentative drought-plan figures. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. October, 2018.
- Colorado River Drought Cuts in Arizona Would Be More Severe Than Expected. Elizabeth Whitman, Phoenix New Times. October, 2018.
- Drought plan aims to curtail water loss at Lake Powell, Lake Mead. Jonathan Romeo Herald, The Journal. October, 2018.
- Colorado River Basin states agree on drought contingency plans. DK McDonald, Mohave Valley Daily News. October, 2018.
- Flake, Kyl Support Draft Agreements for Drought Contingency Plan. Rachael Wilson, Prescott eNews. October, 2018.
- The plan to save the Colorado River. Dan Elliott, Associated Press. October, 2018.
- Arizona delays the Colorado River drought agreement. Paige Blankenbuehler, High Country News. October, 2018.
- Proposal to raise Phoenix water rates advances; final vote in December. Jessica Boehm, Arizona Republic/AZ Central. October, 2018.
- Colorado River Drought Planning Crosses Milestone. Kevin Moran, Environmental Defense Fund. October, 2018.
- Western states release proposed agreements for drought-stricken Colorado River. Ian James, AZ Central. October, 2018.
- Southwest states agree on plan to manage overtaxed Colorado River. Dan Elliott, Associated Press. October, 2018.
- Amid Climate And Fed Pressure, Colorado River Water Managers Attempt To Chart New Course. Luke Runyon, KUNC. October, 2018
- Phoenix Prepares For The Worst Amid Looming Colorado River Shortage. Bret Jaspers, 91.5 KJZZ. October, 2018.
- This bird makes fans go cuckoo. Jeff Reiter, Daily Herald. October, 2018.
- Water supply focus of planned city work session. Brandon Messick, Today's News-Herald - Havasu News. October, 2018.
- A Lake Mead water shortage could affect metro Phoenix more than we think. Joanna Allhands, AZ Central. October, 2018.
- Deeply Talks: Drought on the Colorado – Can We Adapt to Changing Runoff? Matt Weiser, News Deeply. October, 2018.
- Candidates for Arizona governor sound off on water policy. AZ Central. October, 2018.
- 10 Things You Should Know About Arizona’s Groundwater Management Act. Haley Paul, The National Audubon Society. October, 2018.
- With water shortage looming, Arizona officials look to reach Colorado River drought deal. Ian James, AZ Central. September, 2018.
- Arizona Hopeful To Reach Colorado River Drought Deal. Associated Press via Colorado Public Radio. October, 2018.
- What David Garcia and Doug Ducey could've said (but didn't) about our looming water shortage. Joanna Allhands, AZ Central. September, 2018.
- Phoenix, SRP will partner on underground water storage. AZ Big Media. September, 2018.
- Trial begins to determine Hopi Tribe's water rights to Little Colorado River. Katherine Locke, Navajo-Hopi Observer. September, 2018.
- The Salton Sea is shrinking even faster, and California still hasn't done much to fix it. Sammy Roth, Palm Springs Desert Sun. September, 2018.
- Lake Powell pipeline will have to jump through more federal hoops. Brian Maffly, The Salt Lake Tribune. September, 2018.
- Arizona's water future should be on voters' minds. James Williams Special to the Arizona Daily Star. September, 2018.
- You're going to pay more for water, no matter how well Phoenix-area cities plan. Joanna Allhands, AZ Central. September, 2018.
- The Latest on the Colorado River's System Conservation Pilot Program. Julie Hill-Gabriel, The National Audubon Society. September, 2018.
- Congress Approves Increased Spending on Water and Other Projects. The National Audubon Society. September, 2018.
- Phoenix mulls water rate hike to protect against shortage. Patrick O'Grady, Phoenix Business Journal. September, 2018.
- Prepping for Colorado River water shortage, Phoenix considers water rate increase. Jessica Boehm, Arizona Republic/azcentral.com. September, 2018.
- Turning the Bend at River Bend—Successful Restoration on the Agua Fria River. Cathy Wise and Daniel Hite, Sonoran Joint Venture. September, 2018.
- The Colorado River is headed for a water shortage. Christy Plumer and Julie Hill-Gabriel - Opinion Contributors, The Hill. September, 2018.
- 'Deadpool' danger: Key Phoenix official sounds water alarm. Brahm Resnik, 12News. September, 2018.
- Congress Restores Funds to 'Crucial' Colorado River Programs. Melissa Sevigny, KNAU - Arizona Public Radio. September, 2018.
- Shortage on the Colorado River is Imminent, but a Catastrophic One is Not. Jennifer Pitt, The National Audubon Society. September, 2018.
- Can We Operate the Colorado River Differently Amid Climate Change? Matt Weiser, News Deeply. September, 2018.
- What a Colorado River in Decline Means for the Radical Idea of Resurrecting Glen Canyon. Vanessa Barchfield, Arizona Public Media, September, 2018.
- Proposed plans in works to replace environmentally hazardous sewage system in Nogales. Arizona Department of Water Resources. September, 2018.
- A water shortage is in Arizona's future, like it or not. Here's how to survive it. Joanna Allhands, AZ Central. September, 2018.
- Hopi Tribe starts trial Tuesday to adjudicate water rights. Bret Jaspers, 91.5 KJZZ. September, 2018.
- Drought Contingency Plan to ease pain of water shortage. DK McDonald, Mohave Valley Daily News. September, 2018.
- Craft Breweries in Colorado Brace for Less Water. Lindsay Fendt, CityLab. September, 2018.
- Lingering Colorado River Drought Could Lead to Water Shortages. John Fialka, Scientific American. September, 2018.
- To our next governor: A note about water and its importance to Colorado’s economy (column). Op-ed, Carlos Fernandez, Vail Daily. September, 2018.
- Upper Colorado River restoration project entangled in lawsuit. Wheaton Business Journal. September, 2018.
- While The Drought Did Hit Rafting Outfitters, 2018 Was The 'Best Out Of The Bad' Years. Hayley Sanchez, Colorado Public Radio. September, 2018.
- New study: Colorado River declines due to warming. Laura Paskus, New Mexico Political report. September, 2018.
- The Colorado River is evaporating, and climate change is largely to blame. Mark Kaufman, Mashable. September, 2018.
- ‘A hot drought’: Warming is driving much of the Colorado River’s decline, scientists say. Ian James, AZ Central. August, 2018.
- Study: Colorado River Flows Decreased 15% in Last Century. Melissa Sevigny, KNAU - Arizona Public Radio. September, 2018.
- Colorado reservoir may shrink to level not seen since 1987. Associated Press via the Denver Post. September, 2018.
- SW Colorado's Basins, Reservoirs Are Parched; Blue Mesa Nears Historic Low. Hayley Sanchez, Colorado Public Radio. September, 2018.
- A water shortage is likely on Lake Mead, with or without a drought contingency plan. Tom Buschatzke and Ted Cooke, opinion contributors. The Republic/azcentral.com. September, 2018.
- Phoenix can’t tap into its stored water supply. Brian Simons, The Downtown Devil. September, 2018.
- Letter: Questionable Arizona water policy. John Cerino, Op-ed, Tucson Daily Star, Tucson.com. September, 2018.
- The DCP makes CO River delivery shortfalls less painful, but it doesn’t make them go away. Thomas Buschatzke, Arizona Department of Water Resources Director and Ted Cooke, Central Arizona Project General Manager. September, 2018.
- Government bureau, plaintiffs appeal Arizona Supreme Court water decision. Associated Press. September, 2018.
- Gunnison reservoir dropping to historically low level. Liz Forster, The Gazette. September, 2018.
- Feds hurting Lake Powell to prop up Lake Mead, scientists warn. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. September, 2018.
- Colorado River Flows Drop By 15 Percent Over Last 100 Years. Luke Runyon, KUNC. September, 2018
- Quarles & Brady adds prominent land use and zoning attorney. AZ Big Media. September, 2018.
- Tapped out, or plenty to tap? Developers argue there’s more water in the Colorado River Basin. Luke Runyon, KUNC. September, 2018
- Study: Climate change could transform Arizona's forests, deserts, worsening drought and fire. Joshua Bowling, Arizona Republic. September, 2018.
- Water levels continue to drop at Lake Mead, Lake Powell. Associated Press, September, 2018.
- How does water scarcity affect mental health? Emily Moon, Pacific Standard. August, 2018.
- Drought could bring water cutbacks severely affecting region. Roy Dorantes, KYMA. August, 2018.
- Guest column: Our mutual vested interest in water use. Elizabeth Chandler, Post Independent. August, 2018.
- Battle looms for lower basin over water rights. Jimmy Galvan, Bay City Tribune. August, 2018.
- Odds of unprecedented Colorado River shortage increase, federal water managers say. Dan Elliott, Denver Post. August, 2018.
- With Lake Powell 49 percent full, water managers engaging in emergency response planning for Colorado River. Brent Gardner-Smith, Vail Daily. August, 2018.
- White House appoints Colorado River Commission of Nevada leader to U.S.-Mexico water boundary board. Daniel Rothberg, The Nevada Independent. August, 2018.
- Expert Views: Managing Wildfires to Protect Water Resources. Lindsay Abrams, NewsDeeply. August, 2018.
- At water-starved Lake Mead and Lake Powell, 'the crisis is already real,' scientists say. Ian James, AZ Central. August, 2018.
- Paddling the Colorado’s headwaters reveals a wrung-out river. Opinion: Pete McBride, High Country News. August, 2018.
- Saving the Colorado River: Everyone Faces A Sacrifice. Warren Tenney, AMWUA. August, 2018.
- Balancing the needs of rivers, riparian habitat, and housing while ensuring environmental protections and sustainability for Arizonans. Haley Paul, The National Audubon Society. August, 2018.
- Water banking bill surfaces amid sea of questions. Angus M. Thuermer Jr., Casper Star-Tribune. August, 2018.
- Front Range water group pushes back project that would pull from Colorado River, citing lawsuit. Brent Gardner-Smith, Aspen Times. August, 2018
- Vital US reservoir OK for now, but shortage looms. Dan Elliot, Associate Press. August, 2018.
- Gubernatorial hopefuls, other candidates to tackle drought at Colorado Water Congress. Marianne Goodland, Colorado Springs Gazette. August, 2018.
- Colorado River Projected To Hit Shortage In 2020. Luke Runyon, KPBS. August, 2018.
- After years of drought, Colorado water bosses face uncertainty. John Herrick, The Colorado Independent. August, 2018.
- Projections Show Increased Probability Of Water Shortage In Lower Basin. Will Stone, 91.5 KJZZ. August, 2018.
- It’s been a cruel summer for Colorado River amid big drought. Dan Elliot, Associated Press. August, 2018.
- Central New Mexico Project? How a 50-year-old rule could let New Mexico use Arizona water. Joshua Bowling, Arizona Republic. Augsut, 2018.
- New Water Conservation Agreement Provides At Least $2 Million For CRIT While Providing Water For Lake Mead. Parker Pioneer. August, 2018.
- Is There Water Left To Be Developed In The Colorado River Basin? Luke Runyon, KUNC. Augsut, 2018
- Colorado River Indian Tribes Get Money In Deal To Fallow Farmland. Bret Jaspers and Mark Brodie, 91.5 KJZZ. August, 2018.
- Major water shortages forecast as crucial reservoir levels drop. Kay Vandette, Earth.com. August, 2018.
- The Next Megadrought in the American Southwest May Be Right Around the Corner. Zoe Schlanger, The Texas Observer. August, 2018.
- No shortage for Lake Mead in 2019. DK McDonald, Mohave Valley Daily News. August, 2018.
- Critically low Lake Mead levels highlight need for Arizona action. Kevin Moran, Environmental Defense Fund. August, 2018.
- Arizona's plan to withdraw years worth of 'banked' CAP water lagging. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. August, 2018.
- Arizona's stored water may have tough time getting out of the ground. Patrick O'Grady, Phoenix Business Journal. August, 2018.
- Arizona Water Bank started as a safeguard against California. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. August, 2018.
- Correction: Drought-Colorado River story. Dan Elliot, Associated Press. August, 2018.
