Tucker Davidson

Tucker Davidson

Senior Associate of Water Conservation

Tucker (he/him) joins the Audubon Southwest team as a senior water associate with aims to expand riparian restoration projects along the Rio Grande and to help secure water availability for birds and people in perpetuity.

Tucker earned a B.S. from Mississippi State University in 2015 where he studied Wildlife, Fisheries, and Aquaculture Science. After graduating, Tucker worked as a seasonal biologist for several bird conservation and research organizations across the West, but quickly fell in love with the diversity and richness of life in New Mexico. In 2021, Tucker returned to school and earned a M.S. degree in Wildlife, Aquatic, and Wildlands Science and Management as well as a graduate certificate in Geographic Information Science and Technology from Texas Tech University. Tucker’s research investigated the effects of forest thinning on Pinyon-juniper bird communities in central New Mexico.

When he isn’t working, Tucker enjoys woodworking, hiking, taking care of his house plants, and playing with his cats.

Articles by Tucker Davidson

Bird Surveys in the Isleta Reach

Bird Surveys in the Isleta Reach

— Updates from the Isleta Reach Bosque Birds Beckon Birders
Bird of the Month: Lucy’s Warbler (Oreothlypis luciae)

Bird of the Month: Lucy’s Warbler (Oreothlypis luciae)

— Lucy’s Warblers are small, desert-dwelling warblers found in the Southwestern United States. These warblers have historically found their stronghold in dense, lowland riparian mesquite bosques, which can be some of the hottest places in the country.