
Gila River Diversion Stopped

Thank you for speaking up for the Gila River!

Audubon New Mexico is thrilled to announce that the New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission voted to cease involvement and funding of the Environmental Impact Statement to divert the Gila River, effectively ending the potential project. The Gila and its tributaries should remain free flowing for their remarkable birds and wildlife, and for the outstanding recreational opportunities they provide.

Over a thousand Audubon members took action by telling the Bureau of Reclamation that river stewards, community leaders, and birders did not want a harmful diversion on the Gila River. Thank you for being one of those powerful voices.

By telling the Bureau of Reclamation that river stewards, community leaders, and birders did not want a harmful diversion on the Gila River. Thank you for being one of those powerful voices.

When it is safe to do so, remember to celebrate the Gila River and enjoy the many wonders it provides for the region. We all know water is life and we are grateful for your help securing a better water future for birds and people in the Southwest.

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