- As Colorado River Basin reservoirs drop to near-record low levels, possibility of unprecedented water shortage declaration rises. Bruce Finley, The Denver Post. August, 2018.
- Federal officials predict shortage for Lake Mead in 2020, adding more pressure on states for drought plan. Daniel Rothberg, The Nevada Independent. August, 2018.
- Colorado River shortage looming because Lower Basin is using too much water. John Fleck, Inkstain. August, 2018
- Audubon unveils bird-themed beer to raise awareness for Colorado River supply. Joshua Bowling, Arizona Republic. August, 2018.
- As Colorado River Basin reservoirs drop to near-record low levels, possibility of unprecedented water shortage declaration rises. Bruce Finley, The Denver Post. August, 2018.
- There's Colorado River Water For Now, But Shortages Loom For Lake Mead. Associated Press via Colorado Public Radio. August, 2018.
- Agency Says Lake Mead Could Drop Below Critical Threshold. Jim Carlton, The Wall Street Journal. August, 2018.
- Arizona may have to cut back on water use in 2020, outlook says. Joshua Bowling, Arizona Republic. Augsut, 2018.
- Rain-on-snow flood risk expected to increase in West. The Durango Herald. August, 2018.
- MVIDD’s water order less than maximum allotment. Bill McMillen, Mohave Valley Daily News. August, 2018.
- New Cochise County Development May Be A Strain On Local Water Supply. Steve Goldstein, 91.5 KJZZ. August, 2018.
- This Arizona Supreme Court ruling could hurt a lot more than Sierra Vista's water supply, Opinion: Linda Valdez, The Republic/azcentral.com. August, 2018.
- Arizona court clears way for new development to tap groundwater near San Pedro River. Ian James, The Republic/azcentral.com. August, 2018.
- Projections on inflow into Lake Powell in the coming “water season”: they’ve looked better. Arizona Department of Water Resources. August, 2018.
- Drought at Colorado River and Lake Mead. The Republic/azcentral.com. August, 2018.
- Water Wars Should Set Arizona's Senate Race Alight. Nick Fouriezos, OZY News. August, 2018.
- Survival of North America’s Desert Wetlands Depends on Lake Mead. Amena H. Saiyid, Bloomberg News. August, 2018.
- Heeding science in managing the Colorado River. Allen Best, Mountain Town News. August, 2018.
- Flows on Colorado River increase dramatically as reservoirs release water. Summit Daily. August, 2018.
- Dense forests, encroached meadows, and devastating wildfires: How Audubon and the Arizona Elk Society work together to protect rivers in the West. Haley Paul, The National Audubon Society. August, 2018.
- Save water, drink beer: How Arizona's first malt house could save a river. Derek Staahl, azfamily.com. August, 2018.
- Arizona's rural groundwater strategy: Once wells run dry, just keep pumping. Joanna Allhands, AZ Central. August, 2018.
- Liz Petterson: Protect the Land and Water Conservation Fund. Liz Petterson Special to the Arizona Daily Star. August, 2018.
- Steering committee begins work on drought contingency plan. DK McDonald, Mohave Valley Daily News. June, 2018.
- Mohave County Supervisors Want Feds to Halt Colorado River Water Transfers. Ryan Heinsius, KNAU Arizona Public Radio. July, 2018.
- What It Would Take To Turn Hoover Dam Into A Giant Battery. Steve Goldstein, 91.5 KJZZ. July, 2018.
- Maggart: When the well runs dry. Lance Maggart, Sky-Hi News. July, 2018.
- Five Links: Going Deeper Into Drought’s Impact On Arizona. Warren Tenney, Arizona Municipal Water Users Association. July, 2018.
- Multi-State Committee On Drought Plan To Meet For First Time. Claire Caulfield, 91.5 KJZZ. July, 2018.
- Panel Tasked With Writing Drought Contingency Plan Gets To Work. Bret Jaspers and Mark Brodie, 91.5 KJZZ. July, 2018.
- The Hoover Dam Changed America—And It Might Do It Again. David Grossman, Popular Mechanics. July, 2018.
- Biologists release endangered fish in Grand Canyon creek. Associated Press. July, 2018.
- Committee starts work on Colorado River drought contingency plan. Associated Press. July, 2018.
- Supervisors reach out to Secretary of the Interior in water fight. David Lewis, Today's News Herald. July, 2018.
- DCP Steering Committee slide presentation now available at ADWR website. Arizona Department of Water Resources. July, 2018.
- Committee starts work on Arizona drought contingency plan. Associated Press via the Fresno Bee. July, 2018.
- Drought posing significant challenge to water supply. Jill Norgaard, Ahwatukee Foothills News. July, 2018.
- Colorado River: Can Arizona Act to Protect Vital Water Source? Warren Tenney, Arizona Municipal Water Users Association. July, 2018.
- Members of Drought Contingency Plan steering committee named. Mohave valley Daily News. July, 2018.
- Audubon Arizona Partners with Three Breweries to Release First Co-Branded Beer. National Audubon Society. July, 2018.
- What Tigers And Water Have To Do With Economic Investment In Arizona. Bret Jaspers, 91.5 KJZZ. July, 2018.
- Agenda for first Steering Committee gathering on Colorado River drought-contingency planning is released. Arizona Department of Water Resources. July, 2018.
- In a Dry Summer, Forest Fires Getting the Headlines. Sinjin Eberle, American Rivers. July, 2018.
- The Water Wars of Arizona. Noah Gallagher Shannon, The New York Times Magazine. July, 2018.
- Press Release: Audubon Arizona Partners with Three Breweries to Release First Co-Branded Beer. July, 2018.
- Opinion: Those at Denver’s Outdoor Retailer must protect the rivers they rely on. Bob Irvin and Marc Berejka, The Denver Post. July, 2018.
- Scientists seek to untangle ecological effects of water management. Blaine Friedlander, The Cornell Chronicle. July, 2018.
- Opinion: Now is the time to prepare for the dry times ahead. Arizona Capitol Times. July, 2018.
- Gerrodette and Kiser: New partnerships, ways of thinking for Arizona's water future. Tricia Gerrodette and Madeline Kiser Special to the Arizona Daily Star. July, 2018.
- Arizona Water Paradox: Population Up, Use Down. Mark Brodie, KJZZ. July, 2018.
- Group fears cuckoo could lose protection. Maddy Hayden, Albuquerque Journal. July, 2018.
- Irrigation and Drainage District Closer to Water Transfers. Associated Press. July, 2018.
- Lawsuit Launched to Protect Threatened Songbird's Habitat in Arizona, New Mexico, California. Center for Biological Diversity. July, 2018.
- Water Managers Meet to Plan for Low Colorado Flow, Casey Juhn, KJZZ. July, 2018.
- As the Arizona drought persists, Phoenix's water use continues to drop. Joshua Bowling, Arizona Republic. July, 2018.
- A drop in the bucket. Angela K. Evans, Boulder Weekly. July, 2018.
- Warmer waters, low river flows putting Colorado trout at risk. Associated Press, July 2018.
- Water decision before Mohave Valley district still up in the air. David Louis, Today's News Herald - Havasu News. July, 2018.
- Artificial wetland in Sonora desert to help replace those that have been lost. Mexico News Daily. July, 2018.
- Arizona Water Leaders Answer More Questions From Public On Drought Contingency Plan. Casey Kuhn and Mark Brodie, KJZZ. July, 2018.
- New USBR modeling suggests a bigger risk of Colorado River shortage than y’all might think. John Fleck, Inkstain. July, 2018
- Arizona commits to producing drought plan for Colorado River. Felicia Fonseca, The Christian Science Monitor. June, 2018.
- Lake Mead's Bathtub Ring Might Get Bigger. Rachel Christiansen, Nevada Public Radio. July, 2018.
- Using less and paying more. A conundrum it seems, until you dig a little deeper. Haley Paul, The National Audubon Society. July, 2018.
- Healthy Arizona Forests Are Vital To Valley Water Supplies. Warren Tenney, Arizona Municipal Water Users Association. July, 2018.
- Falling Lake Mead Water Levels Prompt Detente in Arizona Feud. Jim Carlton, The Wall Street Journal. July, 2018.
- Arizona groups try to agree on water cutback plan for falling Lake Mead levels. Patrick O'Grady. Phoenix Business Journal, July, 2018.
- Colorado approaching record drought conditions. Deepan Dutta, Summit Daily News. July, 2018.
- Arizonans surprised by Gila diversion, lack of info. Benjamin Fisher, Siliver City Daily Press. July, 2018.
State officials agree to put in place a plan to deal with Colorado River water shortages. Interview: Thomas Buschatzke and Ted Cooke. Horizon - Arizona PBS. July, 2018. - Volunteers hauling water to help wildlife survive drought. Fox 10 Arizona, July, 2018.
- Arizona's water supply could face catastrophic cuts by 2026 if something doesn't change. Joanna Allhands, AZ Central. July, 2018.
- CRIT at the table as Arizona talks drought contingencies. John Wright, Park
- Conservationists, ranchers react to proposal for protected land in Cochise County. Craig Reck, Tucson News Now. July, 2018.
- Pima County set to buy remote ranch for $1.55M to expand its park system. Doug Kreutz, Arizona Daily Star. July, 2018.
- BLM adds 4th public meeting to Draft Resource Management Plan for the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area. Bureau of Land Management. July, 2018.
- ADWR’s Drought Contingency Planning website now live. Arizona Water News: The official news blog of the Arizona Department of Water Resources. July, 2018.
- Desert city Phoenix mulls ways to quench thirst of sprawling suburbs. Marcello Rossi, Reuters. July, 2018.
- After delays, squabbles, Arizona drought plan for Colorado River back on track. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. July, 2018.
- Guest column: Colorado River Basin agriculture under stress. Hannah Holm, Post Independent. July, 2018.
- Arizona, other Western states urged to plan for water shortage. Associated Press KPNX-TV. June, 2018.
- Plug Pulled on Program Paying Farmers to Conserve Colorado River Water. Brent Gardner-Smith, News Deeply. June, 2018.
- A water district wants a golf course to pay more. The golf course goes to court. In the middle of the dispute: Lake Mead. Daniel Rothberg, Nevada Independent. June, 2018.
- Drought conditions in Colorado continue to be dire in latest update. Lindsay Fendt, Post Independent. June, 2018.
- Arizona Moving Forward On Lower Basin Drought Contingency Planning Discussions. Thomas Buschatzke, Arizona Department of Water Resources Director and Ted Cooke, Central Arizona Project General Manager, Central Arizona Project News. June, 2018.
- Arizona Moving Forward On Lower Basin Drought Contingency Planning Discussions. Arizona Water News: The official news blog of the Arizona Department of Water Resources. June, 2018.
- BLM seeks public input on Draft Resource Management Plan for the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area. Bureau of Land Management. June, 2018.
- Arizona commits to drought plan for Colorado River. Felicia Fonseca, Associate Press via The Press Democrat. June, 2018.
- Agencies prepared to move forward on drought contingency plan. DK McDonald, Mohave Valley Daily News. June, 2018.
- Reclamation Commissioner To Arizona: Get A Deal Done This Year. Bret Jaspers, 91.5 KJZZ. June, 2018.
- Officials: Drought-contingency plan will be ready for Arizona Legislature's next session. Joshua Bowling, AZ Central. June. 2018.
- Risks to Lake Mead, Colorado River intensifying greatly, federal officials say. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. June, 2018.
- Imperative Arizona signs Drought Contingency Plan. Rod Taylor, The Standard Opinion. June, 2018.
- Forecast for Colorado River water supply remains challenging. DK McDonald, Mohave Valley Daily News. June, 2018.
- Arizona restarts talks on drought plan for Colorado River. Felicia Fonseca, Associate Press via The Arizona Daily Star/Tucson.com. June, 2018.
- Connecting the Dots: From DCP and Lake Mead to Protecting Flowing Rivers and Habitat: Why birders and wildlife advocates should care about Lake Mead. Haley Paul, The National Audubon Society. June, 2018.
- Bureau Of Reclamation Commissioner Visits Arizona To Give Water Talks A Boost. Bret Jaspers, 91.5 KJZZ. June, 2018.
