In a dry riverbed, a woman looks at a bird with binoculars while a little girl records the sighting on a piece of paper. Two men in the background get out their binoculars and field guide. It is sunny but also looks cold.
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Bird Counts in Arizona

A listing of bird counts for people interested in contributing to community science
Photo: Morgan Moore/Audubon


Bird counts amid the COVID-19 pandemic

Stewardship of our grasslands, deserts, marshes, and local IBAs, and monitoring of the bounty of birds that rely on these places is central to our identity as the National Audubon Society. During this unprecedented time, we unfortunately are restricting many of these critical activities to prioritize the safety of our staff, volunteers, and communities. Audubon bird counts and surveys have been canceled for the spring and summer of 2020.

Wintertime and Summertime Count

Climate Watch

January 15–February 15 and [2020: Canceled] May 15–June 15. Volunteer birders across North America count certain bluebirds and nuthatches in the same place (or places) twice each year. By sticking to a scientific protocol and sharing their results, these community scientists help track whether birds are moving in accordance with projections from Audubon's climate models.
Springtime Count

Great Backyard Bird Count

February 14–17. The first online community science project to collect data on wild birds and to display results in near real-time. For at least 15 minutes on one or more days of the count, simply tally the numbers and kinds of birds you see. You can count from any location, anywhere in the world, for as long as you wish!
Summertime Count

Western Rivers Bird Count

[2020: Canceled] May 1–June 30. Established in 2018 to better understand birds that depend on rivers in the West, and particularly within the Colorado River Basin. Counts are taken to record observations of the Yellow Warbler, Summer Tanager, Yellow-breasted Chat, and Bell's Vireo.
Wintertime Count

Christmas Bird Count

December 14–January 5. The nation's longest-running community science bird project fuels Audubon's work throughout the year. Tens of thousands of volunteers throughout the Americas brave snow, wind, or rain, and take part in the effort to count birds in designated areas to assess the health of bird populations, and to help guide conservation action.
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Bird Counts in Arizona

A listing of bird counts for people interested in contributing to community science

Other Counts and Surveys

Date and Location

Name Description

April 15—May 15


Tucson Bird Count

The goal of the count is to determine how parts of Tucson are utilized by native birds in order to make more of Tucson into productive urban habitat. Birders choose a designated route and conduct a count during a single morning.



Breeding Bird Survey

For experienced birders. Surveys are conducted to identify all breeding birds in a given area following standardized protocol, to help estimate bird population trends. 

May 1—31

Navajo and Apache Counties (Little Colorado River Watershed IBA)

White Mountain Audubon Society North American Migration Count

This count is held to better understand breeding and migrating birds. Birders visit as many locations in the counties as they can to assess the state of the local IBA and surrounding counties. Interested volunteers can contact White Mountain Audubon at 928-367-2462.

May 5


Global Big Day

A tradition among birders, this day challenges bird watchers to record as many species as possible in 24 hours. Like the Great Backyard Bird Count, people can spend as much time as they like, anywhere they like, counting birds and submitting a checklist to eBird.


Southern Arizona

Important Bird Area Surveys and Counts

Opportunities are available for beginners and experts alike, with the majority of counts and surveys taking place in Southern Arizona. Volunteer birders can participate in teams and typically have guidance from a trip leader. Protocol varies by individual survey/count.

How you can help, right now