Thomas Kush

Education Intern

Thomas joined Audubon Southwest as an education intern for spring 2024 at the Rio Salado Audubon Center in Phoenix. He helped lead educational tours and provide information to visitors at the center.

He will be graduating from Arizona State University in 2024 with a bachelor’s degree after studying ecology and conservation biology. Over the years, he has volunteered with many different conservation organizations and worked on several projects including small mammal trapping, aquatic habitat restoration, and vegetation censusing. In 2023, he took a seasonal intern position with the Arizona Game and Fish department where he worked on several projects including the monitoring of the critically endangered relict leopard frog, working with the U.S. Forest Service on a fencing project, and the banding of migratory passerines.

When he is not working, Thomas enjoys hiking, playing video games, and roller skating.

Articles by Thomas Kush

Education Intern Contributes to Audubon Southwest Conservation Work

Education Intern Contributes to Audubon Southwest Conservation Work

— Plans to continue protecting native wildlife and nature habitats
Bird of the Month: Rock Wren (Salpinctes obsoletus)

Bird of the Month: Rock Wren (Salpinctes obsoletus)

— Just in time for the changing season, you can listen for this bird of the month’s song! Rock Wrens are remarkable singers that can have a song repertoire of more than 100 song types, many of which appear to be learned from their neighbors.