- Arizona could possibly be in a ‘mega drought,’ expert says. KTAR News 92.3FM, KTAR.com. June, 2018.
- Drought may trigger state water crisis. Peter Aleshire, The Payson Roundup. June, 2018.
- Colorado River Water Managers Can Imagine The Future And It Doesn’t Look Pretty. Luke Runyon, KUNC. June, 2018
- Dry Heat is Impacting Colorado’s Critical Rivers. Fay Augustyn, American Rivers. June, 2018.
- Preserving A River With A Pint. WFAE 90.7. June, 2018.
- A Balancing Act for the Colorado River. Lori Pottinger, Public Policy Institute of California, June, 2018.
- Upper Colorado River pilot program paying farmers to leave water for Lake Powell will end after 2018. Brent Gardner-Smith, The Aspen Times. June, 2018.
- In the Southwest, ‘drought’ doesn’t tell the whole story. Emily Benson, High Country News. June, 2018.
- Arizona Reboots Drought Talks While Rest Of Colorado River Basin Watches. Bret Jaspers, 91.5 KJZZ. June, 2018.
- Letter | Water future is key for water-based businesses. Rod Taylor, The Daily Miner. June, 2018.
- CAP Won’t Pursue Water Transfer from Mohave County Farms. Melissa Sevigny, KNAU - Arizona Public Radio. June, 2018.
- A look into Arizona's rivers and reservoirs threatened by drought. Cronkite News via The Payson Roundup. June, 2018.
- Groundwater replenishment district gets a new boss. David Louis, Havasu News. June, 2018.
- At the U.S.-Mexico border, a water war is brewing [Opinion]. Stephen R. Kelly, The Houston Chronicle. June, 2018.
- Colorado River reservoirs expected to be less than half full by Sept. 30. Luke Runyon, White Mountain Independent. June, 2018.
- Water Resources & Central Arizona Project partner for briefing on Drought Contingency Plan. Arizona Department of Water Resources, June, 2018.
- Commentary: Investing in Arizona’s water future. Eric Glomski, Camp Verde Bugle. June, 2018.
- “We’re in uncharted territory”. John Fleck, Inkstain. June, 2018.
- Feds want drought contingency plans. DK McDonald, Mohave Valley Daily News. June, 2018.
- Colorado River Reservoirs Expected To Be Less Than Half Full, Headed Toward Historic Low. Luke Runyon, KUNC. June, 2018
- Ancient River Could Flow Again in Tucson, Thanks to Recycled Wastewater. Matt Weiser, NewsDeeply - WaterDeeply. June, 2018.
- Longterm solutions needed to keep our water flowing. Ted Kowalski, the Arizona Daily Star. June, 2018.
- Western water strategy shifting from ‘use it or lose it,’ to ‘waste not, want not’. Opinion: Sandra Postel and Lesli Allison, The Hill. June, 2018.
- Upper-basin states stare down another year of Colorado River drought. Megan Webber, the Post Independent. June, 2018.
- State legislators hold "listening tour" on water issues. DK McDonald, Mohave Valley Daily News. June, 2018.
- CAP kills purchase of rural land, water rights for suburban Tucson-Phoenix growth. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. June, 2018.
- CAP challenges state recommendation on Quartzsite water lease. DK McDonald, Mohave Valley Daily News. June, 2018.
- Lakes at lowest levels in 10 years. Cindy Barks, The Daily Courrier. June, 2018.
- Legislators to hold meeting on water issues. Hubble Ray Smith, The Daily Miner. June, 2018.
- CAP Walks Away From Mohave County Land Deal. Bret Jaspers, 91.5 KJZZ. June, 2018.
- Dry weather in May no help to snowpack. Dennis Webb, The Daily Sentinel. June, 2018.
- Water savings and checking accounts: How cities bank on future supply underground. Casey Kuhn/KJZZ courtesy of Cronkite News, The Payson Roundup. June, 2018.
- National Young Farmers Coalition to address drought in D.C. AGDAILY. June, 2018.
- CAP terminates purchase agreement. DK McDonald, Mohave Valley Daily News. June, 2018.
- Required Water Conservation May Be In Arizona's Future. Steve Goldstein, KJZZ. June, 2018.
- Finding the Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo. Audubon Arizona. June, 2018.
- Farmland south of Camp Verde to be preserved. John Hecht, journalaz.com. June, 2018.
- Water Savings And Checking Accounts: How Cities Bank On Future Supply. Casey Kuhn, KJZZ. June, 2018.
- Climate Change Means A Hotter, Drier Future In The Colorado River Headwaters, Study Says. Luke Runyon, KUNC. June, 2018.
- Desert city Phoenix mulls ways to quench thirst of sprawling suburbs. Marcello Rossi, Reuters. June, 2018.
- Allhands: 5 ways to get Arizona out of a water crisis (not just survive it). Joanna Allhands, AZ Central. June. 2018.
- MVIDD board to consider elector requirements. DK McDonald, Mohave Valley Daily News. June, 2018.
- Arizona Golf Courses Turn to Recycled Wastewater Over Drinking Water. Water Quality Products Blog, June, 2018.
- Arizona makes no legislative progress on water issues despite governor's push. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. May, 2018.
- Southwest drought worsens as hot June weather arrives. Dr. Mario Picazo, The Weather Network. June, 2018.
- Mohave County officials applaud state denial of endorsement on Quartzsite water deal. David Lewis, Today's News-Herald: Havasu News. May, 2018.
- Arizona’s drought-info coordinating group recommends renewal of drought declaration. Arizona Department of Water Resources, May, 2018.
- State Won't Support Quartzsite Leasing Colorado River Water. Associated Press. May, 2018.
- Our View: How art can help Arizona solve its water problems (no, really). Editorial board, The Arizona Republic, AZ Central. May, 2018.
- Steller column: Time for Tucson to wake up, take drought seriously. Tim Stellar, Arizona Daily Star. May, 2018.
- How tree rings help measure Arizona's 'mega drought'. John Patrick, ABC15 Arizona. may, 2018.
- State Water Agency Doesn't Recommend Quartzsite Deal. Bret Jaspers, KJZZ. May, 2018.
- How Lake Mead could crash. John Fleck, Inkstain. May, 2018.
- 6 things to know about dire challenges to our Colorado River water lifeline. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. May, 2018.
- Arizona Department of Water Resources Protects Colorado River Communities, Recommends that the United States Bureau of Reclamation Deny CAWCD and Quartzsite's Attempts to Lease and Transfer Water from On-River to Central Arizona. Samuel Lee Lofland and Sheryl A. Sweeney, National Law Review. May, 2018.
- Dire challenges facing Colorado River water lifeline. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. May, 2018.
- New urgency about dealing with Arizona's historic drought. Brahm Resnik, 12news. May, 2018.
- To the Last Drop: Planning for Water Shortage. Vanessa Barchfield and Tony Davis, Arizona Public Media. May, 2018.
- As droughts worsen, U.S. water insecurity grows. David Montgomery, Associated Press via StarTribune. May, 2018.
- Officials outline drought impacts. Tanya Ishikawa, Telluride Daily Planet. May, 2018.
- 'Time for action' to avert Colorado River crisis, federal official says. Ian James, The Desert Sun. May, 2018.
- Advocates Call For Collaboration To Address Drought. Kerry Bringhurst, Utah Public Radio. May, 2018.
- Experts: “Alarming” drought conditions hit US Southwest. Susan Montoya Bryan, The Denver Post. May, 2018.
- Colorado River flows decline. Gary Harmon, The Grand Junction Daily Sentinel. May, 2018.
- Tribal nations hold some of the best water rights in the West. Emily Benson, High Country News. May, 2018.
- Drought on tap to intensify over US Southwest. Susan Montoya Bryan, Associated Press. May, 2018.
- Tap once for warbler: Phone app lets you count Arizona birds for nature research. Joshua Bowling, AZ Central. May, 2018.
- Drought Conditions Could Change Colorado River Flow. CBS4 News Morning. May, 2018.
- River's peak more of a bump. Gary Harmon, Daily Sentinel. May, 2018.
- Matt Rice: Solutions for a sustainable Colorado River. Matt Rice, Daily Camera. May, 2018.
- Planning for drought, or planning for a drier future? Hannah Holm, Daily Sentinel. May, 2018.
- What Another Dry Winter Means for Colorado and the West. Jay Bouchard, 5280 Denver’s Mile High Magazine. May, 2018.
- Colorado River Tribes' plan to lease water to Tucson area is on hold after recall. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. May, 2018.
- Dismal Western Snowpack Is a Climate "Warning Sign". Chelsea Harvey, Sceintific American. May, 2018.
- Climate Change Is Making Droughts Worse In The Western U.S. Luke Runyon, KUNC. May, 2018.
- Unprecedented Colorado River Water Shortage Could Be Declared in 2020. Lorraine Chow, Eco Watch. May, 2018.
- Arizona is in a 50-year drought. Here's what that means. Weldon B. Johnson, AZ Central. May. 2018.
- Price of Uncertainty: Arizona Water Rights Trapped In Lawsuit. Warren Tenney, AMWUA. May, 2018.
- Arizona’s water supply plagued by drought, SRP managers work to ensure steady supply. Nicole Hernandez, Cronkite News, The Tucson Sentinel. May, 2018.
- Allhands: What happens to Arizona when a water shortage is declared on Lake Mead? Joanna Allhands, AZ Central. May. 2018.
- Phoenix Water Official: Shortage On Colorado River Looks 'Inevitable'. Mark Brodie, KJZZ. May, 2018.
- Colorado River Water Shortage Could be Declared in 2020. Melissa Sevigny, KNAU - Arizona Public Radio. May, 2018.
- Arizona Farm Helping Beer Lovers, Water Conservation. Mark Brodie, KJZZ. May, 2018.
- There Are Better Options To Solve Our Water Issues Than An Old Desalting Plant. Jennifer Pitt, Western Water News - the National Audubon Society. May, 2018.
- Hell or high water — Solutions on the Colorado River. Ken Mirr, Journal-Advocate. May, 2018.
- Colorado River Tribes' plan to lease water to Tucson area is on hold after recall. Colorado River Tribes' plan to lease water to Tucson area is on hold after recall
- Federal pressure to do a Colorado River water conservation deal. John Fleck, Inkstain. May, 2018.
- Respected water blogger sees a (barely) hidden message in federal press release on Colorado River management. Arizona Department of Water Resources, May, 2018.
- Allhands: Why didn't one of the driest winters on record hurt metro Phoenix more? Joanna Allhands, AZ Central. May. 2018.
- Supervisors approve applying for additional water rights. Jim Seckler, Mohave Valley Daily News. May, 2018.
- US urges Colorado River drought planning. Gary Harmon, Associated Press. May, 2018
- Can Rivers Be People Too? Rachel Riederer, New Republic. May, 2018.
- Risk of water shortage at Lake Mead called more than 50 percent likely by 2020. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. May, 2018.
- Colorado River flow peaking early, at historically low level. The Associated Press via the Seattle Times. May, 2018.
- Desert dust causes early snowmelt and water loss. Jonathan Romeo, The Durango Herald. May, 2018.
- As Rocky Mountain Snow Starts To Melt, Colorado River Forecast Worsens, Luke Runyon, KUNC. May, 2018.
- Mexico, 2 U.S. states could see Colorado River cutback in 2020. Dan Elliott, The Denver Post. May, 2018.
- Why restoring the Colorado River Delta matters. Karen Schlatter, Mother Nature Network. May, 2018.
- ‘We need action,’ federal official tells Colorado River states. Henry Brean, Las Vegas Review Journal. May, 2018.
- Arizona, Nevada And Mexico Face Better-Than-Even Odds For Colorado River Cuts. Associated Press via Colorado Public Media, May, 2018.
- Long drought makes outlook for Tucson's share of CAP water grim. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. May, 2018.
- Outlook for vital Colorado River remains grim after April storms fail to produce much snow. Dan Elliott, The Denver Post. May, 2018.
- Another dry year in the Colorado River Basin increases the need for additional state and federal action. Patti Aaron and Marlon Duke, US Bureau of Reclamation. May, 2018.
- How Colorado River Basin States Can Improve Water Efficiency. Mary Ann Dickinson, NewsDeeply - Water Deeply. May, 2018.
