Groundwater in Rural Arizona
A three-part webinar series on one of Arizona's most precious resources.
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
12:00pm - 1:00pm Pacific Online Event
This is a bilingual webinar series, presented in English with Spanish interpretation available.
Este página web también fue escrito en español. Se puede encontrarlo aquí.
Join us for this special series of panels, presentations, and conversations all about groundwater in rural (or “Greater”) Arizona. Why is groundwater important to communities and the environment? How is its management (or lack thereof) affecting livelihoods? And what tools and solutions exist to protect it? Increase your understanding of the issues surrounding groundwater in Greater Arizona by registering for this engaging webinar series today.
All webinars run from 12pm to 1pm PST (AZ). Register for each event or access past events on-demand below:
September 22 - Groundwater’s Importance to Communities: A Panel of Local Voices [video on-demand]
September 29 - Where Did the Water Go? Impacts of Groundwater Overuse [video on-demand]
October 6 - Tools for Managing Groundwater: Examples From Around the West [video on-demand]
Groundwater's Importance to Communities: A Panel of Local Voices
Join us for the first webinar in our series on groundwater in rural Arizona to hear from local voices from across the state who depend on groundwater in their communities. What role does groundwater play in different parts of Arizona, and why is it important to local communities? What challenges and opportunities are local leaders considering in relation to groundwater? Hear directly from those most affected and most knowledgeable about the groundwater issues in their area. Watch the video on-demand here.
Where Did the Water Go? Impacts of Groundwater Overuse
There is a connection between flowing rivers and healthy groundwater levels. When more groundwater is taken out than is replenished, rivers, streams, and their surrounding habitat can be greatly affected. Communities that rely on groundwater as a primary water source are also affected when groundwater is overused in an area. In this second webinar of our three-part series, learn how groundwater supports habitats and communities, and dig into the consequences of its overuse. Watch the video on-demand here.
Tools for Managing Groundwater: Examples From Around the West
In this final installment of our three-part webinar series, reimagine how we can protect the precious groundwater resources we have today by learning about what works in other locations throughout the West. There are hard choices to be made, but by examining our options and understanding what others have done, we can improve our outlook in Arizona—for people, rivers, and wildlife. Watch the video on-demand here.
These webinars are hosted by Audubon, and brought to you by the Water for Arizona Coalition.