Audubon Southwest

Greater Roadrunner. Photo: Mick Thompson

Audubon Southwest is a regional office of the National Audubon Society, covering Arizona and New Mexico.

Audubon protects birds and the places they need, today and tomorrow, using science, advocacy, education, and on-the-ground conservation.

Our Work

Randall Davey Audubon Center and Sanctuary

Randall Davey Audubon Center and Sanctuary

The Rio Salado Audubon Center, a rusted crimson building nestled amidst blooming desert foliage in Phoenix, Arizona.

Nina Mason Pulliam Rio Salado Audubon Center in Phoenix, Arizona. Photo: Luke Franke/Audubon

The Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch, a tan building in the middle of a grass and scrubland in southern Arizona.

The Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch in Elgin, Arizona. Photo: Corey Lycopolus/Audubon

Recent News

Arizona Legislative Session Results in Funding for Audubon Priorities
Western Rivers Action Network

Arizona Legislative Session Results in Funding for Audubon Priorities

But we have a long way to go in addressing the state’s increasing water crisis, temperatures, and wildfires.

Nature Discovery Area Update
Center & Chapters

Nature Discovery Area Update

Treehouse nears completion!

Arizona Passes Law that Partially Protects Some Rivers Left Behind from Federal Clean Water Act Rollbacks
Western Rivers Action Network

Arizona Passes Law that Partially Protects Some Rivers Left Behind from Federal Clean Water Act Rollbacks

While better than no protection, state program lacks essential provisions to best protect Arizona’s waterways

Arizona aprueba una ley que protege parcialmente algunos ríos dejados atrás de los retrocesos de la Ley Federal de Agua Limpia
Western Rivers Action Network

Arizona aprueba una ley que protege parcialmente algunos ríos dejados atrás de los retrocesos de la Ley Federal de Agua Limpia

Si bien es mejor que ninguna protección, el programa estatal carece de disposiciones esenciales para proteger mejor las vías fluviales de Arizona.

5 Reasons Why It's Time to List the Lesser Prairie Chicken
Priority Birds

5 Reasons Why It's Time to List the Lesser Prairie Chicken

For the Lesser Prairie Chicken, the time is long overdue for FWS to extend protections to the bird that was first proposed for ESA listing in 1995.


Audubon Southwest's Bird of the Month: May 2021

The Least Bittern (Ixobrychus exilis); Avetoro menor (Spanish)

We're All in this Together
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We're All in this Together

How Community Science Helps Birds

New Mexico's 2021 Legislative Wrap Up

New Mexico's 2021 Legislative Wrap Up

What we achieved with YOUR help!

A Bird (and People) Budget for Arizona’s Legislature
Western Rivers Action Network

A Bird (and People) Budget for Arizona’s Legislature

The state must capitalize on the opportunity to fund water and environmental protection.

How you can help, right now