- The water war that will decide the fate of 1 in 8 Americans. Eric Holthaus, Grist. May, 2018.
- Arizona water agencies pledge to work together on Colorado River drought plan. Brandon Loomis, The Arizona Republic, AZ Central. May, 2018.
- Our View: Arizona's water fight earned it a black eye. Can we rebuild our reputation? Editorial board, The Arizona Republic, AZ Central. May, 2018.
- Fewer Trees, More Water: Study Finds Runoff Boost From Forest Thinning. Matt Weiser, NewsDeeply - Water Deeply. May, 2018.
- Feuding Water Agencies To Meet Next Week. Bret Jaspers, KJZZ. May, 2018.
- As summer looms, western U.S. snowpack is very thin. Tom Yulsman, Discover. May, 2018.
- Arizona agency angers Colorado River users upstream. Eric Holthaus, High Country News. May, 2018.
- CAP Won’t Pursue Water Transfer from Mohave County Farms.
- Yuma water desalinization plant could cost millions to update. Gabriel Sandler, Cronkite News, The Tucson Sentinel. May, 2018.
- Central Arizona Project Attempts To End Conflict With Other Colorado River States. Steve Goldstein, KJZZ. May, 2018.
- Big Challenges for Colorado River States That Want to Conserve Water. Daniel Rothberg, NewsDeeply - Water Deeply. May, 2018.
- Tinder Fire raises concerns about risk to reservoir. Carissa Planalp, azfamily.com. May, 2018.
- Water experts talk drier Colorado at new Colorado State forum. Brent Gardner-Smith, Aspen Journalism. April, 2018.
- 2017 Lower Colorado River Basin water use the lowest in a quarter century. John Fleck, Inkstain. April, 2018.
- As drought conditions persist in West, leaders criticize Arizona district's policy. Dennis Webb, The Daily Sentinel. April, 2018.
- Arizona Water Managers Cause Tension Among River Users. Rachel Christiansen, Nevada Public Radio. April, 2018.
- States Spar Over Colorado River Use. Sara Jerome, Water Online. April, 2018.
- Rethinking Groundwater Use in Willcox. Vanessa Barchfield, Arizona Public Media, April, 2018.
- CAP to meet with upper Colorado River officials in response to water ‘manipulation’ charge. Brandon Loomis, The Arizona Republic, AZ Central. April, 2018.
- Amid Colorado River spat, Mulroy calls Arizona agency a 'bad actor'; SNWA official says 'we need to take Denver's concerns seriously'. Daniel Rothberg, The Nevada Independent. April, 2018.
- State Colorado River Managers Cry Foul Over Arizona’s Attempted Water Shuffle. Grace Hood, Colorado Public Radio. April, 2018.
- If You Understand History, Colorado River Shortages Are No Surprise. Eric Kuhn and John Fleck, News Deeply: Water Deeply. April 2018.
- Water watchers eyeing Colorado River levels after drought forecast. David Louis, Havasu News. April, 2018.
- Arizona agency’s actions over Lake Mead ignite water fight. Henry Brean, Las Vegas Review-Journal. April, 2018.
- Feud erupts between utility, US states over Colorado River. Dan Elliott, the Associated Press via the Denver Channel. April, 2018.
- Colorado and three states accuse Arizona of manipulating Colorado River supply and demand. Associated Press via the Summit Daily. April, 2018.
- Western Arizona eyed as water source for major metro areas. Felicia Fonseca, Associated Press via the Bristol Herald Courier. April, 2018.
- Water leases at root of recall effort on Colorado River Indian Reservation. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. April, 2018.
- Five Things To Know About The Latest Colorado River Dust Up, Luke Runyon and Bret Jaspers, KUNC's All Thing's Considered. April, 2018.
- The Rocky Mountains Are Dusty, And It's A Problem. Luke Runyon, KUNC. April, 2018.
- States accuse Arizona water agency of gaming Lake Mead, undermining Colorado River drought plans. Daniel Rotherber, The Nevada Independent. April, 2018.
- Your Turn: 2 not-so-smart things Arizona has done in the name of water. Opinion, Robert Glennon, The Arizona Republic, AZ Central. April, 2018.
- Trailblazing tribal water-rights attorney Rod Lewis leaves an unmatched legacy of advocacy. Arizona Department of Water Resources, April, 2018.
- Gila River Indian Community mourns death of tribal leader. AZ Big Media. April, 2018.
- Upper Colorado River Leaders Wade Into Arizona Dispute. Bret Jaspers, KJZZ. April, 2018.
- Drought expands across Southwest. Susan Montoya Brian, Associated Press via Desert News Utah. April, 2018.
- The Lifeblood of the Desert.: A three-part series on how cities in Arizona manage one of the state's most critical resources: water. Sarah Hammond, Nicholas Gerbis, and Maya Springhawk Robnett. Arizona Public Media, April, 2018.
- After dry winter, Colorado River forecasters look for 6th-driest runoff year. Brandon Loomis, The Arizona Republic, AZ Central. April, 2018.
- Opinion: Water critical to keep Arizona open for business. Noah Mundt, Arizona Capitol Times. April, 2018.
- Your Turn: 6 innovative water policies that helped Arizona grow during a drought. Opinion, Robert Glennon, The Arizona Republic, AZ Central. April, 2018.
- Lifeblood of the Desert: Can Technology Solve Yuma's Water Woes? Maya Springhawk Robnett, Arizona Public Media. April, 2018.
- Farmers in Central Arizona Prepare for a Future with Less Water. Vanessa Barchfield, Arizona Public Media. April, 2018.
- Drought conditions in state worsened in March. Daily News Staff, Mohave Valley Daily News. April, 2018.
- Arizona weather: Drought intensifies after another dry month. Weldon B. Johnson, The Arizona Republic, AZ Central. April, 2018.
- Phil Boas On Arizona's Water Supply. Steve Goldstein, KJZZ. April, 2018.
- Dismal forecast for Lake Powell runoff heightens future CAP shortage risk. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. April, 2018.
- Your Turn: Does Arizona have enough water? Why that's such a tough question to answer. Opinion, Robert Glennon, The Arizona Republic, AZ Central. April, 2018.
- Will the Southwest U.S. Run Short of Water in 2019? Debra Utacia Krol, The Revelator. April, 2018.
- Our View: Nasty fights are threatening the water we all need to live in Arizona. Editorial board, The Arizona Republic, AZ Central. April, 2018.
- It’s official: 2018 has been the driest winter ever for Arizona’s mountain watersheds. Arizona Department of Water Resources. April, 2018.
- Opinion: We need to work together to prevent water shortages. Burke Montoya, Arizona Capitol Times. April, 2018.
- Mountain snowpack shrinks to 66 percent of normal, feds sound drought alarm. Bruce Finley, The Denver Post. April, 2018.
- Verde River advocates look to craft beer to save the desert river's flows. Emery Cowan, Arizona Daily Sun. April, 2018.
- Securing Arizona’s Water Supply is a Team Effort. Jeffrey Odefey, American Rivers. April, 2018.
- Climate forecasts remain gloomy, experts say at University of Arizona workshop. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. April, 2018.
- New bill highlights conflict between development, water supply in San Pedro. Katie Caldwell and Ava Garcia, Arizona Sonora News. April, 2018.
- Arizona governor vetoes 1st of series of water bills. The Associated Press via azfamily.com. March, 2018.
- Allhands: Why is Arizona fighting over water? This Yuma meeting reveals all you need to know. Joanna Allhands, AZ Central. March. 2018.
- Projections show drop in Lake Mead, not enough for shortage. Las Vegas Review Journal via the San Francisco Chronicle. March, 2018.
- New device can harvest water from arid desert air. Brooks Hays, UPI. March, 2018.
- Arizona Snowpack Near Record Lows This Year. Case Kuhn, KJZZ. March, 2018.
- Legal battle could grant CAP sovereign immunity.DK McDonald, Mohave Valley Daily News. March, 2018.
- Cochise County awarded $500,000 to help conserve water. Sidney Moyers, KUGN9. March, 2018.
- Worsening dry spell won't tip Lake Mead into shortage — yet. Henry Brean, Las Vegas Review Journal. March, 2018.
- Plight of Phoenix: how long can the world's 'least sustainable' city survive? Joanna Walters, The Guardian. March, 2018.
- Scarce Rocky Mountain Snowpack Deepens Southwest Water Supply Concerns. Luke Runyon, KUNC. March, 2018.
- Lack of snowpack leaves the West hung out to dry. Eric Holthause, Grist. March, 2018.
- Arizona Debates Conservation as Colorado River Shortage Looms. Brenna Goth and Amena h. Saiyid. Bloomberg Environment. March, 2018.
- Allhands: Why Arizona won't fix the problems that threaten your drinking water (this year). Joanna Allhands, AZ Central. March. 2018.
- Parts of Mohave County now listed in "severe drought". DK McDonald, Mohave Valley Daily News. March, 2018.
- Western U.S. drought worsens despite national improvement. Dr. Mario Picazo, The Weather Network. March, 2018.
- As water shortages loom, how to keep Western rivers flowing. Opinion: Sandra Postel, The Hill. March, 2018.
- Writing the River: A Conversation with New Yorker Writer David Owen. Vanessa Barchfield, Arizona Public Media. March, 2018.
- Arizona Considers Desalination Options for Future Water Supply. Jerry Redfern, News Deeply: Water Deeply. March 2018.
- Lake Mead Level Focus of Gov Ducey's Water Policy Wants. Interview: Sharon Megdal. Arizona Public Media. March, 2018.
- Infighting delays Lake Mead drought plan as water 'bankers' protect control. Daniel Rothberg, The Nevada Independent. March, 2018.
- Arizona drought expected to worsen over next few months. Ashlee DeMartino, Tucson News Now - 3TV/CBS 5. March, 2018.
- No easy answers for Colorado River's woes, author says. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. March, 2018.
- Valley Brewers Talk About How Climate Change Is Affecting Craft Beer. Lauren Gilger, KJZZ 91.5 FM. March, 2018.
- How Yuma delivers water efficiently to Ag fields. Caitlin Slater, Fox 9 - KMYA.com. March, 2018.
- Snowpack declines in the western U.S. are comparable to all of the water stored in the West’s largest reservoir. Tom Yulsman, Discover. March, 2018.
- Arizona water managers disagree on how to prevent a shortage on the Colorado River. Brandon Loomis, The Arizona Republic, AZ Central. March, 2018.
- Drinking to a river's health: Arizona brewers and farmers fight drought with beer. Brandon Loomis, The Arizona Republic, AZ Central. March, 2018.
- Snowpack levels in western US show 'dramatic' decline. Karen Graham, Digital Journal. March, 2018
- Robb: Gov. Doug Ducey's big water bet could leave us high and dry. Opinion. Robert Robb, The Republic/azcentral.com. March, 2018.
- Flow of water in desert brings life to Arizona’s economy. Opinion: Sandy Bahr, Arizona Capitol Times. February, 2018.
- Controversy continues with the Colorado River’s water delivery system. Interview: Sarah Porter and Jim Holway. Horizon - Arizona PBS. February 2018.
- Water Bills, Including Cochise Water Supply Measure, Pass House And Senate. Bret Jaspers, KJZZ. February, 2018.
- Latest Water Bill Threatens Our Groundwater and Rivers. Opinion: Sonia Perillo and Brad Powell, Sierra Vista Herald/Review. February, 2018.
- Restrictions won’t affect all users of Colorado River water. DK McDonald, Mohave Daily News. February, 2018.
- Colorado’s Snow Pack and the Need for Conservation. WeatherNation. February, 2018.
- Beer industry could be key to saving Arizona’s Verde River. KTAR News 92.3FM, KTAR.com. February, 2018.
- Arizona farmers look for ways to save water. Cronkite News, AZ Big Media. February, 2018.
- Arizona legislative proposal affecting two rivers causes a stir. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. February, 2018.
- Water policy bills could impact Mohave County. DK McDonald, The Mohave Valley Daily News. February, 2018.
- Governor raises concern about a water bill. Howard Fischer, The Daily Courier. February, 2018.
- Water policy remake stirs fight unlike others in state history. Rachel Leingang, Arizona Capitol Times. February, 2018.
- Water forecast is bleak for major reservoir in Southwest US. Dan Elliot, Associated Press. February, 2018.
- Snowpack that feeds the Colorado River and CAP ties record-low levels. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. February, 2018.
- Disappearing Rivers: Half the Length of All Western Rivers Harmed by Human Development. Center for American Progress. February, 2018.
- Your Turn: Arizona lawmakers want to decimate your groundwater (again). Opinion. Kathleen Ferris, The Republic/azcentral.com. February, 2018.
- Letter: Watershed management bills are shortsighted and wrong. Opinion by Mike Mallozzi, Borderlands Brewing Company. as submitted to the Arizona Daily Star. February, 2018
- Allhands: 3 big threats to the water you (and Arizona) need to survive. Joanna Allhands, AZ Central. February. 2018.
- 5 things to know about Arizona's drought this winter. Joshua Bolding, AZ Central. February. 2018.
- Lettuce Saves The Colorado River. Alan Bjerga and Cindy Hoffman, Bloomberg. February, 2018.
- Planning for Drought – Why it’s Good for Arizona. Jeffrey Odefey, American Rivers. February, 2018.
- Colorado River providing anglers with trout. Daily News Staff, Mohave Valley Daily News. February, 2018.
- How Beer Will Save Western Rivers. Keridwen Cornelius, OutsideOnline.com. January, 2018.
- Arizona Gov. Ducey Water Proposals Likely To Address Excess Water. Bret Jaspers, KJZZ. January, 2018.
- Progress on new binational drought plan in Colorado basin slow going. Isaac Windes, Grand Canyon News. January, 2018.
- Allhands: What you don't know about the water law that saved Arizona. Joanna Allhands, AZ Central. January. 2018.
- Study provides insight into how dams affect ecology of southwestern Colorado rivers. Heather Sackett, Vail Daily. January, 2018.
- Clouds with a Silver Lining: Seeding Storms to Boost the Colorado River. The Colorado Independent Via H20 Radio. January, 2018.
- Dry start to winter prompts ugly forecast for Colorado River. Henry Brean, Las Vegas Review Journal. January, 2018.
- New Year, Same Challenges — What's Next for Arizona? Arizona Public Media. January, 2018.
- Snowpack that feeds Colorado River is at 20 pct of normal. San Francisco Chronicle. January, 2018.
- Our View: Send education tax to voters in 2018 (and other priorities). Editorial board, The Arizona Republic, AZ Central. January, 2018.
- Health care, water among other issues facing legislature. Howard Fischer, Capitol Media Services. January, 2018.
- Preparing for a drier future along the Colorado River. Ian James, The Desert Sun. January, 2018.
- Willow flycatcher survives another lawsuit. Peter Aleshire, White Mountain Independent. January, 2018.
- Despite obstacles, Colorado River managers reaffirm commitment to drought plan. Daniel Rothberg, The Nevada Independent. December, 2017.
- Preserving the Verde River, one beer at a time. Hallie Chavez, Verde Independent. December, 2017.
- Creative Solutions to Save Vital Arizona River. Sandra Postel, NewsDeeply. December, 2017.
- Endangered topminnow's return to Santa Cruz River in Tucson is a big step to recovery. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. December, 2017.
- How Craft Brewers Are Embracing New Water Technologies. Postlight Mercury. December, 2017.
- Progress on new binational drought plan in Colorado basin slow going. Isaac Windes, Cronkite News - Arizona PBS. December, 2017.
- Allhands: Water will be the issue in 2018, and that scares me more than it should. Joanna Allhands. The Arizona Republic, AZ Central. November, 2017.
- Colorado River Levels Declining Significantly Because of Climate Change, USGS Study Finds. Sean Breslin, weather.com. November, 2017.
- River city mayors form coalition. DK McDonald, The Mohave Valley Daily News. November, 2017.
- Arizona water discussions could impact growth, development. Patrick O'Grady, Phoenix Business Journal. October, 2017.
- Audio: Rising temperatures sucking water out of the Colorado River. Emily Guerin, 89.3 KPCC. October, 2017.
- Phoenix approves Colorado River partnership with Avondale. AZ Big Media. November, 2017.
- Water fight tied directly to Arizona's growth. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. October, 2017.
- Who controls the water? Arizona agencies slug it out. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. October, 2017.
- Western Arizona tribes could lease Colorado River water to areas thirsty for development. Ryan Dandazzo, The Arizona Republic, AZ Central. October, 2017.
- LMNRA To Begin Process of Amending Low Water Plans. Vernon Robison, Moapa Valley Progress. October, 2017.
- Why a Colorado River reunion with the sea isn’t a guarantee. Emily Benson, High Country News. October, 2017.
- U.S. and Mexico agree to share a shrinking Colorado River. Emily Benson, High Country News. October, 2017.
- U.S. and Mexico Sign Agreement to Manage Colorado River. Melissa Sevigny, KNAU - Arizona Public Radio. October, 2017.
- Money-for-water experiment gaining steam in Colorado River basin. Sarah Tory, The Aspen Times. October, 2017.
- A new way to brew: Using reclaimed water in craft beer. Lauren Renteria, Herald/Review Media. October, 2017 .
- US, Mexico share benefits and burdens in new Colorado River pact. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. September, 2017.
- More water, more restoration bound for Colorado River Delta. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. September, 2017.
- Collaboration for the Colorado River Delta. Lynne Bairstow, Raise the River. September, 2017.
- Millions of People and Birds Benefit from New Water Agreement between U.S. and Mexico. Press Room, National Audubon Society. September, 2017.
- Arizona Water Resources director joins U.S. & Mexico in finalizing epic CO River agreement. Arizona Department of Water Resources. September, 2017.
- Collaboration for the Colorado River Delta. Lynne Bairstow, Raise the River. September, 2017.
- Governor’s Office proposes major rewrite of water laws. Rachel Leingang, Arizona Capitol Times. September, 2017.
- Guest Column: Latinos must get involved in water issues. Maite Arce, Las Vegas Sun. September, 2017.
- Intel will fund community-based water project in Arizona, AZ Business Magazine. September, 2017.
- U.S. and Mexico set to sign landmark Colorado River water-sharing deal. Ian James, The Desert Sun. September, 2017.
- Our View: What Arizona's water leaders really need from you. Editorial board, The Arizona Republic, AZ Central. September, 2017.
- Letter: Water security for people and wildlife. Sonia Perillo, The Arizona Daily Star. September, 2017.
- Flake, McCain Introduce Landmark Arizona Water Settlement Bill. Arizona Department of Water Resources. September, 2017.
- Drought loosens grip on southwest. Peter Aleshire, The Payson Roundup. September, 2017.
- U.S., Mexico nearing deal on Colorado river water allocation Local groups hoping for allocation to conservation. Chandler Donald, The Daily Wildcat. September, 2017.
- The ground's not sinking much in Tucson anymore. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. September, 2017.
- Allhands: Yes, you should drink beer made from recycled water. Joanna Allhands, The Republic/azcentral.com. September, 2017.
- My Turn: Water crisis averted on the Colorado River? Not so fast. Kevin Moran, The Republic/azcentral.com. September, 2017.
- Revisions proposed for Colorado River water agreements. Saul A. Flores, Needles Daily Star. September, 2017.
- Kevin Moran: Bold action still needed for the Colorado River. Kevin Moran, Special to the Arizona Daily Star. September, 2017.
- The Conservation Issue - Playing the Long Game. Kris Polly, Municipal Water Leader Magazine. Volume 3, Issue 7. July/August 2017.
- Beer Makers Tapping Into Sustainable Water Efficiency Goals. Tripp Baltz, Daily Environment Report. September, 2017.
- Bureau of Reclamation Launches New Basin Studies in New Mexico and Arizona. Media Contact: Peter Soeth, Bureau of Reclaimation. September, 2017.
- Turning Towards Solutions. Fay Augustyn, American Rivers. August, 2017.
- 4 reasons why Arizona water is on the right track. Kevin Moran, Environmental Defense Fund. August, 2017.
- Allhands: Arizona's water war is escalating. Joanna Allhands, The Republic/azcentral.com. August, 2017.
- It’s official: Federal analysts expect no shortage at Lake Mead in 2018. Arizona Department of Water Resources. August, 2017.
- On the Colorado, the lowest water use in 25 years. John Fleck, Inkstain. August, 2017.
- USDA and Arizona Tribe Sign Landmark Conservation Agreement. Arizona Natural Resources Conservation Service. August, 2017.
- U.S. and Mexico finalizing Colorado River water-sharing deal. Ian James, USA Today Network - The Desert Sun. August, 2017.
- Guest Opinion: Conservation accord is progress toward much-needed Colorado River deal. Mike Connor, Arizona Capitol Times. July, 2017.
- Our View: Gila River agreement shows Arizona is ready to deal on water. Editorial board, The Arizona Republic, AZ Central. July, 2017.
- Stabilizing Lake Mead Water Levels a Priority Amongst Stakeholders. Stephanie Bracken, Prescott Enews. July, 2017
- PRESS RELEASE: Water agreement signals “new levels of coordination,” say conservation groups. July, 2017.
- Audubon Report Tracks Riparian Bird Habitat Decline In The West. Casey Kuhn, KJZZ. July, 2017.
- Arizona's faucet: Water storage in the desert. William Rockwell, The Daily Wildcat. July, 2017.
- Executive Summary - Water and Birds in the Arid West: Habitats in Decline. The National Audubon Society. July, 2017.
- In the Arid West, Protecting Oases Vital to Birds Requires Creative Solutions. David Owen, The National Audubon Society. July, 2017.
- Diverted Water, Longer Droughts and Climate Change Threaten Birds in the Arid West. The National Audubon Society. July, 2017.
- Flagstaff testing use of treated wastewater in brewing beer. Emery Cowan, Arizona Daily Sun. July, 2017.
- Reclamation nominee wins mostly acceptance and a little wait-and-see, Gary Harmon, The Daily Sentinel. June, 2017.
- Interior: Trump taps Western water veteran to head Reclamation. Jeremy P. Jacobs, E&E News. June, 2017.
- Take That to the Bank: How Arizona Plans Its Water Use. UA Water Resources Research Center. June, 2017.
- Opinion: How collaboration can save the Colorado River. Paul Bruchez, High Country News. June 2017.
- Phoenix, feds will pay tribes to leave their water in Lake Mead, help prevent shortage. Alden Woods, The Arizona Republic, AZ Central. June, 2017.
- Parched by drought, Lake Mead water levels could lead to statewide water limits. Alexis Kuhbander, Cronkite News. June 2017.
- Feds now see Lake Mead levels sinking 20 feet lower by ‘19 than predicted just last month. Arizona Department of Water Resources. June, 2017.
- Desert Sun launches interactive series on the Salton Sea. Staff, USA Today Network Press Room. June, 2017.
- Phoenix to pay Gila River Indian Communities to leave Colorado River water in Lake Mead. John Fleck, Inkstain. June, 2017.
- Phoenix Approves Historic Colorado River Conservation Agreement. Press Release, City of Phoenix's Mayor's Office. June 2017.
- Infrastructure investments must prioritize the Colorado River, one of the hardest-working rivers in the world. Mike Connor and Lynn Scarlett, The Washington Examiner. June, 2017.
- Lower Basin States Work to Keep Lake Mead Afloat. Felicity Barringer, Stanford University - The Bill Lane Center for the American West. June, 2017.
- Arizona receives additional funds to help conserve water. Associated Press, Arizona Daily Sun. May, 2017.
- Diverse interests came together in 1980 to pass Arizona’s groundwater law. Cindy Barks, The Daily Courier. May, 2017.
- Flagstaff a co-winner of national water conservation challenge. Arizona Daily Sun. May, 2017.
- How the Colorado River’s Future Depends on the Salton Sea. Matt Weiser, News Deeply. May, 2017.
- Lake Mead at historic low as storage dispute heats up. Andrew Craft, Fox News U.S. May, 2017.
- Wastewater ponds get new role as bird habitat. Emery Cowan, The Daily Sun. May, 2017.
- Low groundwater levels mean water worries not behind us. Jeffery D. Armstrong, The Press-Enterprise. May, 2017.
- Accountability, transparency key to state water plan's success. David Nikum, The Pueblo Chieftain. May, 2017.
- Arizona farmers expand water conservation, crop options amid drought. Cary Blake, Western Farm Press. May, 2017.
- Why the Lower Colorado is America’s most endangered river. Heather Hansman, GrindTV. May, 2017.
- The Colorado: how a river rules the west. Randy Dotinga, Christian Science Monitor. May, 2017.
- War of words flares in Arizona over Lake Mead water. Henry Brean, Las Vegas Review - Journal. May, 2017.
- Water conditions on Upper Salt River could draw thousands of tourists to raft. Kanak Jha, Cronkite News - Arizona PBS. May, 2017.
- Launch of Center for Land and Water Policy celebrated in Arizona. WaterWorld, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. May, 2017.
- Arizona Water Resources Director says “no” to taking risks with the Colorado River. Arizona Water News: The official news blog of the Arizona Department of Water Resources. May, 2017.
- Arizona water director: I won't support CAP board's drought plan. Tom Buschatzke, The Arizona Republic, AZ Central. May, 2017.
- National Conservation, Sportsmen Groups Applaud Passage of Congressional Omnibus Spending Bill. Water for Colorado. May, 2017.
- Viewpoints: Everyone loses if we can't agree on water. Mark Taylor and Alexandra Arboleda, AZ We See It, The Arizona Republic, AZ Central. April, 2017.
- Our View: Bad bill undermines Arizona's good water law. Editorial Board, The Republic, The Arizona Republic, AZ Central. April, 2017.
- Water Conservation: What are Arizona cities doing to reduce water consumption? Alexandra Arboleda, Green Living AZ. April, 2017.
- To These Pastors, Saving the Colorado River Is a Divine Command. Fernanda Santos, The New York Times. April, 2017.
- Arizona prepared if water shortages hit. Monica Milberg, ARizona Sonora News. April 2017.
- 'Smart' Agreements Leave More Water in Lake Mead, Regulators Say. Sara Hammond, Arizona Public Media. April, 2017.
- American Rivers puts lower Colorado River atop its annual list of troubled waters. Brandon Loomis, The Arizona Republic, AZ Central. April, 2017.
- Trump, Western storms cast uncertainty on Colorado River. Daniel Rothberg, Las Vegas Sun. Apirl, 2107.
- Gila River member becomes 1st Native American to have a vote on Arizona water board. Dianna M. Náñez, The Republic, AZ Central. April 2017.
- Our View: Phoenix is doing what the West needs to do for water. Editorial Board, The Republic, AZ Central. April 2017.
- Where the Water Goes. David Own, The New Yorker. April 2017.
- Inclusion and collaboration: Governor Ducey has a new strategy for water in Arizona. Kevin Moran, Environmental Defense Fund. March, 2017.
- Farmers, Brewers, and Conservationists Partner to Keep a River Flowing. Sandra Postel, National Geographic - Watter Currents. March, 2017.
- Gila River Indian Community agrees to water-storage deal with Phoenix that will restore flow to Gila River. Alden Woods, The Republic, AZ Central. March, 2017.
- World Water Day reminds us why we can't cut infrastructure funding. MIke Connor, The Hill. March, 2017.
- My Turn: How an obscure lawsuit could hurt Arizona water management. Kathleen Ferris, The Arizona Republic, AZ Central. March, 2017.
- Big snowstorms put Colorado River drought plan on ice. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. March, 2017.
- Governor Ducey Appoints Attorney, Gila River Indian Community Member Rodney Lewis To CAWCD Board. News Release, The Office of Governor Doug Ducey. March, 2017.
- Gila River Indian Community, State Of Arizona, City Of Phoenix, Walton Family Foundation Announce Cooperative Water Conservation Partnership. Arizona Water News: The official news blog of the Arizona Department of Water Resources. March, 2017.
- Significant declines in Colorado River flows likely to continue as temperatures rise. Mike Gaworecki, Mongabay. March, 2017.
- Arizona Mills aquarium’s expansion to feature Colorado River exhibit. Peter Cheng, East Valley Tribune.March, 2017.
- Report: Climate change a growing factor in fall of Colorado River flows. Joseph Guzman, KTAR. March, 2017.
- The Colorado River Is Being Sapped By The Heat. Nell London, Colorado Public Radio. March, 2017.
- County gets active on federal water rights: Meeting Tuesday to discuss impact of BLM request on local well owners. Eric Petermann, Sierra Vista Herald. March, 2017.
- Feds want to pull Santa Cruz River effluent to pay O’odham debt. Tony Davis, Las Vegas Sun. March, 2017.
- Millions of Americans facing 'megadrought' as Colorado River shrinks to alarming low. Ian Johnston, Independent. February, 2017.
- How Trump’s Approach to Mexico Could Jeopardize Water Security in the American West. Ryan Richards, Center For American Progress. February, 2017.
- Hot weather linked to climate change is reducing Colorado River flows, study says. Tony Davis, Las Vegas Sun. February, 2017.
- Colorado River Flow Decreases Because Of Climate Change. Jaswin S. Singh, The Science Times. February, 2017.
- California's wet weather has some believing the drought is over. Emily Shapiro, ABC News. February, 2017.
- Global warming is shrinking river vital to 40M people. Dan Elliot, Associated Press. February, 2017.
- Deep Rockies snowpack likely to forestall Colorado River water shortage. Henry Brean, Las Vegas Review Journal. February 2017.
- Colorado River Flows Will Continue Falling Rapidly As Anthropogenic Climate Change Continues. James Ayre, Clean Technica. February, 2017.
- West's challenge is still water scarcity, wet winter or not. Zack Colman, Christian Science Monitor. February, 2017.
- Who stole the Colorado River? Scientists say rising temperatures. Allen Best, Aspen Daily News Online. February, 2017.
- Climate Change Is Shrinking the Colorado River and It Will Only Get Worse, Scientists Say. Pam Wright, weather.com. February, 2017.
- Officials: Arizona water users better off without Navajo Generating Station coal plant. Ryan Randazzo, The Republic, AZ Central. February, 2017.
- Exploring Desalination in Arizona. Chuck Collum, CAP Colorado River Program Manager. February, 2017.
- Here’s exactly how much less water is in the Colorado River because of climate change. Shaun McKinnon, The Republic, AZ Central. February, 2017.
- Should Arizona make water a partisan issue? Mary Jo Pitzl, The Republic, AZ Central. February, 2017.
- Phoenix, Gila River Indian Community May Work Together To Store Groundwater. Carrie Jung, KJZZ Phoenix. February, 2017.
- Wet winter has improved Colorado River basin's water forecast, but the drought endures. William Yardley, Los Angeles Times. February, 2017.
- 'Toilet to tap' water treatment will soon be legal in Arizona, officials say. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. January, 2017.
- Trump-Mexico clash seen as threat to critical water talks. Jeremy P. Jacobs, Greenwire. January 2017.
- CMU report to guide river restoration plans. Dennis Webb, Grand Junction Sentinel. January 2017.
- California perseveres through drought. Justine Biondi, The Los Angeles Loyolan. January, 2017.
- Western voters prioritize conservation and keeping public lands public, poll finds. Bruce Finley, The Denver Post. January,2017.
- Shrinking Lake Mead Could Mean Radical Cuts to States' Water Shares. Maya Springhawk Robnett, Arizona PBS. February, 2017.
- Tucson recorded normal temperatures, above-average rain in January. Tom Beal, Arizona Daily Star. February 2017.
- California snowpack at highest level in 22 years. Christina Cox. The Signal - Santa Clarita Valley. February, 2017.
- There’s So Much Snow in California That It’s Helping the Drought. Justin Worland, Time. February, 2017.
- Arizona has highest lake water levels in years. Matt Pace, KPNX - 12 News. February, 2017.
- Drought: Five Things You Need To Know About This Rainy Winter. Warren Tenney, Arizona Municipal Water Users Association. February, 2017.
- Study: Lake Mead Shortage Could Slow Home Construction, Agriculture. Zachary Ziegler, Arizona Public Media. February, 2017.
- Drought watchers keeping eye on Lake Mead. Ken Ritter, Associated Press. January, 2017
- Mega Storms Leave Less than 2% of California in “Exceptional Drought”. Chris Damien, Inertia. January, 2017.
- Valley’s snowpack level well ahead of normal. Scott N. Miller, Post Independent. January, 2017.
- Arizona’s water supply emerges as big winner from powerful winter storms. Jim Cross, KTAR News. January, 2017.
- Recent rain, snowfall unlikely to affect drought conditions. Gerard Ramlho , 3LV. January, 2017.
- NASA measures 'dust on snow' to help manage Colorado River Basin water supplies. Space Daily, January, 2017.
- Colorado snowpack good sign for Lake Powell. Steven Law, Lake Powell Chronicle. January, 2017.
- Storms provide ample water supply. Brian Kramer, White Mountain Independent. January, 2017.
- Arizona Department of Water Resources: An end-of-year report, of sorts: Why Water Resources is putting more resources into informing the public about what we do. Arizona Department of Water Resources. January, 2017.
- Arizona seeks ways to prop up Lake Mead, pending federal cash. Brandon Loomis, The Republic, AZ Central. January, 2017.
- Ebbing Away: Latest land "subsidence" monitoring report finds lower ground levels and fissures in some regions of Arizona. Arizona Department of Water Resources. January, 2017.
- Big unfinished business for Trump: Colorado River deals, the shrinking Salton Sea. Ian James, Desert Sun. January, 2017.
- Our View: Groundwater regulations need fix to keep supplies adequate. Editorial Board, Havasu News. January, 2017.
- Western drought watchers eye Lake Mead water level. Ken Ritter, Associated Press. January, 2017.
- Report Urges More Conservation, Water Sharing In Arizona. Will Stone, KJZZ. January, 2017.
- Secretary Jewell Directs Continued Work on Crucial Colorado River Basin Water Agreements. North Denver News. January, 2017.
- Is the Drought Over? Depends on Which One We’re Talking About. Ry Rivard, Voices of San Diego. January, 2017.
- Snowpack Looking Good! (so far). Mike Reilley. LakePowellLife.com. January, 2017.
- Early snowpack indicates ‘coin flip’ for Lake Mead shortage declaration in 2018. Henry Brean, Las Vegas Revoiew Journal. January, 2017.
- Western mayors talk water conservation, stay mum on drought allotments. Kendra Penningroth, Cronkite News Arizona PBS. January, 2017.
- Conservationists Embrace New Environmental Tool: Water Leasing. Kelli Barrett. January, 2017.
- Bird site may come to town. Zachary Jernigan, JournalAZ.com. January, 2017.
- Solutions: Visiting speaker busts water myths - Author John Fleck answers "How Much Water Does Arizona Need?" during ASU talk. Morrison Institute for Public Policy, January 2017.
- Is the great California drought finally ending? Bettina Boxall, Los Angeles Times. January 2017.
- The next administration must protect the Colorado River basin. Anne Castle and R. Eric Kuhn, The Denver Post. January 2017.
- Rain And Snow A Welcome Sight: Outdoors Under the Rim. Dennis Pirch. Payson Roundup, January 2017.
- Crossing Borders for a Secure Water Future: US-Mexico San Pedro River Aquifer Report. USGS. January 2017.
- US-Mexico Study of San Pedro River a Binational First. Vanessa Barchgield. Arizona Public Media. January 2017.
- High Demand, Low Supply: Colorado River Water Crisis Hits Across The West. Grace Hood and Lauren Summer. NPR All Things Considered. December 2016
- Salt and Verde: Protecting The Valley’s Water Supply. Warren Tenney, AMWUA. November 2016
- Secretary Jewell Celebrates Milestones for Smart Western Water Management. Office of the Secretary. December 2016.
- Long-term plan for Colorado River water won't be sealed before Trump takes office. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. December 2016.
- Havasupai lawsuit a first for the tribe. Emry Cowan, Arizona Daily Sun. December 2016.
- On the brink of a major deal to reduce Colorado River water use. John Fleck, Inkstain. December, 2016.
- Overhaul of water management is in the works here. Havasu Daily News. Haley Walters, Havasu Daily News. December, 2016.
- Havasupai Tribe Files Water Lawsuit. KNAU - NPR. December 2016.
- What climate change means for Arizona. Jeff Gibbs, Arizona Republic. December 2016.
- It’s a coin-flip for Lake Mead water shortage in 2018. Eric Jay Toll, Phoenix Business Journal. December, 2016.
- On the importance of getting the boundaries right in water management and governance. John Fleck, Inkstain. November, 2016.
- Arizona's historic Groundwater Management Act of 1980: How the state's most celebrated water management tool came to pass. ADWR and former Governor Bruce Babbitt. November 2016
- Tucson to leave nearly 20% of its CAP water in Lake Mead. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. November 2016
- Salton Sea ultimatum: California water district demands state plan by Dec. 31. Ian James, Desert Sun. November 2016
- New reclaimed water committee to ponder standards for water reuse. Arizona Business Daily. November 2016
- Sierra Vista development hits setback. Howard Fischer, Arizona Daily Sun. November 2016
- One View: Trump’s conservative conservationist opportunity. Jon Anderson, Reno-Gazette Journal. November 2016
- For These Americans, Clean Water Is a Luxury. George McGraw, The New York Times. October 2016
- Study: Next president must act fast on Colorado River. Ken Ritter, Associated Press. October 2016
- High Flow Experiment at Glen Canyon Dam. Sonoran News. November,2016
- Feds may order first cuts in water from Colorado River; CU team issues warning to next president. Bruce Finley, The Denver Post. November 2016
- Tucson’s original lifeline: Santa Cruz river could flow again through downtown Tucson. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. November 2016
- Congratulations to Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department! Five finalists competed for the Water Innovation Challenge. The New Arizona Prize, November 2016.
- Two Years After the Colorado Pulse Flow — An Abundance of Life. Maureen Nandini Mitra, Earth Island Journal. October 2016
- Along the Rio Grande, Farms are the Future for Wetland Birds. Sarah Keller, Intermountain West Joint Venture. October 2016
- Colorado River Indian Tribes Sign Water Deal To Alleviate Drought. Stephanie Sanchez, KAWC News - Colorado River Public Media. October 2016
- Manmade Flood Gives Life to Colorado River Delta. Brett Walton. Circle of Blue, October 2016
- Getting More Water from less: The New Business Trend in a Hotter, Drier West. Karen Yacos. National Geographic - Water Currents. October 2016
- Southwest could experience mega-droughts in coming years. Logan Hawkes, Southwest Farm Press. October 2016.
- 'Farming nature' helps restore Colorado Delta cottonwoods, willows. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. October 2016.
- Horizon: Documentary highlights need for water use regulations. Sarah Porter, Kathleen Ferris, and Cassie Ronda. Morrison Institute for Public Policy's Kyl Center for Water Policy. September 2016.
- Solutions: The future of water in the Southwest - First of 3-part series on how ASU scientists are putting expertise toward sustaining life in arid land. Scott Seckel, Arizona State University. September 2016.
- Jon Kyl: Cutbacks ahead for water users if Arizona doesn't take the lead. Eric Jay Toll, Phoenix Business Journal. September 2016.
- Opinion: Help protect Lake Mead and Colorado River water. Karen Cesare, Pat Jacobs, Sharon Megdal and Mark Taylor, Special to the Arizona Daily Star. September 2016.
- Smarter Water Decisions Could Help End the West's Dry Run. David Yarnold, National Audubon Society. Summer 2016.
- Building a New Future for the Colorado River. Xander Zellner, National Audubon Society. July 2016.
- For the first time, U.S. and Mexico take stock of the underground water they share. Lyndsey Gilpin, High Country News. September 2016.
- Agriculture plays key role in water plan. Katharhynn Heidelberg, Montrose Daily Press. September 2016.
- Someone needs to take the lead to protect our water future. Jeff Gibbs, The Republic, AZ Central. September 2016.
- How the Western U.S. Is Adapting to Less Water—and Why Catastrophe Narratives Don't Help. An exerpt from John Fleck's Water is for Fighting Over. September, 2016.
- The Rise of Water Optimism. Ben Goldfarb, Pacific Standard. September 2016.
- Lake Mead back above 1,075. John Fleck, Inkstain. August, 2016.
- Debunking the West’s Biggest Water Myths. Tara Lohan, News Deeply. September 2016.
- The media loves doomsday stories about the West’s water crisis. Here’s what they miss. Brad Plumer, Vox. September 2016.
- Obama at Lake Tahoe: White House pledges support for Salton Sea, geothermal energy. Sammy Roth, The Desert Sun, September 2016.
- Could the 'Most Powerful Geothermal Reservoirs in the World' Save the Colorado River? Gary Wockner, EcoWatch. September 2016.
- More people, less water? Fewer Coloradans seem to care. Marianne Goodland, The Colorado Independent. August 2016.
- Audubon Announces Historic Water Release to the Middle Rio Grande. National Audubon Society. September 2016.
- Lake Powell could dry up in as little as six years, study says. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. September 2016.
- The West May Not Be So Doomed On Water After All. Joseph Erbentraut. The Huffington Post, September 2016.
- Feds' water use forecast was too good to be true. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. September 2016.
- My Turn: How Central Arizona Project helps Colorado River. Ted Cooke, The Arizona Republic, AZ Central. September, 2016.
- Partnering to save the Colorado. Ron Rayner, The Casa Grande Dispatch. August 2016.
- Our View: Water conservation saved us this year, but there's more to do. Editorial Board. The Republic, AZ Central. August 2016.
- When Rain Falls, Drought Planning Doesn't Stop. Steve Goldstein, KJZZ. August 2016.
- Water Levels Declining in Areas Along San Pedro River near Sierra Vista, Arizona. United States Geological Survey, August 2016.
- Crisis averted at Lake Mead: Colorado River water users avoid restrictions for another year. Brandon Loomis, The Republic, AZ Central. August 2016.
- $1.9M in grants awarded for water quality improvements. AZ Business Magazine, AZBigMedia.com. August 2016.
- Colorado River’s Tale of Two Basins. Brett Walton, Circle of Blue. August 2016.
- Tribes, farms wary of proposed CAP cuts as Lake Mead falls. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. July 2016.
- Arizona fends off threats to water supplies. Tony Davis, High Country News. July 2016.
- Talk of the Town: Groundwater regulation: The next big thing. Chris Hoy, The Daily Courier. July 2016.
- Tradeoffs Reexamined: Moving Beyond Water Scar[ed]city toward Conscious Choices about Our Water Future. Amy McCoy. Western Resources Research Center. Newsletter, Summer 2016.
- Governor’s Water Initiative Takes on State's Water Planning Challenges. Hunter Moore. Western Resources Research Center. Newsletter, Summer 2016.
- Two Arizona Vinyards Give Back to a River through a Voluntary Water Exchange. Sandra Postel, National Geographic. July 2016.
- Feds suspend crucial permit for big Benson development. Emily Bregel, Arizona Daily Star. July 2016.
- Sen. Jeff Flake seals deal: Arizona's water to stay in Lake Mead. Brandon Loomis, The Republic, AZ Central. July 2016.
- Our View: Missing an opportunity. Opinion, Sierra Vista Herald. July 2016.
- Local landowners seek to address extreme threat to San Pedro River. Peter Else, Sierra Vista Herald. July 2016.
- Close to Vigneto vote, Benson feels 'ambushed' in Kartchner water flap. Emily Bregel, Arizona Daily Star. July 2016.
- Celebration of the San Pedro draws 200: raising awareness about threats to the San Pedro River. Dana Cole, Sierra Vista Herald. July 2016.
- Concerns about Vigneto’s environmental impacts continue: possible approval of Community Master Plan less than a week away. Dana Cole, Sierra Vista Herald. July 2016.
- Audubon in Action: Building a New Future for the Colorado River. Xander Zellner, Audubon. July 2016.
- Water management is a wicked problem, but not an unsolvable one. Christa Brelsford, The Christian Science Monitor. July 2016.
- Agency's decision could expand farmland in the desert. Ian James, The Desert Sun. July 2016.
- Column: Water more precious than diamonds. Steve Willing, The Daily Courier. July 2016.
- $20 million plan to aid Arizona's stressed-out Verde River. Brandon Loomis, The Republic, AZ Central. July 2016.
- Facing historically low levels, Lake Mead officials are fending off a water war. Here's how. William Yardley, The Los Angeles Times. July 2016.
- Our Turn: How Arizona should handle future water cuts. Kevin Moran and Noah Mundt, The Republic, AZ Central. July 2016.
- How Arizona fends off threats to its water. Tony Davis, High Country News. June 2016.
- USDA, Interior Announce More Than $47 Million in Investments for Water Conservation, Energy Efficiency, Drought Response & Agriculture Operations Across the West. Peter Soeth, Bureau of Reclamation. June 2016.
- What Does Lake Mead's Record Low Level Portend for State? AZPM Staff, Arizona Public Media. June 2016.
- GUEST COLUMN: Latinos urge action on water conservation. Nita Gonzales and Al Gurule, The Gazette. June 2016.
- Phoenix and state water savings starting to pay off. Marie Pearthree, Awhatukee News. June 2016.
- What Happens When the American Southwest Runs Out of Water? Charles P. Pierce, Esquire. June 2016.
- In meeting Western water challenges, collaboration is key. John Freedman and Ann Tarte, The Hill. June 2016.
- Water Level At Lake Mead, The Country’s Largest Reservoir, Is At Historic Low. Meghna Chakrabarti interview with Dave White, 90.9 WBUR, Boston. May 2016.
- Interview: Thomas Buschatzke, ADWR. Possible Colorado River Water Shortages. Arizona Horizon. June 2016.
- Along a Desert RIver, A New Breed of Rancher. Sandra Postel of National Geographic's Freshwater Initiative, Water Currents. June 2016.
- $20 million plan to aid Arizona's stressed-out Verde River. Brandon Loomis, The Republic, AZ Central. June 2016.
- New development in Benson one step closer to becoming reality. Janice Yu, Tucson News Now. June 2016.
- As Lake Mead dwindles, can an interstate water war be far behind? MIchael Hiltzik, Los Angeles Times. May 2016.
- The 2016 Colorado River Shortage Briefing Lake Mead reaches long-anticipated “tipping point,” and Arizona responds. Arizona Department of Water Resources. May, 2016.
- Director Buschatzke testifies before U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources subcommittee - Explains support for legislation prioritizing water resouces in the west. Arizona Department of Water Resources. May, 2016.
- Protecting the Colorado River Lake Mead 5 Issues for the May 18 Briefing on Challenges Presented by Potential Shortfalls in Colorado River Water Allocations. Arizona Department of Water Resources. May, 2016.
- \McCain legislation targets invasive salt cedars along Colorado River. Brandon Messick, Todays News-Harald. May 2016.
- Study: Large Benson development could harm St. David Cienega. Emily Bregel, Arizona Daily Star. May 2016.
- Our View: Ducey's 'no' is a big 'yes' for water. Editorial Board. The Republic, AZ Central. May 2016
- Ducey vetoes two Arizona groundwater bills. Brandon Loomis and Caitlin McGlade. The Republic, AZ Central. May 2016
- Ducey vetoes bills easing developers’ water rules. Howard Fischer, Capitol Media Services. May 2016
- Governor Doug Ducey: ‘I Will Not Sign Legislation That Threatens Arizona’s Water Future’ The Office of Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, May 2016.
- Ducey Vetoes Water Bills Affecting Cochise County. Arizona Public Media, may 2016.
- More than half of streamflow in the upper Colorado River basin originates as groundwater. US. Geological Survey, Water Resources Research. May 2016
- Ted Cooke: Mastering Arizona’s rarified art of water policy. Rachel Leingang, Arizona Capitol Times. May 2016.
- Sally Jewell sees progress in Colorado River talks. Ian James, The Desert Sun. May 2016.
- Water experts denounce Arizona groundwater bills, ask Ducey to veto. Brandon Loomis, The Republic, AZ Central. May 2016.
- Our View: Doug Ducey must veto 2 bad water bills. Editorial Board. The Republic, AZ Central. May 2016.
- Our View: Earn your water legacy, Gov. Ducey. Editorial Board. The Republic, AZ Central. May 2016.
- Bill to dilute state water code goes to Ducey. Howard Fischer, Arizona Capitol Times, May 2016.
- Fate of Arizona's only free-flowing river now in judges' hands. Caitlin McGlade. AZ Central, April 2016.
- States consider more cuts on Colorado River to prop up Lake Mead. Henry Brean. Las Vegas Review-Journal. April 2016.
- Four Take Aways from Saturday’s revelation of “contingency plans” for shortfalls in Colorado River water allocations. Arizona Department of Water Resources. April, 2016.
- Latino Faith Leaders Unite Over Colorado River Protections. Robert Fanger, Hispanic Access Foundation. April 2016.
- After a Rush to Build Costly Water Treatment Plants, They’re Now Sitting Unused. Ry Rivard, Voice of San Diego. April 2016.
- Optimistic "Beyond Drought" report from water authority - San Diego water use less today than three decades ago. Dave RIce, San Diego Reader. April 2016.
- Dry Soil to Absorb Some Snowmelt Heading to Colorado River. Dan Elliot, Associated Press. April 2016.
- California weighs sharing ‘pain’ of Colorado River cuts. Ian James, The Desert Sun. April 2016
- Arizona may give up even more Colorado River water. Caitlin McGlade. AZ Central, April 2016.
- Our View: Arizona's water is everybody's business. Editorial Board. The Republic, AZ Central. April 2016.
- My Turn: How Arizona is handling Lake Mead's dropping water levels. Tom Buschatzke. AZ Central. April 2016.
- Big CAP cuts coming as 3-state water agreement nears. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. April 2016.
- Tucson takes part in national water challenge. News 4 Tucson, KVOA.com. April 2016
- El Niño was a bust in Arizona. Here's what it means. Brandon Loomis, AZ Central. April 2016.
- News Release: Arizona Snowpack Levels Well Below Normal. Valentino Reyes, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Arizona. April, 2016.
- Letter: Gov. Ducey, veto these water bills. Doug Von Gausig, Verde River Institute. AZ Central, April 2016.
- Letter: Why is our water policy moving backward? Steven Prager, AZ Central, April 2016.
- Water experts: Drought, climate change require new ways of living in Colorado River basin. Brandon Loomis. AZ Central, April 2016.
- Business of Water summit: More partnerships like Intel-Chandler needed in Arizona, Southwest. Brandon Loomis. AZ Central, April 2016.
- New law may weaken water rules - Ducey ponders bill to waive requirement for long-term supply. Pete Aleshire, Payson Roundup. April 2016
- Arizona wants legal assurances California won't take its stored water. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star. April 2016
- Ducey faces water policy dilemma in Cochise County case. Howard Fischer. Capitol Media Services, April 2016
- Water advocates: Bill passed by Arizona Senate, House threatens San Pedro River. Brandon Loomis. AZ Central, April 2016.
- Arizona Representative Ken Clark speaks with the Western Rivers Action Network. VIDEO. March 2016
- Water bill pulled after lawmakers raise concerns over long-term supplies. Howard Fischer. Capitol Media Services, March 2016
- Arizona House backs down on bill to opt out of water supply rules. Associated Press. KVOA.com, March 2016
- Report: Colorado River To Drop As Much As 27 Percent. Laurel Morales. Fronteras, March 2016
- Opinion: White House promotes impact investment to bolster environmental protections. Nancy Pfund. The Hill, March 2016
- Study: Farms, hydropower at risk in West’s changing climate. Dan Elliott. Visalia Times-Delta, March 2016
- Water experts: Drought, climate change require new ways of living in Colorado River basin. Brandon Loomis. Arizona Republic, March 2016
- Obama issues drought directive, action plan on World Water Day. Amy Joi O’Donoghue. Desert News, March 2016
- Obama administration calls for long-term drought policies. Edward Graham. Durango Herald, March 2016
- Western states join federal partnership to tackle drought. Public News Service, March 2016
- White House Responds To Western Governors’ Call For Action On Drought. Mary Ellen Kustin, March 2016
- One Day Could Make a World of Difference for Water and Fish. Jimmy Hague. TRCP Blog, March 2016
- Arizona officials share conservation ideas at White House Water Summit. Jessica Swarner. Conkrite News, March 2016
- Interior Department Releases Report Underscoring Impacts of Climate Change on Western Water Resources, Jessica Kershaw. Department of the Interior, March 2016
- Warm weather reducing Colorado River runoff, study finds. Tony Davis, Arizona Daily Star, March 2016
- New Arizona Prize: $250,000 call to action on water security. Brandon Loomis, The Republic/azcentral.com. March 2016
- Environmental protection of Colorado River called disjointed. Dan Elliot, Associated Press. March 2016
- Western water expert to speak at CSU. Jacy Marmaduke, Coloradoan - USA Today, March 2016
- Our Turn: 2 bills undermine Arizona's water supply. Robert Glennon and John Leshy, Op-ed. Az Central, February 2016
- Steller: Arizona's self-satisfaction on water must end. Tim Steller, Arizona Daily Star, tucson.com. February 2016
- Master plan for huge Benson development still in flux. Emily Bregel, Arizona Daily Star, m.tucson.com. February 2016
- Our View: 2 bills could drain Arizona water - to help a developer. Editorial Board, the Arizona Republic, azcentral.com. February 2016
- Kathy Jacobs: Our water laws inadequate for hotter, drier world. Kathy Jacobs, Op-ed, Tucson Daily Star, Tucson.com. December 2015
- Where the river ran dry: a little water restores sliver of nature in Mexican delta. Brandon Loomis, AZ Central, December 2015
- Bird, snake could delay 28,000-home development near Benson. Tony Davis. Arizona Daily Star. November 28, 2015
- Water agency short staffed to deal with water challenges. Associated Press. November 1, 2015
- As the River Runs Dry: The Southwest's Water Crisis. Brandon Loomis, AZ Central, November 2015
- Water Experts: Arizona Faces Challenges, but It's No California. Brandon Loomis, AZ Central, November 3, 2015
- Paradise Lost in California Drought: The Old Man and the Salton Sea. Brandon Loomis, AZ Central, September 29, 2015
- Potentially, good news following Colorado mine spill: Monitoring already ongoing at Lake Powell. Doug McMurdo, Daily Miner. August 20, 2015
- No Birdsong at Abandoned Colorado Mines. Hannah Waters, audubon.org. August 19, 2015
- Tapping Into Conservation. Edible Phoenix. August 1, 2015.
- Audubon "Tapping Into Conservation" beer event highlights cuckoo. Kellie Hwang, The Republic. July 29, 2015
- Beer and Birds: Craft Brews for Conservation at Audubon. Downtown Phoenix Journal. July 27, 2015
- Kegs for Conservation - The Phoenix Valley celebrates its iconic birds with a pair of customized brews. Purbita Saha, audubon.org. July 28, 2015
- State of the Trout - 2015. Trout Unlimited. June, 2015
- A wet May brings rare good news for Lake Mead water projections. Conor Shine, The Las Vegas Sun. June 15, 2015
- Don't forget rural Arizona in managing water supplies. The Arizona Daily Sun. June 12, 2015.
- Wildlife program Launches to preserve animal homes in Arizona. Sterling Blum, Arizona Sonora News, June 2015
- Colorado in Grand Canyon rated No. 1 endangered river. Brandon Loomis, The AZ Republic, April 2015
- The WRAN Report: Western Rivers Day at the Legislature. Darnell Kirksey,The Sonoran Audubon Society, March 2015
- Arizona bill would limit protections for native plants, saguaros. Ryan Randazzo, The Arizona Republic, March 2015
- What's a saguaro when there's profit to be made? AZ Republic Editorial Board. March 16, 2015
- As the River Runs Dry: An ongoing battle bewtween urban and rural water users. Brandon Loomis and Mark Henle, The Arizona Republic. March 2015
- As the River Runs Dry:The Southwest's Water Crisis. Brandon Loomis and Mark Henle, The Arizona Republic. March 2015
- Facing down drought: We're in This Together. AZ Central Editorial Board, February 28, 2015
- Poll: Education and water should be Arizona's top priorities. Arizona State University's Morrison-Cronkite Quarterly Poll, February 24, 2015
- Shopping for Water:How the Market Can Mitigate Water Shortages in the American West. Peter Culp, Robert Glennon, and Gary Libecap, The Hamilton Project, October 2014
- The 2015 Conservation in the West Poll: A survey of the attitudes of voters in six western states. The Colorado State of the Rockies Project, 2015 (Read the Arizona portion of the report here.)
- Economy of the West Crucially Dependent on the Colorado River: Protect Flows and Arizona State University, February 2 (Download the full report here: http://protectflows.com/asu-economic-study/)
- Like water? Then don't leave agency in a drought - Kathleen Ferris, AZ Central, January 25, 2015
- Study: Colorado River has $1.4 trillion economic impact on region - Sierra Oshrin, Cronkite News, January 16, 2015 (You can read the report here!)
- Not a cure-all, but definitely the right steps - AZ Central Editorial Board, January 19, 2015
- One River's Outsize Impact - and the Threat of Drought - Jim Carlton, The Wall Street Journal, January14, 2015
- How to keep Arizona on the rails in 2015 - Arizona Republic, Editorial Board, January 3, 2015
- What you should know about Arizona's water future - Sharon Megdal, AZ Central op-ed, January 2, 2015
- Colorado River: Water users scramble as drought fortells scary future - Annie Snider, E&E Publishing. December 24, 2014
- Another Endangered Streamside Bird: Plan to list the yellow-billed cuckoo could further protect and restrict Rim riparian area - Pete Aleshire, Payson Roundup. December 19, 2014
- Healthy Forests, Healthy Watersheds - WRAN partners from the Verde River Basin Partnership and Salt River Project. December 2014
- 'Any place with water is a special place in Arizona' - Annie Snider, E&E Publishing. October 2014
- Two senators marooned on isle: Bad show or good start? - EJ Montini, azcentral.com, September 2014
- Desert ecosystem caught in crossfire of immigration battle- Jennifer Yachnin, E&E Publishing. September 2014
- Protection proposed for yellow-billed cuckoo - Lauren Villagran, Albequerque Journal. August 2014
- Legislative candidates agree 'no' ban on lawns, pools; split on assured water supply - Joanna Dodder Nellans, The Daily Courier, August 2014
- 5 Reasons to Panic about Arizona's Water, and 5 reasons not to -
- The Grand Canyon watershed should become our next National Monument - Arizona Capitol Times, August 2014,
- A Synthesis to Support Water Resources Management and Adaptation: An Update to the Report for the Colorado Water Conservation Board – Western Water Assesment, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder, 2014. Executive Sumamary. Full Report.
- Arizona posted new highs for tourism, spending in 2013 - Ronald J. Hansen, The Republic | azcentral.com July 22, 2014
- Arizona state park visitors spent over $700M in 2013 - Associated Press,July 21, 2014
- "The Hardest Working River in the West: Common-Sense Solutions to Protect the Future of the Colorado River Basin" - Western Resource Advocates and American Rivers, 2014
- "New Era of Arizona Water Challenges" - ASU's Morrison Institute for Public Policy
- "Not Up the Creek Yet" May 15, 2014, Kyle Mittan, Tucson Weekly
- American Rivers' Most Endangered Rivers - 2014 - American Rivers, 2014
- “Flake, It’s Time to Talk Water” March 17, 2014, Senator Jeff Flake
- "New Survey:Conservation Could Impact 2014’s Ballot Box". The Colorado College State of the Rockies Project
- Statewide Poll on the Importance of Water. Environmental Defense Fund
- "Healthy coexistence key to saving San Pedro River", UnEarthed - The Earthjustice Blog
- "Trading Water," Phoenix Magazine
- "Treat Water Like Blood," Arizona Republic Editorial
- "Phoenix-area growth raises water fears," March 18, 2013, Arizona Republic, Jen Lebron Kuhney
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